$250k fine - 20yr prison To protest or boycott Israel -thought crime-

Pretty soon it will be outlawed to question the history of WWII.
U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel

Congress wants to pass a law that makes it illegal to protest or boycott Israel. Yes this is now being considered in the Congress of the United States. Outright outlawing of thought and freedom of speech. THIS is 1984 made real.
Before you go any further in making a fool of yourself, read the bill for yourself instead of depending on a propaganda site for information: S.720 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Israel Anti-Boycott Act
I cant believe those assholes co-sponsored the bill without reading it.
Washington is a joke
I cant believe those assholes co-sponsored the bill without reading it.
Washington is a joke
I can't believe you made a comment about the bill without reading it.

Oh wait. I can totally believe it.
While I'm not a lawyer, there's no way what is described in the op could be constitutional.
The 'Israel is always right no matter what' contingent shows up. You derps would have over your rights without a whimper if Ted Cruz told you it was 'god's will'.

This bullshit will be challened and destroyed in the court system, but the mere fact that any American would even think of doing something like this let alone try to put it into law with a $250,000 fine and 20 years in prison if you're mean to Israel is what is to be noted here. They believe they can ignore the Constitution outright and do anything they like. Forcing others to spend millions of dollars to get this huge bullshit bill annulled in the courts.
The US bipartisan bill says no such thing. Perhaps Isaac Newton should enlighten us about his problems with the theory of gravity and modern international politics.
Interesting this attack on the US Constitution is supported by same Swamp Rats who are attacking the US democracy and pushing the fake "Russian Collusion" narrative. Very troubling.

The proposed measure, called the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720), was introduced by Cardin on March 23. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that the bill “was drafted with the assistance of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC]” … The bill’s co-sponsors include the senior Democrat in Washington, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, his New York colleague Kirsten Gillibrand, and several of the Senate’s more liberal members, such as Ron Wyden of Oregon, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Maria Cantwell of Washington. Illustrating the bipartisanship that AIPAC typically summons, it also includes several of the most right-wing Senators such as Ted Cruz of Texas, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Marco Rubio of Florida.

43 Senators Want to Make It a Federal Crime to Boycott Israeli Settlements
Lying has just become the natural state of conservatives. You can't pass up any opportunity to put your Fokkks News skills to work and attempt to lie about an issue or deflect and toss out a Red Herring. Sorry cons, these junior varsity tactics only work on other cons who are also easily manipulated. This bill has bipartisan support which is only worse.
Lying has just become the natural state of conservatives. You can't pass up any opportunity to put your Fokkks News skills to work and attempt to lie about an issue or deflect and toss out a Red Herring. Sorry cons, these junior varsity tactics only work on other cons who are also easily manipulated. This bill has bipartisan support which is only worse.
Lying is the natural state of politicians from both sides of the aisle. You know the old saying, "how can you tell if a politician is lying? Their lips are moving".
Simply the penalties tell you how fucking batshit this bill is.

$250,000 fine, which could go up to $1,000,000 and 20 years in prison!? For a US citizen speaking their mind about some far off country?

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