26 of the last 27 mass shooters had one thing in common


I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.

so this is the product of the" life of julia "
with the divorce rate being 50 % or so and women nor men carrying for the offsprings of those marriages...men walk away and just get another family....while women move man after man into the house....my husband was always a better father than a husband.....another man would be easy to get.....but he was the best father for my son....i dont regret those decisions at all...it takes a strong family to raise a strong man
o drop the liberal bullshit ....you have gop president who has divorce how many times...and his latest wife is what...a paid whore?

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.

so this is the product of the" life of julia "
I never heard of it until your post and I checked and I could be I guess. Liberals try to destroy everything they can and jughead obastard was no different.

sure seems like it would be
a man who's offspring little donnie jr is liking the conspiracy theories about the parkland killings but its all liberal
I had 5 step dads and did drugs and drank yet never killed anyone nor has any of the other latch key kids I knew...
Me too. There are exceptions to everything if not, things would be cut and dried, would they not?
a man who's offspring little donnie jr is liking the conspiracy theories about the parkland killings but its all liberal
Calm down, the OP is about the commonality of many mass shooters not having fathers. I'll text you a Valium.
with the divorce rate being 50 % or so and women nor men carrying for the offsprings of those marriages...men walk away and just get another family....while women move man after man into the house....my husband was always a better father than a husband.....another man would be easy to get.....but he was the best father for my son....i dont regret those decisions at all...it takes a strong family to raise a strong man
I don't usually agree with you, but I just gave you the WINNER award. You family values make you way "CONSERVATIVE" yet you vote for people who want to tear the family apart. WHY?

Why Liberals Detest the Stable, Nuclear Family
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.
Instead of making it harder for Law Abiding citizens to get guns, make it harder than fuck for two people to get a Divorce.. Up till the 1960s Divorce was a rarity, but once liberalism got a foothold, not only did Divorce on demand happen but gun crimes went up also.

My parents argued every day, One day my father told me he was going to get a gun, kill my mother and then himself. I was 13. I didn't believe him. One day I came home and the phone book was open to the yellow pages. The page was turned to guns and half the page was ripped out. Our family never really talked about feelings or such, so I didn't say anything. The next day, I searched for the gun and found it and bullets. Hid them in different placed. I prayed very hard that they would get a divorce. Only prayer where I asked for something that never came to be.
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.
Instead of making it harder for Law Abiding citizens to get guns, make it harder than fuck for two people to get a Divorce.. Up till the 1960s Divorce was a rarity, but once liberalism got a foothold, not only did Divorce on demand happen but gun crimes went up also.

My parents argued every day, One day my father told me he was going to get a gun, kill my mother and then himself. I was 13. I didn't believe him. One day I came home and the phone book was open to the yellow pages. The page was turned to guns and half the page was ripped out. Our family never really talked about feelings or such, so I didn't say anything. The next day, I searched for the gun and found it and bullets. Hid them in different placed. I prayed very hard that they would get a divorce. Only prayer where I asked for something that never came to be.

Did he do it?
o drop the liberal bullshit ....you have gop president who has divorce how many times...and his latest wife is what...a paid whore?
Donald Trump before he was President was a liberal that Bill and Hillary pandered to, to get money for their campaigns. Same with all the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Dickie Turban. But like Ronald Reagan who was at first a Democrat, President Trump realized that Obama had almost successfully transformed America into a shithole 3rd world nation and had to stop 4 more years of Obama's policies by running against the sickly, crooked, vagina ex candidate, Hitlery..When you can tell the rest of US that you have not sinned before and are pure, then at that time you can complain about another person's sins..

To err is human, to forgive is divine.
But if you continue to take advantage of our forgiveness, like man on the left.

The full phrase is "to err is human, to forgive divine". It means that as humans, we are prone to making mistakes every once-in-a-while, and that you should learn to forgive those mistakes.
What is the meaning of this to err is human - …
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