24 new polls show GOP in grave danger of losing House in wake of government shutdown

what a rant^^^^^^^^

so we have a right to privacy AND choice but only when it come's to abortion...

what about our right to privacy and CHOICE from a fascist government imposing fines on the people IF THEY DON'T COMPLY to a Federal government insurance scam?

we don't have those rights huh?

and the only tea baggers I see are you ugly people who use it as an INSULT against your fellow countrymen and women even after YOU KNOW what the meaning of it is...

You people are low and all for WHAT? To show how ugly and hateful you all can be, is all I see
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GOP could lose the House in 2014

We're still digesting the details, but we wanted to give you a first look at these new polls because the results are so stunning. Here are a few details:

  • In 17 districts a Democrat would likely beat the incumbent Republican if the election were held today—and that's the magic number, as Democrats need 17 seats to take back the House from Tea Party Republicans.
  • Majorities of respondents in every poll indicated that they "oppose Congress shutting down major activities of the federal government as a way to stop the health care law from being put into place."
  • When voters learn that their Republican Representative supported the government shutdown over Obamacare, they're even more likely to support the Democratic candidate—with four more seats flipping Democratic when people learn that news.
  • The Tea Party's approval is in the gutter and some of their greatest champions are already trailing—like Steve King from Iowa who is known for immigrant-bashing, and is now trailing a Democratic opponent 45% to 49%.

It's a lovely poll, but without mobilization, we got nothin. Plus, how far out are the elections? The American people are notorious for short attention spans.

The next month or so should give us a better idea of where everybody stands - it's really going to depend on how badly things unfold.

And the TPM congress critters don't seem to have any sort of realization that they are damaging other GOP critters who aren't so blessed on the gerrymandered front.

Depends on how long it goes on. I still remember very clearly the shutdown in the 90's, because I was active duty Navy stationed at PSD Newport RI, and we lost 2/3rds of our workforce when the civilians were furloughed. Not only did we still have to get the students transferred, but we had to do all the other day to day things, because the military was still working. I also remember helping out people by sending them to Navy Relief because they needed money to pay for rent, food and utilities, and we weren't going to get paid until it started back up.

Matter of fact, a couple of years back when the Republicans started talking about shutting it down again, I started to save every dollar I could, just in case they actually went through with their threat. Well, it seems that I was right to do so, and I'll be okay for a month or two, but if it goes over that, I'm screwed.

Are people going to forget this one? Nope, because the GOP was good enough to stand in front of cameras and get on Twitter to write their own attack ads, because many of them stated how great it was that they shut it down.

2014 is gonna be a bloodbath for the GOP, and possibly 2016 as well. If Hillary runs in 2016, we're going to have another Democratic President.

Besides..................in the 90's, not many non federal workers paid it much attention, because it didn't really affect them and it was over in 24 days.

However......................I can guarantee you that anyone serving during the last one remembers it quite well.
GOP could lose the House in 2014

We're still digesting the details, but we wanted to give you a first look at these new polls because the results are so stunning. Here are a few details:

  • In 17 districts a Democrat would likely beat the incumbent Republican if the election were held today—and that's the magic number, as Democrats need 17 seats to take back the House from Tea Party Republicans.
  • Majorities of respondents in every poll indicated that they "oppose Congress shutting down major activities of the federal government as a way to stop the health care law from being put into place."
  • When voters learn that their Republican Representative supported the government shutdown over Obamacare, they're even more likely to support the Democratic candidate—with four more seats flipping Democratic when people learn that news.
  • The Tea Party's approval is in the gutter and some of their greatest champions are already trailing—like Steve King from Iowa who is known for immigrant-bashing, and is now trailing a Democratic opponent 45% to 49%.

It's a lovely poll, but without mobilization, we got nothin. Plus, how far out are the elections? The American people are notorious for short attention spans.

The next month or so should give us a better idea of where everybody stands - it's really going to depend on how badly things unfold.

And the TPM congress critters don't seem to have any sort of realization that they are damaging other GOP critters who aren't so blessed on the gerrymandered front.

Depends on how long it goes on. I still remember very clearly the shutdown in the 90's, because I was active duty Navy stationed at PSD Newport RI, and we lost 2/3rds of our workforce when the civilians were furloughed. Not only did we still have to get the students transferred, but we had to do all the other day to day things, because the military was still working. I also remember helping out people by sending them to Navy Relief because they needed money to pay for rent, food and utilities, and we weren't going to get paid until it started back up.

Matter of fact, a couple of years back when the Republicans started talking about shutting it down again, I started to save every dollar I could, just in case they actually went through with their threat. Well, it seems that I was right to do so, and I'll be okay for a month or two, but if it goes over that, I'm screwed.

Are people going to forget this one? Nope, because the GOP was good enough to stand in front of cameras and get on Twitter to write their own attack ads, because many of them stated how great it was that they shut it down.

2014 is gonna be a bloodbath for the GOP, and possibly 2016 as well. If Hillary runs in 2016, we're going to have another Democratic President.

Besides..................in the 90's, not many non federal workers paid it much attention, because it didn't really affect them and it was over in 24 days.

However......................I can guarantee you that anyone serving during the last one remembers it quite well.

of course it was over in 24 days because the president manned up and did what was right for the country, not his ego. negotiated.
GOP could lose the House in 2014

It's a lovely poll, but without mobilization, we got nothin. Plus, how far out are the elections? The American people are notorious for short attention spans.

The next month or so should give us a better idea of where everybody stands - it's really going to depend on how badly things unfold.

And the TPM congress critters don't seem to have any sort of realization that they are damaging other GOP critters who aren't so blessed on the gerrymandered front.

Depends on how long it goes on. I still remember very clearly the shutdown in the 90's, because I was active duty Navy stationed at PSD Newport RI, and we lost 2/3rds of our workforce when the civilians were furloughed. Not only did we still have to get the students transferred, but we had to do all the other day to day things, because the military was still working. I also remember helping out people by sending them to Navy Relief because they needed money to pay for rent, food and utilities, and we weren't going to get paid until it started back up.

Matter of fact, a couple of years back when the Republicans started talking about shutting it down again, I started to save every dollar I could, just in case they actually went through with their threat. Well, it seems that I was right to do so, and I'll be okay for a month or two, but if it goes over that, I'm screwed.

Are people going to forget this one? Nope, because the GOP was good enough to stand in front of cameras and get on Twitter to write their own attack ads, because many of them stated how great it was that they shut it down.

2014 is gonna be a bloodbath for the GOP, and possibly 2016 as well. If Hillary runs in 2016, we're going to have another Democratic President.

Besides..................in the 90's, not many non federal workers paid it much attention, because it didn't really affect them and it was over in 24 days.

However......................I can guarantee you that anyone serving during the last one remembers it quite well.

of course it was over in 24 days because the president manned up and did what was right for the country, not his ego. negotiated.

Quick question....................do you think that Boehner or Cantor are going to do what is right for the country rather than listening to their ego?

I'm guessing not, because they still have to follow in the footsteps of their bosses who are the Koch brothers.

Yeah..................I know.........................the Koch's said they weren't responsible in some blog today, but sorry, they were the ones that financed the Tea Party, as well as went against Obamacare (aka the ACA), because they didn't want this President to be successful.

The bigger your ego, the more you're going to blame the opposition for doing what you're doing. Koch started the Tea Party, and they also financed almost every group that didn't want Obamacare, as well as gave massive amounts of money to those they helped to get elected.

Obamacare is going to survive because a lot of people want it. The GOP is going the way of the dodo because they are too stupid to see beyond the money they are being given via the lobbyists.

Good to see the GOP tearing itself apart.
I like how all you liberals are so concerned for the future of the Republican Party, and so willing to advise them on how to succeed. ;) I would think if you really thought they were committing suicide you would keep your mouths shut and just get out of the way. Could it be that you're scared shitless about the 2014 election?
GOP could lose the House in 2014

We're still digesting the details, but we wanted to give you a first look at these new polls because the results are so stunning. Here are a few details:

  • In 17 districts a Democrat would likely beat the incumbent Republican if the election were held today—and that's the magic number, as Democrats need 17 seats to take back the House from Tea Party Republicans.
  • Majorities of respondents in every poll indicated that they "oppose Congress shutting down major activities of the federal government as a way to stop the health care law from being put into place."
  • When voters learn that their Republican Representative supported the government shutdown over Obamacare, they're even more likely to support the Democratic candidate—with four more seats flipping Democratic when people learn that news.
  • The Tea Party's approval is in the gutter and some of their greatest champions are already trailing—like Steve King from Iowa who is known for immigrant-bashing, and is now trailing a Democratic opponent 45% to 49%.

It's a lovely poll, but without mobilization, we got nothin. Plus, how far out are the elections? The American people are notorious for short attention spans.

The next month or so should give us a better idea of where everybody stands - it's really going to depend on how badly things unfold.

And the TPM congress critters don't seem to have any sort of realization that they are damaging other GOP critters who aren't so blessed on the gerrymandered front.

That's the thing, they already have things worked out in their own favor with the districts. Republicans won't turn on their own party. It's tough getting these moderates to step up right now and they've already said they disagree with Boehner's so called strategy.
I see BDBitch would love nothing more than one party rule in the US.

Oh yes. The last time that happened we got Obamacare.

WOW can hardly wait for the Dems to rule the roost again.

How bout you??

High confiscatory taxes, an anemic private sector, surpression of free speech, and oh yes. lax criminal laws. Nah. One party rule is more akin to the Soviet Union.
Reality check:

Democrats are getting excited about retaking the House. It’s certainly possible, but there’s a long list of reasons for Democrats to be pessimistic, including gerrymandering, weak recruits and strong GOP incumbents, an off year electorate, and the history of 1996. The polls don't show a larger backlash than 1996, either. This is the conclusion of most of the “numbers-friendly” election analysts, along with the House prognosticators at Cook, The Crystal Ball, or The Rothenberg Political Report.

Midterms 2013: PPP Doesn't Presage Landslide | New Republic
Not only will they lose the House, but deep pockets on wall street if this sucker defaults.

hope you like crow in case your crystal ball is wrong

they didn't lose it the LAST TWO elections...the people must know what they want...and that WAS TAKING the purse away from Obama and his spending...tsk tsk

Really? That is why they re-elected President Obama? That is why the Dems made gains both in the House and the Senate?
I see BDBitch would love nothing more than one party rule in the US.

Oh yes. The last time that happened we got Obamacare.

WOW can hardly wait for the Dems to rule the roost again.

How bout you??

Lovely. This time we get Universal Single Payer Health Care, and legislation that addresses this;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0ehzfQ4hAQ]Wealth distribution In America - YouTube[/ame]

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