23 million new immigrants to vote in 24

And if they dont become “wonderful” Americans?

You are sawing the gangplank off behind you

There are many natural born Americans who aren't wonderful Americans. Like all those who stormed the Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power because Trump lost the election.
There are many natural born Americans who aren't wonderful Americans. Like all those who stormed the Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power because Trump lost the election.

Thats what everyone wanted, including trump

But fairly won?

Not by a country mile
Anecdote: 1985 I was on a Denver RTD bus where a Black man died as a result of falling on the ice under the wheels of a bus driven by a white man. The driver was fired over mere allegations of racism. Skip forward to 2010:
I get on a RTD Denver bus. The driver is a north African immigrant. Somalian or Nigerian, I digress. His twin brother sits behind him, neither speaks English particularly well. (his brother acts as an "interpreter") I further gloss over other details. This "minority hire" clueless idiot can't speak English, runs lights and passes stops.
So, apparently Liberal Denver Democrats think replacing white people that make mistakes with incompetent POC that are idiots fixes something?
It's almost comical if it weren't so absurd.
And you wonder why these citizens won't vote Republican.
Most of the Latin American immigrants I've met are religious and Conservative. I'm sure you loons will try your best to make them feel like the lowest pieces of shit on the Earth if they don't vote Democrat.

Before you start ranting about my "racism" I'm for legal immigration as long as they contribute to our society.
Yes they are religious and conservative.

Which is why they won't vote for a bunch of lying charletens.
Dont make them citizens
Their naturalization certificate makes them citizens
The same cert they had to show to get their DL
The same DL that IDs them as citizens

If you're worried about illegal voting look in the mirror.

Thats what everyone wanted, including trump

But fairly won?

Not by a country mile

You don't have a peaceful transfer of power when you storm the Capitol and cause Congress to suspend counting votes.

And yes, fairly. 3 years since the election and still no proof of widespread election fraud.
It is!

But hey! the Rats need votes!

The more the merrier, huh?

Illegals can't vote. It takes time to become a naturalized US citizen.

Don't you remember when that moron claimed he lost the popular vote in 2016 because 3-5 million illegals voted???
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Anecdote: 1985 I was on a Denver RTD bus where a Black man died as a result of falling on the ice under the wheels of a bus driven by a white man. The driver was fired over mere allegations of racism. Skip forward to 2010:
I get on a RTD Denver bus. The driver is a north African immigrant. Somalian or Nigerian, I digress. His twin brother sits behind him, neither speaks English particularly well. (his brother acts as an "interpreter") I further gloss over other details. This "minority hire" clueless idiot can't speak English, runs lights and passes stops.
So, apparently Liberal Denver Democrats think replacing white people that make mistakes with incompetent POC that are idiots fixes something?
It's almost comical if it weren't so absurd.

Actually. It sounds like desperate employers are hiring anyone they can find with the right license.

But hey. See racism everywhere.
You don't have a peaceful transfer of power when you storm the Capitol and cause Congress to suspend counting votes.

And yes, fairly. 3 years since the election and still no proof of widespread election fraud.
That riot was the Deep State’s Reichstag fire

And very expertly done

But still a con job on the American public

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