246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

A lot of this investment has nothing to do with America. Much of this investment is in foreign corporations.

Yes....that is called free market capitalism, isn't it?

I didn't know you were against Americans making money.

Did I say I was against foreign investment? You could cite that and remind me. Every dollar flowing out of the country is a good thing. Millionaires should become billionaires if the result is breaking the back of the obamaeconomy.
Jealousy is a sad, sad thing. Maybe you should try working for your money, instead of having others provide for you. They're the "job creators". Talk to us when you have some to offer.
I'd say "you can't be this stupid" if I didn't already know that you are.

News flash: The Fed has been pumping $40 BILLION per month into the securities markets for several months now...Fed Undertakes QE3 With $40 Billion Monthly MBS Purchases - Bloomberg

It would only be news if the securities bubble didn't continue being pumped up.

You are looking at the amount, but not the velocity.

All of the economic leading indicators are trending positive. This cannot be ignored.

The Fed is out of bullets. QE3 is having virtually zero impact, and everyone knows it. QE3 does not explain, and is not behind, the positive trends in the leading indicators.

QE3 had about half a day of positive impact on the equities markets. At best.

These things are common knowledge.

There is a bond bubble, though. A ginormous one. It is going to suck when it pops.

And everyone is wondering how the Fed is going to sell off all those bonds it is buying when the time comes to start soaking up all that liquidity it injected.
$40 BIL a month being pumped into securities is having zero effect?

I'd say "you can't be this stupid" if I didn't already know that you are.

News flash: The Fed has been pumping $40 BILLION per month into the securities markets for several months now...Fed Undertakes QE3 With $40 Billion Monthly MBS Purchases - Bloomberg

It would only be news if the securities bubble didn't continue being pumped up.

You are looking at the amount, but not the velocity.

All of the economic leading indicators are trending positive. This cannot be ignored.

The Fed is out of bullets. QE3 is having virtually zero impact, and everyone knows it. QE3 does not explain, and is not behind, the positive trends in the leading indicators.

QE3 had about half a day of positive impact on the equities markets. At best.

These things are common knowledge.

There is a bond bubble, though. A ginormous one. It is going to suck when it pops.

And everyone is wondering how the Fed is going to sell off all those bonds it is buying when the time comes to start soaking up all that liquidity it injected.
$40 BIL a month being pumped into securities is having zero effect?


It's not $40 Billion.

It's $85 Billion.

The Stock Market Ponders Life Without QE - Bloomberg

All it took were several references to “several participants” wondering about the costs of additional quantitative easing to send the Dow Jones Industrial Average down 108 points yesterday.

The participants in question are members of the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee. Minutes of the committee’s Jan. 29-30 meeting were released yesterday.

The discussion of the costs and benefits of the Fed’s $85 billion-a-month bond-buying operation seems to be picking up more votes for the costs outweighing the benefits with each passing meeting. The doves, including Fed chief Ben Bernanke, Fed vice chair Janet Yellen and New York Fed President Bill Dudley, still think the harm to society from a prolonged period of high unemployment justifies the cost.

The hawks are either gaining critical mass or talking louder. (It’s hard to tell which one because the minutes use qualitative terms, such as “several,” “some” or “many” participants.) Among their concerns are the risk of inflation; the possibility of disrupting the normal functioning of the Treasuries and mortgage-backed bond markets with the Fed’s purchases; potential losses on its huge securities portfolio when interest rates start to rise; and the risk of risk-taking, which could pose a threat to financial stability.

Of course, risk-taking is exactly what the Fed has been encouraging the public to do. As I wrote in a column last week, Bernanke explains the transmission of monetary policy as working through the public’s purchase of riskier assets once the Fed has cut the overnight rate to zero and depressed the yield on long- term Treasuries through outright purchases.

It seems to be working. “Investor appetite for risk had increased,” the minutes note.

Some analysts said the minutes reflected a sea change in Fed thinking. I view them as a slight adjustment to the tiller. For forward-looking markets, the suggestion that the Fed might, as the minutes put it, “vary the pace of asset purchases, either in response to changes in the economic outlook or as its evaluation of the efficacy and costs of such purchase evolved,” may have been enough to warrant caution.

Market participants forget that the Fed is neither omniscient nor a very good forecaster. What it is is the sole proprietor of the printing press. If the hint of cutting back on its hours of operation is enough to frighten the stock market, then the Fed really has to be concerned by what it hath wrought.
As Obama dragged the DOW out of the Bush wreckage there were those Cons who kept saying "when it gets to 14,000 call me".



"The number you are calling has been disconnected"

Housing is hot in the southwest, San Francisco and DC area.

Interest rates are low and interested people abound.

Banks are competing for lenders by cutting fees.

Mortgage brokers are pushing banks aside.

Stocks are soaring to new heights.

What could go wrong?
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Billionaires have started quietly dumping stock in American companies.

It is a reminder that just prior to the 1929 crash men like Joe Kennedy quietly dumped stock and didn't suffer. Kennedy once said that he was tipped that a crash was imminent when he heard shoshine boys talking about putting their savings in the stock market. He knew that it was going to break. He was right.

Experts say that the correction might be as much as 90%.
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Dow hitting a new high is great news for the country..

Why aren't conservatives celebrating?
Billionaires have started quietly dumping stock in American companies.

It is a reminder that just prior to the 1929 crash men like Joe Kennedy quietly dumped stock and didn't suffer. Kennedy once said that he was tipped that a crash was imminent when he heard shoshine boys talking about putting their savings in the stock market. He knew that it was going to break. He was right.

Experts say that the correction might be as much as 90%.


I'm not selling yet - for quite a while in fact.

There's a lot more air left in this baloon, thanks to President Obama

I'll sell in 2016 if it looks like a Republican may win!

As Obama dragged the DOW out of the Bush wreckage there were those Cons who kept saying "when it gets to 14,000 call me".



"The number you are calling has been disconnected"

Too too funny ....


From your left wing propaganda machine MSNBC show Hardball the general consensus
was that China made a big move today and that fueled today's DJIA rise...

Nice, trying to get Obama credit but we are smarter then that.
As Obama dragged the DOW out of the Bush wreckage there were those Cons who kept saying "when it gets to 14,000 call me".



"The number you are calling has been disconnected"

Too too funny ....


From your left wing propaganda machine MSNBC show Hardball the general consensus
was that China made a big move today and that fueled today's DJIA rise...

Nice, trying to get Obama credit but we are smarter then that.

What fueled the last 5 years?
As Obama dragged the DOW out of the Bush wreckage there were those Cons who kept saying "when it gets to 14,000 call me".



"The number you are calling has been disconnected"

Too too funny ....


From your left wing propaganda machine MSNBC show Hardball the general consensus
was that China made a big move today and that fueled today's DJIA rise...

Nice, trying to get Obama credit but we are smarter then that.

Market more than doubled since the end of the recession. You going to give all the credit to China?

What happened to all those dour predictions of the Obama presidency?
You guys aren't trying to tell us here that our economy is in good shape because the Dow is up?
And Obama is the reason why!
As Obama dragged the DOW out of the Bush wreckage there were those Cons who kept saying "when it gets to 14,000 call me".



"The number you are calling has been disconnected"

Too too funny ....


From your left wing propaganda machine MSNBC show Hardball the general consensus
was that China made a big move today and that fueled today's DJIA rise...

Nice, trying to get Obama credit but we are smarter then that.

What fueled the last 5 years?


Bernacke has been propping up the market for a while now...

Well, seeing as my retirement portfolio has returned to pre 2007 levels, whatever works, works for me!

It hasn't returned to pre 2007 levels. It's been inflated with the Fed's creation of less valuable dollars via QE^Infinity. Your portfolio in 2007 had more purchasing power.
I am beginning to suspect that there are some people on this board who did not take advantage of the 2008 stock prices, with the result that they are decidedly unhappy today!!!
We're drowning in a sea of debt and bad government. But at least the emperor has nice new clothes to wear.
It hasn't returned to pre 2007 levels. It's been inflated with the Fed's creation of less valuable dollars via QE^Infinity. Your portfolio in 2007 had more purchasing power.

Not any more inflation than we have always had. In fact, economists agree that, with mortgage rates below 4%, inflation has been virtually non existent for the last 5 years. IN fact, I own a house that I could not even think about buying in 2007!
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