25% of republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump

It won't make any difference. In today's elections with millions of people participating it's all about turnout. If Hillary's most rabid supporters are 25% of angry establishment republicans she's in trouble. No one has ever seen anything like the numbers that Trump is producing. Not just white people but a cross section of Americans fed up with the fed. Hillary has no chance what so ever.

Which explains why Hillary has led Trump in 80%+ of the polls.

Actually it explains that Hillary's supporters are even more un-American, corrupt, and more morally depraved than even Hillary is.
how are you un-American if you support hillary over trump?....

Trump went to the conservative family reunion and put up a big mirror behind them as they all posed for the family picture. And now many of them are horrified to see just how many bigots they are related to.

So they are bailing out. If you really do have morals you can't vote for Trump.
but if you have morals you can vote for clinton?....is that what you are saying?....if anybody cares about this country they would not be voting for either one of them two asswipes...
is that the same 25% that will be moving to Canada if he wins?

the same 25 percent of republicans that will not vote for another republican

if the republicans in congress will not confirm a radical leftist judge to the SC


Trump went to the conservative family reunion and put up a big mirror behind them as they all posed for the family picture. And now many of them are horrified to see just how many bigots they are related to.

So they are bailing out. If you really do have morals you can't vote for Trump.
but if you have morals you can vote for clinton?....is that what you are saying?....if anybody cares about this country they would not be voting for either one of them two asswipes...

I'd say Kasich or Sanders.

I get the attraction of Trump. I would love to see someone get elected that would spend every waking moment trying to dismantle and reconstruct this political system to something more center. But Trump is not an adult and we're talking about the presidency. The rest of the world is already on record that they really don't like him.
how are you un-American if you support hillary over trump?....
Because she is a felon and placed the lives of Americans and non Americans all over the world in danger with her stupidity and disdain for rules. Her inability to understand that her emails could be hacked costing the lives of many people all over the globe is so non presidential as to be laughable.
She bragged about Qaddafi's death suggesting she arranged it and made it possible. Look up the video of his death, he was shot in the head while being ripped apart by a mob. He's was no saint but America should never stand with that kind of brutality, shot in the head while he begged for his life and Hillary was dumb enough to take credit for it and applaud it. She sided with the Muslim brotherhood (a bunch of terrorist) along with Obama and because of that Egypt will never be the same. Americans can't even travel there any longer without armed protection. She is not who we are. I will never vote for someone like her...she is disgusting.

You FUCKING moron, Did you bother to read the USA today poll they cite?

It was a poll with millenals only, how many children vote republican anyways?

Typical billy what a joke.....

....The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34.


Take it easy on Billy. He can't read. He looks at the pictures.
how are you un-American if you support hillary over trump?....
Because she is a felon and placed the lives of Americans and non Americans all over the world in danger with her stupidity and disdain for rules. Her inability to understand that her emails could be hacked costing the lives of many people all over the globe is so non presidential as to be laughable.
She bragged about Qaddafi's death suggesting she arranged it and made it possible. Look up the video of his death, he was shot in the head while being ripped apart by a mob. He's was no saint but America should never stand with that kind of brutality, shot in the head while he begged for his life and Hillary was dumb enough to take credit for it and applaud it. She sided with the Muslim brotherhood (a bunch of terrorist) along with Obama and because of that Egypt will never be the same. Americans can't even travel there any longer without armed protection. She is not who we are. I will never vote for someone like her...she is disgusting.
can you show were she was convicted of this felony?.....many of our politicians including our presidents have also placed the lives of Americans and non-Americans all over the world in danger with stupidity....and if trump gets elected he will no doubt be guilty of the same thing as time goes on........

You FUCKING moron, Did you bother to read the USA today poll they cite?

It was a poll with millenals only, how many children vote republican anyways?

Typical billy what a joke.....

....The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34.

Among polls of all ages, Clinton has been pulling further and further ahead of Trump.


You FUCKING moron, Did you bother to read the USA today poll they cite?

It was a poll with millenals only, how many children vote republican anyways?

Typical billy what a joke.....

....The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34.

Among polls of all ages, Clinton has been pulling further and further ahead of Trump.


Wait until its one on one. Polls on this match-up (or any other one) are null and void at this point. Lets see what happens to these polls once this showdown is in full swing.
Trump has lied many times. Bush and his entire administration lied and as a result thousands of Americans died.

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