246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

so you SCREAMED for him to talk to the right and now he is.

you people are transparent
Those people collecting emergency and extended payments increased by about 136,500 to 1.92 million in the week ended Feb. 23.

Obama has reduced the 650,000 jobless claims Bush left him, to 333,000 last week.

Quite an effort, eh?


What effort?? All those shovel ready jobs? All those ones off the unemployment books? All those ones that are in long term unemployment?? All the ones that stopped looking? All those tax friendly policies that help stimulate the economy to help the private sector create more jobs??

Nope... trolling troll is still trolly

Correction ....

Obama has reduced the 650,000 jobless claims Bush left him, to 332,000 last week.

Quite an effort, eh?

You hate him no matter what he does

If you ever had a decent reaction to anything he did you would likely kill yourself
they voted againts their own written and sponsered bills once Obama said he would help them pass and sign them.

They voted to destroy the full faith and credit of the US.

they investigated next to nothing while they had full control

They hate Obama with such irrational hate that it can only be called racism.
they voted againts their own written and sponsered bills once Obama said he would help them pass and sign them.

They voted to destroy the full faith and credit of the US.

they investigated next to nothing while they had full control

They hate Obama with such irrational hate that it can only be called racism.

Teaparty was organized by Right Wing extremists a week after the November 2008 election, "to take their Country back" from Obama's failed policies and wild spending

Talk about Political Capital!


"The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly dropped last week to the lowest level in almost two months, adding to signs the labor market is strengthening. "

Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Fall as Labor Market Improves - Bloomberg

Jobless claims? So, people's two year unemployment gravy train ran out. It doesn't change the fact that unemployment was 7.7% when Obama took office over four years ago, and today unemployment is (gee wow) 7.7%, the fact is Obama has done absolutely NOTHING to change the numbers of people who remain unemployed. Obama has done some things, he has made sure there are record numbers of people receiving Food Stamps... Um, I guess that's a start.
they voted againts their own written and sponsered bills once Obama said he would help them pass and sign them.

They voted to destroy the full faith and credit of the US.

they investigated next to nothing while they had full control

They hate Obama with such irrational hate that it can only be called racism.

Teaparty was organized by Right Wing extremists a week after the November 2008 election, "to take their Country back" from Obama's failed policies and wild spending


You have the failed policies and wild spending right. O is all about massive debt and worthless laws. The rest is false though.
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"Teaparty was organized by Right Wing extremists a week after the November 2008 election, "to take their Country back" from Obama's failed policies and wild spending"


Oh yes, forgot: teaparty was also formed to impeach Barack Obama as a foreigner.
How could we forget?

"Teaparty was organized by Right Wing extremists a week after the November 2008 election, "to take their Country back" from Obama's failed policies and wild spending"


Oh yes, forgot: teaparty was also formed to impeach Barack Obama as a foreigner.
How could we forget?


False. But you knew that.

On February 19, 2009,[72] in a broadcast from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, CNBC Business News editor Rick Santelli criticized the government plan to refinance mortgages, which had just been announced the day before. He said that those plans were "promoting bad behavior"[73] by "subsidizing losers' mortgages". He suggested holding a tea party for traders to gather and dump the derivatives in the Chicago River on July 1.[74][75][76] A number of the floor traders around him cheered on his proposal, to the amusement of the hosts in the studio. Santelli's "rant" became a viral video after being featured on the Drudge Report.[77]

Overnight, websites such as ChicagoTeaParty.com (registered in August 2008 by Chicagoan Zack Christenson, radio producer for conservative talk show host Milt Rosenberg,) were live within 12 hours.[78] About 10 hours after Santelli's remarks, reTeaParty.com was bought to coordinate Tea Parties scheduled for Independence Day and, as of March 4, was reported to be receiving 11,000 visitors a day.[78]

According to The New Yorker writer Ben McGrath[72] and New York Times reporter Kate Zernike,[62] this is where the movement was first inspired to coalesce under the collective banner of "Tea Party".

Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Teaparty was organized by Right Wing extremists a week after the November 2008 election, "to take their Country back" from Obama's failed policies and wild spending"


Oh yes, forgot: teaparty was also formed to impeach Barack Obama as a foreigner.
How could we forget?


All you do is parrot Liberal talking points, do you have an individual thought of your own? I see you have conveniently chosen to avoid addressing the fact that unemployment is still stagnating at 7.7% after four long years of a failed Obama Presidency. You start a thread based upon disingenuous facts with regards to real unemployment numbers, then you defect your own thread to the Tea Party when that fact is pointed out to you. Did they teach you that tactic in clown school?
"Teaparty was organized by Right Wing extremists a week after the November 2008 election, "to take their Country back" from Obama's failed policies and wild spending"


Oh yes, forgot: teaparty was also formed to impeach Barack Obama as a foreigner.
How could we forget?


All you do is parrot Liberal talking points, do you have an individual thought of your own? I see you have conveniently chosen to avoid addressing the fact that unemployment is still stagnating at 7.7% after four long years of a failed Obama Presidency. You start a thread based upon disingenuous facts with regards to real unemployment numbers, then you defect your own thread to the Tea Party when that fact is pointed out to you. Did they teach you that tactic in clown school?

Because trolling troll is trolly.. he is the latest in a long line of winger trolls

Is the Tea Party Just a Response to President Barack Obama's Election?
Tea Party members often say that they want to restore fiscal responsibility, but when President George W. Bush approved the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and said the free market must be abandoned to preserve the free market, where were they?

Why did the Tea Party only emerge a month after President Barack Obama took office?

Tea Party Myths -- Is the Tea Party Just a Response to President Obama's Election?

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