23% of Republicans Say they Won't Vote for Gingrich

Reality check. If ALL the Republicans like a candidate and vote for him, and ALL the dems like someone and vote for him, the election is about a dead-even tie. If Newt wins the GOP nod, no dems will vote for him and 23% of the republicans will stay home.

Newt would be a disaster for the GOP, especially looking at control of the House & Senate.

Besides, he's too old, too fat, and can only win in the GOP primaries. Check Newt's electability in the general election...

It has jack shit to do with his age, or his weight. The problem is him - an amoral, corrupt, self serving, lying SOB. Easy.
As opposed to? Hint, they are all amoral corrupt and self serving. That's what it takes to get to the job. And it's always been that way.
I'm more concerned with what are Newt's policies and world view and how likely is he going to be to implement some part of them. He is certainly going to be more capable than Obama. Probably more capable than Romney.

Ive seen no evidence that either Santorum or Romney are corrupt and self serving.
23%?? That's good...so about 77% will, including some democrats that actually woke up and realized how screwed we are, and maybe another % of Libertarians will probably vote for him. I guess there's a very good chance Newt could win!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its true. I am a dem and I will not vote for OBama, I will vote for Newt!

Are you fucking kidding me?
From an ABC poll

Gingrich has considerable vulnerabilities that Romney must exploit to convince voters that Gingrich would lose in the general election. The former speaker is unpopular nationally and with independent voters. He is also unpopular in his own party. In New Hampshire exit polls, more than 60 percent said they would not be happy if he were the nominee. National polls show the same thing. In a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, 23 percent of Republicans said they would not support him. Only Ron Paul did worse. Women voters, an important swing voting bloc, do not like Gingrich.
Gingrich wins South Carolina: How can Romney recover from his terrible defeat? - Slate Magazine
How many republicans say they won't vote for romney?
From an ABC poll

Gingrich has considerable vulnerabilities that Romney must exploit to convince voters that Gingrich would lose in the general election. The former speaker is unpopular nationally and with independent voters. He is also unpopular in his own party. In New Hampshire exit polls, more than 60 percent said they would not be happy if he were the nominee. National polls show the same thing. In a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, 23 percent of Republicans said they would not support him. Only Ron Paul did worse. Women voters, an important swing voting bloc, do not like Gingrich.
Gingrich wins South Carolina: How can Romney recover from his terrible defeat? - Slate Magazine
How many republicans say they won't vote for romney?

I'm not sure but the article says Newt was the highest.
Actually, they lied. The highest was Ron Paul at 26%. Newt was second. The others were

Perry 16%
Santorum 11%
Huntsman 9%
Romney 8%
Repubicans are going to have a very hard time explaining how someone who wins these local elections by double digits is so unpopular with republicans.
23%?? That's good...so about 77% will, including some democrats that actually woke up and realized how screwed we are, and maybe another % of Libertarians will probably vote for him. I guess there's a very good chance Newt could win!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its true. I am a dem and I will not vote for OBama, I will vote for Newt!

Are you fucking kidding me?

Did i say YOU? I said there will be some (because i do know some!) that will NOT vote for Obama again.

Obviously i didn't mean you...i said people that woke up finally. I should have added "and has taken their head out of their ass"....then you might have known i definately wasn't talking to you... :)
23% of the Republicans say they won't vote for Gingrich... Does that mean that 77% of the Republicans are going to vote for Newt?

We'll see! That's the wonderful part about voting (if the democrats don't use too much fraud).

When someone wins elections so decisively it is REALLY hard to keep bobbling about how unpopular he is.

23%?? That's good...so about 77% will, including some democrats that actually woke up and realized how screwed we are, and maybe another % of Libertarians will probably vote for him. I guess there's a very good chance Newt could win!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay this is kinda funny. No that does not mean 77% of Republicans will vote for Newt. It means that if Newt won the GOP nomination, about one fourth of the vote that were virtually guaranteed, would be lost because Newt is on the ticket. This would be bad for the GOP.
Additionally, Newt is so offensive to so many people, the GOP would galvanize the Dems, guaranteeing a high turn-out. He would also cost the GOP a LOT of women and virtually all minorities. Newt would also drive the overwhelming majority of Independents and Mods to the polls - not to vote for Obama but rather against Newt.

Newt on ticket = 90%+ chance of Obama re-election.
23% of the Republicans say they won't vote for Gingrich... Does that mean that 77% of the Republicans are going to vote for Newt?

We'll see! That's the wonderful part about voting (if the democrats don't use too much fraud).

When someone wins elections so decisively it is REALLY hard to keep bobbling about how unpopular he is.

23%?? That's good...so about 77% will, including some democrats that actually woke up and realized how screwed we are, and maybe another % of Libertarians will probably vote for him. I guess there's a very good chance Newt could win!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay this is kinda funny. No that does not mean 77% of Republicans will vote for Newt. It means that if Newt won the GOP nomination, about one fourth of the vote that were virtually guaranteed, would be lost because Newt is on the ticket. This would be bad for the GOP.
Additionally, Newt is so offensive to so many people, the GOP would galvanize the Dems, guaranteeing a high turn-out. He would also cost the GOP a LOT of women and virtually all minorities. Newt would also drive the overwhelming majority of Independents and Mods to the polls - not to vote for Obama but rather against Newt.

Newt on ticket = 90%+ chance of Obama re-election.

I'd say. It's 50/50 with Romney.

Three-quarters of the Republican women in my office today gagged - literally - at voting for Newt. Now, I only asked four, but hey! The response was like after the Tiger Woods story broke. The other didn't care.
Newt will destroy this country if he wins the GOP since Obamination would win the election.

It's odds on that Obama will win anyway. I foresee the House and Senate going solidly GOP so we will ahve 4 years of gridlock in any case.

Gingrich is so polarizing that our chances of getting the Senate are in doubt. He's going to gin up anti-GOP enthusiasm across the nation in much the same way that Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell did in their respective states.

Bored disaffected former Obama supporters might have stayed home if the GOP produced a less-polarizing nominee. Gingrich would give them someone to vote against.
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Newt will destroy this country if he wins the GOP since Obamination would win the election.

It's odds on that Obama will win anyway. I foresee the House and Senate going solidly GOP so we will ahve 4 years of gridlock in any case.

Gingrich is so polarizing that our chances of getting the Senate are in doubt. He's going to gin up anti-GOP enthusiasm across the nation in much the same way that Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell did in their respective states.

Bored disaffected former Obama supporters might have stayed home if the GOP produced less-polarizing nominee. Gingrich would give them someone to vote against.

It does not matter who the Republicans run for president, the GOP has a very good shot at winning the Senate.

I see the GOP taking all of Congress either this term or next term. The real problem is how the field narrowed so quickly when considering the fact that there is no clear winner as of yet for the nomination. Perry and Bachman could have stayed in the race and The western part of the country would be a toss up.
Gingrich is proving himself not to be polarizing to anyone except the republican establishment. They are crapping all over themselves right now.
Gingrich is proving himself not to be polarizing to anyone except the republican establishment. They are crapping all over themselves right now.

What does that mean?

The GOP establishment is rightly crapping themselves.

Democrats will turn out in droves to vote against Newt. Of course he is polarizing. He's one of the people large groups of the nation have loved to hate for decades now.

Who has more negative name recognition in the U.S. than Newt?

I'd guess maybe Paul.

Who else?
Gingrich is proving himself not to be polarizing to anyone except the republican establishment. They are crapping all over themselves right now.

What does that mean?

The GOP establishment is rightly crapping themselves.

Democrats will turn out in droves to vote against Newt. Of course he is polarizing. He's one of the people large groups of the nation have loved to hate for decades now.

Who has more negative name recognition in the U.S. than Newt?

I'd guess maybe Paul.

Who else?

If this is the criteria upon which the GOP should pick their candidate...then we should nominate Obama.

I sure very few liberals will turn out to oppose him. :rolleyes:
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Gingrich is proving himself not to be polarizing to anyone except the republican establishment. They are crapping all over themselves right now.

What does that mean?

The GOP establishment is rightly crapping themselves.

Democrats will turn out in droves to vote against Newt. Of course he is polarizing. He's one of the people large groups of the nation have loved to hate for decades now.

Who has more negative name recognition in the U.S. than Newt?

I'd guess maybe Paul.

Who else?

If this is how the GOP should pick their candidate...then we should nominate Obama.

I sure very few liberals will turn out to oppose him. :rolleyes:

It's about what percentage of your voters you can get out. The voter enthusiasm gap has been in the GOP's favor up until now.

More people on the right have shown themselves to be determined to vote, to get Obama out. The left have been deflated. They might have yawned and rolled over to get a little more sleep instead of going to the polls.

They won't be bored anymore. Newt being on our side will not get more Republicans out. He might get less Republicans out. There are a lot of us who remember him with disgust from the 1990's. And he WILL get more Democrats out.

Newt neutralizes the GOP's enthusiasm advantage.

That is my prediction.
From an ABC poll

Gingrich has considerable vulnerabilities that Romney must exploit to convince voters that Gingrich would lose in the general election. The former speaker is unpopular nationally and with independent voters. He is also unpopular in his own party. In New Hampshire exit polls, more than 60 percent said they would not be happy if he were the nominee. National polls show the same thing. In a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, 23 percent of Republicans said they would not support him. Only Ron Paul did worse. Women voters, an important swing voting bloc, do not like Gingrich.

Gingrich wins South Carolina: How can Romney recover from his terrible defeat? - Slate Magazine

100% of Conservatives say they won't vote for Obama.
So - the point here is??
From an ABC poll

Gingrich has considerable vulnerabilities that Romney must exploit to convince voters that Gingrich would lose in the general election. The former speaker is unpopular nationally and with independent voters. He is also unpopular in his own party. In New Hampshire exit polls, more than 60 percent said they would not be happy if he were the nominee. National polls show the same thing. In a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, 23 percent of Republicans said they would not support him. Only Ron Paul did worse. Women voters, an important swing voting bloc, do not like Gingrich.

Gingrich wins South Carolina: How can Romney recover from his terrible defeat? - Slate Magazine

100% of Conservatives say they won't vote for Obama.
So - the point here is??

Votes in 2008 --

Obama: 69,456,897

McCain: 59,934,814

I think we can reasonably estimate that all of those 59,934,814 McCain voters would have voted against Obama in 2012.

Now lessen that number by 23% with Gingrich at the top of the ticket -- 46,149,807

Probably a significant number of Obama's 69,456,897 would have stayed home because they aren't going to be as excited about voting in 2012 as they were in 2008. But having Newt on the ticket will excite some of those former Obama votes - excite them enough to get out and vote against Newt. What percentage of Obama's former voters will have to stay home to get them under Newt's 46,149,807? More than a third of them.

We HAD a lot of people who wanted to vote against Obama.

Now we'll have a whole lot of people who want to vote against Newt. Voting against Newt will fire up Obama's supporters and get them to the polls way more than Obama's own lackluster performance could have done.

Yay Newt. :doubt:
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What does that mean?

The GOP establishment is rightly crapping themselves.

Democrats will turn out in droves to vote against Newt. Of course he is polarizing. He's one of the people large groups of the nation have loved to hate for decades now.

Who has more negative name recognition in the U.S. than Newt?

I'd guess maybe Paul.

Who else?

If this is how the GOP should pick their candidate...then we should nominate Obama.

I sure very few liberals will turn out to oppose him. :rolleyes:

It's about what percentage of your voters you can get out. The voter enthusiasm gap has been in the GOP's favor up until now.

More people on the right have shown themselves to be determined to vote, to get Obama out. The left have been deflated. They might have yawned and rolled over to get a little more sleep instead of going to the polls.

They won't be bored anymore. Newt being on our side will not get more Republicans out. He might get less Republicans out. There are a lot of us who remember him with disgust from the 1990's. And he WILL get more Democrats out.

Newt neutralizes the GOP's enthusiasm advantage.

That is my prediction.

There is much more enthusiasm for Newt than there is for Mitt.

You need to look at the electoral picture.

If Republicans take the traditionally Red states and hold red leaning Ohio, Virginia and Florida then Obama has to run the table taking New Hampshire, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to win.

Newt is represented Georgia, he is strong with seniors, he currently resides in Virginia, and Mitt blew it in Ohio both with the "I won't endorse the collective bargaining bill...I mean, of course I endorse it" and with Romneycare, because he cannot focus on Obamacare...which is a huge issue in Ohio.

Romney MAY give us New Hampshire.

Bottom line, looking at national polls is misleading.

A Republican is not going to win California and a Democrat is not going to win Texas.

The strongest candidate in this election is the one that appeals most to Republicans in Red and Red-leaning States.

If Romney wins the nomination, all that will accomplish is that the GOP will lose California and Massachusetts by less that usual...whoopie. :doubt:
What about the independent vote? The independent/moderate voter is the group that determine who wins and who loses elections.

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