26 of the last 27 mass shooters had one thing in common


I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
Yeah, they all had something in common.....white, stupid and full of rage....next observation?

And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......
You could accomplish more by not always playing stupid partisan politics in every goddamned thread or post...

The policies of the democrats have created our social welfare nightmare...which has created single teenage mothers in epidemic proportions....which is creating our violent crime problem......
Bulshit I say. You bring no evidence to back your assumptions and the god damned welfare state has existed in times of gop control, like now, they increased it, yeah the GOP in Congress and the budget from the president, yeah those guys are gop, not dems.. Starting to get the picture? Can you take off the myopic blinders that make people think it's one side when it's really both?

Single teenage mothers raising young males without husband and father are driving the crime rate in this country......it is also leading to violent crime in Europe...as their welfare state has finally managed to destroy their families too....

Read the book "Life at the Bottom" about the underclass in Britain......story after story of crime created by teen mothers raising young British males....

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
“Indeed, there is a direct correlation between boys who grow up with absent fathers and boys who drop out of school, who drink, who do drugs, who become delinquent and who wind up in prison,” she writes. “And who kill their classmates.”
What the shooters all had in common.....See picture below..

View attachment 178265
How do you prevent us liberals from getting assault weapons?

If there were a weapon made more powerful than automatic rifles would it be immediately unconstitutional to ban the sale of them?
Yeah, they all had something in common.....white, stupid and full of rage....next observation?

And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......
You could accomplish more by not always playing stupid partisan politics in every goddamned thread or post...

The policies of the democrats have created our social welfare nightmare...which has created single teenage mothers in epidemic proportions....which is creating our violent crime problem......
Bulshit I say. You bring no evidence to back your assumptions and the god damned welfare state has existed in times of gop control, like now, they increased it, yeah the GOP in Congress and the budget from the president, yeah those guys are gop, not dems.. Starting to get the picture? Can you take off the myopic blinders that make people think it's one side when it's really both?

Single teenage mothers raising young males without husband and father are driving the crime rate in this country......it is also leading to violent crime in Europe...as their welfare state has finally managed to destroy their families too....

Read the book "Life at the Bottom" about the underclass in Britain......story after story of crime created by teen mothers raising young British males....
This is when where how and why I agree with liberals. No one told you to have a kid you won’t raise properly

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
“Indeed, there is a direct correlation between boys who grow up with absent fathers and boys who drop out of school, who drink, who do drugs, who become delinquent and who wind up in prison,” she writes. “And who kill their classmates.”
What the shooters all had in common.....See picture below..

View attachment 178265
How do you prevent us liberals from getting assault weapons?

If there were a weapon made more powerful than automatic rifles would it be immediately unconstitutional to ban the sale of them?

The AR-15 is not a military rifle...it does not have select fire capability....and left wing, anti gunners can buy an AR-15 just like normal Americans can....there is no need to keep you from getting these rifles as long as you commit no crimes with them....which seems hard for you since you keep using them to shoot people...just ask the Republican baseball team the bernie sanders supporter tried to murder......

And yes...it would be unconstitutional.
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.
Follow up with what you think we should do.

I say teach this in high school. Drill it into kids heads.
Yeah, they all had something in common.....white, stupid and full of rage....next observation?

And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......
You could accomplish more by not always playing stupid partisan politics in every goddamned thread or post...

The policies of the democrats have created our social welfare nightmare...which has created single teenage mothers in epidemic proportions....which is creating our violent crime problem......
Bulshit I say. You bring no evidence to back your assumptions and the god damned welfare state has existed in times of gop control, like now, they increased it, yeah the GOP in Congress and the budget from the president, yeah those guys are gop, not dems.. Starting to get the picture? Can you take off the myopic blinders that make people think it's one side when it's really both?

Single teenage mothers raising young males without husband and father are driving the crime rate in this country......it is also leading to violent crime in Europe...as their welfare state has finally managed to destroy their families too....

Read the book "Life at the Bottom" about the underclass in Britain......story after story of crime created by teen mothers raising young British males....
My Mom was a teen when she had my sister at 15 ane me at 17...I have lived what those books detail. Yet guess what? It's up to every individual to determine what kind of life they want or don't want. We have seen the most horrendous mass murderers coming from biological parent homes which negates the so called professional attempts to decipher the problem. These people are no better than those that want to outlaw firearms....They are out to make a fast buck.....
Your argument is the same illogical argument used to fight the drug war...
And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......
You could accomplish more by not always playing stupid partisan politics in every goddamned thread or post...

The policies of the democrats have created our social welfare nightmare...which has created single teenage mothers in epidemic proportions....which is creating our violent crime problem......
Bulshit I say. You bring no evidence to back your assumptions and the god damned welfare state has existed in times of gop control, like now, they increased it, yeah the GOP in Congress and the budget from the president, yeah those guys are gop, not dems.. Starting to get the picture? Can you take off the myopic blinders that make people think it's one side when it's really both?

Single teenage mothers raising young males without husband and father are driving the crime rate in this country......it is also leading to violent crime in Europe...as their welfare state has finally managed to destroy their families too....

Read the book "Life at the Bottom" about the underclass in Britain......story after story of crime created by teen mothers raising young British males....
This is when where how and why I agree with liberals. No one told you to have a kid you won’t raise properly

we are talking teenagers......the ones we are told have all the wisdom when it comes to gun control policy....as they eat packets of laundry detergent....and have babies they can't support....

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
“Indeed, there is a direct correlation between boys who grow up with absent fathers and boys who drop out of school, who drink, who do drugs, who become delinquent and who wind up in prison,” she writes. “And who kill their classmates.”
What the shooters all had in common.....See picture below..

View attachment 178265
How do you prevent us liberals from getting assault weapons?

If there were a weapon made more powerful than automatic rifles would it be immediately unconstitutional to ban the sale of them?

The AR-15 is not a military rifle...it does not have select fire capability....and left wing, anti gunners can buy an AR-15 just like normal Americans can....there is no need to keep you from getting these rifles as long as you commit no crimes with them....which seems hard for you since you keep using them to shoot people...just ask the Republican baseball team the bernie sanders supporter tried to murder......

And yes...it would be unconstitutional.
People on both sides of the aisles have committed crimes, for you to constantly push only one side is very disingenuous...

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
“Indeed, there is a direct correlation between boys who grow up with absent fathers and boys who drop out of school, who drink, who do drugs, who become delinquent and who wind up in prison,” she writes. “And who kill their classmates.”
What the shooters all had in common.....See picture below..

View attachment 178265
How do you prevent us liberals from getting assault weapons?

If there were a weapon made more powerful than automatic rifles would it be immediately unconstitutional to ban the sale of them?

The AR-15 is not a military rifle...it does not have select fire capability....and left wing, anti gunners can buy an AR-15 just like normal Americans can....there is no need to keep you from getting these rifles as long as you commit no crimes with them....which seems hard for you since you keep using them to shoot people...just ask the Republican baseball team the bernie sanders supporter tried to murder......

And yes...it would be unconstitutional.
People on both sides of the aisles have committed crimes, for you to constantly push only one side is very disingenuous...

The ones who push policies that let violent gun criminals out of jail over and over again are primarily democrats......that is the truth....

this is just from this week in chicago...where gun crime is a little problem......

Dart warns of 'dramatic increase' in people charged with gun crimes released on electronic monitors

Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart says hundreds of people charged with gun crimes have been released from the County Jail on electronic bracelets in recent months as a result of attempts at bond reform, raising public safety concerns.

Dart said Thursday the dramatic increase has overwhelmed the office’s electronic monitoring program, leading him to take immediate steps to shore up those efforts: shifting staff, making unannounced searches of the homes of those being monitored, conducting a more thorough vetting process and, if necessary, declaring detainees too risky for the bracelets altogether.

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
“Indeed, there is a direct correlation between boys who grow up with absent fathers and boys who drop out of school, who drink, who do drugs, who become delinquent and who wind up in prison,” she writes. “And who kill their classmates.”
What the shooters all had in common.....See picture below..

View attachment 178265
How do you prevent us liberals from getting assault weapons?

If there were a weapon made more powerful than automatic rifles would it be immediately unconstitutional to ban the sale of them?

The AR-15 is not a military rifle...it does not have select fire capability....and left wing, anti gunners can buy an AR-15 just like normal Americans can....there is no need to keep you from getting these rifles as long as you commit no crimes with them....which seems hard for you since you keep using them to shoot people...just ask the Republican baseball team the bernie sanders supporter tried to murder......

And yes...it would be unconstitutional.
People on both sides of the aisles have committed crimes, for you to constantly push only one side is very disingenuous...

The ones who push policies that let violent gun criminals out of jail over and over again are primarily democrats......that is the truth....

this is just from this week in chicago...where gun crime is a little problem......

Dart warns of 'dramatic increase' in people charged with gun crimes released on electronic monitors
Funny thing is it happens in all states, duh, no matter which party runs them....
I'm done here, this thread is ran by autopilots for idiot partisans with shitty ideas...
What the shooters all had in common.....See picture below..

View attachment 178265
How do you prevent us liberals from getting assault weapons?

If there were a weapon made more powerful than automatic rifles would it be immediately unconstitutional to ban the sale of them?

The AR-15 is not a military rifle...it does not have select fire capability....and left wing, anti gunners can buy an AR-15 just like normal Americans can....there is no need to keep you from getting these rifles as long as you commit no crimes with them....which seems hard for you since you keep using them to shoot people...just ask the Republican baseball team the bernie sanders supporter tried to murder......

And yes...it would be unconstitutional.
People on both sides of the aisles have committed crimes, for you to constantly push only one side is very disingenuous...

The ones who push policies that let violent gun criminals out of jail over and over again are primarily democrats......that is the truth....

this is just from this week in chicago...where gun crime is a little problem......

Dart warns of 'dramatic increase' in people charged with gun crimes released on electronic monitors
Funny thing is it happens in all states, duh, no matter which party runs them....

Nope......the major cities causing the biggest violent crime rates are almost all democrat run for decades.......even in Red States......
One thing? Reaaaaallllyyy? Just one?

I think not.

What else did they all have in common? If we find something, should we address it or not it?

So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.
Instead of making it harder for Law Abiding citizens to get guns, make it harder than fuck for two people to get a Divorce.. Up till the 1960s Divorce was a rarity, but once liberalism got a foothold, not only did Divorce on demand happen but gun crimes went up also.

It should be harder to get a gun. It's more difficult to get a driver's license than to get a gun.
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.
Instead of making it harder for Law Abiding citizens to get guns, make it harder than fuck for two people to get a Divorce.. Up till the 1960s Divorce was a rarity, but once liberalism got a foothold, not only did Divorce on demand happen but gun crimes went up also.
That damn liberal God of the Jews allowed divorce....
But did he allow unprotected sexual trysts with porn stars?
Lets ask Bill Clinton? You guys are fucking hypocrites....


Bill hasn't been president for 17 years. And Bill did face consequences for his womanizing. You Republicans got him impeached. But you're silent on Trump's womanizing. Who' s the hypocrite?
And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......
You could accomplish more by not always playing stupid partisan politics in every goddamned thread or post...

The policies of the democrats have created our social welfare nightmare...which has created single teenage mothers in epidemic proportions....which is creating our violent crime problem......
Bulshit I say. You bring no evidence to back your assumptions and the god damned welfare state has existed in times of gop control, like now, they increased it, yeah the GOP in Congress and the budget from the president, yeah those guys are gop, not dems.. Starting to get the picture? Can you take off the myopic blinders that make people think it's one side when it's really both?

Single teenage mothers raising young males without husband and father are driving the crime rate in this country......it is also leading to violent crime in Europe...as their welfare state has finally managed to destroy their families too....

Read the book "Life at the Bottom" about the underclass in Britain......story after story of crime created by teen mothers raising young British males....
My Mom was a teen when she had my sister at 15 ane me at 17...I have lived what those books detail. Yet guess what? It's up to every individual to determine what kind of life they want or don't want. We have seen the most horrendous mass murderers coming from biological parent homes which negates the so called professional attempts to decipher the problem. These people are no better than those that want to outlaw firearms....They are out to make a fast buck.....
Your argument is the same illogical argument used to fight the drug war...
Just because every once in awhile a kid with a dad snaps doesn’t change the fact that most nuts have one common denominator. No father.

A guy could snap because he has a bad father too.

Here’s another interesting question and fact. Why are 100% of these shooters guys?

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