260k Austrians sign EU exit petition,forcing referendum debate in parliament

That was last July. Guess nothing happened.
Damn just saw that. Well Lucy can bring us up to date! Hopefully England exits the EU and then its a landslide of more countries leaving.
Ask yourself what caused the destabilization of the Middle East?

From 2006.

"The term “New Middle East” was introduced to the world in June 2006 in Tel Aviv by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (who was credited by the Western media for coining the term) in replacement of the older and more imposing term, the “Greater Middle East.”

This shift in foreign policy phraseology coincided with the inauguration of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Oil Terminal in the Eastern Mediterranean. The term and conceptualization of the “New Middle East,” was subsequently heralded by the U.S. Secretary of State and the Israeli Prime Minister at the height of the Anglo-American sponsored Israeli siege of Lebanon. Prime Minister Olmert and Secretary Rice had informed the international media that a project for a “New Middle East” was being launched from Lebanon.

This announcement was a confirmation of an Anglo-American-Israeli “military roadmap” in the Middle East. This project, which has been in the planning stages for several years, consists in creating an arc of instability, chaos, and violence extending from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and the borders of NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan.

The “New Middle East” project was introduced publicly by Washington and Tel Aviv with the expectation that Lebanon would be the pressure point for realigning the whole Middle East and thereby unleashing the forces of “constructive chaos.” This “constructive chaos” –which generates conditions of violence and warfare throughout the region– would in turn be used so that the United States, Britain, and Israel could redraw the map of the Middle East in accordance with their geo-strategic needs and objectives."


I can tell you, let's get this show on the road! Traitor Bitch Merkel has asked for the shafting she's going to get....a shafting from Austria to Hungary, the latter having referendum on her evil and insane plan to destroy Europa by "distributing" the Muslim savages around Continent.
Well, good job, Austrians, it's a start.

BTW, speaking to the French conservative magazine Valeurs Actuelles, Trump was saying the German chancellor had made“a tragic mistake with the migrants.”

"If you don't treat the situation competently and firmly, yes, it's the end of Europe. You could face real revolutions,"Trump was quoted as saying, as cited by Reuters.

Continuing his anti-migrant theme, the 69-year-old mentioned that some neighborhoods in Paris had become no-go areas, while the Belgian capital, Brussels, had become“a breeding ground for terrorists.”

However, the Republican presidential contender had kinder words concerning ties with Russia, with Trump saying that Washington could have very good relations with President Vladimir Putin. He also noted that nothing could be worse than the present situation where President Barack Obama and Putin hardly speak with one another. “I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect,”he reiterated on December 18.
‘End of Europe’: Trump slams Merkel’s refugee policy, wants good relations with Russia
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That was last July. Guess nothing happened.
Damn just saw that. Well Lucy can bring us up to date! Hopefully England exits the EU and then its a landslide of more countries leaving.

Last July of course was pre-Muslim savages, that began in mid-August.

You need to read about how from Austria to Balkans we have shut border down....savages went berserk today in Macedonia, where they are trapped.

Merkel already beserk and getting worse, demanding the borders re-opened....NO Merkel nobody elected you leader of EU.

The main aim at moment is to stop flow of savages and collapse Schengen.
That was last July. Guess nothing happened.
Damn just saw that. Well Lucy can bring us up to date! Hopefully England exits the EU and then its a landslide of more countries leaving.

Last July of course was pre-Muslim savages, that began in mid-August.

You need to read about how from Austria to Balkans we have shut border down....savages went berserk today in Macedonia, where they are trapped.

Merkel already beserk and getting worse, demanding the borders re-opened....NO Merkel nobody elected you leader of EU.

The main aim at moment is to stop flow of savages and collapse Schengen.
Fancy going berserk in the Balkans.talk about cruisin for a bruisin.
savages went berserk today in Macedonia, where they are trapped.
Many have been camping in squalid conditions for a week or more, with little food or medical help. Most of those trying to reach northern Europe are Syrian and Iraqi refugees.
Migrants break down Macedonia fence on Greek border - BBC News

^Those savages? You treat people like animals and they are bound to try to seek help. Sounds like they are being starved. Classy.

Tough shit. NOBODY wants them here, NOBODY asked them to trek thousands of miles....ONLY Traitor Bitch Merkel invited them.

How about the other Middle Eastern nations take them, they're nearer and share the Islam thing, so why aren't they going to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai? Oh yes that's right because they can't get free Welfare stuff in those nations can they?
The funny thing is that the refugees, which have flooded Europe, are not necessary from Syria, Libya or Iraq, where their houses are destroyed and ISIS is threatening their lives. There are bunch of Africans too! And in Turkey you can buy a Syrian passport just for $50.

Actually dumb Merkel is flirting with Turkey now: Turkey is blackmailing Europe with amount of refugees. The smart thing to do would be to rethink Turkey's role in the refugees crisis.

A much-vaunted deal between the European Union and Turkey to stem the flow of migrants across the Mediterranean is in doubt as Turkey has suddenly demanded a far higher sum of money in return for doing more to prevent migrants crossing its borders. Ankara has said it now wants €5 billion rather than the previously agreed €3 billion.
As European leaders faced mounting criticism from their own citizens for allowing unlimited numbers of migrants to enter Europe, they in turn pressurised Turkey to do more to stop people from leaving its shores. By late November a deal had been struck between the EU and the Eurasian state: Turkey would do more to enforce its borders and improve conditions for Syrian refugees within its country; in turn the EU would hand over €3 billion to help cover the costs.

Negotiations over the figure were fierce – Turkey demanded €3 billion a year; the EU countered by promising that sum over two years, to be paid out piecemeal as conditions are met, leaving the final sum vague. To sweeten the deal, they also promised to look again at Turkey joining the EU.
As Turkey Migrant Deal Falters, Ankara Demands an Extra €2 Billion to Stem Migrant Flow to EU
Go back to where they came from and fight for what's theirs. There was no women or kids just military age MEN.
savages went berserk today in Macedonia, where they are trapped.
Many have been camping in squalid conditions for a week or more, with little food or medical help. Most of those trying to reach northern Europe are Syrian and Iraqi refugees.
Migrants break down Macedonia fence on Greek border - BBC News

^Those savages? You treat people like animals and they are bound to try to seek help. Sounds like they are being starved. Classy.
That was last July. Guess nothing happened.
Damn just saw that. Well Lucy can bring us up to date! Hopefully England exits the EU and then its a landslide of more countries leaving.

Hey here's a "poor refugee", we really need these lovely people amongst us of course :rolleyes-41:

That was last July. Guess nothing happened.
Damn just saw that. Well Lucy can bring us up to date! Hopefully England exits the EU and then its a landslide of more countries leaving.

Hey here's a "poor refugee", we really need these lovely people amongst us of course :rolleyes-41:

View attachment 65307
In ME the West started like that:

View attachment 65309

and ended like at the picture you have presented, Lucy.

View attachment 65310

Yes correct.

Here's some of the "poor refugees" in Macedonia....WHENEVER has ANYONE seen refugees with this sort of message?


NEVER that's when, because they're NOT refugees are they?

The Macedonian Army have guns, as you notice....OPEN OR DIE? This is to be considered a hostile, dangerous group of savage males, therefore shoot the POS.


The funny thing is that the refugees, which have flooded Europe, are not necessary from Syria, Libya or Iraq, where their houses are destroyed and ISIS is threatening their lives. There are bunch of Africans too! And in Turkey you can buy a Syrian passport just for $50.

Actually dumb Merkel is flirting with Turkey now: Turkey is blackmailing Europe with amount of refugees. The smart thing to do would be to rethink Turkey's role in the refugees crisis.

A much-vaunted deal between the European Union and Turkey to stem the flow of migrants across the Mediterranean is in doubt as Turkey has suddenly demanded a far higher sum of money in return for doing more to prevent migrants crossing its borders. Ankara has said it now wants €5 billion rather than the previously agreed €3 billion.
As European leaders faced mounting criticism from their own citizens for allowing unlimited numbers of migrants to enter Europe, they in turn pressurised Turkey to do more to stop people from leaving its shores. By late November a deal had been struck between the EU and the Eurasian state: Turkey would do more to enforce its borders and improve conditions for Syrian refugees within its country; in turn the EU would hand over €3 billion to help cover the costs.

Negotiations over the figure were fierce – Turkey demanded €3 billion a year; the EU countered by promising that sum over two years, to be paid out piecemeal as conditions are met, leaving the final sum vague. To sweeten the deal, they also promised to look again at Turkey joining the EU.
As Turkey Migrant Deal Falters, Ankara Demands an Extra €2 Billion to Stem Migrant Flow to EU

We have heard that Donbass is getting so far 250 so-called "refugees"....this shows the whole story is horsecrap.

So the Official Story: The "poor refugees" are "fleeing from War Zone" this is why Europa for some bizarre reason must take them.

Donbass has been declared War Zone for nearly a year now. Therefore the "poor refugees" "fleeing from War Zone" and now so far 250 of them are being relocated in another War Zone in Donbass?

This just shows Traitor Bitch Merkel, Traitor Jean-Claude Juncker, the Commie NGO's and the Commie UN are talking horsecrap and it shows what we have been saying since September 2015, that the Plan is an orchestrated and sinister attempt to deliberately flood the whole of Europa with pockets of savages and actual ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Al Nusra etc terrorists, so whole Continent is destabilised.
Very few Donbass (SE Ukraine) refugees can flee to Europe for a number of reasons, however in 2014 when official Kiev started the all out war against Donbass (which had a referendum and with 85% voted for separation from Ukraine) about a million people fled to Russia and received a refugees status there.

A number of Western Ukrainians fled to Poland hoping for better life there, however I've never heard if Poland gave them any refugee status or not.
The funny thing is that the refugees, which have flooded Europe, are not necessary from Syria, Libya or Iraq, where their houses are destroyed and ISIS is threatening their lives. There are bunch of Africans too! And in Turkey you can buy a Syrian passport just for $50.

Actually dumb Merkel is flirting with Turkey now: Turkey is blackmailing Europe with amount of refugees. The smart thing to do would be to rethink Turkey's role in the refugees crisis.

A much-vaunted deal between the European Union and Turkey to stem the flow of migrants across the Mediterranean is in doubt as Turkey has suddenly demanded a far higher sum of money in return for doing more to prevent migrants crossing its borders. Ankara has said it now wants €5 billion rather than the previously agreed €3 billion.
As European leaders faced mounting criticism from their own citizens for allowing unlimited numbers of migrants to enter Europe, they in turn pressurised Turkey to do more to stop people from leaving its shores. By late November a deal had been struck between the EU and the Eurasian state: Turkey would do more to enforce its borders and improve conditions for Syrian refugees within its country; in turn the EU would hand over €3 billion to help cover the costs.

Negotiations over the figure were fierce – Turkey demanded €3 billion a year; the EU countered by promising that sum over two years, to be paid out piecemeal as conditions are met, leaving the final sum vague. To sweeten the deal, they also promised to look again at Turkey joining the EU.
As Turkey Migrant Deal Falters, Ankara Demands an Extra €2 Billion to Stem Migrant Flow to EU

They are also going to house the so-called Syrian "refugees" here, which is in Kyiv region, another declared War Zone:


It shows, this off topic of thread for moment, it shows how ignorant certain peoples are supporting "Government" in Kyiv, they appear oblivious to Svoboda and Pravyi Sektor - both WORSHIP Stepan Bandera - and involvement in Maidan and post-Maidan ie. that both are fighting in Donbass and "Government" in Kyiv is okay with them doing so and so is Obama, John Kerry and psycho bitch Victoria Nuland.
Merkel is supporting official Kiev in breeding NAZIs in Ukraine, wait till those decide to spread around and get into EU. Merkel's policy is crazy and seems like all EU has to pay for that.

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