250,000 Coloradoans lose their health insurance under Obamacare

Apparently it won't hurt as much when the administration declared marijuana to be legal. You might lose your medical coverage in the "mountain high state" but with the right stuff and a couple dozen bags of potato chips you won't remember why you were concerned.

Brings up an interesting question...

20-30 years down the line when there are a host of medical issues discovered that occur with long term ingestion of pot - does the federal government (in it's divine wisdom) decline coverage for these stoners?

After all ......according to Barry, cigarette smokers and fatties shouldn't be covered. And right now, NO ONE knows the long term affects....

Do said stoners sue the state for damages?

What happens when a republican FINALLY takes the WH and decides to actually ENFORCE Federal law?????
I sure do agree that he was wrong about "you can keep your plan if you like it". Obviously he either forgot or just failed to remember that those plans that do not meet ACA minimums cannot exist, unless they are "grandfathered" in, I think, for one year. As for saving $2500 per family, this is probably true if the plans you are comparing are exact matches. I doubt that most plans are really comparable because insurers were selling coverages that were no-where near offering the coverages that ObamaCare does. This is the best way to hold costs down, everyone paying for the same envelope of coverage, while everyone certainly not using every aspect of this coverage. The more paying in, the cheaper the coverage becomes for everyone.

You mean like all those who just signed up for medicaid? Oh wait, they don't pay much, if at all.

You mean like all those people with pre-exsiting conditions who, because they are a higher risk to insure, are paying more? Oh wait, no they aren't. People without p.e.'s are paying more so those with p.e.'s don't have to. <---- Barry's definition of someone 'paying their fair share'.

You mean like all those young people? Oh wait, they're still on mom and dad's policy.

You mean like all those people who are paying for their own plan? Oh wait, many are being subsidized. <---- Barry's other definition of someone 'paying their fair share'.

Money is being paid in, to be sure. But it isn't coming from who you think it is.
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Amazing to me that the rw's are so afraid of the poor insurance companies losing money.

I sure do agree that he was wrong about "you can keep your plan if you like it". Obviously he either forgot or just failed to remember that those plans that do not meet ACA minimums cannot exist, unless they are "grandfathered" in, I think, for one year. As for saving $2500 per family, this is probably true if the plans you are comparing are exact matches. I doubt that most plans are really comparable because insurers were selling coverages that were no-where near offering the coverages that ObamaCare does. This is the best way to hold costs down, everyone paying for the same envelope of coverage, while everyone certainly not using every aspect of this coverage. The more paying in, the cheaper the coverage becomes for everyone.

I am not certain how anyone says something in public 40 times and then forgets--:lol: But nice try anyway.

Obamacare has always been planned this way. To wipe out the private sector individual market place to move those people into the Obamacare exchange. They had to have the estimated 14 million that were covered under these plans now paying for Obamacare. We have 6 million "liked" policies (to-date there will be more) that have been cancelled--and it is estimated when you add in children and spouses that were covered under those plans we have another 14 million in this country that are uninsured because of the mandates in Obamacare.

In fact--Senate Democrats voted AGAINST a fix--that would have allowed Americans to keep their "liked" policies back in September 2010--when it was brought to their attention that all these policies would be cancelled. All those democrats are running for reelection this November, including our own Colorado State Senator Mark Udall who fully supported Obamacare and also voted against the fix.
Flashback: Senate Democrats Killed 'Keep Your Plan' Enforcement Bill in 2010 - Guy Benson

The reason Obama is not holding up to any of his promises--and he LIED there is no getting around that. Basically he needs everyone paying into Obamacare to offset the cost of the main group of people entering these exchanges--mostly Medicade--insurance for FREE--and of course the elderly who cannot afford to live without medical insurance. Who's missing here--that Obama desperately needs. The young and healthy who need to push the BUY button. And they're not doing it.

Some families will receive subsidizes based on their income--but after all this--millions are going to have to pay higher monthly premiums--so as Obama promised--Obamacare wouldn't add a single dime to the deficit. This is nothing more than a sucker punch to the middle class in this country. If it hasn't affected you yet, be assured it will.

Now just wait until these mandates hit the employers. Democrats wisely postponed that until after the mid-term elections and for good reason. Employers tend to lay-off or cut back hours when they're hit with new costly regulations--to make up for the cost to their business for those new regulations.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: to insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAdrQ2RpdM]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]
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Amazing to me that the rw's are so afraid of the poor insurance companies losing money.

Physicians and other health professionals are traditionally the largest source of federal campaign contributions in this sector, which contributed a record $260.4 million to federal candidates during the 2012 election cycle. Aside from doctors' associations, pharmaceutical companies and HMOs are consistently generous givers.

Democrats received 55 percent of health sector cash in the 2008 cycle and 51 percent in the 2010 cycle.
However, in the 2012 cycle, contributions from the health sector favored Republicans once again, as they had traditionally.
Certain industries, such as nurses, traditionally lean Democratic.

Gee, I wonder why contributions started tanking for Democrats?
(I won't be crass and label Democrats as lw's, libtards or nutters. I morally and ethically refuse to be so rude)
Health | OpenSecrets

I only posted the top 10 for each cycle.

All Senators 2008
Candidate Amount
  • Obama, Barack (D)$22,485,333
  • McCain, John (R) $8,248,434
  • Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) $6,998,545
  • McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) $1,431,360
  • Baucus, Max (D-MT) $1,239,963
  • Cornyn, John (R-TX) $1,010,469
  • Coleman, Norm (R-MN) $969,141
  • Smith, Gordon H (R-OR) $763,380
  • Chambliss, Saxby (R-GA) $744,959
  • Specter, Arlen (R-PA) $739,215
Health: Money to Congress | OpenSecrets

2008 Summary
Dems: $79,485,584
Repubs: $57,621,196
Other: $358,065
Health: Money to Congress | OpenSecrets

All Senators 2010
Candidate Amount
  • Reid, Harry (D-NV) $1,442,914
  • Burr, Richard (R-NC) $1,084,371
  • Lincoln, Blanche (D-AR) $1,050,315
  • Schumer, Charles E (D-NY) $1,020,050
  • Wyden, Ron (D-OR) $892,352
  • Specter, Arlen (D-PA) $862,033
  • Murray, Patty (D-WA) $756,181
  • Grassley, Chuck (R-IA) $652,070
  • Brown, Scott (R-MA) $649,950
  • Boxer, Barbara (D-CA) $625,415
Health: Money to Congress | OpenSecrets

2010 Summary
Dems: $56,556,329
Repubs: $54,266,489
Other: $1,635,730
Health: Money to Congress | OpenSecrets

All Senators 2012
Candidate Amount
  • Hatch, Orrin G (R-UT) $1,451,872
  • Brown, Scott (R-MA) $1,351,463
  • Menendez, Robert (D-NJ) $1,256,972
  • Nelson, Bill (D-FL) $1,013,107
  • McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) $933,525
  • Casey, Bob (D-PA) $928,225
  • Brown, Sherrod (D-OH) $888,834
  • Corker, Bob (R-TN) $769,426
  • McCaskill, Claire (D-MO) $688,756
  • Baucus, Max (D-MT) $672,085
  • Stabenow, Debbie (D-MI) $666,264
Health: Money to Congress | OpenSecrets

2012 Summary
Dems: $66,898,342
Repubs: $84,588,482
Other: $383,117
Health: Money to Congress | OpenSecrets

All Senators 2014
Candidate Amount
  • McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) $524,325
  • Cornyn, John (R-TX) $459,320
  • Alexander, Lamar (R-TN) $339,000
  • Reid, Harry (D-NV) $303,400
  • Markey, Ed (D-MA) $260,400
  • Booker, Cory (D-NJ) $234,508
  • Scott, Tim (R-SC) $213,550
  • Pryor, Mark (D-AR) $196,458
  • Hagan, Kay R (D-NC) $182,800
  • Toomey, Pat (R-PA) $174,850
Health: Money to Congress | OpenSecrets

2014 Summary
Dems: $9,928,345
Repubs: $14,054,458
Other: $5,022
Health: Money to Congress | OpenSecrets

Happy reading!


Amazing to me that the rw's are so afraid of the poor insurance companies losing money.


I so enjoy the explanations we don't get from the morons on the left about how this work.

Basic economics tells you that if people are raking it in, more competition will enter the market.

Where is the competition ? Please explain to me how there isn't more competition.

They know the answer. We already have quasi run state health care and it makes barriers to entry very difficult.

Luddy.Dumbass thinks we like that insurance companies are making those kinds of profits ? You bet we do, if we are the ones who own the shares in the company. Otherwise, I'd love to see more competition because it would lower my costs.

Why didn't Obama just tear down those barriers to entry ?
Why in the world should it bother him anyhow? He save the entire country from a Romney/Ryan fiasco that would have privatized Medicare and handed out vouchers. All they would have said was. "When your vouchers are gone, just curl up and die." Those Republicans are so empathetic for their fellow humans it makes me sick. Thank the Lord I don't have to use any vouchers though.


Amazing to me that the rw's are so afraid of the poor insurance companies losing money.


I so enjoy the explanations we don't get from the morons on the left about how this work.

Basic economics tells you that if people are raking it in, more competition will enter the market.

Where is the competition ? Please explain to me how there isn't more competition.

They know the answer. We already have quasi run state health care and it makes barriers to entry very difficult.

Luddy.Dumbass thinks we like that insurance companies are making those kinds of profits ? You bet we do, if we are the ones who own the shares in the company. Otherwise, I'd love to see more competition because it would lower my costs.

Why didn't Obama just tear down those barriers to entry ?

You are exactly right about competition. Right now, it is beneficial for research companies to bring new medical products to the market. The US is the leading medical research country in the WORLD. It is beneficial for pharmaceutical companies to bring new products to the market. These companies, along with the hundreds of thousands of researchers, have brought more innovation to the world of medicine that nearly every other country COMBINED.

Once we become a single-payer system - and we will - this innovation will become as stagnant as the rest of the world. There is no profit in it.

Take the free market out of the equation and you have mediocrity (as the left lives by).
Today's anecdote.

I met a 30 year old recovering drug addict with a history of seizures. He is a skilled laborer at a moulding production company making about 25k per year.

He is currently uninsured. He forks over $190 every time he goes to the clinic to get his meds. He dropped $700 last year when he broke a tooth and he owes a little over 10k for a previous bill due to a seizure.

I gave him the info for healthcare.gov and advised him to check it out.

He will get covered for less than $100 per month.

Isn't that great?!
Today's anecdote.

I met a 30 year old recovering drug addict with a history of seizures. He is a skilled laborer at a moulding production company making about 25k per year.

He is currently uninsured. He forks over $190 every time he goes to the clinic to get his meds. He dropped $700 last year when he broke a tooth and he owes a little over 10k for a previous bill due to a seizure.

I gave him the info for healthcare.gov and advised him to check it out.

He will get covered for less than $100 per month.

Isn't that great?!

It is if we know what he's getting covered for, what his deductibles will be, and what he could have had before (assuming he could have found something).
Today's anecdote.

I met a 30 year old recovering drug addict with a history of seizures. He is a skilled laborer at a moulding production company making about 25k per year.

He is currently uninsured. He forks over $190 every time he goes to the clinic to get his meds. He dropped $700 last year when he broke a tooth and he owes a little over 10k for a previous bill due to a seizure.

I gave him the info for healthcare.gov and advised him to check it out.

He will get covered for less than $100 per month.

Isn't that great?!

A "skilled" laborer making $25K per year!?!? You're kidding, right? I know plenty of skilled laborers that pull down $55,000 - $70,000 per year and some - that make in excess of $100,000 per year.

99.9% of the "skilled" labor in this country has quality healthcare and 99.9% of the "skilled" labor in this country belongs to a union barn where they get excellent healthcare.

You are full of crap and you know it.
Today's anecdote.

I met a 30 year old recovering drug addict with a history of seizures. He is a skilled laborer at a moulding production company making about 25k per year.

He is currently uninsured. He forks over $190 every time he goes to the clinic to get his meds. He dropped $700 last year when he broke a tooth and he owes a little over 10k for a previous bill due to a seizure.

I gave him the info for healthcare.gov and advised him to check it out.

He will get covered for less than $100 per month.

Isn't that great?!

A "skilled" laborer making $25K per year!?!? You're kidding, right? I know plenty of skilled laborers that pull down $55,000 - $70,000 per year and some - that make in excess of $100,000 per year.

99.9% of the "skilled" labor in this country has quality healthcare and 99.9% of the "skilled" labor in this country belongs to a union barn where they get excellent healthcare.

You are full of crap and you know it.

Hmmmm. I am full of crap, huh?

Can you operate a moulder?
Today's anecdote.

I met a 30 year old recovering drug addict with a history of seizures. He is a skilled laborer at a moulding production company making about 25k per year.

He is currently uninsured. He forks over $190 every time he goes to the clinic to get his meds. He dropped $700 last year when he broke a tooth and he owes a little over 10k for a previous bill due to a seizure.

I gave him the info for healthcare.gov and advised him to check it out.

He will get covered for less than $100 per month.

Isn't that great?!

A "skilled" laborer making $25K per year!?!? You're kidding, right? I know plenty of skilled laborers that pull down $55,000 - $70,000 per year and some - that make in excess of $100,000 per year.

99.9% of the "skilled" labor in this country has quality healthcare and 99.9% of the "skilled" labor in this country belongs to a union barn where they get excellent healthcare.

You are full of crap and you know it.

Hmmmm. I am full of crap, huh?

Can you operate a moulder?

Absolutely not. I am a College Graduate, never needed to. My Cousin is a journeyman cabinet maker, however. Makes well over $90,000 per year.

So again - what "skilled" labor pays $25,000 per year?? A Plumber? An Electrician? A Framer? A Contractor? A trucker?

You're still full of crap.
A "skilled" laborer making $25K per year!?!? You're kidding, right? I know plenty of skilled laborers that pull down $55,000 - $70,000 per year and some - that make in excess of $100,000 per year.

99.9% of the "skilled" labor in this country has quality healthcare and 99.9% of the "skilled" labor in this country belongs to a union barn where they get excellent healthcare.

You are full of crap and you know it.

Hmmmm. I am full of crap, huh?

Can you operate a moulder?

Absolutely not. I am a College Graduate, never needed to. My Cousin is a journeyman cabinet maker, however. Makes well over $90,000 per year.

So again - what "skilled" labor pays $25,000 per year?? A Plumber? An Electrician? A Framer? A Contractor? A trucker?

You're still full of crap.

You need to go back to college. When you get there, ask a professor what "laborer" means.

Then, re-read my post and see what kind of laborer this dude is.

Finally, if you are not able to operate a moulder, it follows that it requires some skill. Put all of this information together.

Then, apologize for being an idiot.
Hmmmm. I am full of crap, huh?

Can you operate a moulder?

Absolutely not. I am a College Graduate, never needed to. My Cousin is a journeyman cabinet maker, however. Makes well over $90,000 per year.

So again - what "skilled" labor pays $25,000 per year?? A Plumber? An Electrician? A Framer? A Contractor? A trucker?

You're still full of crap.

You need to go back to college. When you get there, ask a professor what "laborer" means.

Then, re-read my post and see what kind of laborer this dude is.

Finally, if you are not able to operate a moulder, it follows that it requires some skill. Put all of this information together.

Then, apologize for being an idiot.

Uh excuse me, moron&#8230;YOU are the one claiming that some "skilled" laborer makes 25K a year and I called you out for your idiocy. I know EXACTLY what a laborer is you fool. Unless they are involved in one of the 250 union laborer shops around the country - they aren't "skilled". They are little more than hod carriers. There isn't a "skilled" laborer ALIVE that makes that little money.

Your guy apparently works out of little Ralphies garage in BumFuck Texas.

The Union Wage Scale
This is Florida. The dude is a moulder operator at a moulding manufacturer. He operates a machine that you couldn't operate without training. He is skilled at operating this machine. He is paid hourly. He makes about 25k.

You are making an ass of yourself. For some reason, you thought you had some kind of win here. When are you going to apologize?
This is Florida. The dude is a moulder operator at a moulding manufacturer. He operates a machine that you couldn't operate without training. He is skilled at operating this machine. He is paid hourly. He makes about 25k.

You are making an ass of yourself. For some reason, you thought you had some kind of win here. When are you going to apologize?

Then the "skilled" worker needs to get the hell out of Florida and go where he can be paid a living wage for his "skill" you goofy bastard.

Apologize - To a moron? Never. You know, for a guy that readily slings the crap on this forum, you sure as hell get caught in a lot of lies. I get it now, this "skilled" worker is you, isn't he?

Your hiney is on ignore.
This is Florida. The dude is a moulder operator at a moulding manufacturer. He operates a machine that you couldn't operate without training. He is skilled at operating this machine. He is paid hourly. He makes about 25k.

You are making an ass of yourself. For some reason, you thought you had some kind of win here. When are you going to apologize?

Then the "skilled" worker needs to get the hell out of Florida and go where he can be paid a living wage for his "skill" you goofy bastard.

Apologize - To a moron? Never. You know, for a guy that readily slings the crap on this forum, you sure as hell get caught in a lot of lies. I get it now, this "skilled" worker is you, isn't he?

Your hiney is on ignore.

I have never lied here. Period.

I am on ignore? Cool. Beats being a man and admitting your mistake, I guess. Way to nail the stereotype.
Absolutely not. I am a College Graduate, never needed to. My Cousin is a journeyman cabinet maker, however. Makes well over $90,000 per year.

So again - what "skilled" labor pays $25,000 per year?? A Plumber? An Electrician? A Framer? A Contractor? A trucker?

You're still full of crap.

You need to go back to college. When you get there, ask a professor what "laborer" means.

Then, re-read my post and see what kind of laborer this dude is.

Finally, if you are not able to operate a moulder, it follows that it requires some skill. Put all of this information together.

Then, apologize for being an idiot.

Uh excuse me, moron&#8230;YOU are the one claiming that some "skilled" laborer makes 25K a year and I called you out for your idiocy. I know EXACTLY what a laborer is you fool. Unless they are involved in one of the 250 union laborer shops around the country - they aren't "skilled". They are little more than hod carriers. There isn't a "skilled" laborer ALIVE that makes that little money.

Your guy apparently works out of little Ralphies garage in BumFuck Texas.

The Union Wage Scale

Exactly, when you refer to someone as a laborer they're not skilled craftsmen, most of the time they're helpers to someone else who is the skilled craftsmen.

Regardless if he is getting insurance for $100.00 per month--he's being subsidized through higher premiums paid for by the actual skilled craftsman that earns more than the laborer makes. Wealth redistribution via health care. Obamacare is nothing more than a sucker punch to the middle class in this country.

PURPOSE OF OBAMCARE: to insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: uninsuring the insured

6 million policies to-date have been cancelled due to the Obamacare mandates. Estimates are that when you add in spouses and children that were covered under these plans Obamacare has added another 14 million to the uninsured in this country. This after being promised by Obama and democrats over 40 times that if you liked your plan, you could keep your plan.

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Today's anecdote.

I met a 30 year old recovering drug addict with a history of seizures. He is a skilled laborer at a moulding production company making about 25k per year.

He is currently uninsured. He forks over $190 every time he goes to the clinic to get his meds. He dropped $700 last year when he broke a tooth and he owes a little over 10k for a previous bill due to a seizure.

I gave him the info for healthcare.gov and advised him to check it out.

He will get covered for less than $100 per month.

Isn't that great?!



Prove it!!!

Dontcha just love how that 'nutter'ness works both ways... :eusa_angel:

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