25% of republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump

This is after the melee in Chicago, which demonstrated for the 1000th time that Trump doesn't have the temperament to be President.
The people that lack temperament are the street scum and the uneducated college students that don't yet have the mental capacity to think reasonably. Bernie supporters that just do not have a clue as how the world works and the disaster that is socialism. People that want to silence you because what you're saying is true and compelling. Idiots that think free college and free medical is a good thing ignoring the fact that if something is free that is what it's worth...nothing. Education and medicine are too important to be worth nothing.
Obama said in 08 if they bring a knife you bring a gun...is that presidential temperament? Of course you won't answer that question you will go directly to Bush or Trump talking points. That ain't going to cut it this time around. The left is faltering and on it's death bed and because of our corrupt media you don't even know it yet.

Which, of course, explains Trump's free fall in the polls.

I agree with most of what you said. But Trump's role in all this has been appalling. Rather than acting as a statesman and dialing things down, he's fanning the flames and making things worse.

That you're really, really, really, really, really angry and want to burn the whole thing to the ground doesn't mean the rest of the country does.
This is after the melee in Chicago, which demonstrated for the 1000th time that Trump doesn't have the temperament to be President.
The people that lack temperament are the street scum and the uneducated college students that don't yet have the mental capacity to think reasonably. Bernie supporters that just do not have a clue as how the world works and the disaster that is socialism. People that want to silence you because what you're saying is true and compelling. Idiots that think free college and free medical is a good thing ignoring the fact that if something is free that is what it's worth...nothing. Education and medicine are too important to be worth nothing.
Obama said in 08 if they bring a knife you bring a gun...is that presidential temperament? Of course you won't answer that question you will go directly to Bush or Trump talking points. That ain't going to cut it this time around. The left is faltering and on it's death bed and because of our corrupt media you don't even know it yet.

Which, of course, explains Trump's free fall in the polls.

I agree with most of what you said. But Trump's role in all this has been appalling. Rather than acting as a statesman and dialing things down, he's fanning the flames and making things worse.

That you're really, really, really, really, really angry and want to burn the whole thing to the ground doesn't mean the rest of the country does.

That is it exactly. Most of us want to change the political system, but you can't just accept the first buy that shows up with a flamethrower.

Trump is the wrong guy. Just him saying 'Let's make America great again' means he doesn't think the country is great right now. And only HE can fix it.

He's the wrong one. That's all.
Trump and those who defend him lack temperament and have not acquired the mental capacity to think reasonably.
As for this argument that Trump's numbers are bad because there are still multiple Republicans in the race, you'd think that as more candidates drop out and he gets closer to the nomination that his numbers v Clinton would get stronger. But in fact, they are at the lowest levels since he became the front runner.
Trump is the wrong guy. Just him saying 'Let's make America great again' means he doesn't think the country is great right now. And only HE can fix it
The country is not doing well. The middle class private sector employees have not had a raise in pay in years. We can't seem to win a war...any war. The roads and infrastructure is a mess.
If you travel outside of the US which I do you would have a whole other opinion about the condition of America. Trump is right the airports and roadways are so much better in many countries. The buildings and bridges are new or nearly new. Trump is correct when he says America is not great. Whether he can fix it is still unknown but I know for sure Hillary or the likes of an insider like Bush or Kasick won't get the job done. They are too hamstrung by donors.
"Daily newsbin"? Bin is the right word. When you try to find out about the actual polling data it refers to old junk polls concerning millinniels. Clearly it's recycled garbage from the bin that they feed to low information lefties.
"Daily newsbin"? Bin is the right word. When you try to find out about the actual polling data it refers to old junk polls concerning millinniels. Clearly it's recycled garbage from the bin that they feed to low information lefties.

Its quoting a USA Today poll, which is linked to on this page. Here it is again:

Nearly one in four Republicans would defect to the Democrats if the GOP nominated Trump against Clinton. Just 7% of Democrats would defect to the GOP.

Poll shows that Millennials would flock to Clinton against Trump

And you'll ignore it too. As you judge the credibility of a poll on if it says what you want to believe.

Keep those eyes screwed shut......vote Trump for the GOP primary!
So the millennials are going to vote 80%+ for Clinton and blacks 90%+ for Clinton and browns 80%+ for Clinton and women 50%+ for Clinton = a Trump victory.

The Trumpeteers are not very good at the math.

Its not pure math, its motivation, the dems basically disenfranchised their base with their "superdelagates" therefore the millennials have no interest in who wins. They wanted free college. The blacks are not as motivated as for Obama, they don't like the current track the country is on. Women at 50% is all Trump needs to win. It should be an interesting election year. Whose voters are more motivated?

How were Dem voters disenfranchised?
Please explain. Hillary has a substantial and growing lead in pledged delegates without even counting the supers. They play no role at all. You should try to use your own brain instead of repeating the misinformation you are endlessly fed.
From the USA Today Poll:

The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34.

There are approximately 55 million registered Republicans.
How many registered Republican voters are there in the US

Did the poll question 1,541 registered Republicans or 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34? (Calling anyone of this generation under 21 an adult is a stretch).

Sooooo, yeah. I'd bet the farm on these numbers. Yepper. Hillary gets 25% of the 55 million Republican vote.:cuckoo:
So the millennials are going to vote 80%+ for Clinton and blacks 90%+ for Clinton and browns 80%+ for Clinton and women 50%+ for Clinton = a Trump victory.

The Trumpeteers are not very good at the math.

Its not pure math, its motivation, the dems basically disenfranchised their base with their "superdelagates" therefore the millennials have no interest in who wins. They wanted free college. The blacks are not as motivated as for Obama, they don't like the current track the country is on. Women at 50% is all Trump needs to win. It should be an interesting election year. Whose voters are more motivated?

How were Dem voters disenfranchised?
Please explain. Hillary has a substantial and growing lead in pledged delegates without even counting the supers. They play no role at all. You should try to use your own brain instead of repeating the misinformation you are endlessly fed.

One of the oldest tactics in the book is to accuse your opponent of the shit you're about to perpetrate.

The GOP is desperately trying to have a brokered convention so they can give the nomination to someone with less votes and fewer delegates than Trump.

So of course they're going to accuse the Dems of doing exactly that. And likely justify their actions with their own accusation against democrats.
From the USA Today Poll:

The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34.

There are approximately 55 million registered Republicans.
How many registered Republican voters are there in the US

Did the poll question 1,541 registered Republicans or 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34? (Calling anyone of this generation under 21 an adult is a stretch).

Sooooo, yeah. I'd bet the farm on these numbers. Yepper. Hillary gets 25% of the 55 million Republican vote.:cuckoo:

1500 is a pretty standard polling sample.

But of course, the entire concept of polling must be thrown out if you don't like the results, right? Because you were perfectly fine with USA Today polling when you cited it in 2014

williepete said:
"In 2012, Obama carried three of the states surveyed by USA TODAY and Suffolk University's Political Research Center with more than 50% of the vote. But now just 47% of likely voters in Iowa, 46% in Colorado and 48% in Michigan say they voted for him.

Post 12

If the USA is better off due to Obama why are people walking out ,pols not admitting voting for him

And in a completely unrelated question.....have you ever heard of confirmation bias?

Trump went to the conservative family reunion and put up a big mirror behind them as they all posed for the family picture. And now many of them are horrified to see just how many bigots they are related to.

So they are bailing out. If you really do have morals you can't vote for Trump.
but if you have morals you can vote for clinton?....is that what you are saying?....if anybody cares about this country they would not be voting for either one of them two asswipes...

I'd say Kasich or Sanders.

I get the attraction of Trump. I would love to see someone get elected that would spend every waking moment trying to dismantle and reconstruct this political system to something more center. But Trump is not an adult and we're talking about the presidency. The rest of the world is already on record that they really don't like him.
Kasich is the only Republican who regularly out polls HRC, yet he loses to Sanders regularly.

And will never get the nomination as he's too far down in the delegate count. If they try and put him up at the convention then Trump blows it all up with a third party bid. No matter how you slice it, Repubs are done. The only real question is will the Senate flip back.
From the USA Today Poll:

The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34.

There are approximately 55 million registered Republicans.
How many registered Republican voters are there in the US

Did the poll question 1,541 registered Republicans or 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34? (Calling anyone of this generation under 21 an adult is a stretch).

Sooooo, yeah. I'd bet the farm on these numbers. Yepper. Hillary gets 25% of the 55 million Republican vote.:cuckoo:

They likely questioned about twice that number and found 1,541 registered Republicans of whom to ask that question.
People, it's an online poll. It's not random and not objective It's horse shit.

Study Mercury Analytics if you want to understand how this horse shit works.

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