246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

It hasn't returned to pre 2007 levels. It's been inflated with the Fed's creation of less valuable dollars via QE^Infinity. Your portfolio in 2007 had more purchasing power.

Not any more inflation than we have always had. In fact, economists agree that, with mortgage rates below 4%, inflation has been virtually non existent for the last 5 years. IN fact, I own a house that I could not even think about buying in 2007!

Me too. In 2010, I bought a foreclosure for 30% of what it sold for in 2006. It is now "worth" about 25% more than I paid.
Because all the "money" is being stuffed back into securities, you nincompoop.


Okay..you economic genius you...

Do tell us how this is a bad thing..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ED4dQvzPqY]Looney Tunes- Bugs Bunny and Marvin the Martian: "Hare Way to the Stars" - YouTube[/ame]

hey laughing boy, what if Soros, buffett, and shifty Paulsen are dumping US stocks.

Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why

just a matter of time before a correction turns into a crash.


You have any idea where I spent the last 15 years?

Here's a hint..on wallstreet.

I use to work for the NYSE for 13.5 years..and now am working for a another big financial firm.

Go on.

Feel free.

School me on the market.

Obama couldn't have done it without the expertise of Hannity and Laura Ingraham

Let me thank them for the President!

The Socialist policies of the worst President in history are going to crash our economy

Just wait....you will see

It is all an illusion
DOW and S&P500 at all time highs.

Not bad.


Not bad for having a Socialist President

No, it is bad. Government shouldn't be in the 'business' of maximizing corporate profits. It shouldn't be granting favors to any special interest groups, least of all the "one percent". It seems like liberals would get that, instead of pitching warmed-over 'trickle down'.

Okay..you economic genius you...

Do tell us how this is a bad thing..

Looney Tunes- Bugs Bunny and Marvin the Martian: "Hare Way to the Stars" - YouTube

hey laughing boy, what if Soros, buffett, and shifty Paulsen are dumping US stocks.

Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why

just a matter of time before a correction turns into a crash.


You have any idea where I spent the last 15 years?

Here's a hint..on wallstreet.

I use to work for the NYSE for 13.5 years..and now am working for a another big financial firm.

Go on.

Feel free.

School me on the market.


I also have a BBA in business management as well as being a ChFC....Chartered Financial Consultant......., but you don't get any points for eduucation and experience on this board. I learned that years ago. Fortunately, I know where to put my money, and when to do it, so I manage to get by without having to work, anymore. I saw the crash coming when the DOW crossed 13,500 about 7 years ago, and pulled out of the market. I had a VERY wise boss who specificly warned me that, because Reagan took away credit card interest as a tax deduction, people had been refinacing their houses when they borrowed money, instead, which is tax deductible interest. He told me all about the coming burst of the housing bubble, due to easy credit and an overheated real estate market, with people flipping houses. When he pullled out, I followed him, and he was right on the money. I got back in the market when I saw that Obama was going to win in 2008, and invested heavily in a health insurance mutual fund. Obama won, he got ACA passed, the health insurance industry took off like a rocket, and now my inner Republican is swelling with greed! There are moments that I think that Obama is the best republican president in the last 75 years!
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The President is closing in on 7 million new jobs created since he was inaugurated into Bush's hell hole.


Ahead of the U.S. government's employment numbers on Friday, investors will eye Automatic Data Processing (ADP)'s monthly report on private sector employment on Wednesday. Economists polled by Thomson Reuters forecast the ADP report, out at 8:15 a.m. New York time, will show 169,000 jobs were created in February, a modest fall on January's 192,000 new jobs.

US Shares Seen Higher on Global Rally

The DOW is doing great so the economy is great ergo Obama is great.
And then after reciting that three times the happy little Libs close their eyes and drift off to sleep.
Secure in the knowledge that all is well in Obama Land.... :eusa_pray:
Projection -It will take a giant shit soon- Pump and Dump, with the cigar chewing cons laughing all the way to the bank.:eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Republicans can now shift their prayers to asking god that a 15,000 DOW is not their continuing worst nightmare!

A lot of this investment has nothing to do with America. Much of this investment is in foreign corporations.

Do you lie or are you really as ignorant as this (and many other of your posts) post suggests?

The D-J 30:


American Express


Bank of America



Chevron Corporation

Cisco Systems




as Standard Oil of New Jersey

General Electric



The Home Depot




Johnson & Johnson

JPMorgan Chase






Procter & Gamble



UnitedHealth Group

United Technologies Corporation



Walt Disney

Never trust and always verify anything posted by those on the far right. The common links among all members of the echo chamber and RWers is dishonesty and ignorance.
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Very true, Rove says the DOW is skewed toward corporations favorable to Democrats.

And he knows ....

Very true, Rove says the DOW is skewed toward corporations favorable to Democrats.

And he knows ....


The DOW is skewed toward corporations that profit from manipulating government policy. As long as there is a sense that the sitting administration will "play ball", they're happy.

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