250,000 Muslims riot in India


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
These people are like cockroaches, deadly buggy...
January 6, 2016
250,000 Muslims riot in India over allegation politician insulted Mohammed
By Thomas Lifson
The Indian Express reports:

A massive Muslim protest rally against Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha [a Hindu nationalist party – TL] leader Kamlesh Tiwari for his alleged derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammed turned violent in Malda district on Sunday, leading to arson and gunfire in which two persons reportedly sustained bullet injuries. The protesters set on fire about two dozen vehicles and attacked the Kaliachak Police Station.


The violence broke out when the protesters, who were taking out the rally on National Highway 34, came across a bus that was trying to negotiate past them. A group of protesters got into an argument with the driver of the bus and soon the situation spiralled out of control. As the passengers got off the bus, the protesters burnt it down.

A little later, a BSF [Border Security Force – TL] vehicle, which was coming from Malda, was also set ablaze. The mob then turned towards the nearby Kaliachak Police Station. Eyewitnesses said the protesters drove out the policemen and set on fire part of the police station, including the barracks.

Sources said two persons, including an RSS activist from a nearby area who led a separate group of people to stop the protesters, were injured in the violence. Although RSS leaders said 35-year-old Gopal Tiwari was injured in firing, police could not confirm it. (snip)

Additional Superintendent of Police Dilip Hazra said, “There was a rally of about 2.5 lakh [lakh is an Indian mathematical term meaning 100,000] people, which took an ugly turn. About 25 vehicles, including some police vans, were set on fire. Policemen were beaten up but there was no severe injury. I have heard of one person sustaining a bullet injury but there is no official confirmation of it,” said Hazra.

A later report in India Today details the alleged insult:

The minority group was protesting against Tiwari saying his speech had derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammed. Kamlesh Tiwari had called Prophet Muhammad the first homosexual in the world.

Malda officially is considered one of the most backward regions of India and receives special government funding on that basis. No doubt there are people at the U.N. who will blame Israel for this somehow.

Hat tip: Pamela Geller and iOTW Report

The Indian Express reports:


Read more: Blog: 250,000 Muslims riot in India over allegation politician insulted Mohammed
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I was just reading that Hillary sponsored the first Istanbul Conference to deal with enacting speech restrictive laws against slandering ISLAM world wide with the exception of the US of course because of the Constitution.

Very disturbing.

Happened in 2011 with Obama's full support.

Here's just part of the movement she and Obama have been involved in. A crime to slander Islam. It's out there and now Quebec is looking at passing a law on this.

Here's a bit of the article. It's worth the whole read.

"The Cairo Declaration asserts the superiority of Islam and defines freedom of speech according to Shariah law, which considers any criticism of Muhammad blasphemy. (Former French screen star and animal-rights activist Brigitte Bardot, for example, who has criticized Islam, mostly for its use of animal sacrifices, has been prosecuted and fined four times for “inciting racial hatred.”)

Clinton could not assent to enacting speech-restrictive laws in the U.S. — that pesky constitution!

Frémont’s fascination with the OIC is hardly unique in North America. In spite of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which is supposed to protect Americans from speech-chilling laws like Bill 59 and the Cairo Declaration, one of the OIC’s biggest fans is the U.S. State Department. Hillary Clinton enthusiastically sponsored the first Istanbul conference in 2011, which included delegates from the U.S., the EU and the OIC, but was largely conducted behind closed doors and attracted little attention.

Clinton could not assent to enacting speech-restrictive laws in the U.S. — that pesky constitution! — but she did assert that the U.S. could advocate for other messages to achieve the same result, such as the use of “good old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming.” On this file, she and her president march in lockstep. U.S. President Barack Obama famously announced in 2012 that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Well, if the future does not belong to those who have the right to say anything they want about the prophet of Islam, just as the past has belonged to those with the right to say anything they want about Moses, Christ, Marx and the Buddha; and if “slander” of Islam is to be defined by the OIC and suppressed by shaming or worse — then to whom exactly do Jacques Frémont, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama intend for the future to belong?"

Barbara Kay: Appeasing the Islamists in Quebec

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