250,000 Coloradoans lose their health insurance under Obamacare

No, most plans being cancelled aren't worthless. The insurance company is just adding one or more new benefits and adjusting premiums so the plan can be marketed as ACA compliant.

CoventryOne Catastrophic 100% HMO Plan DE

There are a number of plans that provide practically no coverage but have very low premiums. Since worthless plans have to be replaced with real usable insurance, the premium without subsidies will increased substantially. For example, an individual plan with a $20,000 deductible, 40% coinsurance, and $30,000 yearly maximum out of pocket could be purchased in Florida for about $50/mo before the ACA goes into effect. The replacement plan has a $6350 deductible, $6350 yearly maximum out pocket with a premium of $132. This is a 264% increase in premium. This of course is not a fair comparison but that's how people will report it on the Internet.

Many worthless group insurance plans base premiums on employee turnover. Such plans were marketed by CIGNA and a number of other companies. CiGNA's plan required an average employee turnover of 70% a year, average employee age less than 40, $2000 deductible, 30% coinsurance, and exclusions for maternity, preexisting conditions and hospital admission for the first 6 month of employment. The average premium was about $30 to $40/mo. Some states even allow this insurance to be secondary to other insurance such as auto insurance. So if the employee was injured in an accident,which is the most common major claim for young people, this employer health insurance will probably pay little or nothing.

These plans are sold to businesses with younger employees with high turnover rates. Since most employees of these businesses leave within the first 6 months, claims are rare and profit margins are high. For most employees it's a ripoff. When the ACA is implemented for employer sponsored insurance, this type of insurance will have to be replaced will real insurance and the premiums will probably double. So the headlines will read, health insurance premiums will double at xyz company. What you won't see is the fact that that the company is replacing a worthless plan with real usable insurance.

So, I have, until the end of the year a catastrophic plan that had a $5000 deductible. Now, I have $6000 plus deductible, that now cost me more. How is this helpful for a middle class person who had the 5k saved up and had nice low premiums?
I don't understand your statement, "Now, I have $6000 plus deductible," The ACA makes possible additional healthcare coverage for all Americans. Healthcare costs will rise for some and go down for others. Additional benefits will lead to a healthier nation with better healthcare outcomes.

Oh--it's definitely gone down for 500,000 in this country--they are the number one enrollees and are getting Obamacare Medicade for FREE. The next group to actually sign up are the sick and elderly who have to have insurance.

The noted Death Spiral in Obamacare--is convincing the healthy 18 to 34 year old group to sign up with very high premiums so they can pay for the others. If they don't which it looks like they're not--Obamacare collapses under it's own weight.

Now for me--I am 60 years old--I temporarily have a catastrophic plan, because I am healthy--I don't my mind paying for co-pays and my own prescriptions--and yes it's a high deductible, but I only pay $238.00 per month for it. Under the Colorado Obamacare exchange I would be paying $495.00 per month something I cannot afford--and the coverage that I am required to carry--like maternity--is something I will never use nor want.

People are finding out quickly that their premiums are doubling to tripling what they were paying for their now canceled plans. The Obamacare mandates have driven the Obamacare insurance exchanges premiums through the roof.
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So, I have, until the end of the year a catastrophic plan that had a $5000 deductible. Now, I have $6000 plus deductible, that now cost me more. How is this helpful for a middle class person who had the 5k saved up and had nice low premiums?
I don't understand your statement, "Now, I have $6000 plus deductible," The ACA makes possible additional healthcare coverage for all Americans. Healthcare costs will rise for some and go down for others. Additional benefits will lead to a healthier nation with better healthcare outcomes.

What additional benefits do I get?
That depends on your insurance. Some plans have already added the essential benefits, but there's two benefits that everyone will get beginning Jan 1. No matter how sick you or a member of your family may get, your insurance company will never be able to drop you and they can't single you out for higher premiums because of family illnesses. If you decide to change plans, no insurance company can deny you coverage because of family illness.
I don't understand your statement, "Now, I have $6000 plus deductible," The ACA makes possible additional healthcare coverage for all Americans. Healthcare costs will rise for some and go down for others. Additional benefits will lead to a healthier nation with better healthcare outcomes.

What additional benefits do I get?
That depends on your insurance. Some plans have already added the essential benefits, but there's two benefits that everyone will get beginning Jan 1. No matter how sick you or a member of your family may get, your insurance company will never be able to drop you and they can't single you out for higher premiums because of family illnesses. If you decide to change plans, no insurance company can deny you coverage because of family illness.

That has been in effect for the last 3 years. It has absolutely nothing to do with is going on right now. You haven't seen any of these exchanges--have you. There is no added essential benefits--it's a nationwide group insurance policy. WE ARE ALL REQUIRED to carry maternity coverage, drug abuse coverage, mental health coverage, and a whole list of other things that most people don't want nor need. The only choice is how much you want in a deductible and co-pays. You're more than welcome to browse mine and see if you can find something in there that looks affordable to you.


BTW--I seem to remember a promise coming out of Obama's mouth that he could save us $2500.00 a year in premiums for a family of 4?
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So, I have, until the end of the year a catastrophic plan that had a $5000 deductible. Now, I have $6000 plus deductible, that now cost me more. How is this helpful for a middle class person who had the 5k saved up and had nice low premiums?
I don't understand your statement, "Now, I have $6000 plus deductible," The ACA makes possible additional healthcare coverage for all Americans. Healthcare costs will rise for some and go down for others. Additional benefits will lead to a healthier nation with better healthcare outcomes.

Oh--it's definitely gone down for 500,000 in this country--they are the number one enrollees and are getting Obamacare Medicade for FREE. The next group to actually sign up are the sick and elderly who have to have insurance.

The noted Death Spiral in Obamacare--is convincing the healthy 18 to 34 year old group to sign up with very high premiums so they can pay for the others. If they don't which it looks like they're not--Obamacare collapses under it's own weight.

Now for me--I am 60 years old--I temporarily have a catastrophic plan, because I am healthy--I don't my mind paying for co-pays and my own prescriptions--and yes it's a high deductible, but I only pay $238.00 per month for it. Under the Colorado Obamacare exchange I would be paying $495.00 per month something I cannot afford--and the coverage that I am required to carry--like maternity--is something I will never use nor want.

People are finding out quickly that their premiums are doubling to tripling what they were paying for their now canceled plans. The Obamacare mandates have driven the Obamacare insurance exchanges premiums through the roof.
What you pay for insurance depends on your income. A high percentage of the 18 to 34 age group are eligible for subsidies which will bring the cost down significantly while providing premiums needed to support the price structure.

Keep in mind that with the ACA, many young people to age 26 are now covered on their parents policy and many more will be covered by the expanded Medicaid or through their employer. For those that need to use the exchanges to get coverage, there is no rush since they have until the end of March.
What additional benefits do I get?
That depends on your insurance. Some plans have already added the essential benefits, but there's two benefits that everyone will get beginning Jan 1. No matter how sick you or a member of your family may get, your insurance company will never be able to drop you and they can't single you out for higher premiums because of family illnesses. If you decide to change plans, no insurance company can deny you coverage because of family illness.

That has been in effect for the last 3 years. It has absolutely nothing to do with is going on right now. You haven't seen any of these exchanges--have you. There is no added essential benefits--it's a nationwide group insurance policy. WE ARE ALL REQUIRED to carry maternity coverage, drug abuse coverage, mental health coverage, and a whole list of other things that most people don't want nor need. The only choice is how much you want in a deductible and co-pays. You're more than welcome to browse mine and see if you can find something in there that looks affordable to you.

Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

BTW--I seem to remember a promise coming out of Obama's mouth that he could save us $2500.00 a year in premiums for a family of 4?
What has been in effect for 3 years? The preexisting conditions exclusion and life time maximums are in individual policies being sold right now. Denying insurance coverage for adults because of preexisting conditions and lifetime maximums become illegal on Jan 1.

Many of the essential benefits are not included in all policies being sold today. You can verify this by going to the websites of companies selling individual insurance and looking at the plans that will not be available beginning Jan 1.

When Obama said he could save us $2500.00 a year in premiums for a family of 4, the key world is "could". If your income is low enough you will certainly be able to save that amount.
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That depends on your insurance. Some plans have already added the essential benefits, but there's two benefits that everyone will get beginning Jan 1. No matter how sick you or a member of your family may get, your insurance company will never be able to drop you and they can't single you out for higher premiums because of family illnesses. If you decide to change plans, no insurance company can deny you coverage because of family illness.

That has been in effect for the last 3 years. It has absolutely nothing to do with is going on right now. You haven't seen any of these exchanges--have you. There is no added essential benefits--it's a nationwide group insurance policy. WE ARE ALL REQUIRED to carry maternity coverage, drug abuse coverage, mental health coverage, and a whole list of other things that most people don't want nor need. The only choice is how much you want in a deductible and co-pays. You're more than welcome to browse mine and see if you can find something in there that looks affordable to you.

Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

BTW--I seem to remember a promise coming out of Obama's mouth that he could save us $2500.00 a year in premiums for a family of 4?
What has been in effect for 3 years? The preexisting conditions and life time maximum are in individual policies being sold right now. Denying insurance coverage for adults because of preexisting conditions and life time maximums become illegal on Jan 1.

Many of the essential benefits are not included in all policies being sold today. You can verify this by going to the websites of companies selling individual insurance and looking at the plans that will not be available beginning Jan 1.

Both statements are correct
I don't understand your statement, "Now, I have $6000 plus deductible," The ACA makes possible additional healthcare coverage for all Americans. Healthcare costs will rise for some and go down for others. Additional benefits will lead to a healthier nation with better healthcare outcomes.

Oh--it's definitely gone down for 500,000 in this country--they are the number one enrollees and are getting Obamacare Medicade for FREE. The next group to actually sign up are the sick and elderly who have to have insurance.

The noted Death Spiral in Obamacare--is convincing the healthy 18 to 34 year old group to sign up with very high premiums so they can pay for the others. If they don't which it looks like they're not--Obamacare collapses under it's own weight.

Now for me--I am 60 years old--I temporarily have a catastrophic plan, because I am healthy--I don't my mind paying for co-pays and my own prescriptions--and yes it's a high deductible, but I only pay $238.00 per month for it. Under the Colorado Obamacare exchange I would be paying $495.00 per month something I cannot afford--and the coverage that I am required to carry--like maternity--is something I will never use nor want.

People are finding out quickly that their premiums are doubling to tripling what they were paying for their now canceled plans. The Obamacare mandates have driven the Obamacare insurance exchanges premiums through the roof.
What you pay for insurance depends on your income. A high percentage of the 18 to 34 age group are eligible for subsidies which will bring the cost down significantly while providing premiums needed to support the price structure.

Keep in mind that with the ACA, many young people to age 26 are now covered on their parents policy and many more will be covered by the expanded Medicaid or through their employer. For those that need to use the exchanges to get coverage, there is no rush since they have until the end of March.

It's not working--we were lied to over 40 times by Barack Obama about being able to keep our insurance, if we liked it. Currently there are 5.5 million Americans who have received cancellation notices from their insurers, and are looking at double to triple the premiums they were paying.

This from Diane Feinstein D--California
“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’

Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

Now you can ignore all you want what prominent DEMOCRATS are telling you until you see if for yourself, when your policy (if you even have one is cancelled) due to the mandates in Obamacare. This is due to move into the Employer mandates next year and we will see millions more lose the insurance plans they like for a more expensive one that they don't like.

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Oh--it's definitely gone down for 500,000 in this country--they are the number one enrollees and are getting Obamacare Medicade for FREE. The next group to actually sign up are the sick and elderly who have to have insurance.

The noted Death Spiral in Obamacare--is convincing the healthy 18 to 34 year old group to sign up with very high premiums so they can pay for the others. If they don't which it looks like they're not--Obamacare collapses under it's own weight.

Now for me--I am 60 years old--I temporarily have a catastrophic plan, because I am healthy--I don't my mind paying for co-pays and my own prescriptions--and yes it's a high deductible, but I only pay $238.00 per month for it. Under the Colorado Obamacare exchange I would be paying $495.00 per month something I cannot afford--and the coverage that I am required to carry--like maternity--is something I will never use nor want.

People are finding out quickly that their premiums are doubling to tripling what they were paying for their now canceled plans. The Obamacare mandates have driven the Obamacare insurance exchanges premiums through the roof.
What you pay for insurance depends on your income. A high percentage of the 18 to 34 age group are eligible for subsidies which will bring the cost down significantly while providing premiums needed to support the price structure.

Keep in mind that with the ACA, many young people to age 26 are now covered on their parents policy and many more will be covered by the expanded Medicaid or through their employer. For those that need to use the exchanges to get coverage, there is no rush since they have until the end of March.

It's not working--we were lied to over 40 times by Barack Obama about being able to keep our insurance, if we liked it. Currently there are 5.5 million Americans who have received cancellation notices from their insurers, and are looking at double to triple the premiums they were paying.

This from Diane Feinstein D--California
“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’

Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

Now you can ignore all you want what prominent DEMOCRATS are telling you until you see if for yourself, when your policy (if you even have one is cancelled) due to the mandates in Obamacare. This is due to move into the Employer mandates next year and we will see millions more lose the insurance plans they like for a more expensive one that they don't like.

This bill does what Obama could do by executive order, change the grandfather rules. Grandfathered plans cannot be sold or modified after Jan 1. Insurance companies cannot make any changes to these plans so their life is limited probably no more than a year. In addition, these grandfathered plans would have to be reviewed by federal regulators plus state insurance commissions which would take a minimum of 6 months. However, congress would have to agree on a plan and there are 5 of them floating around now.

If you're thinking Congress is going save the day forget it. What there're doing is nothing more than smoke and mirrors so they can tell voters that they voted for a bill to save their insurance. In reality, all they would be doing is delaying the cancellation.
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What you pay for insurance depends on your income. A high percentage of the 18 to 34 age group are eligible for subsidies which will bring the cost down significantly while providing premiums needed to support the price structure.

Keep in mind that with the ACA, many young people to age 26 are now covered on their parents policy and many more will be covered by the expanded Medicaid or through their employer. For those that need to use the exchanges to get coverage, there is no rush since they have until the end of March.

It's not working--we were lied to over 40 times by Barack Obama about being able to keep our insurance, if we liked it. Currently there are 5.5 million Americans who have received cancellation notices from their insurers, and are looking at double to triple the premiums they were paying.

This from Diane Feinstein D--California
“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’

Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

Now you can ignore all you want what prominent DEMOCRATS are telling you until you see if for yourself, when your policy (if you even have one is cancelled) due to the mandates in Obamacare. This is due to move into the Employer mandates next year and we will see millions more lose the insurance plans they like for a more expensive one that they don't like.

This bill does what Obama could do by executive order, change the grandfather rules. Grandfathered plans cannot be sold or modified after Jan 1. Insurance companies cannot make any changes to these plans so their life is limited probably no more than a year. In addition, these grandfathered plans would have to be reviewed by federal regulators plus state insurance commissions which would take a minimum of 6 months. However, congress would have to agree on a plan and there are 5 of them floating around now.

If you're thinking Congress is going save the day forget it. What there're doing is nothing more than smoke and mirrors so they can tell voters that they voted for a bill to save their insurance. In reality, all they would be doing is delaying the cancellation.

Yep, Obama lied, we all know that. His approval rating took a hit with the American people because of it.
From the link:

The conservative group Compass Colorado tied the President's promise to a similar pledge made by U.S. Senator Mark Udall, a Democrat up for re-election next year.

"When Senator Udall promised Coloradans they could 'keep their plan,' he was either grossly misled by the leadership of his party or he was simply lying," said Compass Colorado spokesperson Kelly Maher.

"Either way, it's the job of a U.S. Senator to know better - and protect the best interest of his constituents - Senator Udall violated the public trust," Maher said.


My friends in CO say that Udall is laying low because he's up for re-election if 2014. I wonder if he's told Harry Reid that he think this will help him ? :lol:
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So a quarter of million Coloradoans are going to get better insurance and for many at a lower cost.

97% will pay the same or less, 3% more.

Good program that.

Thank the GOP-Dem Congress from 1994 to 2006 that could have done this much more easily and controlled at the state levels.

I wonder if dickweed Jake still wants to stand behind this post when Sebelius stated that a lot of people are going to take a hit.

Never mind the 2500 it was supposed to save us.
That depends on your insurance. Some plans have already added the essential benefits, but there's two benefits that everyone will get beginning Jan 1. No matter how sick you or a member of your family may get, your insurance company will never be able to drop you and they can't single you out for higher premiums because of family illnesses. If you decide to change plans, no insurance company can deny you coverage because of family illness.

That has been in effect for the last 3 years. It has absolutely nothing to do with is going on right now. You haven't seen any of these exchanges--have you. There is no added essential benefits--it's a nationwide group insurance policy. WE ARE ALL REQUIRED to carry maternity coverage, drug abuse coverage, mental health coverage, and a whole list of other things that most people don't want nor need. The only choice is how much you want in a deductible and co-pays. You're more than welcome to browse mine and see if you can find something in there that looks affordable to you.

Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

BTW--I seem to remember a promise coming out of Obama's mouth that he could save us $2500.00 a year in premiums for a family of 4?
What has been in effect for 3 years? The preexisting conditions exclusion and life time maximums are in individual policies being sold right now. Denying insurance coverage for adults because of preexisting conditions and lifetime maximums become illegal on Jan 1.

Many of the essential benefits are not included in all policies being sold today. You can verify this by going to the websites of companies selling individual insurance and looking at the plans that will not be available beginning Jan 1.

When Obama said he could save us $2500.00 a year in premiums for a family of 4, the key world is "could". If your income is low enough you will certainly be able to save that amount.

In your "lil liberal Einstein mind"--just who is paying for all these subsidies? The middle class is.

Obamacare is nothing more than wealth redistribution via health care. Those that didn't have insurance are now having theirs paid for by those who had health care and had their insurance policies cancelled, after being promised over 40 times by Obama that they could keep the plans they liked and their doctors too.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday joined the ranks of worried Democrats demanding that President Obama allow people to keep their current insurance policies. Feinstein’s move is bad news for an administration desperate for good news following the roll-out debacle of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchange on Oct. 1, which has been plagued by technical problems.

“Since the beginning of September, I have received 30,842 calls, emails and letters from Californians, many of whom are very distressed by cancellations of their insurance policies and who are facing increased out-of-pocket costs.

“For example, a father from Rancho Mirage called and said: ‘I work three jobs to pay the bills for my wife and daughter. I got a letter that my plan is going from $420 to $943. I went to HealthCare.Gov, then Covered California. I researched my premiums. A policy almost identical to my old one is being offered for $863. I’m now being forced to come up with over $400 a month with 30 days’ notice. Let me spell it out: I do not have the income to afford this.’
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

Off to Hawaii


Welcome to you Hope and Change!
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There are so many examples of less-than-the-FULL-truth experiences being offered, that one simply cannot just latch onto one that "seems" to fit their own circumstances, but may not have all the facts stated. Everyone needs to calm down and go to an exchange for their OWN evaluation of specific circumstances before making any decision.

The main flawed statement that keeps recurring seems to be that individuals were cancelled from policies that they were happy with already. I know each case is different, but I just wonder how many of these "happy" insured were actually reaping the benefits of their policies, and how many were just paying premiums but had no illnesses. Health insurance is not a ONE SIZE FITS ALL program. That is the reason that all policies have coverage for all things. Yes, a man's policy covers childbirth, just like a woman's policy covers testicular cancer. The actual contents of the policies is the same for everyone, so the policy itself has nothing to do with cost differences. The only things affecting policy owner cost are a person's age, income, and type of coverage like deductible amounts, co-pays, and percentage of coverage. I feel sure that the exchanges have people available to discuss whatever your specific circumstances might require. I wish you only the best.
There are so many examples of less-than-the-FULL-truth experiences being offered, that one simply cannot just latch onto one that "seems" to fit their own circumstances, but may not have all the facts stated. Everyone needs to calm down and go to an exchange for their OWN evaluation of specific circumstances before making any decision.

The main flawed statement that keeps recurring seems to be that individuals were cancelled from policies that they were happy with already. I know each case is different, but I just wonder how many of these "happy" insured were actually reaping the benefits of their policies, and how many were just paying premiums but had no illnesses. Health insurance is not a ONE SIZE FITS ALL program. That is the reason that all policies have coverage for all things. Yes, a man's policy covers childbirth, just like a woman's policy covers testicular cancer. The actual contents of the policies is the same for everyone, so the policy itself has nothing to do with cost differences. The only things affecting policy owner cost are a person's age, income, and type of coverage like deductible amounts, co-pays, and percentage of coverage. I feel sure that the exchanges have people available to discuss whatever your specific circumstances might require. I wish you only the best.

If you have to "wonder" then you don't know.

I had two plans. They worked for me. Replacement plans bring no additional value and are double the cost.

I'm not everyone. But I am not the only one.

And what about "If you like your plan you can keep it ?" Whatever happened to that little diddy or the I'm gonna save you 2500 a year ?

That ain't happening either.
I sure do agree that he was wrong about "you can keep your plan if you like it". Obviously he either forgot or just failed to remember that those plans that do not meet ACA minimums cannot exist, unless they are "grandfathered" in, I think, for one year. As for saving $2500 per family, this is probably true if the plans you are comparing are exact matches. I doubt that most plans are really comparable because insurers were selling coverages that were no-where near offering the coverages that ObamaCare does. This is the best way to hold costs down, everyone paying for the same envelope of coverage, while everyone certainly not using every aspect of this coverage. The more paying in, the cheaper the coverage becomes for everyone.
I sure do agree that he was wrong about "you can keep your plan if you like it". Obviously he either forgot or just failed to remember that those plans that do not meet ACA minimums cannot exist, unless they are "grandfathered" in, I think, for one year. As for saving $2500 per family, this is probably true if the plans you are comparing are exact matches. I doubt that most plans are really comparable because insurers were selling coverages that were no-where near offering the coverages that ObamaCare does. This is the best way to hold costs down, everyone paying for the same envelope of coverage, while everyone certainly not using every aspect of this coverage. The more paying in, the cheaper the coverage becomes for everyone.

Covers what? After how much of a deductible? I'm at over $4500 in deductibles, before I was at $5,000 and I paid $138 a month, now I am paying $488 and that is including subsidies. Just what extras do we now get that make it worth $4,200 more than what I had before?
I sure do agree that he was wrong about "you can keep your plan if you like it". Obviously he either forgot or just failed to remember that those plans that do not meet ACA minimums cannot exist, unless they are "grandfathered" in, I think, for one year. As for saving $2500 per family, this is probably true if the plans you are comparing are exact matches. I doubt that most plans are really comparable because insurers were selling coverages that were no-where near offering the coverages that ObamaCare does. This is the best way to hold costs down, everyone paying for the same envelope of coverage, while everyone certainly not using every aspect of this coverage. The more paying in, the cheaper the coverage becomes for everyone.

Covers what? After how much of a deductible? I'm at over $4500 in deductibles, before I was at $5,000 and I paid $138 a month, now I am paying $488 and that is including subsidies. Just what extras do we now get that make it worth $4,200 more than what I had before?

I have to tell you, the left (literally) amazes me day in and day out. Only the left could attempt to convince the american people that they are "saving" money while their wallets are being picked clean….

Apparently it won't hurt as much when the administration declared marijuana to be legal. You might lose your medical coverage in the "mountain high state" but with the right stuff and a couple dozen bags of potato chips you won't remember why you were concerned.

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