25% of American Jewish Voters think Israel is an Apartheid State

So they have some quislings... big deal.

How about letting ALL the Arabs vote? Oh, no, then they'd vote Israel out of existence. I'd be in mourning for at least 2 minutes.

Israel can't be voted out of existence,
but can be voted into Parliamentary Monarchy.

A King allows the conditions to handle and sort,
the most radically contrasting variety of ideologies.
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Translation; So the Jewish State doesn’t have the Right to Exist yet there should be a Palestinian State? Thats’s Apartheid

Translation - The Palestinians should control their land and the European Squatters need to go back to Europe where they came from.
Who asked about the people
displaced by Arab imperialism?

History of Islamic Colonial slavery:
28 million Africans enslaved | D
eath toll as high as 112 million

The Arabs had few slaves. They had no huge plantations and couldn't feed them. Further freeing slaves made Allah smile. In Islam if a slave woman gives birthday to the master's child that child has rights to the father's support. This is basically a hit piece. Look at prince Bandar. Some sons of slaves have been high honors . I'll remember the name of the slave who fought with ibn Saud. He was freed and became an Emir in the Eastern province. You are so devoted to trashing Arabs and Muslims. Is this your antisemitism or some justification for zionism?
The Arabs had few slaves.

28 million slaves in Africa alone,
is what Arab supremacists call "few slaves"?????

An excellent argument for exclusive Arab domination over the entire Middle East...
28 million slaves in Africa alone,

is what Arab supremcaists call "few slaves"?????
Not many Muslims in West Africa. Somalis we're more likely to be slaves in Arabia, but they kept the money they earned. They were all freed in 1952 when Ibn Saud died.. with a 10 year window if they chose to stay and build a nest egg. Saudi Arabia had a total population of less than 4 million people.
Because apologetics for Arab enslavement of Africa,
and demands everyone submit to Arab domination
go hand in hand with decency...
More lies and hatred? The Middle East and Africa didn't support large populations. Neither did Israel.
Not many Muslims in West Africa. Somalis we're more likely to be slaves in Arabia, but they kept the money they earned. They were all freed in 1952 when Ibn Saud died.. with a 10 year window if they chose to stay and build a nest egg. Saudi Arabia had a total population of less than 4 million people.
How much is "not many",
when according to Arab supremacists
28 million Africans are only a "few slaves"...

“While most slaves who went to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated, and most of the children born to the women
were killed at birth.

How much is "not many",
when according to Arab supremacists
28 million Africans are only a "few slaves"...

“While most slaves who went to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated, and most of the children born to the women
were killed at birth.

Where did this 28 million go? Africa and the Middle East had small populations. Look at the population of all of Palestine and the Levant.
Where did this 28 million go? Africa and the Middle East had small populations. Look at the population of all of Palestine and the Levant.

Arab imperialists use African slaves
for sexual pleasure, trade, and war fodder...

Arab imperialists use African slaves
for sexual pleasure, trade, and war fodder...

Bull. All of Palestine had a population of less than 600,000 people a hundred years ago. Saudi Arabia had a population of less than 4 million less than 70 years ago.
Translation - The Palestinians should control their land and the European Squatters need to go back to Europe where they came from.
Translation; Israel 🇮🇱 doesn’t have the Right to Exist. Hold your breath. That will never happen
The Zionist Entity is an illegal Apartheid State. It will go the way of South Africa.
Another lie
In South Africa ‘s Apartheid Country
No marriage between Black and White
No sexual Relations between Black and White
No business in White areas
No blacks on Beaches, schools, hospitals, restaurants, restrooms, etc
That’s just a start
You say you don’t believe in Apartheid? Please tell us why the PLO’s formal position is No Israelis allowed if there were a Two State Solution or why they formally made a statement Jews were not entitled to have access to the Western Wall 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Another lie
In South Africa ‘s Apartheid Country
No marriage between Black and White
No sexual Relations between Black and White
No business in White areas
No blacks on Beaches, schools, hospitals, restaurants, restrooms, etc
That’s just a start

And the Zionist Entity puts up walls to keep the Arabs in their place... So, um, yeah.

And the Zionist Entity puts up walls to keep the Arabs in their place... So, um, yeah.

Maybe the “ Zionist Entity “ put up Walls so they won’t be murdered or “ Honor Killed” by Hamas or other groups. Notice you have nothing to say about Forbidding Israelis to live in “ Palestine” or not being allowed to pray at their most religious sites? Another ignorant Bigoted Moron

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