28% of Americans voted for Biden

Lefties, when do you think your cult leaders will tell you it is ok to say that Biden is senile?

Kerry told us this week that Biden had no knowledge of the sub deal with Australia.

Is that the beginning?

Who will give the order that it is ok to bash Biden’s senility?
Actually Arizona Pennsylvania and Georgia prove that there was cheating.
Here is how a dumb trumpanzee thinks, except I'll reverse it for my situation:

"All I saw in my neighborhood was Biden signs. Not one single Trump sign for miles and miles. I dont see how Trump got one single vote".

See how that works, you fucking dumb piece of shit.
Lefties, when do you think your cult leaders will tell you it is ok to say that Biden is senile?

Kerry told us this week that Biden had no knowledge of the sub deal with Australia.

Is that the beginning?

Who will give the order that it is ok to bash Biden’s senility?
My gosh! You have to run to a doctor right now!

Not knowing something = mental disability! …Right?
That's it. We have an old fool in charge. Well. Orange man bad. Potato head better? The most popular president in American history has a 38% approval rating. And they chant "F*CK Joe Biden" at sporting events now because...why?

28% of the total population and less for trump. You didn't do arithmetic at school.
My gosh! I have to run to a doctor!

Not knowing something = mental disability! …Right?
Ok, so not yet.

I guess we will see when your puppet masters tell you what to do.


Not one left wing communist cuckold faggot asshole see anything wrong with this…such lying sacks of shit. Fuck all of you.
Then prove it.

Oh wait. You can't prove something that didn't happen
Prove your bullshit about Trump. Now. Go! Oh, you can’t. Fuck Biden. And fuck you, Dana the blithering lying coward, and every other brain dead libtard who cheated to put the dementia sufferer in the White House.
That's it. We have an old fool in charge. Well. Orange man bad. Potato head better? The most popular president in American history has a 38% approval rating. And they chant "F*CK Joe Biden" at sporting events now because...why?
Buyer's Remorse?

What did people think would happen if a corrupt, criminal, scandal-plagued, career-long Influence-Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, CCP / Russia sell-out, compromised, denentia-ravaged, racist pedo, Marxist/ Leftist Extremist puppet was made President?!

Hey, at least no more mean tweets...

Let's Go, Brandon!

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