28% of Americans voted for Biden

That's it. We have an old fool in charge. Well. Orange man bad. Potato head better? The most popular president in American history has a 38% approval rating. And they chant "F*CK Joe Biden" at sporting events now because...why?
Democrats will never admit to making this mistake
Trump was an excellent president by every metric and yet you try to spin shit...
So when Biden polls in the 30's it's because he is a bad president.

But when Trump polls in the 30's pretty much his whole presidency, that metric doesn't count.

Welcome to the Trumpladia.

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I am humming that song by the WHO, "Wont get fooled again" ..,anyway. 28% Americans voted for Biden, I looked this up, that leaves out a sizable majority that didn't vote either way. So this " F*ck joe Biden" stuff just came out of left field? The most popular president in history just coincidentally gets the lowest approval rating ever. Explain that.
You dumbasses get fooled over and over. Chants probably came from the supporters of the loser of the last election, ie far right field. If only 28% voted for Biden, and he got over 7 million more votes than Trump, What was the percentage voting for Trump? 20% ? BTW, fuck Trump.
Almost half the population of registered voters decided not to vote.
That means the candidates were awful.
So we need to change the 2 party system.
An open election with no primary would do it.
Just have voters rank all those on the ballot, and you don't need parties or a run off.
Its not that they dcided to note vote, its that they wanted to vote by mail because of the pandemic. Millions of votes never made it, because Trump ordered his Postmaster General to sabotage the USPS in order to try to steal the election. The fired over 25000 postal workers and ordered over $75 million worth of equpment sold , in order to slow down service to make sure as many votes missed the deadline as possible.
That's it. We have an old fool in charge. Well. Orange man bad. Potato head better? The most popular president in American history has a 38% approval rating. And they chant "F*CK Joe Biden" at sporting events now because...why?

Which is 7 million more votes than Trump ever got. Trump actually did better in terms of raw votes when he lost than when he won. But he still got beaten by SEVEN MILLION votes.

The reality is your argument is really bad for Trump.

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