26 of the last 27 mass shooters had one thing in common


I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
Yeah, they all had something in common.....white, stupid and full of rage....next observation?

And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
Yeah, they all had something in common.....white, stupid and full of rage....next observation?

And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......
You could accomplish more by not always playing stupid partisan politics in every goddamned thread or post...
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.

Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........
Better tell men that because they are the biggest cause of single parenthood, many think they be playas...

Yep......we have to go after rap culture and other ways boys are attacked....and we need to keep fathers in the home to teach young males how to be men....and girls need women to teach them how to be women...

Single teenage girls raising young males is driving our violent crime problem.....

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
Yeah, they all had something in common.....white, stupid and full of rage....next observation?

And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......
You could accomplish more by not always playing stupid partisan politics in every goddamned thread or post...

The policies of the democrats have created our social welfare nightmare...which has created single teenage mothers in epidemic proportions....which is creating our violent crime problem......
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.

Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........
Better tell men that because they are the biggest cause of single parenthood, many think they be playas...

Yep......we have to go after rap culture and other ways boys are attacked....and we need to keep fathers in the home to teach young males how to be men....and girls need women to teach them how to be women...

Single teenage girls raising young males is driving our violent crime problem.....
That hasn't a damn thing to do with the 50% divorce rate that has been as such for forty years...Rap wasn't ever a part of the playa routine...Cheating was around before rap.
Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.
What day is that holiday on?

According to liberals, and Hollywood, everyday.

ANd that's step one.

If we can't do that, we can't do ANYTHING about a large portion of our problems.
Never heard of it, in fact in the 1980's when I was a single parent I was told by old women that men can't be single parents...Yeah you sound just like those old farts from 35 years ago..

The numbers show that growing up with both biological parents is the best model.

We need policy to encourage that model. If we do that, we will see all the negative effects from smoking, I mean Illegitimacy, start to decline proportionally.
Adolf had two parents, so did Stalin......We see how that panned out..

Not everyone who dies of lung cancer smoked. Does that mean that smoking is good for you?

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
Yeah, they all had something in common.....white, stupid and full of rage....next observation?

And the other 11,000 gun murders were committed by black, stupid, and full of rage...in democrat controlled cities....and the thing they have in common....

Fatherless homes......
You could accomplish more by not always playing stupid partisan politics in every goddamned thread or post...

The policies of the democrats have created our social welfare nightmare...which has created single teenage mothers in epidemic proportions....which is creating our violent crime problem......
Bulshit I say. You bring no evidence to back your assumptions and the god damned welfare state has existed in times of gop control, like now, they increased it, yeah the GOP in Congress and the budget from the president, yeah those guys are gop, not dems.. Starting to get the picture? Can you take off the myopic blinders that make people think it's one side when it's really both?
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.

Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........

Women are not going to want to give up their babies, if they don't have to.

Step one stop celebrating it.

Step two, craft policies to create an environment that encourages families.
What day is that holiday on?

According to liberals, and Hollywood, everyday.

ANd that's step one.

If we can't do that, we can't do ANYTHING about a large portion of our problems.
Never heard of it, in fact in the 1980's when I was a single parent I was told by old women that men can't be single parents...Yeah you sound just like those old farts from 35 years ago..

The numbers show that growing up with both biological parents is the best model.

We need policy to encourage that model. If we do that, we will see all the negative effects from smoking, I mean Illegitimacy, start to decline proportionally.
Adolf had two parents, so did Stalin......We see how that panned out..

Not everyone who dies of lung cancer smoked. Does that mean that smoking is good for you?
I say do what you want, you're gonna die anyway..
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.

Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........
Better tell men that because they are the biggest cause of single parenthood, many think they be playas...

Yeah, that's a cop out.

Women are the ones that choose to have children out of wedlock.
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.

Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........
Better tell men that because they are the biggest cause of single parenthood, many think they be playas...

Yep......we have to go after rap culture and other ways boys are attacked....and we need to keep fathers in the home to teach young males how to be men....and girls need women to teach them how to be women...

Single teenage girls raising young males is driving our violent crime problem.....
That hasn't a damn thing to do with the 50% divorce rate that has been as such for forty years...Rap wasn't ever a part of the playa routine...Cheating was around before rap.

Wrong....we didn't see mass shootings in schools before the rap movement.......not he way we have now.....the disrespect shown to women is taught to fatherless young males...who are already vulnerable because they don't have real role models for adult male behavior....

Check out the Book "Boy's Adrift" the author was on a morning show and talked about the problem of boys without fathers trying to find role models....and ending up with crap role models because of the culture they grow up in...
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.

Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........

Women are not going to want to give up their babies, if they don't have to.

Step one stop celebrating it.

Step two, craft policies to create an environment that encourages families.
No such animal. People have been getting married and not get married and having kids for millions of years...without encouragement.....It's a chemical stimulus for animals and humans to desire to have intercourse, kids are just the end result that wasn't planned on in the heat of the moment...Once the body stops producing chemicals that make you feel love life goes sour...
Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........
Better tell men that because they are the biggest cause of single parenthood, many think they be playas...

Yep......we have to go after rap culture and other ways boys are attacked....and we need to keep fathers in the home to teach young males how to be men....and girls need women to teach them how to be women...

Single teenage girls raising young males is driving our violent crime problem.....
That hasn't a damn thing to do with the 50% divorce rate that has been as such for forty years...Rap wasn't ever a part of the playa routine...Cheating was around before rap.

Wrong....we didn't see mass shootings in schools before the rap movement.......not he way we have now.....the disrespect shown to women is taught to fatherless young males...who are already vulnerable because they don't have real role models for adult male behavior....

Check out the Book "Boy's Adrift" the author was on a morning show and talked about the problem of boys without fathers trying to find role models....and ending up with crap role models because of the culture they grow up in...
I had 5 step Dads and you want me to read a book on being a Fatherless child? Yeah they was there for the pussy, they didn't give two shits about me, just my sister and their motivation with her was pussy...
So like, do we ban divorce. Or make laws where the father gets custody of the son. I mean we have to make a law, right. Lol.

Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........
Better tell men that because they are the biggest cause of single parenthood, many think they be playas...

Yeah, that's a cop out.

Women are the ones that choose to have children out of wedlock.
Yeah the penis is just a fall guy...
Step one, stop celebrating Single Motherhood.

Exactly, and start encouraging adoption, and marriage.........
Better tell men that because they are the biggest cause of single parenthood, many think they be playas...

Yep......we have to go after rap culture and other ways boys are attacked....and we need to keep fathers in the home to teach young males how to be men....and girls need women to teach them how to be women...

Single teenage girls raising young males is driving our violent crime problem.....
That hasn't a damn thing to do with the 50% divorce rate that has been as such for forty years...Rap wasn't ever a part of the playa routine...Cheating was around before rap.

Wrong....we didn't see mass shootings in schools before the rap movement.......not he way we have now.....the disrespect shown to women is taught to fatherless young males...who are already vulnerable because they don't have real role models for adult male behavior....

Check out the Book "Boy's Adrift" the author was on a morning show and talked about the problem of boys without fathers trying to find role models....and ending up with crap role models because of the culture they grow up in...
Rap started in the 1970's Dude. I don't know where you was then but there were no school shootings then, they were mostly stabbings.....
They was shooting people in schools in OKC as long as I remember, especially after integration..

I hate to say it but it's true. Now click the story.

Of the 27 Deadliest Mass Shooters, 26 of Them Had One Thing in Common - Citizens for Self-Governance

PS: It's not the rifle pictured.
I was picking on blacks in the race forum telling them this is what’s wrong in their community and you’ve pointed out it’s a problem in all our communities.

How come none of us know who deadbeat dads are? I don’t know any yet there are so many kids who have deadbeat dads.

And ladies, stop picking these losers. Ya should have known better

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