25% of republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump

25% of liberals posing as republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump
Added some extra wording to make the statement more accurate.

So the millennials are going to vote 80%+ for Clinton and blacks 90%+ for Clinton and browns 80%+ for Clinton and women 50%+ for Clinton = a Trump victory.

The Trumpeteers are not very good at the math.

Its not pure math, its motivation, the dems basically disenfranchised their base with their "superdelagates" therefore the millennials have no interest in who wins. They wanted free college. The blacks are not as motivated as for Obama, they don't like the current track the country is on. Women at 50% is all Trump needs to win. It should be an interesting election year. Whose voters are more motivated?

What? Super delegates this year are about as much of a problem as they usually are. They do not appear to be a decisive factor in the delegate count, Clinton is well on her way. Do you really think Democrats are going to skip the general election because of that? Highly doubtful.
25% of liberals posing as republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump
Added some extra wording to make the statement more accurate.

The wingnuts should start up a website that re calibrates all the polls until they show Trump winning. It worked out so well last time.

You FUCKING moron, Did you bother to read the USA today poll they cite?

It was a poll with millenals only, how many children vote republican anyways?

Typical billy what a joke.....

....The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34.

You try way too hard you know that?

Lol so what? These are republican voters. Who cares if they are millenials? I bet dollars to donuts the same is across the board.

You FUCKING moron, Did you bother to read the USA today poll they cite?

It was a poll with millenals only, how many children vote republican anyways?

Typical billy what a joke.....

....The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34.

You try way too hard you know that?

Lol so what? These are republican voters. Who cares if they are millenials? I bet dollars to donuts the same is across the board.

In the video from the link Susan Page says simply that its 25% of Republicans who would vote for Clinton and she didn't specifically say what poll that was from.
25% of liberals posing as republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump
Added some extra wording to make the statement more accurate.
Many, many, many Republicans do not support and will not support T-Rump. They despise him. They are intelligent enough to realize what he is. The poor SOBs who support him are pathetic, stupid, ignorant fascists...the lowest common denominator in American politics.

The people I know personally who support Trump are liberals. I was surprised to see so many posts on Facebook from lib friends that are pro-Trump. They hate Hillary. I only know two Bernie supporters and neither one has ever held a steady job.

Nothing makes sense with this election and it gets worse every year. I fear that so many decent people who would make great presidents just don't run because they know they'd be dragged through the mud and wouldn't get support from either party. Hillary acts like it's her right to get the job, as if it's owed to her. I'm sure there were promises made when the Dems chose Obama over her.
Did you even look at the poll? It was only considering millennials.

I'd be the first one to be happy if this was actually a legit poll (I'm not a fan of Trump), but let's be honest here, how many of these millennials even know where the polling stations are? This isn't going to make a big difference in the general election.
I think it's safe to say these results are not limited to millenials. Consider the fact that this nomination process will come down to a contested convention - the first one in decades. Many republicans are obviously dissatisfied with Trump.

The people I know personally who support Trump are liberals. I was surprised to see so many posts on Facebook from lib friends that are pro-Trump. They hate Hillary. I only know two Bernie supporters and neither one has ever held a steady job.

Nothing makes sense with this election and it gets worse every year. I fear that so many decent people who would make great presidents just don't run because they know they'd be dragged through the mud and wouldn't get support from either party. Hillary acts like it's her right to get the job, as if it's owed to her. I'm sure there were promises made when the Dems chose Obama over her.
You obviously don't know the actual demographics of Berne supporters. Most of them are educated and make at least 47000 per year. Compare that to republican voters who are largely uneducated and many are poor.
So the millennials are going to vote 80%+ for Clinton and blacks 90%+ for Clinton and browns 80%+ for Clinton and women 50%+ for Clinton = a Trump victory.

The Trumpeteers are not very good at the math.

Its not pure math, its motivation, the dems basically disenfranchised their base with their "superdelagates" therefore the millennials have no interest in who wins. They wanted free college. The blacks are not as motivated as for Obama, they don't like the current track the country is on. Women at 50% is all Trump needs to win. It should be an interesting election year. Whose voters are more motivated?
The most excited are the 35% of the GOP that supports Trump. The math shows a terrible Trump loss.
The choice is there to be made by all of us:

View attachment 68300

They forgot to list Trumps most important asset, as determined by much arduous and intellectually taxing debate the other night, the testimony and physical evidence was clear and unmistakable, Trump's hands are "not that small," and therefore, by razor sharp Republican "logic", he must be at least "adequately" endowed, if not yooge...you know, down there, (they are referring of course to his, shhhh... penis) take that Marco Rubio! A thirty year long Trump obsession was finally laid to rest. Right?
25% of liberals posing as republican voters say they would vote for Hillary over Trump
Added some extra wording to make the statement more accurate.
Many, many, many Republicans do not support and will not support T-Rump. They despise him. They are intelligent enough to realize what he is. The poor SOBs who support him are pathetic, stupid, ignorant fascists...the lowest common denominator in American politics.
Says the person with a ready for Hillary signature. Your opinion on Republicans means less than nothing because of a glaring bias.
The choice is there to be made by all of us:

View attachment 68300

So many lies....hard to know where to start. Trump is an opportunist windbag who says nothing of substance. All he has is soundbites and no solid talking points. It's easy to be a populist. Anybody can just say shit.

Well, start with telling us exactly which one or ones of those things listed are lies and just exactly how you know they are lies since Trump has never served in any governmental capacity at all. Tell us please just how you happen to know whether he is lying or not when no one else can possibly know since he is not a politician or has ever held any office.
Did you even look at the poll? It was only considering millennials.

I'd be the first one to be happy if this was actually a legit poll (I'm not a fan of Trump), but let's be honest here, how many of these millennials even know where the polling stations are? This isn't going to make a big difference in the general election.
I think it's safe to say these results are not limited to millenials. Consider the fact that this nomination process will come down to a contested convention - the first one in decades. Many republicans are obviously dissatisfied with Trump.
Uhhh, perhaps you should read the article then. In case you missed it, it sources the data from the USA TODAY/Rock the Vote poll...which polls millennials.

So yeah, it IS safe to say that.
The choice is there to be made by all of us:

View attachment 68300

So many lies....hard to know where to start. Trump is an opportunist windbag who says nothing of substance. All he has is soundbites and no solid talking points. It's easy to be a populist. Anybody can just say shit.

Well, start with telling us exactly which one or ones of those things listed are lies and just exactly how you know they are lies since Trump has never served in any governmental capacity at all. Tell us please just how you happen to know whether he is lying or not when no one else can possibly know since he is not a politician or has ever held any office.
You posted an undocumented, and unproven silly graphic ad.

If you think those claims are so, research each claim and give us documented and objective proof for each claim.
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