25 questions to the fake Covid-1984 scamdemic


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
1. why don't we hear the sirens of the emergency vehicles constantly day and night?
2. why are the funeral homes not busier than in previous years?
3. why don't we see endless lines of people in the cemeteries carrying their loved ones to the grave?
4. why do statistics say that mortality did not increase in 2020?
5. where did the influenza deaths go?
6. if the first lockdown worked, why are we repeating it?
7. if the lockdowns didn't work, why are we repeating them?
8. why is the government only listening to the very small selection of the same experts over and over again and not listening to the respected voices of the experts in science?
9. Why do we see overcrowded ICUs on TV when in reality they are not overcrowded?
10. Why do trained nurses not have jobs and why do clinics close due to underutilization?
11. Why have governments around the world ordered the PCR test already in 2018?
12. if masks are contaminated with the highly contagious virus, why do we see them on every street corner?
13. why do we have different spacing rules from country to country?
14. if the virus is not transmitted by children, why are schools closed?
15. if masks work, why haven't we had them in use against the flu for years?
16. why don't we see people dying in the streets?
17.Why are large supermarkts open with hundreds of people shopping at once, while the small stores that can only hold two/three people are closed?
18. why are those who test positive with the PCR test called "Corona cases" and not simply those who test positive?
19) Why do we forget to inform people that the WHO has admitted that the PCR test is not reliable?
20. if a sneeze can go up to two meters, why do we keep a meter and a half distance?
21. why is it okay to disinfect your hands ten times a day if it significantly damages your skin?
22. why do we need an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate?
23. if the vaccine works, why can you still transmit the virus?
24. if you are vaccinated, why do you still have to wear a mask and keep your distance?
25.How many people do you personally know who have died from Corona, how many do you know who are suffering from vaccine damage?

Ask yourself the next time you leave the house, are you really facing a deadly pandemic...?

The answer is pretty simple, Covid-1984 is a scam, governments want to destroy our economies and to kill most of humans by the deadly 'vaccine'.
Criminals like Merkel, Putin, Macron, Kurz, Biden & Co know they will be at best tried by an Internationale Genocide Tribunal is they lose the power.
They will never give your freedom back, never.
Therefore peoples shall stop to wear crazy masks, accept '*vaccination' and believe presstitutes and corrupted 'politicians'
Peoples shall stand up against criminals, otherwise it will be too late.
1-5, we loose 1%, roughly 3 million a yr here.

1/2 a million is easy to manipulate , either in terms of panic porn, or political stripe

More proof of a "plan-demic" and predictive programming:

Students and global health experts gathered to encourage the then-incoming Trump administration to "plan accordingly," according to Georgetown University Medical Center. The event, held Jan. 10, 2017, was organized by the Center for Global Health Science and Security in partnership with the Harvard Global Health Institute.

"There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases," Fauci said during his "Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration" speech, which came shortly before Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20. He added, "the thing we're extraordinarily confident about is that we're going to see this in the next few years."

2017! Years before covid was carried out. Can the world be any more stupid?
Five questions are enough...

5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine
1. why don't we hear the sirens of the emergency vehicles constantly day and night?
2. why are the funeral homes not busier than in previous years?
3. why don't we see endless lines of people in the cemeteries carrying their loved ones to the grave?
4. why do statistics say that mortality did not increase in 2020?
5. where did the influenza deaths go?
6. if the first lockdown worked, why are we repeating it?
7. if the lockdowns didn't work, why are we repeating them?
8. why is the government only listening to the very small selection of the same experts over and over again and not listening to the respected voices of the experts in science?
9. Why do we see overcrowded ICUs on TV when in reality they are not overcrowded?
10. Why do trained nurses not have jobs and why do clinics close due to underutilization?
11. Why have governments around the world ordered the PCR test already in 2018?
12. if masks are contaminated with the highly contagious virus, why do we see them on every street corner?
13. why do we have different spacing rules from country to country?
14. if the virus is not transmitted by children, why are schools closed?
15. if masks work, why haven't we had them in use against the flu for years?
16. why don't we see people dying in the streets?
17.Why are large supermarkts open with hundreds of people shopping at once, while the small stores that can only hold two/three people are closed?
18. why are those who test positive with the PCR test called "Corona cases" and not simply those who test positive?
19) Why do we forget to inform people that the WHO has admitted that the PCR test is not reliable?
20. if a sneeze can go up to two meters, why do we keep a meter and a half distance?
21. why is it okay to disinfect your hands ten times a day if it significantly damages your skin?
22. why do we need an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate?
23. if the vaccine works, why can you still transmit the virus?
24. if you are vaccinated, why do you still have to wear a mask and keep your distance?
25.How many people do you personally know who have died from Corona, how many do you know who are suffering from vaccine damage?

Ask yourself the next time you leave the house, are you really facing a deadly pandemic...?

The answer is pretty simple, Covid-1984 is a scam, governments want to destroy our economies and to kill most of humans by the deadly 'vaccine'.
Criminals like Merkel, Putin, Macron, Kurz, Biden & Co know they will be at best tried by an Internationale Genocide Tribunal is they lose the power.
They will never give your freedom back, never.
Therefore peoples shall stop to wear crazy masks, accept '*vaccination' and believe presstitutes and corrupted 'politicians'
Peoples shall stand up against criminals, otherwise it will be too late.
Shouldn't Trump have been warning us not to get the vaccine ?
A serious question.
1. why don't we hear the sirens of the emergency vehicles constantly day and night?
2. why are the funeral homes not busier than in previous years?
3. why don't we see endless lines of people in the cemeteries carrying their loved ones to the grave?
4. why do statistics say that mortality did not increase in 2020?
5. where did the influenza deaths go?
6. if the first lockdown worked, why are we repeating it?
7. if the lockdowns didn't work, why are we repeating them?
8. why is the government only listening to the very small selection of the same experts over and over again and not listening to the respected voices of the experts in science?
9. Why do we see overcrowded ICUs on TV when in reality they are not overcrowded?
10. Why do trained nurses not have jobs and why do clinics close due to underutilization?
11. Why have governments around the world ordered the PCR test already in 2018?
12. if masks are contaminated with the highly contagious virus, why do we see them on every street corner?
13. why do we have different spacing rules from country to country?
14. if the virus is not transmitted by children, why are schools closed?
15. if masks work, why haven't we had them in use against the flu for years?
16. why don't we see people dying in the streets?
17.Why are large supermarkts open with hundreds of people shopping at once, while the small stores that can only hold two/three people are closed?
18. why are those who test positive with the PCR test called "Corona cases" and not simply those who test positive?
19) Why do we forget to inform people that the WHO has admitted that the PCR test is not reliable?
20. if a sneeze can go up to two meters, why do we keep a meter and a half distance?
21. why is it okay to disinfect your hands ten times a day if it significantly damages your skin?
22. why do we need an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate?
23. if the vaccine works, why can you still transmit the virus?
24. if you are vaccinated, why do you still have to wear a mask and keep your distance?
25.How many people do you personally know who have died from Corona, how many do you know who are suffering from vaccine damage?

Ask yourself the next time you leave the house, are you really facing a deadly pandemic...?

The answer is pretty simple, Covid-1984 is a scam, governments want to destroy our economies and to kill most of humans by the deadly 'vaccine'.
Criminals like Merkel, Putin, Macron, Kurz, Biden & Co know they will be at best tried by an Internationale Genocide Tribunal is they lose the power.
They will never give your freedom back, never.
Therefore peoples shall stop to wear crazy masks, accept '*vaccination' and believe presstitutes and corrupted 'politicians'
Peoples shall stand up against criminals, otherwise it will be too late.
Shouldn't Trump have been warning us not to get the vaccine ?
A serious question.
NOBODY should have to warn you. Do your own research and you can find out that taking a vaccine is stupid and no one needs to tell you not to get it. Everyone should be smart enough to go and figure out vaccines are unwarranted. The same for masks. USELESS and DANGEROUS.
1. why don't we hear the sirens of the emergency vehicles constantly day and night?
2. why are the funeral homes not busier than in previous years?
3. why don't we see endless lines of people in the cemeteries carrying their loved ones to the grave?
4. why do statistics say that mortality did not increase in 2020?
5. where did the influenza deaths go?
6. if the first lockdown worked, why are we repeating it?
7. if the lockdowns didn't work, why are we repeating them?
8. why is the government only listening to the very small selection of the same experts over and over again and not listening to the respected voices of the experts in science?
9. Why do we see overcrowded ICUs on TV when in reality they are not overcrowded?
10. Why do trained nurses not have jobs and why do clinics close due to underutilization?
11. Why have governments around the world ordered the PCR test already in 2018?
12. if masks are contaminated with the highly contagious virus, why do we see them on every street corner?
13. why do we have different spacing rules from country to country?
14. if the virus is not transmitted by children, why are schools closed?
15. if masks work, why haven't we had them in use against the flu for years?
16. why don't we see people dying in the streets?
17.Why are large supermarkts open with hundreds of people shopping at once, while the small stores that can only hold two/three people are closed?
18. why are those who test positive with the PCR test called "Corona cases" and not simply those who test positive?
19) Why do we forget to inform people that the WHO has admitted that the PCR test is not reliable?
20. if a sneeze can go up to two meters, why do we keep a meter and a half distance?
21. why is it okay to disinfect your hands ten times a day if it significantly damages your skin?
22. why do we need an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate?
23. if the vaccine works, why can you still transmit the virus?
24. if you are vaccinated, why do you still have to wear a mask and keep your distance?
25.How many people do you personally know who have died from Corona, how many do you know who are suffering from vaccine damage?

Ask yourself the next time you leave the house, are you really facing a deadly pandemic...?

The answer is pretty simple, Covid-1984 is a scam, governments want to destroy our economies and to kill most of humans by the deadly 'vaccine'.
Criminals like Merkel, Putin, Macron, Kurz, Biden & Co know they will be at best tried by an Internationale Genocide Tribunal is they lose the power.
They will never give your freedom back, never.
Therefore peoples shall stop to wear crazy masks, accept '*vaccination' and believe presstitutes and corrupted 'politicians'
Peoples shall stand up against criminals, otherwise it will be too late.
Shouldn't Trump have been warning us not to get the vaccine ?
A serious question.
NOBODY should have to warn you. Do your own research and you can find out that taking a vaccine is stupid and no one needs to tell you not to get it. Everyone should be smart enough to go and figure out vaccines are unwarranted. The same for masks. USELESS and DANGEROUS.
True. But not everyone is as smart as you and I.

In fact if you look back, maybe he did warn us -- in the only ways he could without being crucified.

He recovered from it in 3 days with that one drug - he had mentioned plasma
treatments, etc. He never got a vaccine either, that I know of.
1. why don't we hear the sirens of the emergency vehicles constantly day and night?
2. why are the funeral homes not busier than in previous years?
3. why don't we see endless lines of people in the cemeteries carrying their loved ones to the grave?
4. why do statistics say that mortality did not increase in 2020?
5. where did the influenza deaths go?
6. if the first lockdown worked, why are we repeating it?
7. if the lockdowns didn't work, why are we repeating them?
8. why is the government only listening to the very small selection of the same experts over and over again and not listening to the respected voices of the experts in science?
9. Why do we see overcrowded ICUs on TV when in reality they are not overcrowded?
10. Why do trained nurses not have jobs and why do clinics close due to underutilization?
11. Why have governments around the world ordered the PCR test already in 2018?
12. if masks are contaminated with the highly contagious virus, why do we see them on every street corner?
13. why do we have different spacing rules from country to country?
14. if the virus is not transmitted by children, why are schools closed?
15. if masks work, why haven't we had them in use against the flu for years?
16. why don't we see people dying in the streets?
17.Why are large supermarkts open with hundreds of people shopping at once, while the small stores that can only hold two/three people are closed?
18. why are those who test positive with the PCR test called "Corona cases" and not simply those who test positive?
19) Why do we forget to inform people that the WHO has admitted that the PCR test is not reliable?
20. if a sneeze can go up to two meters, why do we keep a meter and a half distance?
21. why is it okay to disinfect your hands ten times a day if it significantly damages your skin?
22. why do we need an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate?
23. if the vaccine works, why can you still transmit the virus?
24. if you are vaccinated, why do you still have to wear a mask and keep your distance?
25.How many people do you personally know who have died from Corona, how many do you know who are suffering from vaccine damage?

Ask yourself the next time you leave the house, are you really facing a deadly pandemic...?

The answer is pretty simple, Covid-1984 is a scam, governments want to destroy our economies and to kill most of humans by the deadly 'vaccine'.
Criminals like Merkel, Putin, Macron, Kurz, Biden & Co know they will be at best tried by an Internationale Genocide Tribunal is they lose the power.
They will never give your freedom back, never.
Therefore peoples shall stop to wear crazy masks, accept '*vaccination' and believe presstitutes and corrupted 'politicians'
Peoples shall stand up against criminals, otherwise it will be too late.
Shouldn't Trump have been warning us not to get the vaccine ?
A serious question.
NOBODY should have to warn you. Do your own research and you can find out that taking a vaccine is stupid and no one needs to tell you not to get it. Everyone should be smart enough to go and figure out vaccines are unwarranted. The same for masks. USELESS and DANGEROUS.
True. But not everyone is as smart as you and I.View attachment 458309
In fact if you look back, maybe he did warn us -- in the only ways he could without being crucified.

He recovered from it in 3 days with that one drug - he had mentioned plasma
treatments, etc. He never got a vaccine either, that I know of.
He didn't have ANYTHING...that was all for show to try to get people to believe in vaccines and what they can do. This whole plan-demic has been nothing but a show and an effort by the elites to prove they can sway people to do whatever they demand. Only a handful said FU and ignored the mandates, lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc....
Five questions are enough...

5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine
I caught that article, yeah, I thought that was a good one. I always check that source and a few others at least once a week. Nice piece.
1. why don't we hear the sirens of the emergency vehicles constantly day and night?
2. why are the funeral homes not busier than in previous years?
3. why don't we see endless lines of people in the cemeteries carrying their loved ones to the grave?
4. why do statistics say that mortality did not increase in 2020?
5. where did the influenza deaths go?
6. if the first lockdown worked, why are we repeating it?
7. if the lockdowns didn't work, why are we repeating them?
8. why is the government only listening to the very small selection of the same experts over and over again and not listening to the respected voices of the experts in science?
9. Why do we see overcrowded ICUs on TV when in reality they are not overcrowded?
10. Why do trained nurses not have jobs and why do clinics close due to underutilization?
11. Why have governments around the world ordered the PCR test already in 2018?
12. if masks are contaminated with the highly contagious virus, why do we see them on every street corner?
13. why do we have different spacing rules from country to country?
14. if the virus is not transmitted by children, why are schools closed?
15. if masks work, why haven't we had them in use against the flu for years?
16. why don't we see people dying in the streets?
17.Why are large supermarkts open with hundreds of people shopping at once, while the small stores that can only hold two/three people are closed?
18. why are those who test positive with the PCR test called "Corona cases" and not simply those who test positive?
19) Why do we forget to inform people that the WHO has admitted that the PCR test is not reliable?
20. if a sneeze can go up to two meters, why do we keep a meter and a half distance?
21. why is it okay to disinfect your hands ten times a day if it significantly damages your skin?
22. why do we need an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate?
23. if the vaccine works, why can you still transmit the virus?
24. if you are vaccinated, why do you still have to wear a mask and keep your distance?
25.How many people do you personally know who have died from Corona, how many do you know who are suffering from vaccine damage?

Ask yourself the next time you leave the house, are you really facing a deadly pandemic...?

The answer is pretty simple, Covid-1984 is a scam, governments want to destroy our economies and to kill most of humans by the deadly 'vaccine'.
Criminals like Merkel, Putin, Macron, Kurz, Biden & Co know they will be at best tried by an Internationale Genocide Tribunal is they lose the power.
They will never give your freedom back, never.
Therefore peoples shall stop to wear crazy masks, accept '*vaccination' and believe presstitutes and corrupted 'politicians'
Peoples shall stand up against criminals, otherwise it will be too late.
Shouldn't Trump have been warning us not to get the vaccine ?
A serious question.

Either one of two things is probably going on.

Either A) Trump is not who you think he is;

Or B) Trump is not as smart as, or has to bow to stake holders and do what he is told.

Remember, he is still an oligarch, and look at a lot of the folks he put in his cabinet, and a lot of the ridiculous decisions that he constantly made that didn't make any sense. . . . this being one of them.

Smart folks judge by actions, not rhetoric.
1. why don't we hear the sirens of the emergency vehicles constantly day and night?
2. why are the funeral homes not busier than in previous years?
3. why don't we see endless lines of people in the cemeteries carrying their loved ones to the grave?
4. why do statistics say that mortality did not increase in 2020?
5. where did the influenza deaths go?
6. if the first lockdown worked, why are we repeating it?
7. if the lockdowns didn't work, why are we repeating them?
8. why is the government only listening to the very small selection of the same experts over and over again and not listening to the respected voices of the experts in science?
9. Why do we see overcrowded ICUs on TV when in reality they are not overcrowded?
10. Why do trained nurses not have jobs and why do clinics close due to underutilization?
11. Why have governments around the world ordered the PCR test already in 2018?
12. if masks are contaminated with the highly contagious virus, why do we see them on every street corner?
13. why do we have different spacing rules from country to country?
14. if the virus is not transmitted by children, why are schools closed?
15. if masks work, why haven't we had them in use against the flu for years?
16. why don't we see people dying in the streets?
17.Why are large supermarkts open with hundreds of people shopping at once, while the small stores that can only hold two/three people are closed?
18. why are those who test positive with the PCR test called "Corona cases" and not simply those who test positive?
19) Why do we forget to inform people that the WHO has admitted that the PCR test is not reliable?
20. if a sneeze can go up to two meters, why do we keep a meter and a half distance?
21. why is it okay to disinfect your hands ten times a day if it significantly damages your skin?
22. why do we need an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate?
23. if the vaccine works, why can you still transmit the virus?
24. if you are vaccinated, why do you still have to wear a mask and keep your distance?
25.How many people do you personally know who have died from Corona, how many do you know who are suffering from vaccine damage?

Ask yourself the next time you leave the house, are you really facing a deadly pandemic...?

The answer is pretty simple, Covid-1984 is a scam, governments want to destroy our economies and to kill most of humans by the deadly 'vaccine'.
Criminals like Merkel, Putin, Macron, Kurz, Biden & Co know they will be at best tried by an Internationale Genocide Tribunal is they lose the power.
They will never give your freedom back, never.
Therefore peoples shall stop to wear crazy masks, accept '*vaccination' and believe presstitutes and corrupted 'politicians'
Peoples shall stand up against criminals, otherwise it will be too late.
All I can tell you is that my husband I had the virus and survived----He wound up in the hospital twice Dec/jan time frame though. He picked up the virus out of state and brought it home to me in florida. At the same time my mother hid from me that my grandmother age 101 also caught the virus in her nursing home in Texas---she got mildly sick for a couple of days and got over it. Currently my daughter who lives in another state and that we haven't seen so she didnt' pick the virus up from us or my grandmother--is pregnant and getting over the virus with nothing more (so far) than a soar throat and slight fever for one day. Several people at her job have had the virus---but all have recovered but they are also under the age of 35.

My husband had a viral heartattack about 3 years ago, so any virus could kill him-----

We have had several friends catch the virus-----One caught it along with his very elderly parents......he survived--but his mother died and then his father who was cleared of the virus died a few weeks later. He and his parents are/were hispanic and this virus has been hitting hispanics harder than everyone I believe.

Another friend just lost his father as well-but his father also had cancer so I am not so sure that it wasn't just his time to go.

Multiple people at my husbands work have had the disease as they have stations all over the country--all have survived with my husband being the hardest hit.

Think this virus takes out those that are dying of other issues----- robbing them of months or maybe a year or so of life.
This thing won't end until millions WAKE UP and smell the coffee...because the coffee is BAD BAD BAD
This was another good article from that OffGuardian site.

Believe it or not, folks on the left that are informed, are just as sick of this bullshit.

This is from a far left perspective, but it shares a lot of truth. OffGuardian has no political agenda, other than it shares stuff from left and right that is non-establishment/Deep State controlled.

The system will continue to play it's divide and conquer game, while gas-lighting folks with half truths and lies. Find allies where you can, together we will rise out of this.

The New Normal requires a NEW Response
Catte Black

". . . If only one person in a hundred listens to you, it’s still a step.

But the information needs to be simple and true. Here are the 4 basic facts-

  1. the ‘virus’ has a blurry definition and has a survival rate of over 99% – no more deadly than some recent flu strains
  2. the PCR tests DON’T work and are a fraud.
  3. The reported ‘deaths’ are often people dying of other things and having ‘covid’ added to their CoD based on the test that doesn’t work or on financial incentive.
  4. The vaccine is NOT a vaccine. It’s experimental gene manipulation which will need decades of testing over generations before it can really be pronounced safe.

Don’t let these basic truths be diluted with irrelevant chatter about bio weapons or ‘miracle cures’. Don’t think you can be more effective if you cut the truth with a few commonly believed lies.

Don’t be tempted to meet the lie halfway. Don’t say ‘sure the pandemic was real and the virus IS scary, but it’s all over now’.

No. Tell the truth. Tell it to at least one person you know every day, and help to set them free.

Tell people how powerful they are. That this sick farce of political/corporate narrative now more than ever needs their endorsement for it to mean anything, and if they simply decline to endorse and walk away eventually the farce will be playing to an empty theatre.

We need INFORMATIONAL organization laterally – getting info out about the ‘pandemic’, about legal rights, about how to get away from total dependence on the system.. . "

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