25 Pages of Quotes By Scientists Refuting Darwinism

A few of it may have been so with religion, but we're discussing creation science vs evolutionary science here. Creation science can explain with science, logic and experiments that back up the Bible. Evolution is illogical and one can't do experiments that take millions of years.
Which is why Jimmy Swaggert wannabes / Flat Earthers are best left to Bible thumping.
Which is why Jimmy Swaggert wannabes / Flat Earthers are best left to Bible thumping.
Let's talk archaeology.

"‘Archaeology has in fact consistently come down on the side of the Bible, even from the early chapters of Genesis’, Dr Wilson said.

He said the Sumerian King List and other records show there were long-living men, as Genesis records; the Battle of Four Kings Against Five (Genesis 14) has endorsement from the nationalities there listed; and archaeology has helped establish dates for such events as the fall of Jericho. And there was much more evidence supporting the Bible.

‘For the unbiased research student the evidence is compelling’, Dr Wilson said. ‘The evidence has led me increasingly to accept the literal nature of the Bible record as authentic history.’"

There is the evidence.

Also, Sumerians lived greater than 120 years, but God changed that to limit life to 120 years. Of course, atheist scientists claim humans will live > 120 years now.
Let's talk archaeology.

"‘Archaeology has in fact consistently come down on the side of the Bible, even from the early chapters of Genesis’, Dr Wilson said.

He said the Sumerian King List and other records show there were long-living men, as Genesis records; the Battle of Four Kings Against Five (Genesis 14) has endorsement from the nationalities there listed; and archaeology has helped establish dates for such events as the fall of Jericho. And there was much more evidence supporting the Bible.

‘For the unbiased research student the evidence is compelling’, Dr Wilson said. ‘The evidence has led me increasingly to accept the literal nature of the Bible record as authentic history.’"

There is the evidence.

Also, Sumerians lived greater than 120 years, but God changed that to limit life to 120 years. Of course, atheist scientists claim humans will live > 120 years now.
Is this otherwise unidentified "Dr. Wilson" associated with one or more of the crank creationer ministries?
Midnight Epiphany

It just occurred to me that Darwinists/atheists "worship one less God" than Christians and Jews. This is, they think, a brilliant analysis.

In fact, Darwinists/atheists worship themselves for their claimed intellect. They worship science, and it has let them down, badly. Their prime Darwinist/atheist, Richard Dawkins, is so filled with bitterness, hatred, and himself that he is consumed with anti-science, claiming it to be *science*.

Their ultimate excuse for teaching anti-science is just this:
"WHAT will we teach if not Darwinism?"
One of many nonsense claims for their worship is the lunacy that all the monkeys in the world typing on all the typewriters in the world would produce all the books in the world, or at least all Shakespeare's works.

The probability of 1 in 10 to the 25th power is a reasonable definition of "impossible." There are over 100 characters/keystrokes on a keyboard, so "impossible" is reached at only 25 characters. And 10 to the 50th grains of sand would fill 15 spheres the size of our solar system out to Pluto.

Find that one unique grain of sand, on your first and only try.
THAT is the definition of "one chance in"...
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Midnight Epiphany

It just occurred to me that Darwinists/atheists "worship one less God" than Christians and Jews. This is, they think, a brilliant analysis.

In fact, Darwinists/atheists worship themselves for their claimed intellect. They worship science, and it has let them down, badly. Their prime Darwinist/atheist, Richard Dawkins, is so filled with bitterness, hatred, and himself that he is consumed with anti-science, claiming it to be *science*.

Their ultimate excuse for teaching anti-science is just this:
"WHAT will we teach if not Darwinism?"
One of many nonsense claims for their worship is the lunacy that all the monkeys in the world typing on all the typewriters in the world would produce all the books in the world, or at least all Shakespeare's works.

The probability of 1 in 10 to the 25th power is a reasonable definition of "impossible." There are over 100 characters/keystrokes on a keyboard, so "impossible" is reached at only 25 characters. And 10 to the 50th grains of sand would fill 15 spheres the size of our solar system out to Pluto.

Find that one unique grain of sand, on your first and only try.
THAT is the definition of "one chance in"...

You didn’t have an epiphany. You just copied and pasted the same nonsensical blather you copied and pasted into other threads.

If you had any background in science, you would understand that grains of sand and monkeys typing on keyboards has nothing to do with biological evolution.

It’s unfortunate that religionists of the extremist type insist their Flat Earth ideology be imposed in public schools.
Is this otherwise unidentified "Dr. Wilson" associated with one or more of the crank creationer ministries?
There are no crank creation scientists. Those are the scientists who believe in evolution.

Also, no one will live beyond 120 years after Noah's Flood as God has deemed. There was one woman who lived 122 years -- Jeanne Calment - Wikipedia, but it isn't like the 950 years that Noah lived.
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Midnight Epiphany

It just occurred to me that Darwinists/atheists "worship one less God" than Christians and Jews. This is, they think, a brilliant analysis.

In fact, Darwinists/atheists worship themselves for their claimed intellect. They worship science, and it has let them down, badly. Their prime Darwinist/atheist, Richard Dawkins, is so filled with bitterness, hatred, and himself that he is consumed with anti-science, claiming it to be *science*.

Their ultimate excuse for teaching anti-science is just this:
"WHAT will we teach if not Darwinism?"
One of many nonsense claims for their worship is the lunacy that all the monkeys in the world typing on all the typewriters in the world would produce all the books in the world, or at least all Shakespeare's works.

The probability of 1 in 10 to the 25th power is a reasonable definition of "impossible." There are over 100 characters/keystrokes on a keyboard, so "impossible" is reached at only 25 characters. And 10 to the 50th grains of sand would fill 15 spheres the size of our solar system out to Pluto.

Find that one unique grain of sand, on your first and only try.
THAT is the definition of "one chance in"...

The Blind Watchmaker, by Richard Dawkins - Page 46 “I don’t know who it was first pointed out that, given enough time, a monkey bashing away at random on a typewriter could produce all the works of Shakespeare.”

Ibid, vP. 139: “Given infinite time or infinite opportunities, anything is possible.”

Dawkins' ignorance is relentless, and confirmed in his books as I cite.
1. The universe is finite in time. HELLO!
2. The universe does not have "infinite opportunities." It is limited, particularly to the constituents so necessary for life. Facts and reality never enter the mind of Dawkins and his mind-numbed acolytes.
3. He contradicts himself in statistics. Elsewhere, Dawkins claims his definition of "impossible" is 1 chance in 10 to the 40th power. Here he says "anything is possible."
The guy can't keep his stories straight.

I pointed out Dawkins' ignorance to him via email and the best he could do was call me names, while ignoring his many mistakes and errors. This is the same agnostic Carl Sagan did, and atheist Isaac Asimov did.

I sold Asimov's postcard on E-Bay for $75 and Sagan's letter for $125.
It is fun to have fun but you have to know how. - The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss
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The Blind Watchmaker, by Richard Dawkins - Page 46 “I don’t know who it was first pointed out that, given enough time, a monkey bashing away at random on a typewriter could produce all the works of Shakespeare.”

Ibid, vP. 139: “Given infinite time or infinite opportunities, anything is possible.”

Dawkins' ignorance is relentless, and confirmed in his books as I cite.
1. The universe is finite in time. HELLO!
2. The universe does not have "infinite opportunities." It is limited, particularly to the constituents so necessary for life. Facts and reality never enter the mind of Dawkins and his mind-numbed acolytes.
3. He contradicts himself in statistics. Elsewhere, Dawkins claims his definition of "impossible" is 1 chance in 10 to the 40th power. Here he says "anything is possible."
The guy can't keep his stories straight.

I pointed out Dawkins' ignorance to him via email and the best he could do was call me names, while ignoring his many mistakes and errors. This is the same agnostic Carl Sagan did, and atheist Isaac Asimov did.

I sold Asimov's postcard on E-Bay for $75 and Sagan's letter for $125.
It is fun to have fun but you have to know how. - The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss
All the same cut and paste nonsense you dump into multiple threads across multiple forums.
There are no crank creation scientists. Those are the scientists who believe in evolution.

Also, no one will live beyond 120 years after Noah's Flood as God has deemed. There was one woman who lived 122 years -- Jeanne Calment - Wikipedia, but it isn't like the 950 years that Noah lived.
What, beside "crank creationist", would you call extremist religionists?
What, beside "crank creationist", would you call extremist religionists?
Obviously, God had a role in the science of the global flood. It is how humankind learned and paid for their sins. There are oceans below the surface of the Earth and they rose up to flood the world from below and above with the 40 days of rain and storms. That said, it took a year to achieve the waters covering the Earth and subsiding. There are eyewitness accounts of its aftermath from around the world.

It explains the coal seams found on top of mountains around the world and in the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was cut out from the global flood. Can you imagine being the first to see just majestic wonder? Yet the majority of those of the world who displeased God paid a heavy price with their lives drowning or being bashed by the ocean waves and storms.
Obviously, God had a role in the science of the global flood. It is how humankind learned and paid for their sins. There are oceans below the surface of the Earth and they rose up to flood the world from below and above with the 40 days of rain and storms. That said, it took a year to achieve the waters covering the Earth and subsiding. There are eyewitness accounts of its aftermath from around the world.

It explains the coal seams found on top of mountains around the world and in the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was cut out from the global flood. Can you imagine being the first to see just majestic wonder? Yet the majority of those of the world who displeased God paid a heavy price with their lives drowning or being bashed by the ocean waves and storms.
Obviously, none of that confused rambling points to any involvement by gods.
Obviously, none of that confused rambling points to any involvement by gods.
alang1216 and I were discussing coal seams. They are another explanation by science that backs up Christianity. They are found around the world and even on mountain tops. How could they get there?

You and he cannot explain because it takes millions of years to form coal seams, but lab experiments show they can be formed in one year. Another victory for creation scientists and me.
alang1216 and I were discussing coal seams. They are another explanation by science that backs up Christianity. They are found around the world and even on mountain tops. How could they get there?

You and he cannot explain because it takes millions of years to form coal seams, but lab experiments show they can be formed in one year. Another victory for creation scientists and me.

How did mountains form on your Flat Earth?
Atheism is a religion (as they have no proof nor evidence in their beliefs) and still means you know where in the afterlife.
Atheism is not a religion. Atheism is not a belief.

Extremist religionism is a malady you need treatment for.
Is this otherwise unidentified "Dr. Wilson" associated with one or more of the crank creationer ministries?
Dr. Wilson is a very accomplished contributor to AIG -- !FbJb1_CARSV2qoXvYZck80md.

Have you received a college degree? From where?
Darwin refutes atheism:

“Another source of conviction in the existence of God, connected with the reason and not with the feelings, impresses me as having much more weight. This follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capacity of looking far backwards and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man" - Charles Darwin

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