25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President

I actually think this is a wonderful thing, but I will still never vote for Trump for president.

One in four federal workers would consider leaving their jobs if Trump were elected president, according to a new survey conducted by the Government Business Council, Government Executive Media Group’s research arm. About 14 percent of respondents said they would definitely consider leaving federal service under President Trump, while an additional 11 percent said they might. The findings indicate those leaving government would come from agencies' top ranks, as a majority of respondents were in General Schedule positions GS-13 and higher.

25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President

Sounds like they are worried someone on the outside figures out they don't do a God damn thing.

It has been figured out a very long time ago, but no one has yet figured out how to purge them from their job, but maybe Trump is the cure?

I will not vote for the guy but if he does win it will not change my life one way or the other...
It will if you ever have to go to any government vehicle license department or post office after President Trump kicks out the deadwood.
I actually think this is a wonderful thing, but I will still never vote for Trump for president.

One in four federal workers would consider leaving their jobs if Trump were elected president, according to a new survey conducted by the Government Business Council, Government Executive Media Group’s research arm. About 14 percent of respondents said they would definitely consider leaving federal service under President Trump, while an additional 11 percent said they might. The findings indicate those leaving government would come from agencies' top ranks, as a majority of respondents were in General Schedule positions GS-13 and higher.

25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President
the key word is consider.......no one would leave a federal job after putting in 20 years just because a guy they dont like was elected......i heard the same shit when reagan,and both bush's were elected....talk is cheap.....
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.

The post office is theoretically a private concern. I don't think they are representative of most federal functions. The USPS is the most competent and effective of federal functions.

Now there's a scary thought.
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work..

those 2 guys could not work a window even if they wanted to andy, not even a supervisor could....you have to be vetted and bonded by the postal inspection service to touch money or stamps....only the window clerks are allowed and there are only so many of them in each city....but i do agree about what you are saying about the lines....
I actually think this is a wonderful thing, but I will still never vote for Trump for president.

One in four federal workers would consider leaving their jobs if Trump were elected president, according to a new survey conducted by the Government Business Council, Government Executive Media Group’s research arm. About 14 percent of respondents said they would definitely consider leaving federal service under President Trump, while an additional 11 percent said they might. The findings indicate those leaving government would come from agencies' top ranks, as a majority of respondents were in General Schedule positions GS-13 and higher.

25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President

Sounds good to me.
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.
When you compare government bureaucracy to private business in operation styles and methods, you are really comparing apples to oranges. They h ave entirely different goals and means to them that prevents rational comparison.

So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.
Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx..
not true....USPS deals with much more than just overnight packages.....the clerks have to deal with money orders,passports,certified and registered stuff,insured mail certification's,mail on hold pick ups,mail deliveries being suspended by dog attacks,by the inspection service or another agency and more stuff than i can remember...you have to see a window clerk for any of that stuff they just dont sell stamps.....but once again i agree with the complaint about the lines.....
the difference being my stuff shows up on time
many hate Fed-X and UPS just as much as the PO......
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work..

those 2 guys could not work a window even if they wanted to andy, not even a supervisor could....you have to be vetted and bonded by the postal inspection service to touch money or stamps....only the window clerks are allowed and there are only so many of them in each city....but i do agree about what you are saying about the lines....

Reminds me of what happened when I went to the PO a couple of years ago before Commie Care started. There we were, sitting there like we were at a bus stop or something when the black woman behind me said "I can't believe they are making us wait in line and only have two clerks working the counter." I turned around and said "Yes, and these are the same people that want to run our healthcare."

She gave me such a dirty look. :dev2::dev2:
I wish he'd get elected just to see that happen. Maybe even a few of the left on here would go too. :2up:
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.
When you compare government bureaucracy to private business in operation styles and methods, you are really comparing apples to oranges. They h ave entirely different goals and means to them that prevents rational comparison.

So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.

Agreed. Last week I sent a dirty letter to the post office about their incompetent workers. I don't think delivering mail is that hard. Just match the name on the envelope to the name on the mailbox. They don't have anybody that can do that on a regular basis. Me and my tenants have to meet to exchange mail and sometimes we have to go several doors down to give those people their mail.

Do you think the PO did anything about the situation? Hell no. They didn't even respond to my e-mail. My neighbors and tenants had the same experience when they called our local post office and Post Master General.

Nobody cares. Why should they? Where else are you going to go? They have a monopoly and it's not legal for any private industry to deliver first class mail. It HAS to go through the post office.

The thing is, if the PO was under competition for business, they would have to fire their illiterate workers who can't do the job or lose their customers to a real business.
I don't think delivering mail is that hard. Just match the name on the envelope to the name on the mailbox.
famous last words ray.....we used to get a kick out of the new hires who thought just that,when the regulars are leaving for the street and the new people are still putting their route together,a little panic sets in.....and then when they get out there and realize that matching names dont work when there are no names to match and no visible addresses or apt no's or you realize you have been delivering the wrong mail on the wrong street,many came back and quit at that point....when it gets dark and you still have am hour and a half left to deliver and you cant see shit and people getting home from work let the dogs out to take a piss,nothing like a dog coming at you to really get your panic button going....and then after you call in crying about how much you have left to do and they have to send out a couple of regulars to bail you out....yea i remember those days and im sure you would too ray......it aint as easy as so many think it is when you are new and have to do a different route daily....when you get your own route it gets easy...
They don't have anybody that can do that on a regular basis. Me and my tenants have to meet to exchange mail and sometimes we have to go several doors down to give those people their mail.
thats because you dont have a regular carrier because they probably dont have enough carriers because of their budget cuts .....smaller routes had no regulars,every office had 1or 2 of them,the new people did those and they have no idea who lives anywhere like a regular would...and if you do have regular and he is that bad,well we had a few of then too.....many of your complaints are very valid though..........
Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx..
not true....USPS deals with much more than just overnight packages.....the clerks have to deal with money orders,passports,certified and registered stuff,insured mail certification's,mail on hold pick ups,mail deliveries being suspended by dog attacks,by the inspection service or another agency and more stuff than i can remember...you have to see a window clerk for any of that stuff they just dont sell stamps.....but once again i agree with the complaint about the lines.....
the difference being my stuff shows up on time
many hate Fed-X and UPS just as much as the PO......

I don't hate any of them.

Still, FedEx is vastly more competent and reliable than USPS, and even UPS is slightly better.

If the restriction on first class mail were lifted, the USPS would be out of business in a year, and FedEX would provide vastly better service at a lower cost.

The union that ensures two guys standing around can't work a window doesn't hold FedEx hostage.
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.
When you compare government bureaucracy to private business in operation styles and methods, you are really comparing apples to oranges. They h ave entirely different goals and means to them that prevents rational comparison.

So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.

Agreed. Last week I sent a dirty letter to the post office about their incompetent workers. I don't think delivering mail is that hard. Just match the name on the envelope to the name on the mailbox. They don't have anybody that can do that on a regular basis. Me and my tenants have to meet to exchange mail and sometimes we have to go several doors down to give those people their mail.

Do you think the PO did anything about the situation? Hell no. They didn't even respond to my e-mail. My neighbors and tenants had the same experience when they called our local post office and Post Master General.

Nobody cares. Why should they? Where else are you going to go? They have a monopoly and it's not legal for any private industry to deliver first class mail. It HAS to go through the post office.

The thing is, if the PO was under competition for business, they would have to fire their illiterate workers who can't do the job or lose their customers to a real business.

We have a few mail delivery issues out here too, but nothing like that, and I am on a semi-rural route. You should write tot he Inspector Generals office with your information as they are the ones set up to oversea this type of thing.

You might also try being civil in the letter too so people dont think you are just some lying jack ass.
no the inspectors only deal in crimes....you have to talk to the carrier supervisor,if no luck there the station manager,then the PM of your city,the district manger after that,it usually stops before getting this high up,but if need be go right up to your congress person and mention names and dates...they usually do a nice dance after one of them gets in contact with the district manager.......
So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

None of the government agencies I have worked with were so inefficient or low in morale. They were all on the ball and focused on doing their jobs. Intra-office politics saw to that if not government discipline.

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

No, actually I do not.

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.
There are things that the government does best, for example to use UPS and FedEx, there are places that FedEx doesnt serve but USPS and the Post office do. The government serves everyone regardless of profitability.

Two different creatures that serve entirely different goals and methods, but neither of which are unneeded.

None of the government agencies I have worked with were so inefficient or low in morale. They were all on the ball and focused on doing their jobs. Intra-office politics saw to that if not government discipline.

Right now I'm trying to get a plan under Commie Care. I purchased health insurance only to find out they don't cover preexisting conditions like DumBama lied to us about. Let me explain how on the ball and focused they are.

For starters, trying to find somebody that speaks fluent English is the first challenge. Almost impossible when you call Commie Care because every one of their employees are a minority. You might be able to make out what they are saying in person, but not on a cell phone.

Because you can't understand what they are saying, they can't understand what you are saying either, so to explain a simple matter, it takes you ten minutes because you have to keep repeating yourself and trying to confirm they understand you.

When that's finally accomplished, they transfer you to another person, and you start all over again. When they get what you're saying, they tell you that you have the wrong department and somebody will call you back which they've never done in the last three times I've talked to them.

Contact your federal congressman who should be glad to help you.

Frankly I do not believe your allegations. What you have described in regard to your mail delivery and the Obama health insurance is so out of line that I cant help but think that you are simply making it all up.
no i have seen the misdelivery problem he is describing.....not as bad but a few letters every day at the same place....like i said no regular or a bad carrier....
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.
When you compare government bureaucracy to private business in operation styles and methods, you are really comparing apples to oranges. They h ave entirely different goals and means to them that prevents rational comparison.

So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.

Agreed. Last week I sent a dirty letter to the post office about their incompetent workers. I don't think delivering mail is that hard. Just match the name on the envelope to the name on the mailbox. They don't have anybody that can do that on a regular basis. Me and my tenants have to meet to exchange mail and sometimes we have to go several doors down to give those people their mail.

Do you think the PO did anything about the situation? Hell no. They didn't even respond to my e-mail. My neighbors and tenants had the same experience when they called our local post office and Post Master General.

Nobody cares. Why should they? Where else are you going to go? They have a monopoly and it's not legal for any private industry to deliver first class mail. It HAS to go through the post office.

The thing is, if the PO was under competition for business, they would have to fire their illiterate workers who can't do the job or lose their customers to a real business.
I don't think delivering mail is that hard. Just match the name on the envelope to the name on the mailbox.
famous last words ray.....we used to get a kick out of the new hires who thought just that,when the regulars are leaving for the street and the new people are still putting their route together,a little panic sets in.....and then when they get out there and realize that matching names dont work when there are no names to match and no visible addresses or apt no's or you realize you have been delivering the wrong mail on the wrong street,many came back and quit at that point....when it gets dark and you still have am hour and a half left to deliver and you cant see shit and people getting home from work let the dogs out to take a piss,nothing like a dog coming at you to really get your panic button going....and then after you call in crying about how much you have left to do and they have to send out a couple of regulars to bail you out....yea i remember those days and im sure you would too ray......it aint as easy as so many think it is when you are new and have to do a different route daily....when you get your own route it gets easy...
They don't have anybody that can do that on a regular basis. Me and my tenants have to meet to exchange mail and sometimes we have to go several doors down to give those people their mail.
thats because you dont have a regular carrier because they probably dont have enough carriers because of their budget cuts .....smaller routes had no regulars,every office had 1or 2 of them,the new people did those and they have no idea who lives anywhere like a regular would...and if you do have regular and he is that bad,well we had a few of then too.....many of your complaints are very valid though..........

I have friends and family that are mail carriers. That's why every mailbox on my properties are clearly labeled with not only the names in one inch letters, but the address to remind the carrier in case they forgot which address was on the front of the house. They still can't figure it out.

While being a carrier may be a physically demanding job, it doesn't take a genius to match the names on the letters to the names on the mailboxes. If there are no names or addresses, that's one thing. But when you do every possible thing you can to insure you get your mail correctly and it still doesn't happen, it's pure irresponsibility on behalf of the post office.

Once again today, I got my tenants mail and I have to go back there and put it in his box. It's very simple. His address is the same as mine, but it's marked "rear" on all his letters. Now gee, what could rear mean?

So they dump his mail into my box ignoring the house directly behind mine. Do you think they would ever stop and think "Hey! I wonder why I never get any mail to deliver to that house in the back????"
Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.
When you compare government bureaucracy to private business in operation styles and methods, you are really comparing apples to oranges. They h ave entirely different goals and means to them that prevents rational comparison.

So the goal is to waste my entire after-noon, and make everyone miserable, while people do nothing talking about what their going to do after wasting our time collecting their union wages, and going home?

And you want this same system in charge of health care?

Because USPS, does basically the same function as FedEx.... with the difference being my stuff shows up on time, and I'm in and out of the FedEx store in under 10 minutes.

The fact that it's an apples to oranges comparison is kind of MY point. I'm paying that union government employee out of my tax money, to treat me like I don't exist.

You are right... there is no comparison. That's why I want them all laid off, my taxes reduced, and I'll pay people who treat me well, for services I want.

Agreed. Last week I sent a dirty letter to the post office about their incompetent workers. I don't think delivering mail is that hard. Just match the name on the envelope to the name on the mailbox. They don't have anybody that can do that on a regular basis. Me and my tenants have to meet to exchange mail and sometimes we have to go several doors down to give those people their mail.

Do you think the PO did anything about the situation? Hell no. They didn't even respond to my e-mail. My neighbors and tenants had the same experience when they called our local post office and Post Master General.

Nobody cares. Why should they? Where else are you going to go? They have a monopoly and it's not legal for any private industry to deliver first class mail. It HAS to go through the post office.

The thing is, if the PO was under competition for business, they would have to fire their illiterate workers who can't do the job or lose their customers to a real business.

We have a few mail delivery issues out here too, but nothing like that, and I am on a semi-rural route. You should write tot he Inspector Generals office with your information as they are the ones set up to oversea this type of thing.

You might also try being civil in the letter too so people dont think you are just some lying jack ass.

They have no reason to believe that. On the form, they ask if you want to be contacted, I checked yes. They asked for my phone number and I gave it to them. They asked if I would want a meeting to resolve the problem and again, I checked yes. I even gave them my e-mail address.

Haven't heard from them since. Now if I were to lodge a similar complaint to UPS or FedEx, they would be contacting me the next day, I guarantee that.
ray one thing to do would be to talk to whoever is delivering your mail.....that person should be able to help you more than the phone calls.....on my route people talked to me first and they got results....phone calls are useless unless the person at the other end does their job right....talk to the carrier....
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

Diligent in their task of ensuring that the porn be watched!

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Hardly, it is the mindless bureaucracy that is our greatest weakness.
i dont know about the other agencies but you cant get porn on postal computers ....you are being watched....
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.

The post office is theoretically a private concern. I don't think they are representative of most federal functions. The USPS is the most competent and effective of federal functions.
and it would be much better if congress was out of the picture and would let the people who they appoint to run it....run it....
The vast majority of federal workers are competent and faithful public servants.

It is the head of the snake that is taking our nation into a hole it might not ever recover from, not the rank and file federali.

Whether that is true or not, is debatable.

When I walk into the USPS, and need to mail one small letter, and there is 20 people in line, and 5 teller stations, but only 1 teller.... and 2 guys right behind standing there talking about where they are going to eat after work.... and the one person working, is taking a half hour to calculate the weight charge........

Vast majority... of what? 3 out of 3 so far are incompetent.

When I go to the BMV, and so 40 people waiting, and 2 tellers open, and 5 people talking and doing nothing.....

Again..... Not seeing it man.

When I worked at the auto parts store, I was expected to drop everything, and ring out a customer the moment...> THE MOMENT < they walked up to the counter.

And by "drop everything".. I mean EVERYTHING..... If I was eating lunch, I was expected to stop eating... ring out the customers, and then go back to eating.

So when you say they are all angelic employees..... not seeing it.

The post office is theoretically a private concern. I don't think they are representative of most federal functions. The USPS is the most competent and effective of federal functions.

It still wouldn't last 2 months if it had to compete with private companies for the business.
they already do compete.....why did amazon pick the PO over UPS and Fed-X for their billion dollar delivery contract.....all 3 were given trials by amazon.....if the PO is so incompetent why do they deliver a hell of a lot of UPS and Fed-X and DHL parcels for them?.....would you trust this incompetent bunch of useless lackies?...i sure as hell wouldnt, but i know better because i have actually been out on the streets with the other companies doing this job and have seen the reality of delivering mail and parcels just like they have....we used to talk and compare notes quite often....
I actually think this is a wonderful thing, but I will still never vote for Trump for president.

One in four federal workers would consider leaving their jobs if Trump were elected president, according to a new survey conducted by the Government Business Council, Government Executive Media Group’s research arm. About 14 percent of respondents said they would definitely consider leaving federal service under President Trump, while an additional 11 percent said they might. The findings indicate those leaving government would come from agencies' top ranks, as a majority of respondents were in General Schedule positions GS-13 and higher.

25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President

Sounds like they are worried someone on the outside figures out they don't do a God damn thing.
That's right. Thousands of fucking 'AA' negro employees with an average weight of 250 pounds and an average IQ in the low eighties and 80% of them with fucking diabetes because they are too fucking dumb to know eating a diet of salt and sugar and fat is going to make them a drag on the health care system already on it's own life support are going to fucking quit the one and only job they will ever have? Ya fucking right!
What a fucking hilarious joke!
They can run their huge rubber lips but not a single one would quit.
is that you Steve Magarret?....

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