246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

Theoretically the UE rate can be zero, as soon as everyone is shifted from working to some form of welfare.
Didn't you just post the same "cheery" yet lacking economic information in this thread recently:


We got the message....and the facts don't match the optimism...so I will just make the same reply that shows the "bigger and sadly not brighter picture":




on another "bright note"...how about some Obama Economic Stimulus Fraud and Public Corruption to go:


http://s1359.beta.photobucket.com/user/corazonroto512/library/Abuse of Authority All Documents

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Theoretically the UE rate can be zero, as soon as everyone is shifted from working to some form of welfare.

That's Obama's secret cure for unemployment: shrink the work force through various welfare programs and disability. The liberal's are buying it too.
Theoretically the UE rate can be zero, as soon as everyone is shifted from working to some form of welfare.

That's Obama's secret cure for unemployment: shrink the work force through various welfare programs and disability. The liberal's are buying it too.
Too stupid and 100% CON$ervoFascist. Social Security is not welfare, and you have to be disabled to collect disability. The GOP wants to give tax cuts to the wealthy on the backs of the disabled and elderly.
That's Obama's secret cure for unemployment: shrink the work force through various welfare programs and disability. The liberal's are buying it too.
Yup Obama snuck around in 1945 feeding people aphrodisiacs so they'd get randy and suddenly produce way more babies for a few decades, knowing that after he was born and made president those babies would all be starting to hit their mid 60s and retiring on social security so that would help his unemployment numbers by shrinking the workforce.

And he wouldn't have gotten away with it if it weren't for his arch-nemesis Edward Biamonte uncovering his fiendish plot and realizing how things were unfolding all as Obama had forseen. Can I get three "too stupid!" and a "slow very slow" from the faithful?
Job creation broke out in February, with the economy creating a net 236,000 new jobs as the unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent.

Private job creation stood at a robust 246,000, finally indicating that the economy may be ready to escape the tight growth range in which it has been held since the financial crisis.

Job Creation Surges as Rate Falls to 7.7%


This is good news. However, we still have longterm issues with the manufacturing base erosion (not caused by Obama). A healthy manufacturing base is 30%, 20% is doable, we are at 8%. That is horrendous. Agriculture is another area. The corporate farms have strunk the agriculture work force (and that is not a bad thing), but agriculture makes up 1% of the workforce, that needs to increase also.

With inflation and taxation eating away at personal wealth, more Americans live paycheck to paycheck and not saving. What does a job matter if it can't pay the bills?

Remember the hole Bush left the country in, and how far Obama has helped us climb out of that wreckage ....

Notice how Hook avoided pointing blame OR credit?

Not big, but still 9 up days shows a lot of stability.

US Stocks Seen Higher After 9-Day Winning Streak

Why aren't the republicans being thanked for the last 9 days of positive record setting
robust growth.

Ever since the sequester which the republicans were responsible for according to Obama
the market has seen record breaking positive growth.

And yet the republicans don't get any credit for it whatsoever.

Your welcome ...... :D
The stock market often thrives while the majority of people in America are going down the shitter.

Hell that pretty much describes MOST of the 80s and 90s.
If obama had any political capital left, he wouldn't be putting on any of these cosmetic show meetings with republicans that don't mean anything.
I heard he also stopped the planet from warming and the seas from rising.

One year after he was in office the UE rate was still 9.8%, after trillions spent on the stimulus that he promised would keep UE below 7%. Yeah, some achievement there.
Close. 9.7%.
But trillions on stimulus?? Now here, you are, as normal, full of shit. The Stimulus that Obama pushed was $850B, of which over $400B was in tax cuts demanded by repubs.

So, here is the question: Why did you say "Trillions"? Which is an obvious lie. And why should anyone ever want to read your drivel when you lie, me boy??
Those people collecting emergency and extended payments increased by about 136,500 to 1.92 million in the week ended Feb. 23.

Obama has reduced the 650,000 jobless claims Bush left him, to 333,000 last week.

Quite an effort, eh?

I'm glad those republicans let the sequester go through. I bet obama is a bitter little ole man, because our country looks like it's finally coming around. Liberals have stated that obama can't get anything done, because of the republicans. Well it's starting to pay off!
Those people collecting emergency and extended payments increased by about 136,500 to 1.92 million in the week ended Feb. 23.

Obama has reduced the 650,000 jobless claims Bush left him, to 333,000 last week.

Quite an effort, eh?


What effort?? All those shovel ready jobs? All those ones off the unemployment books? All those ones that are in long term unemployment?? All the ones that stopped looking? All those tax friendly policies that help stimulate the economy to help the private sector create more jobs??

Nope... trolling troll is still trolly

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