250,000 Coloradoans lose their health insurance under Obamacare

So a quarter of million Coloradoans are going to get better insurance and for many at a lower cost.

97% will pay the same or less, 3% more.

Good program that.

Thank the GOP-Dem Congress from 1994 to 2006 that could have done this much more easily and controlled at the state levels.

Try using that thing that sits on your shoulders for something other than a hat rack, Jakey!

Logic is a wonderful thing! In this case logic tells us that those Democratic Senators aren't holding secret meetings at the White House begging Barry to delay the ObamaCare roll out until after the 2014 elections because so many of their constituents will be getting better insurance at a lower cost! If that was the case they'd be going on TV and proclaiming how wonderful ObamaCare is and reminding their constituents that they supported it. Those Democratic Senators held that secret meeting because voters in their districts are getting letters in the mail cancelling their insurance policies and then they are discovering that getting replacement insurance that conforms with ObamaCare guidelines is making their policies much more expensive.

That's the reality of this situation...

Logic clearly shows that. But you'll continue to blather the same nonsense as you always do...ignoring reality because it doesn't jibe with your political agenda.
Oldstyle rants and pants about a program that should have been done twenty years before and whines about how it is done now.

Tuff dat.

Driveby has trouble understanding that the ACA can be modified as time goes by.

REACTIONARIES!!!: we are not going back to your pitiful far right world.
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Oldstyle rants and pants about a program that should have been done twenty years before and whines about how it is done now.

Tuff dat.

Driveby has trouble understanding that the ACA can be modified as time goes by.

REACTIONARIES!!!: we are not going back to your pitiful far right world.

Fakey, the marxist crown jewel of ignorance doesn't understand that covering ten items will always cost more than covering six items......:thup:

Looking at the way the ACA is structured, it's a brilliant political document and strategy.

Millions of people who make less than 400% of the Medicaid requirement will have their plans subsidized by "someone else", creating or solidifying a massive voting bloc that will be far more likely to both vote to protect their goodies and to vote Democrat.

Those of us who purchase individual health and who do not qualify for the subsidies will pay their freight, and Obama knew that when he lied about the plans to get re-elected. That $2,500 annual savings? Ha ha, fooled you, tough shit.

And the 400% of Medicaid figure? I have no doubt that this was pure calculation, that the figure was arrived at to create an optimum, paid-off subsidized voting block larger than the bloc who was both lied to AND screwed.

The lefties know this, that's why they're having so much fun with it. The least they could do is be honest about it.


We're among those Coloradans who lost coverage. Our "new and improved" plan will cost us 40%+ more and will have deductibles that are nearly twice as high as our old plan.

The response at this forum and other places is "well I got mine, you're paying for it, tough shit".

Okay. The higher costs are not going to cause us financial harm, but we are definitely among the many to whom Obama lied. And lied and lied and lied. If his apologists think that's funny, if they don't care that he lied to our face to get elected, that's fine, that's what I would expect from them.

This is what happens when we allow politicians this much control over our lives. Absolutely predictable. It's also predictable that their sycophants will defend them no matter what, since these people are so devoted to the politicians. "You can lie to me all you want, just gimme."

It is what it is. The decay continues.


I spoke with a good friend who lives in Fort Collins this morning. He hasn't received any notification (yet) but expects that he'll be getting his in the near future. He is/was insured through Anthem and, apparently, they are canceling nearly 80,000 policies.

Funny thing, though, according to him - the Denver media is strangely silent on this…..

Go figure.
The bad thing is the majority of them are white middle class GOP supporters, not the trash living in the barrio and ghetto that vote for the Dimwits and will get free obamacare handouts paid by those very middle class workers losing their insurance.

The ones living in the barrio don't have to worry with Obamacare. They have Medicaid.

We're among those Coloradans who lost coverage. Our "new and improved" plan will cost us 40%+ more and will have deductibles that are nearly twice as high as our old plan.

The response at this forum and other places is "well I got mine, you're paying for it, tough shit".

Okay. The higher costs are not going to cause us financial harm, but we are definitely among the many to whom Obama lied. And lied and lied and lied. If his apologists think that's funny, if they don't care that he lied to our face to get elected, that's fine, that's what I would expect from them.

This is what happens when we allow politicians this much control over our lives. Absolutely predictable. It's also predictable that their sycophants will defend them no matter what, since these people are so devoted to the politicians. "You can lie to me all you want, just gimme."

It is what it is. The decay continues.


I spoke with a good friend who lives in Fort Collins this morning. He hasn't received any notification (yet) but expects that he'll be getting his in the near future. He is/was insured through Anthem and, apparently, they are canceling nearly 80,000 policies.

Funny thing, though, according to him - the Denver media is strangely silent on this…..

Go figure.


I believe the appropriate response is:

"If you lose your coverage, tough shit."

"If your ACA plan doesn't include the doctor you've had for 30 years, tough shit."

"If you don't get subisdies on a new plan because you make too much money, , tough shit."

"If you therefore have to subsidize other people's plans because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If your new premium is higher because you make too money, tough shit."

"If your new deductible is higher because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If we found a backdoor way to get more of your money because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If you have figured out that Obama lied right to your face dozens of times to get re-elected, tough shit."

"If you have figured out that the ACA is just a mechanism for buying millions of votes with health care subsidies, tough shit."

"If you don't like it, tough shit."

Hey, I think I'm getting this down!



We're among those Coloradans who lost coverage. Our "new and improved" plan will cost us 40%+ more and will have deductibles that are nearly twice as high as our old plan.

The response at this forum and other places is "well I got mine, you're paying for it, tough shit".

Okay. The higher costs are not going to cause us financial harm, but we are definitely among the many to whom Obama lied. And lied and lied and lied. If his apologists think that's funny, if they don't care that he lied to our face to get elected, that's fine, that's what I would expect from them.

This is what happens when we allow politicians this much control over our lives. Absolutely predictable. It's also predictable that their sycophants will defend them no matter what, since these people are so devoted to the politicians. "You can lie to me all you want, just gimme."

It is what it is. The decay continues.


Most of the libs on here live on welfare and they all have Medicaid. Obamacare will not impact their lives at all.

We're among those Coloradans who lost coverage. Our "new and improved" plan will cost us 40%+ more and will have deductibles that are nearly twice as high as our old plan.

The response at this forum and other places is "well I got mine, you're paying for it, tough shit".

Okay. The higher costs are not going to cause us financial harm, but we are definitely among the many to whom Obama lied. And lied and lied and lied. If his apologists think that's funny, if they don't care that he lied to our face to get elected, that's fine, that's what I would expect from them.

This is what happens when we allow politicians this much control over our lives. Absolutely predictable. It's also predictable that their sycophants will defend them no matter what, since these people are so devoted to the politicians. "You can lie to me all you want, just gimme."

It is what it is. The decay continues.


I spoke with a good friend who lives in Fort Collins this morning. He hasn't received any notification (yet) but expects that he'll be getting his in the near future. He is/was insured through Anthem and, apparently, they are canceling nearly 80,000 policies.

Funny thing, though, according to him - the Denver media is strangely silent on this…..

Go figure.


I believe the appropriate response is:

"If you lose your coverage, tough shit."

"If your ACA plan doesn't include the doctor you've had for 30 years, tough shit."

"If you don't get subisdies on a new plan because you make too much money, , tough shit."

"If you therefore have to subsidize other people's plans because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If your new premium is higher because you make too money, tough shit."

"If your new deductible is higher because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If we found a backdoor way to get more of your money because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If you have figured out that Obama lied right to your face dozens of times to get re-elected, tough shit."

"If you have figured out that the ACA is just a mechanism for buying millions of votes with health care subsidies, tough shit."

"If you don't like it, tough shit."

Hey, I think I'm getting this down!



Yes Sir!

You are closer to understanding the democrats "victimhood" mentality!

Only idiots like you fail to realize that 5 million is too much!

It's going to be a lot more than 5 million that lose their insurance polices. The ones that Obama PROMISED 32 times that they would be able to keep--and that NOTHING would change.

This is just the BEGINNING. There are going to be millions more that lose their insurance because of Obamacare.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: Insure the uninsured. EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsure the insured.

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Oldstyle rants and pants about a program that should have been done twenty years before and whines about how it is done now.

Tuff dat.

Driveby has trouble understanding that the ACA can be modified as time goes by.

REACTIONARIES!!!: we are not going back to your pitiful far right world.

Fakey, the marxist crown jewel of ignorance doesn't understand that covering ten items will always cost more than covering six items......:thup:

Driveby could not define "marixism" or "socialism" if facing a firing squad were the alternative.

He simply cannot understand terms and definitions, and he has no concept of the American narrative.

We're among those Coloradans who lost coverage. Our "new and improved" plan will cost us 40%+ more and will have deductibles that are nearly twice as high as our old plan.

The response at this forum and other places is "well I got mine, you're paying for it, tough shit".

Okay. The higher costs are not going to cause us financial harm, but we are definitely among the many to whom Obama lied. And lied and lied and lied. If his apologists think that's funny, if they don't care that he lied to our face to get elected, that's fine, that's what I would expect from them.

This is what happens when we allow politicians this much control over our lives. Absolutely predictable. It's also predictable that their sycophants will defend them no matter what, since these people are so devoted to the politicians. "You can lie to me all you want, just gimme."

It is what it is. The decay continues.


I spoke with a good friend who lives in Fort Collins this morning. He hasn't received any notification (yet) but expects that he'll be getting his in the near future. He is/was insured through Anthem and, apparently, they are canceling nearly 80,000 policies.

Funny thing, though, according to him - the Denver media is strangely silent on this…..

Go figure.


I believe the appropriate response is:

"If you lose your coverage, tough shit."

"If your ACA plan doesn't include the doctor you've had for 30 years, tough shit."

"If you don't get subisdies on a new plan because you make too much money, , tough shit."

"If you therefore have to subsidize other people's plans because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If your new premium is higher because you make too money, tough shit."

"If your new deductible is higher because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If we found a backdoor way to get more of your money because you make too much money, tough shit."

"If you have figured out that Obama lied right to your face dozens of times to get re-elected, tough shit."

"If you have figured out that the ACA is just a mechanism for buying millions of votes with health care subsidies, tough shit."

"If you don't like it, tough shit."

Hey, I think I'm getting this down!



And let us not forget the way this horsesh$t was sold to the American public…"We need this law to insure the 18 million Americans that are without healthcare".

Funny - we started out with 18 million Americans (less than 1% of the population) who refused to be insured (and probably STILL won't get insurance) and what have we accomplished in 30 days?? We have added 5-7 million more honest, hard working Americans to the list of the uninsured. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it??

Now, add in the 20-30 million MORE honest, hard working Americans who will undoubtedly lose their employer provided insurance in 2014 when the employer mandate kicks in - and we are well on our way to screwing the pooch.

All this to insure those poor, pitiful artful dodger types (18 million of them) who have, for years, successfully gamed the system and have used the American taxpayer to take care of them. Let's see…over the years, the taxpayer has probably picked up the tab of what" 10-15 billion dollars to care for the stupid?

Now, what have we "gained" with this wonderful, thoughtful, and well thought out law that we are saddled with? Hmmm……a TRILLION DOLLARS A YEAR IN NEW EXPENSES!?!?!?!?

Stupid, stupid democrats…..
If I ever decide to leave retirment and return to my career in health and life underwriting, it would be a sad event for me. The days of telling people that they failed to meet underwring standards are gone, and I would miss the power trip I had of telling people that they were uninsurable, with my company, as well as all the other insurers. It just wouldn't be the same...like returning to your childhood home and finding that they had torn it down and built a Starbucks on the site....
What we have is insurance reform and not health care reform. Unfortunately, Im afraid the reform is a huge step backwards for america as a whole.


It does however, bear repeating. This has never been about "reform". Anyone who tells you that is lying to himself, and you. This is about "control". It is about "take over". And, it is about "slavery".
What we have is insurance reform and not health care reform. Unfortunately, Im afraid the reform is a huge step backwards for america as a whole.

Ya Think--LOL. Right now there are millions of democrats and republicans who are getting notices from their insurers that they are getting booted from their insurance plans. These are people who made the free choice to select their insurance according to their personal health needs.

Now we have 60 year old's forced to pay for maternity insurance. Everyone that has gotten booted off of their plans are looking at their premiums doubling or tripling in some cases to meet the requirements of Obamacare.

This is going to spread like a virus into the employer mandate. Employers are already gearing up for it by--working people part-time. We are going to turn into a part time work force in this nation--and everyone is going to pay out of pocket for medical insurance.

This is just the beginning.

What we have is insurance reform and not health care reform. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the reform is a huge step backwards for America as a whole.
What we have is insurance reform and not health care reform. Unfortunately, Im afraid the reform is a huge step backwards for america as a whole.


It does however, bear repeating. This has never been about "reform". Anyone who tells you that is lying to himself, and you. This is about "control". It is about "take over". And, it is about "slavery".

No, it is not.
Oldstyle rants and pants about a program that should have been done twenty years before and whines about how it is done now.

Tuff dat.

Driveby has trouble understanding that the ACA can be modified as time goes by.

REACTIONARIES!!!: we are not going back to your pitiful far right world.

Fakey, the marxist crown jewel of ignorance doesn't understand that covering ten items will always cost more than covering six items......:thup:

Driveby could not define "marixism" or "socialism" if facing a firing squad were the alternative.

He simply cannot understand terms and definitions, and he has no concept of the American narrative.

Your attempt to mask your benightedness with an Alinksy-esque deflection not only falls flat, it magnifies the utter ignorance you constantly display....

Fakey has cornered the market, nothing says American narrative like a die hard liberal pretending to be a republican on a political message board.... :thup:
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We're among those Coloradans who lost coverage. Our "new and improved" plan will cost us 40%+ more and will have deductibles that are nearly twice as high as our old plan.

The response at this forum and other places is "well I got mine, you're paying for it, tough shit".

Okay. The higher costs are not going to cause us financial harm, but we are definitely among the many to whom Obama lied. And lied and lied and lied. If his apologists think that's funny, if they don't care that he lied to our face to get elected, that's fine, that's what I would expect from them.

This is what happens when we allow politicians this much control over our lives. Absolutely predictable. It's also predictable that their sycophants will defend them no matter what, since these people are so devoted to the politicians. "You can lie to me all you want, just gimme."

It is what it is. The decay continues.


Most of the libs on here live on welfare and they all have Medicaid. Obamacare will not impact their lives at all.

Most of the conservatives here are lying when they say they're going to pay more under Obamacare.

You know what you'll never hear on this forum? A conservative admitting that he or she is getting less expensive coverage from the exchange because of Obamacare.

And yes, those people are here.
Insurance companies now have to maintain a ratio of paying out 85% of the premiums they collect in healthcare,

or rebate the difference to their customers. That is a very important feature of Obamacare that no one seems to care about.

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