2nd circuit rules fox news must face suite brought by Seth Rich's family


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
2nd Circuit Rules Fox News Must Face Suit Brought by Seth Rich's Family
MANHATTAN (CN) – The Second Circuit Friday revived an infliction of emotional distress suit against Fox News brought by the traumatized parents of murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich over the cable network’s retracted coverage of a WikiLeaks conspiracy theory.

Oh the eating of each other is so glorious to watch how you all in the end fk yourselves
2nd Circuit Rules Fox News Must Face Suit Brought by Seth Rich's Family
MANHATTAN (CN) – The Second Circuit Friday revived an infliction of emotional distress suit against Fox News brought by the traumatized parents of murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich over the cable network’s retracted coverage of a WikiLeaks conspiracy theory.

Oh the eating of each other is so glorious to watch how you all in the end fk yourselves

So Fox News has fake news and gets sued. CNN does this daily and gets defended day in and day out by liberal on this forum.

If I were the FNC lawyer I would walk into the court room and say "CNN does this daily." micdrop and walk out.
2nd Circuit Rules Fox News Must Face Suit Brought by Seth Rich's Family
MANHATTAN (CN) – The Second Circuit Friday revived an infliction of emotional distress suit against Fox News brought by the traumatized parents of murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich over the cable network’s retracted coverage of a WikiLeaks conspiracy theory.

Oh the eating of each other is so glorious to watch how you all in the end fk yourselves

So Fox News has fake news and gets sued. CNN does this daily and gets defended day in and day out by liberal on this forum.

If I were the FNC lawyer I would walk into the court room and say "CNN does this daily." micdrop and walk out.

I have no doubt that you would do something so dumb.
2nd Circuit Rules Fox News Must Face Suit Brought by Seth Rich's Family
MANHATTAN (CN) – The Second Circuit Friday revived an infliction of emotional distress suit against Fox News brought by the traumatized parents of murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich over the cable network’s retracted coverage of a WikiLeaks conspiracy theory.

Oh the eating of each other is so glorious to watch how you all in the end fk yourselves

So Fox News has fake news and gets sued. CNN does this daily and gets defended day in and day out by liberal on this forum.

If I were the FNC lawyer I would walk into the court room and say "CNN does this daily." micdrop and walk out.

I have no doubt that you would do something so dumb.

Absolutely. This lawsuit has no chance. There is freedom of the press. CNN pushed a conspiracy theory of Russian collusion for 3 years without a lawsuit.
The Russian collusion hoax is not the topic of the thread

But hoaxes ARE the topic of the thread and pointing out that another network pushed a different hoax without being sued is quite relevant.

Since when do you care? These threads go all over the place and you guys don't say anything. Why all of a sudden say something about this when its not even off topic? LOL
The Russian collusion hoax is not the topic of the thread

But hoaxes ARE the topic of the thread and pointing out that another network pushed a different hoax without being sued is quite relevant.

Since when do you care? These threads go all over the place and you guys don't say anything. Why all of a sudden say something about this when its not even off topic? LOL

Now would be a good time for you either rejoin the subject, or to drop the mike and walk out. I really hope the Rich family makes them pay.
Since when can parents sue the media when they run a story about their adult son being murdered?

This lawsuit is ridiculous. The judge is obviously an idiot.
Since when can parents sue the media when they run a story about their adult son being murdered?

This lawsuit is ridiculous. The judge is obviously an idiot.

When the story they run is a lie.

It’s called slander.

I hope fox loses the case & has to pay out a lot of money. Maybe that will encourage fox to stop running stories that are lies.
Since when can parents sue the media when they run a story about their adult son being murdered?

This lawsuit is ridiculous. The judge is obviously an idiot.

When the story they run is a lie.

It’s called slander.

I hope fox loses the case & has to pay out a lot of money. Maybe that will encourage fox to stop running stories that are lies.
A slander on whom? Seth Rich was dead when they ran the story. American law doesn't allow a dead man, or his family, to sue for slander.
On the other hand, Clinton wanted people to know it was a hit, she was sending a message: don't fuck with me.
Since when can parents sue the media when they run a story about their adult son being murdered?

This lawsuit is ridiculous. The judge is obviously an idiot.

When the story they run is a lie.

It’s called slander.

I hope fox loses the case & has to pay out a lot of money. Maybe that will encourage fox to stop running stories that are lies.

You cannot be charged with slandering a dead person. Also, you might want to look up the definitions of the terms "slander" and "libel" before framing your argument.
The judge is allowing "infliction of emotional distress" for the parents, but he is really pulling nonsense out of the air when he allows a cause of action like that to survive.

First, we have to suppose that there is not a First Amendment which allows the media to print or broadcast pretty much any damn story they please when it involves a public person, and Seth Rich definitely qualifies as a public person because his death became so notorious in national events.

Second, you have to suppose that parents of an adult child have some sort of "right" not to hear the media report on theories about their adult child who has died in a notorious fashion.

Third, you have to suppose that your typical parent of an adult child will suffer trauma so grave and serious that it qualifies as "emotional distress" when he/she hears such a theory reported on the media.

This judge has really stuck his neck out allowing this suit, and I predict that Fox will take it up on an interlocutory appeal and have the suit thrown out.
Since when can parents sue the media when they run a story about their adult son being murdered?

This lawsuit is ridiculous. The judge is obviously an idiot.

When the story they run is a lie.

It’s called slander.

I hope fox loses the case & has to pay out a lot of money. Maybe that will encourage fox to stop running stories that are lies.
A slander on whom? Seth Rich was dead when they ran the story. American law doesn't allow a dead man, or his family, to sue for slander.

Since when can parents sue the media when they run a story about their adult son being murdered?

This lawsuit is ridiculous. The judge is obviously an idiot.

When the story they run is a lie.

It’s called slander.

I hope fox loses the case & has to pay out a lot of money. Maybe that will encourage fox to stop running stories that are lies.
A slander on whom? Seth Rich was dead when they ran the story. American law doesn't allow a dead man, or his family, to sue for slander.

fox reported that the DNC's and John Podesta's email wasn't hacked by russia that Seth Rich gave the email to russia. That someone in the DNC killed him or had him killed.

They didn't just report the facts. They made up a lie and slandered Seth Rich. A dead man.

So after all the lies and conspiracy theories from fox and the right wing media, the family has had enough and are doing the right thing by taking it all to court.

You can act like fox is all so innocent but they aren't. They didn't report the facts. They lied and slandered Seth Rich.

If you don't know all about this then go to a search engine and find the real truth. You sure won't find it at fox news.
Since when can parents sue the media when they run a story about their adult son being murdered?

This lawsuit is ridiculous. The judge is obviously an idiot.

When the story they run is a lie.

It’s called slander.

I hope fox loses the case & has to pay out a lot of money. Maybe that will encourage fox to stop running stories that are lies.
A slander on whom? Seth Rich was dead when they ran the story. American law doesn't allow a dead man, or his family, to sue for slander.

Since when can parents sue the media when they run a story about their adult son being murdered?

This lawsuit is ridiculous. The judge is obviously an idiot.

When the story they run is a lie.

It’s called slander.

I hope fox loses the case & has to pay out a lot of money. Maybe that will encourage fox to stop running stories that are lies.
A slander on whom? Seth Rich was dead when they ran the story. American law doesn't allow a dead man, or his family, to sue for slander.

fox reported that the DNC's and John Podesta's email wasn't hacked by russia that Seth Rich gave the email to russia. That someone in the DNC killed him or had him killed.

They didn't just report the facts. They made up a lie and slandered Seth Rich. A dead man.

So after all the lies and conspiracy theories from fox and the right wing media, the family has had enough and are doing the right thing by taking it all to court.

You can act like fox is all so innocent but they aren't. They didn't report the facts. They lied and slandered Seth Rich.

If you don't know all about this then go to a search engine and find the real truth. You sure won't find it at fox news.
What part of "you can't sue for slandering a dead man" don't you understand?

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