250,000 Coloradoans lose their health insurance under Obamacare

What about the woman the Right was talking about, who was paying $54. a month ... that's $648. a year.

» Florida Woman?s Insurance Rate Increases 10X Under Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

She was paying for a catastrophic plan not a comprehensive plan.

The point being, she WANTED a catastrophic plan and that choice was taken from her.

Can she not have a catastrophic plan added and increase her deductible to bring down the insurance? And what is her subsidy?
I'm losing my catastrophic plan, it cost little and now, I will have to get a bronze with high deductible and it cost me more even with the tax credit.

It's a better plan, but it costs more and I don't want it. I want what I had, it was simple, low cost and covered me when I really needed it.
I'm losing my catastrophic plan, it cost little and now, I will have to get a bronze with high deductible and it cost me more even with the tax credit.

It's a better plan, but it costs more and I don't want it. I want what I had, it was simple, low cost and covered me when I really needed it.

C'mon. The insurance companies need our money. Do your part!

We're among those Coloradans who lost coverage. Our "new and improved" plan will cost us 40%+ more and will have deductibles that are nearly twice as high as our old plan.

The response at this forum and other places is "well I got mine, you're paying for it, tough shit".

Okay. The higher costs are not going to cause us financial harm, but we are definitely among the many to whom Obama lied. And lied and lied and lied. If his apologists think that's funny, if they don't care that he lied to our face to get elected, that's fine, that's what I would expect from them.

This is what happens when we allow politicians this much control over our lives. Absolutely predictable. It's also predictable that their sycophants will defend them no matter what, since these people are so devoted to the politicians. "You can lie to me all you want, just gimme."

It is what it is. The decay continues.


Most of the libs on here live on welfare and they all have Medicaid. Obamacare will not impact their lives at all.

Most of the conservatives here are lying when they say they're going to pay more under Obamacare.

You know what you'll never hear on this forum? A conservative admitting that he or she is getting less expensive coverage from the exchange because of Obamacare.

And yes, those people are here.

Most of the conservatives on here aren't getting their coverage from the (un)aca exchanges. If we were, we'd be paying less ... because someone else would be subsidizing (paying for) us. Conservatives don't go for being subsidized. Figured you knew that.

My brother's individual catastrophic plan got axed, thanks to this mess. He's still going to purchase individual insurance through IBC but now he gets to pay double the premium, and nearly double the deductible. Oh, but he's getting 'better' coverage you say? Why, yes I suppose he is ... if you consider a 55 year old single guy paying for maternity, newborn, prenatal care (including vision and dental) 'better'. Oh, and he didn't have coverage for prescriptions because he only has one that he fills once or twice a year so he paid for that out of pocket. Know why? Because it kept his premium lower and was cheaper for him to pay out of pocket. Not now, now he gets to pay a higher premium for something else he doesn't need or want. Same goes for rehab coverage.

dems wrote this pos, obama lied his ass off to get it passed, it is a pile of intentional shit, merely a stepping stone to single payer. Everyone knows that. Stop with your faux outrage over conservatives calling it what it is.
What about the woman the Right was talking about, who was paying $54. a month ... that's $648. a year.

» Florida Woman?s Insurance Rate Increases 10X Under Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

She was paying for a catastrophic plan not a comprehensive plan.

The point being, she WANTED a catastrophic plan and that choice was taken from her.

Can she not have a catastrophic plan added and increase her deductible to bring down the insurance? And what is her subsidy?
To qualify for a catastrophic plan, you must be under 30 years old OR get a "hardship exemption" because the Marketplace determined that you’re unable to afford health coverage.

Not sure if she qualifies for a subsidy. Her income is not given.
Oldstyle rants and pants about a program that should have been done twenty years before and whines about how it is done now.

Tuff dat.

Driveby has trouble understanding that the ACA can be modified as time goes by.

REACTIONARIES!!!: we are not going back to your pitiful far right world.

I notice that you didn't want to explain why all those Democratic Senators were having that secret meeting with Barry, Jake! You can't explain it...can you?

Once again...I ask you why so many Democrats are running FROM this law like it's toxic waste if it's so wonderful? Why aren't they standing on podiums around the country...thumping their chests and screaming "THAT'S RIGHT...I VOTED FOR OBAMACARE! I'M THE ONE YOU HAVE TO THANK FOR THIS!!!"?

There is only ONE logical reason that isn't happening, Jake...and it's that the ACA isn't what it was advertised as being when it was sold to the American people and those Democrats that voted for it are terrified what the reaction of their constituents is going to be when they get the bill for this fiasco.
What about the woman the Right was talking about, who was paying $54. a month ... that's $648. a year.

» Florida Woman?s Insurance Rate Increases 10X Under Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

She was paying for a catastrophic plan not a comprehensive plan.

The point being, she WANTED a catastrophic plan and that choice was taken from her.

No there is no such $54.00 plan per month even for catastrophic. Someone is pulling your leg. I "had" a plan I liked and it took care of my health care needs from Humana that was basically a simple plan for yearly physicals that included catastrophic for $238.00 per month--that just got cancelled due to Obamacare.

Yes you are right--it is the insured choice to estimate how much they can afford in a deductible and what their needs are. I should say we had a choice, now we are being forced into much more expensive plans that we don't want due to Obamacare.
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Your attempt to mask your benightedness with an Alinksy-esque deflection not only falls flat, it magnifies the utter ignorance you constantly display....

Fakey has cornered the market, nothing says American narrative like a die hard liberal pretending to be a republican on a political message board.... :thup:

drivey uses alinksy-type deflection to makes his own failure here.

He is a concern troll pretending to protect the far right while tearing it down.

Fakey goes from deflection to projection in a feeble attempt to flee from his obtuse ravings, much to my amusement ........ :lol:

Low information tools like you are so easy to ratchet up.
Oldstyle rants and pants about a program that should have been done twenty years before and whines about how it is done now.

Tuff dat.

Driveby has trouble understanding that the ACA can be modified as time goes by.

REACTIONARIES!!!: we are not going back to your pitiful far right world.

I ask you why so many Democrats are running FROM this law like it's toxic waste if it's so wonderful?

The jumbled noise in your head prevents you understanding the ACA is here to stay.

There is nothing you can do to change that, and each day the website gets better.
Oldstyle rants and pants about a program that should have been done twenty years before and whines about how it is done now.

Tuff dat.

Driveby has trouble understanding that the ACA can be modified as time goes by.

REACTIONARIES!!!: we are not going back to your pitiful far right world.

I ask you why so many Democrats are running FROM this law like it's toxic waste if it's so wonderful?

The jumbled noise in your head prevents you understanding the ACA is here to stay.

There is nothing you can do to change that, and each day the website gets better.

The ACA may be here to stay for a little bit but many of the Democrats who voted for it will be long gone! You still won't answer my question, Jakey...if the ACA is so great then why are the Democrats running for office asking for the President to delay it's roll out? Why, pray tell do they need "protection" from this program if it's wonderful? Don't have an answer to that very simple question...do you?

I'm curious...have you even tried going on the website? It STILL doesn't work. I'm sorry but it doesn't. How that makes it "better" is something you'll have to explain. I guess if someone says it really really sucked before and now it only really sucks that IS some kind of improvement but do you REALLY want to treat it like an accomplishment?
I ask you why so many Democrats are running FROM this law like it's toxic waste if it's so wonderful?

The jumbled noise in your head prevents you understanding the ACA is here to stay.

There is nothing you can do to change that, and each day the website gets better.

The ACA may be here to stay for a little bit but many of the Democrats who voted for it will be long gone! You still won't answer my question, Jakey...if the ACA is so great then why are the Democrats running for office asking for the President to delay it's roll out? Why, pray tell do they need "protection" from this program if it's wonderful? Don't have an answer to that very simple question...do you?

I'm curious...have you even tried going on the website? It STILL doesn't work. I'm sorry but it doesn't. How that makes it "better" is something you'll have to explain. I guess if someone says it really really sucked before and now it only really sucks that IS some kind of improvement but do you REALLY want to treat it like an accomplishment?

There is no evidence that the Dems will lose control of the Senate in 2014, Obama is there until Jan 20 2017, and the Dems having the needed votes in the Senate to ensure the survival of the ACA is a pretty sure thing.

You have not shown that the ACA is not going to work.

So . . . we have three years to see if the government gets it right.

And watch the number of TeaPoCrappic congresscritters that shut down the government and nearly brought on a world depression are replaced next year.
She was paying for a catastrophic plan not a comprehensive plan.

The point being, she WANTED a catastrophic plan and that choice was taken from her.

Can she not have a catastrophic plan added and increase her deductible to bring down the insurance? And what is her subsidy?
To qualify for a catastrophic plan, you must be under 30 years old OR get a "hardship exemption" because the Marketplace determined that you’re unable to afford health coverage.

Not sure if she qualifies for a subsidy. Her income is not given.

I am 60 years old and have a catastrophic plan through Humana--that I am getting kicked off of. People who go for less premiums higher deductibles are individuals/or small business people who could not afford group insurance policies--who elected to BE RESPONSIBLE and pay for their own medical insurance.

They are typically healthy, like myself--who watch our weight and exercise and get our yearly physicals. We don't mind paying for doctor's visit's or prescription drugs out of our own pocket.

These people are again being targeted and being punished by Obamacare, because of their good health. They are now forced to buy more expensive policies, under Obamacare--in order to pay for those that do not take care of themselves--who elected NOT to purchase their own insurance policies.

Make no doubt about it, this will spread like a virus into the employer mandate coming up in 2014. My daughter who is a nurse practitioner and is covered partially by her employer had her premiums increase over $400.00 per month (that she is required to pay) for the exact same policy last year, as millions of other employees have seen recently.

We're all paying for Obamacare. Obama sold this POS to the American public based on a pack of lies--and he continues to lie about it.

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Can she not have a catastrophic plan added and increase her deductible to bring down the insurance? And what is her subsidy?
To qualify for a catastrophic plan, you must be under 30 years old OR get a "hardship exemption" because the Marketplace determined that you’re unable to afford health coverage.

Not sure if she qualifies for a subsidy. Her income is not given.

I am 60 years old and have a catastrophic plan through Humana--that I am getting kicked off of. People who go for less premiums higher deductibles are individuals/or small business people who could not afford group insurance policies--who elected to BE RESPONSIBLE and pay for their own medical insurance.

They are typically healthy, like myself--who watch our weight and exercise and get our yearly physicals. We don't mind paying for doctor's visit's or prescription drugs out of our own pocket.

These people are again being targeted and being punished by Obamacare, because of their good health. They are now forced to buy more expensive policies, under Obamacare--in order to pay for those that do not take care of themselves--who elected NOT to purchase their own insurance policies.

Make no doubt about it, this will spread like a virus into the employer mandate coming up in 2014. My daughter who is a nurse practitioner and is covered partially by her employer had her premiums increase over $400.00 per month (that she is required to pay) for the exact same policy last year, as millions of other employees have seen recently.

We're all paying for Obamacare. Obama sold this POS to the American public based on a pack of lies--and he continues to lie about it.


That is my situation, I don't want or need anything but the catastrophic, however the liberals on this board and Obama and his henchmen think they know what is better for me than me. It is loss of freedom. The right to live my life as I see fit and what I want for health care vs a government that doesn't know me or my needs.

It's total bullshit, I can't understand why we need this intrusion.
To qualify for a catastrophic plan, you must be under 30 years old OR get a "hardship exemption" because the Marketplace determined that you’re unable to afford health coverage.

Not sure if she qualifies for a subsidy. Her income is not given.

I am 60 years old and have a catastrophic plan through Humana--that I am getting kicked off of. People who go for less premiums higher deductibles are individuals/or small business people who could not afford group insurance policies--who elected to BE RESPONSIBLE and pay for their own medical insurance.

They are typically healthy, like myself--who watch our weight and exercise and get our yearly physicals. We don't mind paying for doctor's visit's or prescription drugs out of our own pocket.

These people are again being targeted and being punished by Obamacare, because of their good health. They are now forced to buy more expensive policies, under Obamacare--in order to pay for those that do not take care of themselves--who elected NOT to purchase their own insurance policies.

Make no doubt about it, this will spread like a virus into the employer mandate coming up in 2014. My daughter who is a nurse practitioner and is covered partially by her employer had her premiums increase over $400.00 per month (that she is required to pay) for the exact same policy last year, as millions of other employees have seen recently.

We're all paying for Obamacare. Obama sold this POS to the American public based on a pack of lies--and he continues to lie about it.


That is my situation, I don't want or need anything but the catastrophic, however the liberals on this board and Obama and his henchmen think they know what is better for me than me. It is loss of freedom. The right to live my life as I see fit and what I want for health care vs a government that doesn't know me or my needs.

It's total bullshit, I can't understand why we need this intrusion.

Yes, they have invaded your right to manage your own budget. You will now be required to carry maternity insurance. Here is my state's health care exchange network and you'll notice there is absolutely nothing AFFORDABLE in it, which is why 34 thousand Coloradoans signed up for Medicade--and only 3 thousand bought a medical insurance policy.

Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace
What about the woman the Right was talking about, who was paying $54. a month ... that's $648. a year.

» Florida Woman?s Insurance Rate Increases 10X Under Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

She was paying for a catastrophic plan not a comprehensive plan.

The point being, she WANTED a catastrophic plan and that choice was taken from her.

A lot of people do that and open an HSA which they use for routine services. I'm not sure, but I am thinking their contributions to an HSA are tax deferred.
The jumbled noise in your head prevents you understanding the ACA is here to stay.

There is nothing you can do to change that, and each day the website gets better.

The ACA may be here to stay for a little bit but many of the Democrats who voted for it will be long gone! You still won't answer my question, Jakey...if the ACA is so great then why are the Democrats running for office asking for the President to delay it's roll out? Why, pray tell do they need "protection" from this program if it's wonderful? Don't have an answer to that very simple question...do you?

I'm curious...have you even tried going on the website? It STILL doesn't work. I'm sorry but it doesn't. How that makes it "better" is something you'll have to explain. I guess if someone says it really really sucked before and now it only really sucks that IS some kind of improvement but do you REALLY want to treat it like an accomplishment?

There is no evidence that the Dems will lose control of the Senate in 2014, Obama is there until Jan 20 2017, and the Dems having the needed votes in the Senate to ensure the survival of the ACA is a pretty sure thing.

You have not shown that the ACA is not going to work.

So . . . we have three years to see if the government gets it right.

And watch the number of TeaPoCrappic congresscritters that shut down the government and nearly brought on a world depression are replaced next year.

The "evidence" that the Democrats consider themselves in danger of losing control of the Senate IS that secret meeting Senate Democrats had with the President a few days ago, Jake! Think back to 2010 and the vicious beating Democrats took in the mid-term elections that year. That was due in large part because the Democrats had just passed a bill that nobody really understood because it was SO mammoth. Now it's four years later and the voters know a lot more about ObamaCare than they did back them because NOW it's taking effect and they are losing their health care policies that Obama promised them wouldn't happen PERIOD! They are losing their doctors that Obama promised them would never happen PERIOD! The Middle Class voters who were told their premiums would be going down an average of $2,500 a year are getting substantial premium increases and they are bullshit about it. You've literally got millions of pissed off Americans who feel that they have been deliberately lied to. The reason those Democratic Senators were having a "spicy" meeting with Barry is that they see their political lives hanging by a thread because of the reality of ObamaCare.

As for my "proving" that the ACA isn't going to work? Isn't it about time that the ACA proved that it can work? This isn't theory anymore. This is put up or shut up time for the Obama Administration. They made some incredible promises to the American people and told them basically to "trust us". Now the American people are demanding results...not more campaign rhetoric...and when it comes time for results...this Administration is gawd awful!
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Interesting how the leftists have ignored the information provided by those posters who are having their policies cancelled (or know people who are) and are now having to pay more for coverage they neither need or want.

Our premium went up 44%. 44 freaking percent. Yeah, it was due to the (un)aca. Why? Because now more things HAVE to be covered and we are now paying for those who are a higher risk to insure. Can't have those p/e people paying for their own risk! No sir-ee-bob ... in liberal land the playing field must be leveled, must be 'fair' for everyone ... even though making it 'fair' for everyone makes it unfair for those footing the bill.

I haven't seen anyone who is rah-rahing the (un)aca address any of this. They just come in, call people reactionaries or anarchists then leave. Where the hell is Greenbeard anyway? He was a walking, talking (un)aca billboard.
Interesting how the leftists have ignored the information provided by those posters who are having their policies cancelled (or know people who are) and are now having to pay more for coverage they neither need or want.

Our premium went up 44%. 44 freaking percent. Yeah, it was due to the (un)aca. Why? Because now more things HAVE to be covered and we are now paying for those who are a higher risk to insure. Can't have those p/e people paying for their own risk! No sir-ee-bob ... in liberal land the playing field must be leveled, must be 'fair' for everyone ... even though making it 'fair' for everyone makes it unfair for those footing the bill.

I haven't seen anyone who is rah-rahing the (un)aca address any of this. They just come in, call people reactionaries or anarchists then leave. Where the hell is Greenbeard anyway? He was a walking, talking (un)aca billboard.

Under this administration--the wealthy were punished and now it's the healthy that are being punished.

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