Biden impeachment hearings could start as soon as September

Stop saying "under Trumps watch". That is a meaningless fact that has nothing to do with anything. The FBI and DOJ were actively working against Trump during his presidency. They werent his allies and you look dishonest as fuck when you suggest that they were.
Y’all just say that because they debunk your conspiracy theories. Those agencies have to work if facts and the law… not hot air that flies out of Trumps ass.

Fact remains those agencies were under the executive branch and run by people that Trump selected. He could have fired or replaced them at any time.

I know you don’t like this fact but it’s still the truth
No. Im happy to have dems think everything is perfectly fine. You morons dont realize that your candidate is going to become a fucking boat anchor. :laugh:

The irony of hearing that from a Trumpster really can't be overstated.
Did I not just explain?

There is no corroborating evidence...and there is in fact contradictory evidence to this say-so.

Ah but there is corroborating evidence. From the FBI's Pittsburg Field office.

Let me guess, the NYTimes, WaPo and MSNBC didn't tell you about this evidence.
Ah but there is corroborating evidence. From the FBI's Pittsburg Field office.

Let me guess, the NYTimes, WaPo and MSNBC didn't tell you about this evidence.

Did you at least read your own link before wasting my time with it?

All they claim to have corroborated was that it was plausible for CHS to have that conversation (which I never even questioned), not that what was said is actually true.

On the other side we have nothing in Biden financial records that Republicans found that matched the 10 million pay off claim.
Did you at least read your own link before wasting my time with it?

All they claim to have corroborated was that it was plausible for CHS to have that conversation, not that what was said to CHS is actually true
You asked for corroborating evidence, and when I give you corroborating evidence you spew that I'm wasting your time.


Thanks for outing yourself so I don't have to waste any more of my time.

Have a blessed day.
You asked for corroborating evidence, and when I give you corroborating evidence you spew that I'm wasting your time.


Thanks for outing yourself so I don't have to waste any more of my time.

Have a blessed day.
Moron, corroborating evidence of THE BRIBE, not the corroborating evidence that a conversation where it was claimed happened.

If I tell you right now that I gave Biden $30 million dollars to perform an official act for my benefit, and you can corroborate that I did in fact tell that to you, does that mean you have serious evidence Biden took a bribe? Of course not.
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You of course have the Biden thing backwards.

The problem with Shokin was that he was NOT investigating corruption. In fact by getting him removed and getting a real prosecutor to replace him Biden actually out Hunter on jeopardy if there was anything going on.

As far as Trump, he wanted a bogus investigation in order to enhance his election chances against Biden

Huh, well, everyone else seems to be indicating that shokin was all up in burismas business and that’s why Biden demanded that shokin be fired.

We give a lot of money to a lot of different countries, I’m sure those countries have corruption of their own that is occurring, so please explain why it is that Biden decided to focus his attention on Ukraine, where his son just happened to be doing business, and why on shokin, who happened to be looking into the company where his son was working? Why hasn’t Biden made any demands of any other country that we happen to be giving money to.

As far as Trump, he wanted a bogus investigation in order to enhance his election chances against Biden

That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I see and hear a lot of people saying that, but, I’ve yet to hear trump say that. How did you come to the conclusion he did it because he wanted to help his own campaign?
Nonsense. You already admitted this was naked politics
Part of it, yes. For me personally, I admit that there is some aspect of revenge, but that’s to be expected when the left has done what they’ve done. People have said, ever since you all started going after trump, that “what goes around comes around”, and you engaged in the political attacks anyway. It should come as no surprise that people will want to see the same thing happen to your side.

What, did you really think that your side could do what you have done all these years and people would just say “it’s ok, we will just forget about it”.

Also, in that regard, if trump does manage to win, and the house does manage to swap back to dem control, you can be assured the first action they will take is to impeach trump again, and they will continue to impeach him until they can get rid of him.

So, yeah, forgive me if part of me wants the left to have a little taste of what they’ve been dishing out.
That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I see and hear a lot of people saying that, but, I’ve yet to hear trump say that. How did you come to the conclusion he did it because he wanted to help his own campaign?
...and for the record, Biden wasnt even a candidate at that time, so calling him his "rival in the next election" is a lie.
Part of it, yes. For me personally, I admit that there is some aspect of revenge, but that’s to be expected when the left has done what they’ve done. People have said, ever since you all started going after trump, that “what goes around comes around”, and you engaged in the political attacks anyway. It should come as no surprise that people will want to see the same thing happen to your side.

What, did you really think that your side could do what you have done all these years and people would just say “it’s ok, we will just forget about it”.

Also, in that regard, if trump does manage to win, and the house does manage to swap back to dem control, you can be assured the first action they will take is to impeach trump again, and they will continue to impeach him until they can get rid of him.

So, yeah, forgive me if part of me wants the left to have a little taste of what they’ve been dishing out.
I EXPECT Trump to get revenge. We ALL do, and thats why he will deliver it. Revenge is an easy layup for him. There is no reason to NOT get it.

Im also completely fine with weaponizing the DOJ when its our turn. Thats the only way we will get democrats to admit that its a problem, at which point they will be onboard with putting safeguards in place to ensure that it never happens again. Plus it will just be fun. :dunno:
I EXPECT Trump to get revenge. We ALL do, and thats why he will deliver it. Revenge is an easy layup for him. There is no reason to NOT get it.

Im also completely fine with weaponizing the DOJ when its our turn. Thats the only way we will get democrats to admit that its a problem, at which point they will be onboard with putting safeguards in place to ensure that it never happens again. Plus it will just be fun. :dunno:
And there’s the admission.

“I’m fine with weaponizing the DOJ”
Huh, well, everyone else seems to be indicating that shokin was all up in burismas business and that’s why Biden demanded that shokin be fired.

We give a lot of money to a lot of different countries, I’m sure those countries have corruption of their own that is occurring, so please explain why it is that Biden decided to focus his attention on Ukraine, where his son just happened to be doing business, and why on shokin, who happened to be looking into the company where his son was working? Why hasn’t Biden made any demands of any other country that we happen to be giving money to.

That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I see and hear a lot of people saying that, but, I’ve yet to hear trump say that. How did you come to the conclusion he did it because he wanted to help his own campaign?
Who the fuck is “everyone else”

The fact remains… Shokin was NOT investigating Burisma or anyone else for that matter
Devon Archer is in Congress TOMORROW and he is going to spill the beans. Monday is going to be a very bad day for dems.
Yeah. Didn’t work out so well huh?

Can you say Durham?
Yeah. Didn’t work out so well huh?

Can you say Durham?
You have to stop using left wing news sources. They are telling you that Hunter sold "illusions".

Do you know what the bombshell was? Burisma contacts Hunter in an email and says he needs help from JOE with getting that prosecutor fired. That day him and Devon Archer meet with him. At the meeting he once again asks for help from Joe. 2 days later Joe flies on Airforce 2 and makes a speech about corrupt prosecutors, as if Joe knows a fucking thing about Ukrainian prosecutors. After his speech he makes his infamous demand to withhold money unless they fire him. Within hours he is fired. The money was wired to them days later from the guy that asked them to fire him.

THATS what Devon said and it is devastating for Biden. You could convict him with just those scraps of information alone.
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Nonsense. Biden was the front runner at that time
I stand corrected. You are right.

Do you see how easy it is for me to be honest? I dont need lies and intellectual dishonesty in order to win this Biden corruption debate.
You have to stop using left wing news sources. They are telling you that Hunter sold "illusions".

Do you know what the bombshell was? Burisma contacts Hunter in an email and says he needs help with getting that prosecutor fired. That day him and Devon Archer meet with him. At the meeting he once again asks for help from Joe. 2 days later Joe flies on Airforce 2 and makes a speech about corrupt prosecutors, as if Joe knows a fucking thing about Ukrainian prosecutors. After his speech he makes his infamous demand to withhold money unless they fire him. Within hours he is fired.

THATS what Devon said and it is devastating for Biden. You could convict him with just those scraps of information alone.
"Son of a bitch, they fired him."

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