Biden impeachment hearings could start as soon as September

Why bother? The GOP can just say he's already been impeached until the flock fully believes it without having to go through the effort of actually doing it
"just open the investigation and let me and the republican congressmen do the rest" trump
You have to stop using left wing news sources. They are telling you that Hunter sold "illusions".

Do you know what the bombshell was? Burisma contacts Hunter in an email and says he needs help from JOE with getting that prosecutor fired. That day him and Devon Archer meet with him. At the meeting he once again asks for help from Joe. 2 days later Joe flies on Airforce 2 and makes a speech about corrupt prosecutors, as if Joe knows a fucking thing about Ukrainian prosecutors. After his speech he makes his infamous demand to withhold money unless they fire him. Within hours he is fired. The money was wired to them days later from the guy that asked them to fire him.

THATS what Devon said and it is devastating for Biden. You could convict him with just those scraps of information alone.
Can you post and link that e-mail?
Let's say hypothetically, that Burisma did pay the Bidens the huge sums of money that the GOP says.

Let's see...

Russia invaded Crimea in February 2014. Hunter started working for Burisma in May 2014 - just after the invasion. When Joe Biden was Vice-President

Is there anything you can think of that the Ukrainians may have wanted from the U.S. at that time that costs a whole lot of money, and which the Obama administration may not have wanted the whole world to know we were selling to the Ukrainians?

Anything come to mind?
Two of Hunter Biden's "business associates" have indicated they're willing to testify under oath that Hunter put Joe on the phone at least 10 times while he was extorting Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian businesses. How does that make you feelz?

Good luck with your impeachment fantasies.
Two of Hunter Biden's "business associates" have indicated they're willing to testify under oath that Hunter put Joe on the phone at least 10 times while he was extorting Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian businesses. How does that make you feelz?

I don't know who the second one is, but Archer's testimony was a complete failure for the GOP!
Alas, too late to prevent much of the damage Biden's disastrous administration has perpetrated on America, but better late than never.

I'm looking forward to the impeachment riots coming soon to a blue shithole city near you!

When the impeachment proceeding might begin is unknown. McCarthy told lawmakers Tuesday the inquiry will not begin this week. He reportedly told GOP lawmakers Wednesday he may come to them in the near future and ask for the proceeding, arguing it gives them more tools and investigative powers.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) predicted an impeachment inquiry could be opened as soon as “early September.”

“You have the support of 222 Republican [House] members to move forward with this?” Fox News’s Martha MacCallum asked Issa. “Absolutely,” Issa replied. “As a matter of fact, I would expect that some Democrats would join us in a bipartisan inquiry to get to the truth.”
Impeachment on what grounds?
Biden should have been impeached not now, but yesterday!

But what do you expect....the Uniparty is the Uniparty. :mad-61: Disgusting!

Alas, too late to prevent much of the damage Biden's disastrous administration has perpetrated on America, but better late than never.

I'm looking forward to the impeachment riots coming soon to a blue shithole city near you!

When the impeachment proceeding might begin is unknown. McCarthy told lawmakers Tuesday the inquiry will not begin this week. He reportedly told GOP lawmakers Wednesday he may come to them in the near future and ask for the proceeding, arguing it gives them more tools and investigative powers.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) predicted an impeachment inquiry could be opened as soon as “early September.”

“You have the support of 222 Republican [House] members to move forward with this?” Fox News’s Martha MacCallum asked Issa. “Absolutely,” Issa replied. “As a matter of fact, I would expect that some Democrats would join us in a bipartisan inquiry to get to the truth.”

Go ahead Republicans and waste your time on things that voters don't care about. In September, the Congress will need to avert a government shutdown. They don't have time to waste.
That may not be true. Other liberal media outlets are covering this court case with Hunter. It's very clear now that the Bidens have raked in at least $25 million over the years with their crime syndicate. There are now too many conversations and other direct evidence that Joe Biden made money extorting foreign governments like Ukraine and China. And, you people still believe in Joe. This is much worse than Trump's MAGA.

No it is not clear. There is no evidence of any money anywhere. There is absolutely no direct evidence of anything. Make-believe evidence does not count. Trump's MAGA is filthy trash and you are proof of that.
Biden won't be held accountable but democrats will have to vote to give his obvious correction a total pass, and they will.

Showing Americans what the democrats will defend will help waken people to the threat democrats pose to America.

You have to prove something first. You have proved nothing.

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