2nd bill of rights

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.

FDR s Second Bill of Rights Necessitous Men are not Free Men Roosevelt Institute

I wish he had lived long enough to see it happen. Was our countries greatest president save for his going to war against Germany and Japan...so lets discuss!

We would have to label jobs as being for adults or teens. No one would expect a teen to make enough to pay for all costs of living, would we? Minimum wage jobs were starter jobs for young people to gain experience or even a part time job for those who just wanted to supplement their income.

Problem is that too many good jobs have disappeared. We mostly have minimum wage jobs now and we should focus on legislation that helps small businesses grow and bring back the good jobs. And then there are those people who need to get their shit together and at least have a high school diploma so someone will actually want to hire them.

Some things you propose are up to the individual. A decent home, for instance. Laws say that rental homes or apartments must meet certain standards. It's often the occupants who trash them and make them unlivable.
Do as you please. The sponsors of white genocide LOVE people like you...Not my problem. White liberals,haters of their own race or just plain ole brainwashed red white and blue american yahoos are beyond help.
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
The right to a good education.

FDR s Second Bill of Rights Necessitous Men are not Free Men Roosevelt Institute

I wish he had lived long enough to see it happen. Was our countries greatest president save for his going to war against Germany and Japan...so lets discuss!

Our countries' greatest President was, David Rice Atchison :) Only one who never caused the deaths of other people.

Dead Presidents David Rice Atchison
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.

Uh no. I don't have to pay a cent or gain state permission to exercise my inherent human rights.

But when it comes to state-provided privileges (which is what you listed), the amount of forced wealth redistribution required is indeed a key component.
From the same web site:

"Instinctively built into such a social structure, is a high respect for womanhood and the protection of its women. The natural instinct for keeping the race pure incites a fighting hatred in the male to prevent his women from being polluted by males of another race. Not too long ago, if a black ****** raped a White woman, justice was swift and final. He was usually hanged from the nearest tree."

More of the same garbage from hate mongers. Why is there never any possibility that white women want to have a black man?

And no, the system has procedures for prosecuting rapists. And those procedures do not include dragging someone out of their home and lynching them without the benefit of a trial.

Hell, I'm a white man and I want you...now c'mere and give me a hug!
Do as you please. The sponsors of white genocide LOVE people like you...Not my problem. White liberals,haters of their own race or just plain ole brainwashed red white and blue american yahoos are beyond help.

I am neither a hater of my own race nor brainwashed. As for being a white liberal, I have liberal views and conservative views. I decide on each issue based on the merits, not what I am told to do by some goose-stepping hate-monger.

I am not an advocate of white genocide, or any genocide. And unlike you, I do not prefer to judge people based solely on skin color. I know too many lazy, ignorant white people to see them all as saviors of any world. I know of too many white meth heads, drug dealers, pedophiles, rapists, and wife-beaters. Now, there are people like that in other races as well. The difference is you want to murder blacks and hispanics that are good people, and save the whites that fit the descriptions I gave. And that is simply sick.

I took a few minutes to read part of this "glimpse of the future". First off, the writing looks more like juvenile fan fiction than anything resembling literature. And second, but perhaps more important, the story is all about the complete slaughter of every member of any other race. The opening scene is of a high tech bomber using a neutron bomb against a native village in Africa. You call that the solution? It is a puerile fantasy for those who want to blame others for their own failures. Utterly disgusting.

I took a few minutes to read part of this "glimpse of the future". First off, the writing looks more like juvenile fan fiction than anything resembling literature. And second, but perhaps more important, the story is all about the complete slaughter of every member of any other race. The opening scene is of a high tech bomber using a neutron bomb against a native village in Africa. You call that the solution? It is a puerile fantasy for those who want to blame others for their own failures. Utterly disgusting.
Own failures? No. I think getting rid of a problem is a solution and a brilliant one at that! :D

I took a few minutes to read part of this "glimpse of the future". First off, the writing looks more like juvenile fan fiction than anything resembling literature. And second, but perhaps more important, the story is all about the complete slaughter of every member of any other race. The opening scene is of a high tech bomber using a neutron bomb against a native village in Africa. You call that the solution? It is a puerile fantasy for those who want to blame others for their own failures. Utterly disgusting.
Own failures? No. I think getting rid of a problem is a solution and a brilliant one at that! :D

Except you are getting rid of far more than the problems. You are getting rid of entire races.

Unless you are contending that every single member of every other race is a problem? None of the educated, productive, compassionate, creative people who are not white are worth saving, but every toothless white meth-head is? That is simply nuts.
FDR one of the worse Presidents in American history

What a waste. Turns a recession into a depression worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years.

Befriended, aided and abetted the twentieth century's 2 biggest mass murderers: Mao and Stalin. FDR has the blood of literally tens of million on his hands
You mean what we have now where the rich USE workers to get richer and pay the workers horrible pay so the government has to subsidize their lousy pay with food stamps and tanf and medicaid....all the while the rich corporate owners get richer buy more houses,more yachts,buy more elections etc...

If you don't want to be "used" as a worker then go find a job someplace else.

If you are not getting enough money where you work then go work someplace else.

If your take home pay isn't enough then stop being a fucking idiot and voting for Left Wing leaders that have the combined (fed state local) governments taking over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government.

If you are bitching about not having enough money to buy things then stop being a fucking idiot and voting for Left Wing leaders that drive up the cost of good and services with stupid regulations and taxation.

It is the government that is screwing you kid, not the rich people. The rich people are the ones that are providing the jobs, paying huge amounts of taxes and giving most the money to charity. The government is the one that is stealing from you both directly and indirectly.

This commie class envy greedy crap that you are spewing is way off base.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.
No, its not. First, not everyone pays taxes...second.....the Original Bill of Rights limited government. This was done intentionally. Any addition to the Bill of Rights MUST continue on in that vein.
You should rename that "Bill of Privileges at the expense of others"

A "right" is not something provided, it's something RETAINED by all other entities not using force against you.
Its a right if EVERYONE has to pay taxes to pay for it. Republicans really need to learn that...Democratic Socialism is what America needs. Not crony capitalism for the 1%.
No, its not. First, not everyone pays taxes...second.....the Original Bill of Rights limited government. This was done intentionally. Any addition to the Bill of Rights MUST continue on in that vein.

To be honest, the OP is not about the Bill of Rights. He has little use for that. His goal is an all white population, planet wide.
It is the government that is screwing you kid, not the rich people. The rich people are the ones that are providing the jobs, paying huge amounts of taxes and giving most the money to charity. The government is the one that is stealing from you both directly and indirectly.

This commie class envy greedy crap that you are spewing is way off base.

Both the government and the rich people are screwing us...they are one in the same. THAT is the problem.
Do as you please. The sponsors of white genocide LOVE people like you...Not my problem. White liberals,haters of their own race or just plain ole brainwashed red white and blue american yahoos are beyond help.

Listen, I was once a liberals, as early as 2012. I went through a Libertarian change, and then I abandoned that temporarily and went through a brief "White Supremacy" phase. However, given the mountains of truths I learned during this phase about the failures of multiculturalism and how multiculturalism was intended to fail by the elites, I cannot truly go back to a pure Libertarian mindset.

What you should do is read up about White Separation. I consider myself Pro-White and I've never denied that I endorse segregation on racial and religious grounds. Voluntary segregation. Meaning it should be promoted in the media and by the government. Involuntary segregation leads to war.

I had been a waiter at a catering hall for 4 years. If there's something I learned: 99% of people at Indian weddings are Indian. 99% of people at black weddings are black, 99% of white people at white weddings are white, 99% of Polish people at Polish weddings are Polish, 99% of Japanese people at Japanese weddings are Japanese...etc

I also live on Long Island, the most segregrated region of the United States by race, and were very peaceful and neighborly to each other. When conflicts arise between ehtnic groups overseas, the first thing the United Nations does is to segregrate them.

Both personal experience and historical experience has shown that ethnic separation is the healthiest environment for ALL peoples.

However, if you want to go the genocide route (something not even I ever once considered) you are truly lost.

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