246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

ADP is never right and consistently overshoots the mark. Obviously, you haven't been keeping up the past few years.
As the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to a record high on Tuesday, one analyst has labeled the average the "new safe haven."

Is the Dow the New Safe Haven?


Take a look at this crazy shit:


Because of the ZIRP policies of central banks, investors are chasing yields where angels fear to tread.

This is insane.
"...Gregg Gibbs, senior foreign-exchange strategist at global investment bank RBS, said the resilience of the Wall Street index in contrast to other asset classes makes it a fresh safe haven for investors.

Is the Dow the New Safe Haven?

Half of us are right half the time!

ADP counts private sector only, BLS includes Government jobs, which have been sharply negative lately, to the delight of tea party knownothings.

In any event:

"The latest reading serves to underscore what businesses have been telling us recently in that they have been caught off guard by rising demand, that inventories were kept lean and in response they have been keen to add incremental labor," said Andrew Wilkinson, chief economist strategist at Miller Tabak. "The labor market recovery is accelerating with rising demand creating fresh opportunities well beyond the financial crisis."

Private Jobs Continue to Show Signs of Growth

Yes put all of your money and wealth into the Stock Market because is controlled by US Gov't SEC. Bankers cannot possibly get to it there!
If you have a lot of cash, you have to park it somewhere. Preferably somewhere that will make it go to work for you.

US equities and bonds are the best of a bad lot. For now.

To make matters worse, the central banks are keeping interest rates near zero. And so in their quest for yields, investors are putting their money in junk, because not even junk is offering much in the way of returns, but it beats zero. This is why I posted the BAML index. The returns on junk are just crazy stupid low. But that is what people are doing in their chase for yield.

This has resulted in a massive bond bubble. And much of that bond bubble is junk bonds.

You can only stay near zero for so long. The price of bonds can only go so high. There is a ceiling. Unless things get truly batshit insane and we start seeing negative yields.

It could happen. If we go into a global depression, maybe.

We are observing a race between recovery and disaster. If things recover, we will see a gradual deflation of the bubble. If things do not recover soon, watch out!
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You really should not start topics that reflect good things for the economy. It upsets some people. They hate seeing bright spots in the economy. It means they will have to find a way to not give credit to Obama while not appearing to be hypocritical for blaming Obama for every single bad thing that happens on the planet. They just don't have the brain voltage to pull that off.

So an improving economy is a bad thing!

9 out of 10 the leading economic indicators are trending up, with one flat. Some of the indicators have been trending upward for a while.

And I would not be surprised if Friday's BLS employment report exceeds expectations.

This is an unmitigated disaster! :evil:
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You really should not start topics that reflect good things for the economy. It upsets some people. They hate seeing bright spots in the economy. It means they will have to find a way to not give credit to Obama while not appearing to be hypocritical for blaming Obama for every single bad thing that happens on the planet. They just don't have the brain voltage to pull that off.

So an improving economy is a bad thing!

9 out of 10 the leading economic indicators are trending up, with one flat. Some of the indicators have been trending upward for a while.

And I would not be surprised if Friday's BLS employment report exceeds expectations.

This is an unmitigated disaster! :evil:

200,000 is not good news.
Just because something is not bad news, doesn;t mean it is good news.
The economy is improving...at an incredibly slow..slow...sloooow rate. That is not good.
The economy grew .1% by last figure...let's have a party.
Economic Indicators Dashboard - Helping Advisors

According to Russell, a private sector firm, through 1/31/13 ...

"Market indicators — Corporate debt, market volatility, and interest rate metrics remain inside typical ranges. Month–end market volatility was the lowest it's been since before the financial crisis. U.S. equity markets were positive in January with the Russell 3000® Index posting a return of 5.49% for the month. Economic indicators — These backward–looking indicators are all within typical ranges. The economy grew at a rate of –0.1% for the 4th quarter."

This is a good time for people seeking to reduce financial risks to move out of the market and into T-bills or to buy DISTRESSED real estate for cash. Only an idiot would buy still-inflated and bubbly properties with leveraged monies (aka, on credit). I personally don't like bonds either and just moved a significant amount of personal funds into a range of T-bills. Once your securities are converted to cash its pretty easy to do without paying middle men...


For readers who believe they know something major investors don't: You don't.

There is a reason banks have held onto cash for the last four years or so. The reason is neither Junebug nor Obama cleaned up anything. Well above 90% of the risks that broke the bank in 2008 are still out there waiting for suckers.
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You really should not start topics that reflect good things for the economy. It upsets some people. They hate seeing bright spots in the economy. It means they will have to find a way to not give credit to Obama while not appearing to be hypocritical for blaming Obama for every single bad thing that happens on the planet. They just don't have the brain voltage to pull that off.

So an improving economy is a bad thing!

9 out of 10 the leading economic indicators are trending up, with one flat. Some of the indicators have been trending upward for a while.

And I would not be surprised if Friday's BLS employment report exceeds expectations.

This is an unmitigated disaster! :evil:

200,000 is not good news.
Just because something is not bad news, doesn;t mean it is good news.
The economy is improving...at an incredibly slow..slow...sloooow rate. That is not good.
The economy grew .1% by last figure...let's have a party.

200,000 new jobs is unequivocal good news.

Every leading indicator is trending positive, except one which is flat. That is also unequivocal good news.

Sorry things are looking up. I know how much that must suck.
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The Seattle Times: Nation & World: GOP senators rip slow pace of efforts to rebuild Iraq

GOP senators rip slow pace of efforts to rebuild Iraq

WASHINGTON — Senators ... accused the Bush administration yesterday of incompetence in its efforts to rebuild Iraq and said the United States could lose the war unless it improves security and gets more money into the Iraqi economy.

Among those harshly criticizing the White House at a hearing were the two top Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

(Dated Material 2010) -

GOP senators rip slow pace of efforts to rebuild Iraq -

I'll bet the Tea Party Republicans will "still" be checking first how our money is being spent in Iraqi before worrying about unemployment in the USA.
I'll hazard a theory.

Now that ObamaCare is causing low wage employees' hours to be cut below the 30 hour level, a bunch of low wage part time jobs are being created.

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