23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, per state test results

Fire dues paying members of the democrat party teachers unions?

The teachers unions that launder money for the democrat party………?

The democrat politicians make sur the teachers get high pay for low quality work, then kick back the most campaign donations to the party…….? As much or more than the trial lawyers?

That is why they don’t fire even the worst of the worst ………
Libtards like incompetent freeloaders.
Covid shut-down has destroyed student proficiency everywhere. Blue states standards are far above any Republican State. After 8 years of all Republican rule under Bush NCLB, Every Red State dumbed down standards by 2009. Republican private bible thumping schools are a joke. 40% fewer students enroll in college from their private voucher schools is how they claim they do better on SAT test.

The Bible has a few passages for this. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"... “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Covid shut-down has destroyed student proficiency everywhere. Massachusetts standards are far above any Republican State. After 8 years of all Republican rule under Bush NCLB, Every Red State dumbed down standards by 2009. Republican private bible thumping schools are a joke. 40% fewer students enroll in college from their private voucher schools is how they claim they do better on SAT test.
View attachment 755616
The Bible has a few passages for this. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"... “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
"No Child Left With A Dime" was a spectacular piece of Bush family corruption.
As a Maryland taxpayer and parent of children who have gone through public schools over the last 12 years, this does not surprise me. There continues to be a giant shift in culture; namely, no accountability whether it be the administrators, policymakers, politicians, teachers, parents and especially, STUDENTS.

Curriculum emphasis continues to shift away from math, science, writing, critical thinking, and more towards areas of studies that require nothing than regurgitation and subjectiveness.

It’s time to move back to emphasis on skills that will serve the students well and with it, a culture of accountability vs. a culture of appeasement.
Like pretty much everything else, education has become politicized. And politics mangles and perverts everything it touches.

We're choosing to fail our children, and as a result they may end up failing the country.

Just another self-inflicted wound.
And yet another useless post from mac1958

So, according to him its everyone’s fault ( except for him ).

But at the same time no one’s fault if any blame falls on the libs who totally dominate the education system
Covid shut-down has destroyed student proficiency everywhere. Blue states standards are far above any Republican State. After 8 years of all Republican rule under Bush NCLB, Every Red State dumbed down standards by 2009. Republican private bible thumping schools are a joke. 40% fewer students enroll in college from their private voucher schools is how they claim they do better on SAT test.
View attachment 755616
The Bible has a few passages for this. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"... “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
I wish the private Christian schools had their fair share of the tax dollars that are showered on the lousy public schools

But they dont

So they make do with what private funding they can get
This is really appalling but not surprising. What a blue cesspool of wasted tax payer's money.

Baltimore City is facing a devastating reality as the latest round of state test scores are released.
Project Baltimore analyzed the results and found a shocking number of Baltimore City schools where not a single student is doing math at grade level.
“We're not living up to our potential,” said Jovani Patterson, a Baltimore resident who made headlines in January 2022, when he filed a lawsuit against Baltimore City Schools. The suit claims the district is failing to educate students and, in the process, misusing taxpayer funds.

“We, the taxpayer, are funding our own demise,” Patterson said at the time.
Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7 percent of third through eighth graders tested proficient in math, which means 93 percent could not do math at grade level.
Project Baltimore found, in 23 Baltimore City schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Not a single student.

“It just sounds like these schools, now, have turned into essentially babysitters with no accountability,” said Patterson. “This is the future of our city. We’ve got to change this.”

Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three Middle/High schools and two Elementary/Middle schools.

It's amazing to me that we love to pretend that children come to us like lumps of playdough--no history, completely malleable.

They do not.

Some children come to school whole, unbroken, even reading.

Others come to school from broken backgrounds. Forget not knowing letters and numbers--they don't know how to eat at a table, zip a coat, sit still to listen.

Nothing a teacher can do--NOTHING--can get a second scenario into a first scenario in a matter of weeks, or even a single school year. God help the child in that situation who DOES come into kindergarten reading, yet dealing with legions of peers who are essentially unsocialized. What is the teacher supposed to do?

Maybe it's society, everyone. Maybe it's us.
WHATEVER we do, let's be sure to ignore what we're paying the people who are essentially raising our kids, let alone educating them. Along with 30 other kids in the class, all at the same time. It's not important:

Ignore it, avoid it, attack it. That'll work.

Dead on. We ARE raising them, and society expects it. And beyond that, since children are as broken as anything else in society, it often looks like a day treatment center for the mentally ill.

But nevermind that. Strap the lovelies into their seats I guess and force feed them math facts. I don't know what people expect.
I think Pelosi is originally from Baltimore. Looks like the schools down there were shitty for a lot longer than anyone thought.
FIRE the motherfuckers if they can't raise the scores.

FIRE their God damned retarded asses

Good idea.

Who takes over? Who do you hire to socialize inner city children and raise those scores?

Put your brilliant ideas here

Why bother having a public education system any longer? You can learn about ANYTHING from the Internet. We need to keep meeting in person to learn cooperation and social skills

Public school never taught me that FDR perverted genuine scientific research into the Tuskegee Experiment and would not shake Jesse Owens while Hitler did or that LBJ promised the democrat Party that he “have them ******* voting democrat for the next two hundred years”
Like pretty much everything else, education has become politicized. And politics mangles and perverts everything it touches.

We're choosing to fail our children, and as a result they may end up failing the country.

Just another self-inflicted wound.

What you mean, "We", kemosabe?

This happens in the dem shitholes.

Among the list of 23 schools, there are 10 high schools, eight elementary schools, three Middle/High schools and two Elementary/Middle schools.
And this is the most depressing statistic of all....

10 of these schools were High Schools. Which means that the students didn't forget how to do math between middle and high school...they were never taught in middle school--which means they were never taught in elementary school.

Teachers have a very difficult job but it isn't as difficult as to pass students who can't do math from one grade to another let alone one school to another (assuming the elementary and middle and high schools are different schools). Then again...when you look at the people who post here and claim to be educators...it remains sad but certainly not surprising.
And this is the most depressing statistic of all....

10 of these schools were High Schools. Which means that the students didn't forget how to do math between middle and high school...they were never taught in middle school--which means they were never taught in elementary school.

Teachers have a very difficult job but it isn't as difficult as to pass students who can't do math from one grade to another let alone one school to another (assuming the elementary and middle and high schools are different schools). Then again...when you look at the people who post here and claim to be educators...it remains sad but certainly not surprising.

It's intellectual child abuse

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