Seth Rich's family to Fox News: retract your article or we will sue your ass

Whether or not it was this guy who leaked those emails

Some one on "our" side clearly leaked them, anyone who thinks Russians hacked the DNC then had the motivation to do this is insane.

It was so obvious assange was willing to confirm it, something he has always avoided on any wikileaks source previously
Didn't hackers get Podestas emails from a phishing scheme? Do you think if it was an inside job they would have used a phishing scheme to get access to his information? Sounds more like hackers to me... you think its DNC hackers?

Podesta was compromised by a phishing email, but that wasn't the DNC emails

You're combining the two incidents lol, I know it's complicated

I'm lazy so I'll use wikipedia. DNC leaks were saved on DNC servers I assume, since they were collectively stolen

Podesta just gave up his gmail password to some random people (and the idea that no one else was in there is just laughable anyway, and why Russians would basically announce themselves when fucking with the soon to be president of hte US i have no idea either)

2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Pretending you can attribute an action that was done remotely is impossible. I guess it's so clear they're calling the DNC emails leaks not a hack now

edit - Podesta emails - Wikipedia
How bad is this?! Fox still has the article published and at the bottom is this statement from the Family. If this doesn't exemplify the presentation of false and conflicting information then I don't know what does...

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

The family sent Alnwick a statement on Tuesday with the following statement:

"As we've seen through the past year of unsubstantiated claims, we see no facts, we have seen no evidence, we have been approached with no emails and only learned about this when contacted by the press. Even if tomorrow, an email was found, it is not a high enough bar of evidence to prove any interactions as emails can be altered and we've seen that those interested in pushing conspiracies will stop at nothing to do so. We are a family who is committed to facts, not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth's murderers. The services of the private investigator who spoke to press was offered to the Rich family and paid for by a third party, and contractually was barred from speaking to press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family."

Even if tomorrow, an email was found, it is not a high enough bar of evidence to prove any interactions as emails can be altered

Well that splains everything about this family.

What does it explain?

And that splains you are not as bi partisan as you claim.

Can you just answer the question? Perhaps I just don't understand what you are talking about. You can save us needless back and forth if you can just get to the point
Whether or not it was this guy who leaked those emails

Some one on "our" side clearly leaked them, anyone who thinks Russians hacked the DNC then had the motivation to do this is insane.

It was so obvious assange was willing to confirm it, something he has always avoided on any wikileaks source previously
Didn't hackers get Podestas emails from a phishing scheme? Do you think if it was an inside job they would have used a phishing scheme to get access to his information? Sounds more like hackers to me... you think its DNC hackers?

Podesta was compromised by a phishing email, but that wasn't the DNC emails

You're combining the two incidents lol, I know it's complicated

I'm lazy so I'll use wikipedia. DNC leaks were saved on DNC servers I assume, since they were collectively stolen

Podesta just gave up his gmail password to some random people (and the idea that no one else was in there is just laughable anyway, and why Russians would basically announce themselves when fucking with the soon to be president of hte US i have no idea either)

2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Pretending you can attribute an action that was done remotely is impossible. I guess it's so clear they're calling the DNC emails leaks not a hack now

edit - Podesta emails - Wikipedia
I've heard the Podesta emails and DNC emails conflated. I thought the Rich leak was in reference to giving Podesta's emails to WikiLeaks. Apologies if I was wrong.
How bad is this?! Fox still has the article published and at the bottom is this statement from the Family. If this doesn't exemplify the presentation of false and conflicting information then I don't know what does...

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

The family sent Alnwick a statement on Tuesday with the following statement:

"As we've seen through the past year of unsubstantiated claims, we see no facts, we have seen no evidence, we have been approached with no emails and only learned about this when contacted by the press. Even if tomorrow, an email was found, it is not a high enough bar of evidence to prove any interactions as emails can be altered and we've seen that those interested in pushing conspiracies will stop at nothing to do so. We are a family who is committed to facts, not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth's murderers. The services of the private investigator who spoke to press was offered to the Rich family and paid for by a third party, and contractually was barred from speaking to press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family."

Even if tomorrow, an email was found, it is not a high enough bar of evidence to prove any interactions as emails can be altered

Well that splains everything about this family.

Oh yes...go after the family. Typical trumpette.
yea liberals woupld NEVER attack the family would they?
Whether or not it was this guy who leaked those emails

Some one on "our" side clearly leaked them, anyone who thinks Russians hacked the DNC then had the motivation to do this is insane.

It was so obvious assange was willing to confirm it, something he has always avoided on any wikileaks source previously
Didn't hackers get Podestas emails from a phishing scheme? Do you think if it was an inside job they would have used a phishing scheme to get access to his information? Sounds more like hackers to me... you think its DNC hackers?

Podesta was compromised by a phishing email, but that wasn't the DNC emails

You're combining the two incidents lol, I know it's complicated

I'm lazy so I'll use wikipedia. DNC leaks were saved on DNC servers I assume, since they were collectively stolen

Podesta just gave up his gmail password to some random people (and the idea that no one else was in there is just laughable anyway, and why Russians would basically announce themselves when fucking with the soon to be president of hte US i have no idea either)

2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - Wikipedia

Pretending you can attribute an action that was done remotely is impossible. I guess it's so clear they're calling the DNC emails leaks not a hack now

edit - Podesta emails - Wikipedia
I've heard the Podesta emails and DNC emails conflated. I thought the Rich leak was in reference to giving Podesta's emails to WikiLeaks. Apologies if I was wrong.

Well just the basic fact it was podestas Gmail says basically all you need to know on what was involved. It was on a google server protected with a google password, they got it with a phishing attack. They got that. Had nothing to do with anyone else's data.

The DNC "leaks" were stolen from DNC servers. Presumably they had some internal email system. And almost undoubtedly those leaks that got to wikileaks were taken by a bernie bro/sister (maybe just a clinton hater). It had all the marking of political revenge

Our intelligence forces are not competent enough to raid another societies party* emails and know which are politically pertinent and which are not even with our greatest historical foe Moscow. Certainly not enough to have predictable results. Same with them, a bernie bro on the other hand would know exactly what he needs to do and have no master to tell him no
This is not a good year so far for Fox News. First O'Reilly gets booted because of sexual stuff , and now they fuck up and are being asked to retract and apologize to Seth Rich's family for making shit up:

"They need to retract the story or issue an apology or the family will consider other options, including legal, to clear their son's name and get Fox to do what's right," he told CNN.
Family of slain DNC staffer demands retraction and apology from Fox News, local TV station

That's called getting close to the truth. The DNC had Rich killed. They won't stop with just one.
Prove it..

Proof is so old-school. Nowadays you can just make allegations and assume they are true. See for example, the Russia conspiracy theory. The first conspiracy theory that the establishment firmly stands behind. Alex Jones could not make this up.

Special Prosecutor Mueller. LOL
Almost sounds like
Whether or not it was this guy who leaked those emails

Some one on "our" side clearly leaked them, anyone who thinks Russians hacked the DNC then had the motivation to do this is insane.

It was so obvious assange was willing to confirm it, something he has always avoided on any wikileaks source previously
Didn't hackers get Podestas emails from a phishing scheme? Do you think if it was an inside job they would have used a phishing scheme to get access to his information? Sounds more like hackers to me... you think its DNC hackers?

I'm still waiting for a government agency to be allowed to examine the DNC servers. Until they do we are relying on information from the company the DNC hired.


And no one in their right mind is going to buy into CrowdStrike's assessment.
Whether or not it was this guy who leaked those emails

Some one on "our" side clearly leaked them, anyone who thinks Russians hacked the DNC then had the motivation to do this is insane.

It was so obvious assange was willing to confirm it, something he has always avoided on any wikileaks source previously
Didn't hackers get Podestas emails from a phishing scheme? Do you think if it was an inside job they would have used a phishing scheme to get access to his information? Sounds more like hackers to me... you think its DNC hackers?

I'm still waiting for a government agency to be allowed to examine the DNC servers. Until they do we are relying on information from the company the DNC hired.


And no one in their right mind is going to buy into CrowdStrike's assessment.
I'd think the FBI would have or would of had access to the servers in the course of their investigation into Russian interference. No?
That's called getting close to the truth. The DNC had Rich killed. They won't stop with just one.

Proof? Evidence? The family is prepared to sue. I hope they do. This piece was aired to deflect from Trump's firing of Comey.

Lie, deflect, cover up, rinse repeat.
FOX News has lost all credibility
They've never had any. They are a Republican propaganda outfit, not a news organization.
Well, when they were a fledgling cable company, they learned from the very best. CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and lets not forget the NYT's, the LAT's, and of course, they learned their trade from Pravda; Saul Alinski - editor at large.
So let me get this straight.

After everybody was in uproar over Seth Rich yesterday, his family tells Fox enough.

A special counsel has been appointed.

It has come out Trump knew Flynn was being investigated as soon as January 4.

There's an audio recording of Kevin McCarthy saying he thinks Putin pays Trump and Ryan tries to cover it up.

Yeah, it's not a good day to be a Trump supporter.

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