250,000 Coloradoans lose their health insurance under Obamacare

Exactly. Obama LIED when he said you can "keep your plan". Now he says, "you can get a better plan". Guess what, if you're young and healthy, you don't need a "better plan" as much as you need extra money to save for retirement, invest, and pay for basic expenses.

This is classic redistribution of wealth from those who are successful to those who are not. It's unacceptable.
I just saw on TV that a woman in Florida had insurance that cost her $650. a year. It would have paid her $50. toward a hospital stay.

B.S--there is no such thing as medical insurance for $650.00 per year. You're probably confusing that with a woman who has medicare benefits and is paying for an additional supplemental plan at $650.00 per year to cover the donut holes within Medicare.

The average cost for medical insurance under Obamacare today is $650.00 PER MONTH. That's for the "silver plan". The Gold plan is much higher.

The point of this thread is that millions of Americans bought and paid for their own chosen medical insurance plans--based on their personal health requirements that are now getting kicked off of those plans due to Obamacare mandates. All of them are now forced to enter plans they don't want--at double or triple the rate that they were paying.

And there will be millions more that get the letter--and millions after that when this virus enters the employer mandate in 2014.

The amount of the average premium for individual insurance in the country is meaningless for two reasons:
  • The cost of non-group health insurance is based on income.
  • There has always been a huge variation in premiums across the country which is due to the number of companies offering policies. In some counties in the country, there are only two companies that offer non-group health insurance. In other places their are dozen or more.
The ACA may be here to stay for a little bit but many of the Democrats who voted for it will be long gone! You still won't answer my question, Jakey...if the ACA is so great then why are the Democrats running for office asking for the President to delay it's roll out? Why, pray tell do they need "protection" from this program if it's wonderful? Don't have an answer to that very simple question...do you?

I'm curious...have you even tried going on the website? It STILL doesn't work. I'm sorry but it doesn't. How that makes it "better" is something you'll have to explain. I guess if someone says it really really sucked before and now it only really sucks that IS some kind of improvement but do you REALLY want to treat it like an accomplishment?

There is no evidence that the Dems will lose control of the Senate in 2014, Obama is there until Jan 20 2017, and the Dems having the needed votes in the Senate to ensure the survival of the ACA is a pretty sure thing.

You have not shown that the ACA is not going to work.

So . . . we have three years to see if the government gets it right.

And watch the number of TeaPoCrappic congresscritters that shut down the government and nearly brought on a world depression are replaced next year.

The "evidence" that the Democrats consider themselves in danger of losing control of the Senate IS that secret meeting Senate Democrats had with the President a few days ago, Jake! Think back to 2010 and the vicious beating Democrats took in the mid-term elections that year. That was due in large part because the Democrats had just passed a bill that nobody really understood because it was SO mammoth. Now it's four years later and the voters know a lot more about ObamaCare than they did back them because NOW it's taking effect and they are losing their health care policies that Obama promised them wouldn't happen PERIOD! They are losing their doctors that Obama promised them would never happen PERIOD! The Middle Class voters who were told their premiums would be going down an average of $2,500 a year are getting substantial premium increases and they are bullshit about it. You've literally got millions of pissed off Americans who feel that they have been deliberately lied to. The reason those Democratic Senators were having a "spicy" meeting with Barry is that they see their political lives hanging by a thread because of the reality of ObamaCare.

As for my "proving" that the ACA isn't going to work? Isn't it about time that the ACA proved that it can work? This isn't theory anymore. This is put up or shut up time for the Obama Administration. They made some incredible promises to the American people and told them basically to "trust us". Now the American people are demanding results...not more campaign rhetoric...and when it comes time for results...this Administration is gawd awful!

Well he has 3 more years to take the heat! :lol:
Oldstyle rants and pants about a program that should have been done twenty years before and whines about how it is done now.

Tuff dat.

Driveby has trouble understanding that the ACA can be modified as time goes by.

REACTIONARIES!!!: we are not going back to your pitiful far right world.

I ask you why so many Democrats are running FROM this law like it's toxic waste[/QUOTE]

No one is running.

Folks are asking for reasonable changes to make it better.
Actually what the White House is proposing NOW is another subsidy to help cover all of the cost increases to Middle Class folks. Anyone want to take a guess at how they are going to PAY for that? It's either lots more taxes...or it's trillions more added to the debt.

This law is so badly written it's falling apart even as it comes on line. That isn't a political observation...it's simply a statement of fact.
What about the woman the Right was talking about, who was paying $54. a month ... that's $648. a year.

» Florida Woman?s Insurance Rate Increases 10X Under Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

She was paying for a catastrophic plan not a comprehensive plan.

The point being, she WANTED a catastrophic plan and that choice was taken from her.

That Florida story was debunked as a lie last week. You can find the debunking if you search her name on the forum.
Forget about all the over the top claims from both sides, Carbineer!

Bottom line is this...

The "Affordable Care Act" was sold to the American people as something that was going to lower their healthcare costs...while not increasing the deficit...and allowing them to keep their present health care plan if they liked it as well as their doctor if they liked them.

All of those things were lies. The Obama Administration knew YEARS ago that costs would NOT be going down at all for the average Middle Class American, let alone the $2500 savings that Barry promised for a family of four. They've known all along that the ACA would increase the deficit by a HUGE amount as well as increase the debt to States. They've known all along that the ACA would cause millions of Americans to be dropped from healthcare plans they liked and they've known all along that millions of Americans would be losing the doctors they liked under this plan.

For five years now, people like you have been pooh poohing warnings that the ACA was flawed and that those promises from Obama were completely unrealistic. Now we're seeing just how naive you've been all along. Sorry, Carbineer...but you got punked by Barry, Harry and Nancy.
Actually what the White House is proposing NOW is another subsidy to help cover all of the cost increases to Middle Class folks. Anyone want to take a guess at how they are going to PAY for that? It's either lots more taxes...or it's trillions more added to the debt.

This law is so badly written it's falling apart even as it comes on line. That isn't a political observation...it's simply a statement of fact.

Yes I heard that a family of 4 making 96K per year can qualify for subsidy's for their more expensive plans under the cough-cough "Affordable Health Care Law."

We are quickly becoming a Welfare Nation. Who's going to pay for all of it? That's the Democrat party's fix to everything, just throw more borrowed money at it, and it will go away TEMPORARILY, until it explodes in another administration's lap.
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Forget about all the over the top claims from both sides, Carbineer!

Bottom line is this...

The "Affordable Care Act" was sold to the American people as something that was going to lower their healthcare costs...while not increasing the deficit...and allowing them to keep their present health care plan if they liked it as well as their doctor if they liked them.

All of those things were lies. The Obama Administration knew YEARS ago that costs would NOT be going down at all for the average Middle Class American, let alone the $2500 savings that Barry promised for a family of four. They've known all along that the ACA would increase the deficit by a HUGE amount as well as increase the debt to States. They've known all along that the ACA would cause millions of Americans to be dropped from healthcare plans they liked and they've known all along that millions of Americans would be losing the doctors they liked under this plan.

For five years now, people like you have been pooh poohing warnings that the ACA was flawed and that those promises from Obama were completely unrealistic. Now we're seeing just how naive you've been all along. Sorry, Carbineer...but you got punked by Barry, Harry and Nancy.

TRUE and very well stated:
What about the woman the Right was talking about, who was paying $54. a month ... that's $648. a year.

» Florida Woman?s Insurance Rate Increases 10X Under Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

She was paying for a catastrophic plan not a comprehensive plan.

The point being, she WANTED a catastrophic plan and that choice was taken from her.

No there is no such $54.00 plan per month even for catastrophic. Someone is pulling your leg. I "had" a plan I liked and it took care of my health care needs from Humana that was basically a simple plan for yearly physicals that included catastrophic for $238.00 per month--that just got cancelled due to Obamacare.

Yes you are right--it is the insured choice to estimate how much they can afford in a deductible and what their needs are. I should say we had a choice, now we are being forced into much more expensive plans that we don't want due to Obamacare.

Yes, my bad.
I had my stories confused!
Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out - latimes.com

Only a stupid fucker thinks 63 million votes for obama is America voted for obama.
What about the woman the Right was talking about, who was paying $54. a month ... that's $648. a year.

» Florida Woman?s Insurance Rate Increases 10X Under Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

She was paying for a catastrophic plan not a comprehensive plan.

The point being, she WANTED a catastrophic plan and that choice was taken from her.

That Florida story was debunked as a lie last week. You can find the debunking if you search her name on the forum.

"What I have right now is what I'm happy with, and I just want to know why I can't keep what I have," says the woman."

Argue with Political Junky. I responded to his post.

Actually, the story itself was not a lie.
The way CBS rolled it out was the lie.
Fox Corrects CBS Story Of Dianne Barrette Losing Her Health Insurance
As I noted last week, in 2010, the Obama administration estimated that 93 million Americans would be unable to keep their prior health coverage under the narrow grandfathering provisions issued by the administration in June 2010. My colleague Chris Conover estimates that the number is 129 million. And we are here only talking about disruptions to private health plans, and not counting the law’s $716 billion in cuts to Medicare.

The level of disruption in the employer-sponsored market will be less than that in the individual market, where people shop for coverage on their own. But the President is most certainly violating his “like your plan” pledge in the employer-sponsored market, too. For example, employer-sponsored insurance will now have to cover costly, federally-dictated benefits that they did not have to cover before, rendering many plans illegal. Excise taxes on premiums, drugs, and medical devices will drive premiums upward. And the so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-value insurance plans—a meritorious idea—will force a massive restructuring of many coverage arrangements.

It’s for these reasons that Delta Air Lines has said that it will spend $100 million more on health insurance in 2014 than it did in 2013, and why labor unions have complained that Obamacare “will drive the costs of collectively bargained, union administered plans, and other plans that cover unionized workers to unsupportable levels.”

Fact-Checking The President's Kind-Of Sort-Of 'Apology' For Obamacare-Driven Insurance Cancellations - Forbes
5 million who could afford insurance. There are more than that who don't have any and still won't. And they will be paying for those folks subsidies with their fines. Funny how no one talks about them. Not a ratings grabber I guess.
5 million who could afford insurance. There are more than that who don't have any and still won't. And they will be paying for those folks subsidies with their fines. Funny how no one talks about them. Not a ratings grabber I guess.

The subsidies are already written in for the poor--but if this moved into middle class income it needs to be approved by congress--(from what I understand.) Obama doesn't want to do that, because he knows the house would demand massive changes to Obamacare.

Interestingly enough Republicans in the house passed a bill that would let millions keep their insurance--but Harry Reid and the Democrat senate voted against it. It was dead on arrival.

Futhermore, we learned from Kathleen Sibilious that the workers manning these sites were not screened for prior felony convictions!!! People are directed to these sites--where they are giving out their social security numbers and other private information about themselves. One would have thought they could have added this into Obamacare?

I really believe they're underestimating the amount of people that are in the individual market for insurance that are getting cancellation notices. They claim it's 5% of the population--but if you look at small business--considered the largest employer in this nation--along with their employees it's much more. I imagine Jan. 1, 2014 will tell this tale.

None of this can be blamed on Republicans--because not a single one of them voted for Obamacare--and they were blocked from all committee meetings regarding Obamcare.

Right now Obamacare is a run-away train and no one can stop it. DEMOCRATS own this baby all by themselves.

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5 million who could afford insurance. There are more than that who don't have any and still won't. And they will be paying for those folks subsidies with their fines. Funny how no one talks about them. Not a ratings grabber I guess.

Agreed there has really been no discussion or anything discussed about the Penalties that are going to be launched at people who do not sign-up for Obamacare.

I have heard that some are opting to take the penalty because it is actually cheaper than paying for Obamacare premiums--but as yet I can't find any penalty information anywhere.

I would assume that they would have to be higher than the premiums otherwise what's the use of even having Obamacare exchanges?
As I noted last week, in 2010, the Obama administration estimated that 93 million Americans would be unable to keep their prior health coverage under the narrow grandfathering provisions issued by the administration in June 2010. My colleague Chris Conover estimates that the number is 129 million. And we are here only talking about disruptions to private health plans, and not counting the law’s $716 billion in cuts to Medicare.

The level of disruption in the employer-sponsored market will be less than that in the individual market, where people shop for coverage on their own. But the President is most certainly violating his “like your plan” pledge in the employer-sponsored market, too. For example, employer-sponsored insurance will now have to cover costly, federally-dictated benefits that they did not have to cover before, rendering many plans illegal. Excise taxes on premiums, drugs, and medical devices will drive premiums upward. And the so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-value insurance plans—a meritorious idea—will force a massive restructuring of many coverage arrangements.

It’s for these reasons that Delta Air Lines has said that it will spend $100 million more on health insurance in 2014 than it did in 2013, and why labor unions have complained that Obamacare “will drive the costs of collectively bargained, union administered plans, and other plans that cover unionized workers to unsupportable levels.”

Fact-Checking The President's Kind-Of Sort-Of 'Apology' For Obamacare-Driven Insurance Cancellations - Forbes
Since there are only 15 million people covered by individual insurance in the country, 15 million is the maximum number of possible cancellations in the individual healthcare market. Therefore a figure of 93 million must include an estimate of the group insurance policies that will be cancelled. This is extremely misleading since almost all group insurance policies are changed yearly and reissued.

Instead of cancelling policies and offering replacements, the insurance companies could have sent a letter out saying your plan is being upgraded to the ACA requirements and your premium next year will be xxx, then there would be no cancellations just changes in benefits and premiums. However, this would not be in the best interest of their customers since many would qualify for substantial subsidies by going through the exchange. Although cancelling policies creates political fallout for the administration, it's much better than just upgrading the plans and adjusting premiums.

Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
As I noted last week, in 2010, the Obama administration estimated that 93 million Americans would be unable to keep their prior health coverage under the narrow grandfathering provisions issued by the administration in June 2010. My colleague Chris Conover estimates that the number is 129 million. And we are here only talking about disruptions to private health plans, and not counting the law’s $716 billion in cuts to Medicare.

The level of disruption in the employer-sponsored market will be less than that in the individual market, where people shop for coverage on their own. But the President is most certainly violating his “like your plan” pledge in the employer-sponsored market, too. For example, employer-sponsored insurance will now have to cover costly, federally-dictated benefits that they did not have to cover before, rendering many plans illegal. Excise taxes on premiums, drugs, and medical devices will drive premiums upward. And the so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-value insurance plans—a meritorious idea—will force a massive restructuring of many coverage arrangements.

It’s for these reasons that Delta Air Lines has said that it will spend $100 million more on health insurance in 2014 than it did in 2013, and why labor unions have complained that Obamacare “will drive the costs of collectively bargained, union administered plans, and other plans that cover unionized workers to unsupportable levels.”

Fact-Checking The President's Kind-Of Sort-Of 'Apology' For Obamacare-Driven Insurance Cancellations - Forbes
Since there are only 15 million people covered by individual insurance in the country, 15 million is the maximum number of possible cancellations in the individual healthcare market. Therefore a figure of 93 million must include an estimate of the group insurance policies that will be cancelled. This is extremely misleading since almost all group insurance policies are changed yearly and reissued.

Instead of cancelling policies and offering replacements, the insurance companies could have sent a letter out saying your plan is being upgraded to the ACA requirements and your premium next year will be xxx, then there would be no cancellations just changes in benefits and premiums. However, this would not be in the best interest of their customers since many would qualify for substantial subsidies by going through the exchange. Although cancelling policies creates political fallout for the administration, it's much better than just upgrading the plans and adjusting premiums.

Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

With xxx being about 50% higher than what it was before.

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