25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President

I don't think if you quit that get unemployment

jobs need to be cut in most offices

waste needs to be cut

The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.
I don't think if you quit that get unemployment

jobs need to be cut in most offices

waste needs to be cut

I think the only fair and sensible way to reduce the government would to be to do a hiring freeze, offer voluntary early retirement packages and re-assign people from any government entity going into closure to a healthy one that is expected to last.
There is at least a 10% overage in every Federal department. It would be awesome if 10% left voluntarily but I doubt that even 1% would leave. If they had the game to compete in the private sector, they wouldn't be there in the first place.
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.
Blaming employees....anti worker sentiment runs rampant.

Well only a fool assumes that workers are automatically perfect beings. If the employee is to blame, then it is to blame.

Are you trying to tell me you have never once, in your entire life, had to deal with a bad employee where you worked, or at a business you visited?

Then you are a liar.
Talk about millions of people out of work. Of course, loserterianism always means a piss poor economy as 40 years of mild loserterianism has brought us to the cluster fuck we have now.

But they can take all the money they are saving on less federal employees and spend it on education, science, and infrastructure.

.......and they can do shovel ready jobs
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.
When you compare government bureaucracy to private business in operation styles and methods, you are really comparing apples to oranges. They h ave entirely different goals and means to them that prevents rational comparison.
I actually think this is a wonderful thing, but I will still never vote for Trump for president.

One in four federal workers would consider leaving their jobs if Trump were elected president, according to a new survey conducted by the Government Business Council, Government Executive Media Group’s research arm. About 14 percent of respondents said they would definitely consider leaving federal service under President Trump, while an additional 11 percent said they might. The findings indicate those leaving government would come from agencies' top ranks, as a majority of respondents were in General Schedule positions GS-13 and higher.

25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President

That means less background checks and less IRS audits. Another reason to vote for trump
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.
When you compare government bureaucracy to private business in operation styles and methods, you are really comparing apples to oranges. They h ave entirely different goals and means to them that prevents rational comparison.

So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.
So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

None of the government agencies I have worked with were so inefficient or low in morale. They were all on the ball and focused on doing their jobs. Intra-office politics saw to that if not government discipline.

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

No, actually I do not.

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.
There are things that the government does best, for example to use UPS and FedEx, there are places that FedEx doesnt serve but USPS and the Post office do. The government serves everyone regardless of profitability.

Two different creatures that serve entirely different goals and methods, but neither of which are unneeded.
So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

None of the government agencies I have worked with were so inefficient or low in morale. They were all on the ball and focused on doing their jobs. Intra-office politics saw to that if not government discipline.

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

No, actually I do not.

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.
There are things that the government does best, for example to use UPS and FedEx, there are places that FedEx doesnt serve but USPS and the Post office do. The government serves everyone regardless of profitability.

Two different creatures that serve entirely different goals and methods, but neither of which are unneeded.

Oh crap dude... I'm sure if I could ignore my customers and get paid a Union wage, for standing around doing nothing... I'd have one heck of a good morale about it. If I could do that at the auto parts store, I'd have sky high morale too.

I have no idea what government agency you have dealt with, but I haven't dealt with a single government agency yet, that wasn't exactly the same. Not once.

That's my point.... they 'serve' everyone regardless of if it's economic suicide or not. When you say "they serve regardless of profitability" what you are in fact saying is, they screw me the tax payer over, whether it's logical or intelligent or not.

Great.... Pretty easy to "serve" people when I'm the one paying the taxes for it. Pretty easy to "serve" the crap out of the tax payers, isn't it. Just topped $19 Trillion in national debt. They are serving the CRAP out of us.

Thanks, but that makes my whole point. Let's lay off these people, cut these "services", and stop serving us to hell.
Government employees would give up employment security that prevents them from being fired. Give up the outsized salary and benefits. Good.
State and local government workers have traditionally been underperformers who could not get a job in the private sector. With "affirmative action/quotas" they are incredibly inefficient, overpaid, with benefits and pensions that bankrupt cities. Federal workers such as at the IRS are generally incompetent.
I actually think this is a wonderful thing, but I will still never vote for Trump for president.

One in four federal workers would consider leaving their jobs if Trump were elected president, according to a new survey conducted by the Government Business Council, Government Executive Media Group’s research arm. About 14 percent of respondents said they would definitely consider leaving federal service under President Trump, while an additional 11 percent said they might. The findings indicate those leaving government would come from agencies' top ranks, as a majority of respondents were in General Schedule positions GS-13 and higher.

25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President

Sounds like they are worried someone on the outside figures out they don't do a God damn thing.

I agree. Most Fed Employees aren't worth the power to blow em to hell.

That 25% wouldn't make a dent in the number of over payed and useless Fed employees but it would be a start.

Couldn't happen to a better bunch of useless assholes.
So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

None of the government agencies I have worked with were so inefficient or low in morale. They were all on the ball and focused on doing their jobs. Intra-office politics saw to that if not government discipline.

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

No, actually I do not.

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.
There are things that the government does best, for example to use UPS and FedEx, there are places that FedEx doesnt serve but USPS and the Post office do. The government serves everyone regardless of profitability.

Two different creatures that serve entirely different goals and methods, but neither of which are unneeded.

None of the government agencies I have worked with were so inefficient or low in morale. They were all on the ball and focused on doing their jobs. Intra-office politics saw to that if not government discipline.

Right now I'm trying to get a plan under Commie Care. I purchased health insurance only to find out they don't cover preexisting conditions like DumBama lied to us about. Let me explain how on the ball and focused they are.

For starters, trying to find somebody that speaks fluent English is the first challenge. Almost impossible when you call Commie Care because every one of their employees are a minority. You might be able to make out what they are saying in person, but not on a cell phone.

Because you can't understand what they are saying, they can't understand what you are saying either, so to explain a simple matter, it takes you ten minutes because you have to keep repeating yourself and trying to confirm they understand you.

When that's finally accomplished, they transfer you to another person, and you start all over again. When they get what you're saying, they tell you that you have the wrong department and somebody will call you back which they've never done in the last three times I've talked to them.
It's all BS,they won't give up their cushy government jobs anymore than these idiots running around screaming they will leave the USA if Trump wins will actually leave.

Just like all those idiots who say they'll move to Canada every election cycle

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