246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

McConnell used 390 filibusters to block the President's effort to recover the economy.

No need saying GOP failed again!

390 huh?
so what was that 800 billion stimulus that was suppose to recover the economy?
are you saying he needed a few billion more or how about a couple of trillion he could pluck off that magic money tree he seems to have in the back of the white house?
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Liberals can never get their story straight - when there is bad economic news its all Repubs' fault for blocking everything the Hussein wants to do, if there is a hint of good news....it was all Obama's "engineering"!
Let's be honest here, progressives! What Barry has been in charge of...is the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression. We've got a record number of people on extended unemployment and the numbers of people who have taken part time work simply out of desperation is off the charts as well.

It's what happens when you spend all of your political capital pushing through ObamaCare and a progressive porkulus disguised as a stimulus package instead of doing the hard work of REALLY fixing the economy.
A look at the hole Bush put us in, and the miracle recovery engineered by Barack Obama

United States GDP Growth Rate


WASHINGTON—U.S. incomes fell the most in two decades in January as higher tax rates kicked in, though American consumers opted to cut back on savings.

Personal incomes dropped 3.6% in January, the Commerce Department said Friday. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires expected a 2.5% decline.

U.S. Incomes Fall, Spending Rises - WSJ.com

A Gallup survey on jobs released Thursday shows the percentage of workers working part time but wanting full-time work was 10.1% in February, an increase from 9.6% in January and the highest rate measured since January 2012.

Gallup notes "Although fewer people are unemployed now than a year ago, they are not migrating to full-time jobs for an employer. In fact, fewer Americans are working full-time for an employer than were doing so a year ago, and more Americans are working part time.

Although part-time work is clearly better than no work at all, these are not the types of good jobs that millions of Americans are still searching for.

Jobs numbers are far worse than they look - MarketWatch

Who could have imagined celebrating a 7.7 unemployment rate in 2013 during Obama's first inauguration in 2009.

Yes if Obama had said it would be the slowest recovery since the Depression he never would have gotten elected, and of course if he had not lied repeatedly about Obamacare it would not have passed.
The U.S. has a 10 million Jobs Deficit. The total of employed people is still 3 million below its peak level. And if one accounts for the growth in population and applies the former Labor Force participation and employed ratios, we add another 7 million to the Jobs Deficit.

It's shameful. And destroying full time jobs via ObamaCare and spurring growth in low wage part time jobs is not a solution.
and I don't think she said that the stress was due to running out of benefits..can you link to where she did please? I missed it.

uh huh, that many more? I don't think so, unless your hypothesizing again, with no facts.

Unless you have the numbers...be careful ed.

oh and your comment as to 50-65?

the average age for liability awards is 52.7 since 1960....and, aside from 1960-which was 57 , its been under 54 every single year.....so your 65 number as the high range is pure smoke.

Hey pinhead, I didn't say 65 was an average. I was commenting on this claim "Nearly all of the disabilty caseload is of people between 45 and 65, with a distinct spike in new applicants at age 50, since the SS administration relaxes its scrutiny at that age" and the average being 53 does not change it.

The whole point was that APPLICATIONS for DI are not AWARDS. The average age being 53 does not make an increase in APPLICATIONS into an increase in AWARDS.
Get it????????

hey Pinhead- I never said you said 65 WAS the average, you said COLLECTING, there, I highlighted it for you too, read what I write, not what you want to....is this were I call YOU an asshole now?:rolleyes:

and, you used it as a dataset bracket simply because the award dies, CDR's become useless as the award is converted, its dishonest to use it that way in this conversation... but I am used to ed... the HUGE proportion of awards are to folks 48-55....get over it.

oh hey any questions on your charge of the gop obstructing the Obama ( cloud) budget(s)?

a simple,' yea, I was wrong' will do:eusa_whistle:
Listen pinhead, if they are collecting disability then they were awarded a disability claim. You are not automatically awarded a claim simply for applying. That is why it was dishonest to use applications being up 24% to imply awards were up 24% when they were only up 1%. It was especially dishonest to claim that SS relaxes its scrutiny at age 50, since there was no spike in awards at age 50 in spite of the alleged spike in applications at age 50. No matter what the average age is, awards only went up 1% during the Obama admin, and that is the key, so no matter how many CON$ are trying to move from UI to DI, it's not working.
Markets EXPLODE on 236,000 NEW JOBS!! Yay... The rich are getting richer! :clap2:
The U.S. has a 10 million Jobs Deficit. The total of employed people is still 3 million below its peak level. And if one accounts for the growth in population and applies the former Labor Force participation and employed ratios, we add another 7 million to the Jobs Deficit.

It's shameful. And destroying full time jobs via ObamaCare and spurring growth in low wage part time jobs is not a solution.
The LFP rate is meaningless, and you know it, and as soon as a Republican is elected you will never bring it up again.
The U.S. has a 10 million Jobs Deficit. The total of employed people is still 3 million below its peak level. And if one accounts for the growth in population and applies the former Labor Force participation and employed ratios, we add another 7 million to the Jobs Deficit.

It's shameful. And destroying full time jobs via ObamaCare and spurring growth in low wage part time jobs is not a solution.
The LFP rate is meaningless, and you know it, and as soon as a Republican is elected you will never bring it up again.

Spoken like a true moonbat.


Riddle me this: What happens when more than half of the U.S. population is no longer in the workforce? Is there a point where participation gets to low that you loons will actually pay attention?

Oh. Right. We can just keep printing money and adding to the debt.
The U.S. has a 10 million Jobs Deficit. The total of employed people is still 3 million below its peak level. And if one accounts for the growth in population and applies the former Labor Force participation and employed ratios, we add another 7 million to the Jobs Deficit.

It's shameful. And destroying full time jobs via ObamaCare and spurring growth in low wage part time jobs is not a solution.
The LFP rate is meaningless, and you know it, and as soon as a Republican is elected you will never bring it up again.

Spoken like a true moonbat.


Riddle me this: What happens when more than half of the U.S. population is no longer in the workforce? Is there a point where participation gets to low that you loons will actually pay attention?

Oh. Right. We can just keep printing money and adding to the debt.
The LPF rate will continue to fall until the Age of the Boomers passes, and you will only bitch about it while a Dem is President.
What is wrong with you right wingers.
You alsways said when the market recovered the jobs would too.
Now just becuase Obama is president you do not seem to believe that any more.

Stop playing stupid. The FED's started dumping billion on the markets, yeah markets look good but that's not because people are investing their own money, it's because they are handed a shit load of cash to invest, risk free.
Hey pinhead, I didn't say 65 was an average. I was commenting on this claim "Nearly all of the disabilty caseload is of people between 45 and 65, with a distinct spike in new applicants at age 50, since the SS administration relaxes its scrutiny at that age" and the average being 53 does not change it.

The whole point was that APPLICATIONS for DI are not AWARDS. The average age being 53 does not make an increase in APPLICATIONS into an increase in AWARDS.
Get it????????

hey Pinhead- I never said you said 65 WAS the average, you said COLLECTING, there, I highlighted it for you too, read what I write, not what you want to....is this were I call YOU an asshole now?:rolleyes:

and, you used it as a dataset bracket simply because the award dies, CDR's become useless as the award is converted, its dishonest to use it that way in this conversation... but I am used to ed... the HUGE proportion of awards are to folks 48-55....get over it.

oh hey any questions on your charge of the gop obstructing the Obama ( cloud) budget(s)?

a simple,' yea, I was wrong' will do:eusa_whistle:

Listen pinhead, if they are collecting disability then they were awarded a disability claim. You are not automatically awarded a claim simply for applying.

That is why it was dishonest to use applications being up 24% to imply awards were up 24% when they were only up 1%. It was especially dishonest to claim that SS relaxes its scrutiny at age 50, since there was no spike in awards at age 50 in spite of the alleged spike in applications at age 50.

you drink ed........and post?

because I don't know who the hell you're talking to:eusa_eh:...what does that have to do with what I said?.

No matter what the average age is, awards only went up 1% during the Obama admin, and that is the key, so no matter how many CON$ are trying to move from UI to DI, it's not working.

:eusa_think:that sounds low, just to be sure, can I see the data please?

I am still waiting on your remarks on the budget issue Ed....you need more Ripple?
Uh. Disability is not Aging.

There has been a surge in Disability claims due to the long term unemployed being unable to find jobs. One can receive disability due to stress conditions.

Here you go. Do some math. Lost of people below the age of 65 are on Disability.

Disabled worker beneficiaries distributed by age

And there is a good analysis of the data at this link:

Where Have All the Workers Gone? » Not Yet Europe

Slightly more than 6 % of the workforce, up 1% under Obama, is getting these payments. Even when the real recession actually ends, they will be getting these payments. Six percent of the US workforce is approximately 11 million individuals. Almost half of which have gone the rolls on in the last few years.

Nearly all of the disabilty caseload is of people between 45 and 65, with a distinct spike in new applicants at age 50, since the SS administration relaxes its scrutiny at that age. This means that people typically stay on disability for 10-15 years....

And then we have what Disability means to the SS administration:

"Disability" under Social Security is based on your inability to work. We consider you disabled under Social Security rules if:

You cannot do work that you did before;
We decide that you cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s); and
Your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death.

Disability Planner: What We Mean By Disability

In essence, the Obama Administration is using SSDI as a form of welfare for people who can't find work and whose UI has run out.

hey Pinhead- I never said you said 65 WAS the average, you said COLLECTING, there, I highlighted it for you too, read what I write, not what you want to....is this were I call YOU an asshole now?:rolleyes:

and, you used it as a dataset bracket simply because the award dies, CDR's become useless as the award is converted, its dishonest to use it that way in this conversation... but I am used to ed... the HUGE proportion of awards are to folks 48-55....get over it.

oh hey any questions on your charge of the gop obstructing the Obama ( cloud) budget(s)?

a simple,' yea, I was wrong' will do:eusa_whistle:

you drink ed........and post?

because I don't know who the hell you're talking to:eusa_eh:...what does that have to do with what I said?.

No matter what the average age is, awards only went up 1% during the Obama admin, and that is the key, so no matter how many CON$ are trying to move from UI to DI, it's not working.

:eusa_think:that sounds low, just to be sure, can I see the data please?

I am still waiting on your remarks on the budget issue Ed....you need more Ripple?
Funny how you had no problem with the 1% when your fellow wingnut posted it, only when I made you wingnuts eat your own stat and link!!!!!

To help you and your fellow traveler out I highlighted in red what you have been denying as you defend it.
Seeing that job report, I think US is going to hit record trade deficits.
I can't believe some are still pretending the shrinking labor force has little to do with the baby boomers hitting retirement age. Again, nobody is saying the recession hasn't had a negative impact on the size of the labor force, but this attitude that it is only shrinking because of people dropping out who can't find work is misguided.

Baby Boomers, Not Recession, Behind Drop In Workforce - Forbes
According to the report, just a third of the drop in labor force participation came from those who still wanted a job—and only 15% of those folks are of prime working age, 25 to 54.

Their impact on the labor force has nothing to do with politics or economic policy, it has to do with simple math.

Job creation broke out in February, with the economy creating a net 236,000 new jobs as the unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent.

Private job creation stood at a robust 246,000, finally indicating that the economy may be ready to escape the tight growth range in which it has been held since the financial crisis.

Job Creation Surges as Rate Falls to 7.7%


This is good news. However, we still have longterm issues with the manufacturing base erosion (not caused by Obama). A healthy manufacturing base is 30%, 20% is doable, we are at 8%. That is horrendous. Agriculture is another area. The corporate farms have strunk the agriculture work force (and that is not a bad thing), but agriculture makes up 1% of the workforce, that needs to increase also.

With inflation and taxation eating away at personal wealth, more Americans live paycheck to paycheck and not saving. What does a job matter if it can't pay the bills?

Remember the hole Bush left the country in, and how far Obama has helped us climb out of that wreckage ....

The unemployment rate when Bush left office was 7.8%, today that rate is 7.7%. What an incredible hole Obama has pulled the unemployed out of. A .1% improvement in over four long years... What a success story Obama is for those who are seeking work. :clap2: :cuckoo:
You know that we could all end up living in cardboard boxes, burning worthless dollar bills for heat and the lefties would STILL claim that obama just needs more time to turn this thing around.

Liberalism is a grave mental disorder.
The unemployment rate when Bush left office was 7.8%, today that rate is 7.7%. What an incredible hole Obama has pulled the unemployed out of. A .1% improvement in over four long years... What a success story Obama is for those who are seeking work. :clap2: :cuckoo:

One month after Bush left, the jobless rate was 10.8% with 700,000 jobs a month being lost.

Obama stopped the jobs bleed and turned it around.


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