24% of Americans in Tea Party


Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Jul 8, 2009
34% Say They Or Someone Close To Them Part of Tea Party Movement - Rasmussen Reports

Twenty-four percent (24%) of U.S. voters now say they consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That’s an eight-point increase from 16% a month ago.

Another 10% say they are not a part of the movement but have close friends or family members who are.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters say they have no ties to the Tea Party movement. Eleven percent (11%) more are not sure.

The rise in Tea party support is perhaps not surprising at a time when more voters than ever (58%) favor repeal of the national health care plan just passed by Democrats in Congress and signed into law by President Obama. Most voters remain convinced that the health care plan will require an increase in taxes on the middle class as a time when 66% of voters believe America is already overtaxed.

The movement grows.

Is that all? I hear on FoxNews that billions of Americans support the tea party. And they have the video to back it up
Oh great....another poll. And by Rasmussen, no less.

EDIT: And even with Rasmussen, it's only 24%???
Another lefty who doesn't understand #s. Fox doesn't practice Obama Math.

There are only 300M Americans.
Wow, so are you saying 24% of Americans are racist, homophobic, hate mongering hateristic hateraid drinking white pride hillbilly hateful haters???? Thats what MSNBC told me anyway.
34% Say They Or Someone Close To Them Part of Tea Party Movement - Rasmussen Reports

Twenty-four percent (24%) of U.S. voters now say they consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That’s an eight-point increase from 16% a month ago.

Another 10% say they are not a part of the movement but have close friends or family members who are.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters say they have no ties to the Tea Party movement. Eleven percent (11%) more are not sure.

The rise in Tea party support is perhaps not surprising at a time when more voters than ever (58%) favor repeal of the national health care plan just passed by Democrats in Congress and signed into law by President Obama. Most voters remain convinced that the health care plan will require an increase in taxes on the middle class as a time when 66% of voters believe America is already overtaxed.

The movement grows.

According to gallop its 28%. :)

That Obama is really a Unifier!

Just not the way he had hoped.
Another lefty who doesn't understand #s. Fox doesn't practice Obama Math.

There are only 300M Americans.

Not according to the latest films of the Boston Tea Party

Looks like at LEAST a Billion or more Americans there
boedicca those posts dont really need or deserve responses. Wait for someone who brings a true intellectual challenge to us instead of fairy tale exagerations then speak up ;).

Is that all? I hear on FoxNews that billions of Americans support the tea party. And they have the video to back it up

These TPs are kinda slow ain't they?


A legitimate counter-argument to the thread from the left is the only thing we are still "slowly" waiting for. :eusa_whistle:


Any time lefties. The Tea Party is the doom of the left. You have no answer for it.
34% Say They Or Someone Close To Them Part of Tea Party Movement - Rasmussen Reports

Twenty-four percent (24%) of U.S. voters now say they consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That’s an eight-point increase from 16% a month ago.

Another 10% say they are not a part of the movement but have close friends or family members who are.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters say they have no ties to the Tea Party movement. Eleven percent (11%) more are not sure.

The rise in Tea party support is perhaps not surprising at a time when more voters than ever (58%) favor repeal of the national health care plan just passed by Democrats in Congress and signed into law by President Obama. Most voters remain convinced that the health care plan will require an increase in taxes on the middle class as a time when 66% of voters believe America is already overtaxed.

The movement grows.

Excellent and therefore it makes perfect sense for them to create their own political party with their own political candidates. Good luck to them. :clap2:
This is impossible...

Everyone loves Barry and all he stands for...

Lies... Lies, I tell you!
It is not clear, yet, if Rasmussen data taps in to real fanatics, wannabe fanatics, socially and racially prejudiced fanatics, or economically terrified fanatics. There would easily be said a bias toward upper income, older, white, Republican voters. The issues being addressed are large scale and complex. The president is black. There may be simply more angst about not being thought a likely voter, than in being a likely voter or not.

Other polling organizations spread the questions and the reporting around. There are polls of all respondents. There are polls of registered voters. In the extreme(?), there are polls of likely voters.

In fact, if a 9/11 type of event does happen, then all polled will likely abandon the Tea Party and show mega-support for Obama.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In fact, if the Pope dies, then the Catholic faithful will likely show mega-support for Rome. If that happens in the next few days or weeks, then actually that finding might more political, than is widely regarded religious.)
34% Say They Or Someone Close To Them Part of Tea Party Movement - Rasmussen Reports

Twenty-four percent (24%) of U.S. voters now say they consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That’s an eight-point increase from 16% a month ago.

Another 10% say they are not a part of the movement but have close friends or family members who are.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters say they have no ties to the Tea Party movement. Eleven percent (11%) more are not sure.

The rise in Tea party support is perhaps not surprising at a time when more voters than ever (58%) favor repeal of the national health care plan just passed by Democrats in Congress and signed into law by President Obama. Most voters remain convinced that the health care plan will require an increase in taxes on the middle class as a time when 66% of voters believe America is already overtaxed.

The movement grows.

24% is about what I would expect.

My estimation is that about 25% of Americans are hard core wingnuts, about the same amount for hard core liberals. There's about 20% non-hardcore for each side - people who say they're independant but almost always vote for one or the other.

Liberals have usually been losing because quite a large number of them are 'disenfranchised'.

The problem is that the remaining 10% - who are truly independant/undecideds are the ones that really determine who wins that elections. They are also the people who have the least interest in politics, almost never watch the news, and are the least informed. That's why they're undecided. (Can you imagine people who couldn't decide between GW Bush vs. Kerry?) They are the ones most influenced by the really superficial political propaganda - like who puts on the most political T.V commercials or who's the cutest candidate.

Ironic isn't it?
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