24 new polls show GOP in grave danger of losing House in wake of government shutdown

Black Label had a thread on this yesterday. It's a PPP poll.

And just like I put up yesterday, when push came to shove in 1996 the voters didn't give a rats ass about the shutdown.

The R's held the House and the Senate and actually gained 2 seats in the Senate.

And don't give me the Republicans lost the Presidential race shit. The idiot RINOS ran Bob Dole. And the only person that ever thought Bob Dole could beat Clinton was Elizabeth.
No actually, I wouldn't. But the Republicans called, and they want their party back.

Same pollster that you are using in this thread PPP ran a poll that showed 70% plus of Republicans rate themselves as conservative.

Not middle of the road. Not at all.
The mainstream RINOs of the GOP will not allow a reactionary far right candidate to run for the party.

Any talk of that is but out house talk.
I see BDBitch would love nothing more than one party rule in the US.

When the alternative is REPUBLICANS???

And how well did one party Democrat rule work in that wonderful urban piece of shit called Detroit?

don't forget Illinois, murder central and Unfortunately they are going to drag California down next...they tried Colorado, but the people finally had enough and recalled two of the fascist Democrats...which was GREAT:lol:
There's also the possibility that an eventual compromise will result in non TP gopers getting primaried by folks with such extreme views (angle, the witch from conn, the rape causes women's bodies to shut down) and a lot of decent conservatives getting retired. (Sigh)
There's also the possibility that an eventual compromise will result in non TP gopers getting primaried by folks with such extreme views (angle, the witch from conn, the rape causes women's bodies to shut down) and a lot of decent conservatives getting retired. (Sigh)
Define "decent conservative" Is it a pseudo-Conservative that bends over for the Democrat party all the time?
There's also the possibility that an eventual compromise will result in non TP gopers getting primaried by folks with such extreme views (angle, the witch from conn, the rape causes women's bodies to shut down) and a lot of decent conservatives getting retired. (Sigh)

right, saying we are taxed enough already and that this federal government i has become bloated, overbearing, and COSTING us taxpayers our hard earned monies and needs TO BE CUT DOWN to size, we can start by eliminating a bunch of worthless agencies that now think it has it's OWN POWER to do as they want, like the EPA, IRS, DOE, etc....is now called...Extreme..

I find you people simply outrageous...and it is you all who are the extremist...
Wall Street angry at tea party it has no influence over

Isn't that what all your OWS was about? and all you leftard whinies about deep pockets influencing everybody in Congress?

Aren't this finally the way it is SUPPOSED TO BE
There's also the possibility that an eventual compromise will result in non TP gopers getting primaried by folks with such extreme views (angle, the witch from conn, the rape causes women's bodies to shut down) and a lot of decent conservatives getting retired. (Sigh)

Hopefully this isn't just talk:

For decades, the Republican Party has cast itself as the business-friendly party, pushing for lower taxes and less regulation against the Big Government Democrats. Big Business has generally agreed, with groups like the Chamber of Commerce overwhelmingly sending campaign contributions to the GOP.

The Tea Party has complicated this relationship. The interests of the Tea Party and Chamber of Commerce are aligned on things like taxes and regulation, but businesses like predictability and stability, and the Tea Party is trying to rock the boat. This tension is coming into stark relief during the government shutdown and run-up to hitting the U.S. debt limit. The business community fears breaching the debt ceiling particularly, and many Republican lawmakers, increasingly, don't.

Now, "nearly three years after a band of renegade congressmen brought the Tea Party insurgency to Washington, there are early rumblings of a political backlash in some of their districts," says Philip Rucker in The Washington Post.

Can Big Business wrest control of the GOP back from the Tea Party? - The Week
There's also the possibility that an eventual compromise will result in non TP gopers getting primaried by folks with such extreme views (angle, the witch from conn, the rape causes women's bodies to shut down) and a lot of decent conservatives getting retired. (Sigh)

Hopefully this isn't just talk:

For decades, the Republican Party has cast itself as the business-friendly party, pushing for lower taxes and less regulation against the Big Government Democrats. Big Business has generally agreed, with groups like the Chamber of Commerce overwhelmingly sending campaign contributions to the GOP.

The Tea Party has complicated this relationship. The interests of the Tea Party and Chamber of Commerce are aligned on things like taxes and regulation, but businesses like predictability and stability, and the Tea Party is trying to rock the boat. This tension is coming into stark relief during the government shutdown and run-up to hitting the U.S. debt limit. The business community fears breaching the debt ceiling particularly, and many Republican lawmakers, increasingly, don't.

Now, "nearly three years after a band of renegade congressmen brought the Tea Party insurgency to Washington, there are early rumblings of a political backlash in some of their districts," says Philip Rucker in The Washington Post.

Can Big Business wrest control of the GOP back from the Tea Party? - The Week

Somebody needs to. But does that equal out of the frying pan, into the fire? I mean - I want the Republicans to get their party back. A party they can literally be proud of, for good, necessary accomplishments. I'm not thinkin big business will get them there.
There's also the possibility that an eventual compromise will result in non TP gopers getting primaried by folks with such extreme views (angle, the witch from conn, the rape causes women's bodies to shut down) and a lot of decent conservatives getting retired. (Sigh)

Hopefully this isn't just talk:

For decades, the Republican Party has cast itself as the business-friendly party, pushing for lower taxes and less regulation against the Big Government Democrats. Big Business has generally agreed, with groups like the Chamber of Commerce overwhelmingly sending campaign contributions to the GOP.

The Tea Party has complicated this relationship. The interests of the Tea Party and Chamber of Commerce are aligned on things like taxes and regulation, but businesses like predictability and stability, and the Tea Party is trying to rock the boat. This tension is coming into stark relief during the government shutdown and run-up to hitting the U.S. debt limit. The business community fears breaching the debt ceiling particularly, and many Republican lawmakers, increasingly, don't.

Now, "nearly three years after a band of renegade congressmen brought the Tea Party insurgency to Washington, there are early rumblings of a political backlash in some of their districts," says Philip Rucker in The Washington Post.

Can Big Business wrest control of the GOP back from the Tea Party? - The Week

Somebody needs to. But does that equal out of the frying pan, into the fire? I mean - I want the Republicans to get their party back. A party they can literally be proud of, for good, necessary accomplishments. I'm not thinkin big business will get them there.

I think the best to hope for right now is to just get them back from the current brink they're standing at.
I'm kind of sick and tired of ass holes who talk about the Constitution like they know what's in it, when what they're actually doing is totally perverting it.

I hate when they accuse the rest of us of not following the Constitution, when in fact it's the Tea Party Republicans who don't follow it.

We have a right to privacy. It's in the Constitution. It's why our women have the right to govern their own bodies, even if it makes us upset that abortions happen, even if they are at their lowest historical rates (which means education and safe sex work better than laws!).

Our Constitution says our debt obligations will not be questioned. In President George Washington's final remarks to his people, he talked about how even though taxes are thought of us as inconvenient buggery, our job is to pay them with patriotic duty and solemnity; to remember that when we work together, we can protect ourselves from the go-it-alone we had faced back in England against the King. Taxes are about our collective co-operation with each other to help us do the things we can not do alone.

They'd probably piss on George Washington for even saying that stuff today.

They wave around the 2nd Amendment as if to mean we should be able to carry the kinds of weapons that can kill two dozen children in the time it takes for a pop song to play. Of course, the Constitution was talking about muskets, not semi-automatic weapons.

At every turn, our Tea Party Republican friends pervert our Constitution and then accuse US of being the ones who are doing it. I think they do that so they think we won't notice them doing it, but I'm here to say that we ALL know you Teabaggers are responsible for this. Nothing good has come from your tantrum. Your whining.

The Teabaggers remind me of a couple I know. They arrived 3 hours late to the family get-together a few weeks ago because their only child, approaching 5 years of age, did not want to get in the car. The fault with his parents is that they negotiate with him in the first place. They ask him if he feels like going on a car trip to gramma's. He says no, and they all sit there and try to negotiate and work it out. When they tried putting his coat on, he'd get out of it. Same with his shoes.

I'm sorry, but some things are NOT negotiable. Like family obligations. And if your 5 yr-old is acting like a total fucking prick, than you pick him up and you throw him in the car and you say, "And if you don't shut up in the car, I'LL GIVE YOU THE WHOOPING OF YOUR LIFE, BOY!".

Fucking Tea Party. Shut up already and get back to work. Do your fucking jobs. You say government should be run like a business. Well, as far as I can tell, successful businesses make money and don't close for 8 days straight! Now do your jobs and make us some revenue, ass holes!

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