2nd Healthcare Worker Infected With Ebola; Takes Commercial Flight With 99.5 Fever

Should the US Immediately Ban All Peoples With VISAs Showing They Have Been In Affected Countries?

  • Yes, ABSOLUTELY. Right now.

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • Maybe, but we should just wait and see.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it won't help really.

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
I'm just doing some simple math here.
Ebola patient 1 was diagnosed on September 28th.
By the time today rolled around (17 days later) we have discovered 2 more people with confirmed ebola. Total of 3 ebola cases.
So, let's assume that those 2 additional cases each infect 2 more people within 17 days. That means that on November 3rd, 4 new cases will appear. Total of 7 cases.
Lets assume that each new ebola case continues to infect another 2 people every 17 days.
A year goes by.
At that rate, on September 22nd 2015 there will be 2,097,152 diagnosed and the US will have a combined total of 4,194,303 people that have been infected.
That is a lot of people.

In reality, if it was becoming a serious epidemic the US would probably start a much more restrictive quarantine policy much earlier than September 2015, so I suppose the numbers would be less than that. But still, if an entire city (or more than one) gets quarantined, it's not going to be pretty for people stuck in a quarantined location.
Just saying.

There have only been 2 confirmed cases so far, not 3.
Three confirmed cases.
Patient Duncan + two nurses = three.
Like I said, simple math.
we should shut everything down for 3 people
BHO fucks up everything he touches and I mean everything.
Well, politics aside. We are now officially an ebola hot spot and will be subject to our own travellers being restricted abroad.

Wonder how the stock market is going to handle this?

The Obama Administration should immediately halt all travelers with VISAs stamped from any of the affected African nations. Then we ourselves will have to be "symptom free" for the required quarantine period. And I hope by that time our stock market hasn't become too volatile. This little ebola issue is much bigger than just a horrible and frightening disease.

You'll see.
It seems like the big problem is treating cases without healthcare workers being exposed. There are certainly going to be more cases sent here from Africa with 3,000 troops over there.

The Ebola virus seems to be affecting Americans more psychologically than biologically. There have been 8 cases treated in the US and one has died. Over 200,000 people in the US will hospitalized this year with influenza and about 36,000 will die.
I'm just doing some simple math here.
Ebola patient 1 was diagnosed on September 28th.
By the time today rolled around (17 days later) we have discovered 2 more people with confirmed ebola. Total of 3 ebola cases.
So, let's assume that those 2 additional cases each infect 2 more people within 17 days. That means that on November 3rd, 4 new cases will appear. Total of 7 cases.
Lets assume that each new ebola case continues to infect another 2 people every 17 days.
A year goes by.
At that rate, on September 22nd 2015 there will be 2,097,152 diagnosed and the US will have a combined total of 4,194,303 people that have been infected.
That is a lot of people.

In reality, if it was becoming a serious epidemic the US would probably start a much more restrictive quarantine policy much earlier than September 2015, so I suppose the numbers would be less than that. But still, if an entire city (or more than one) gets quarantined, it's not going to be pretty for people stuck in a quarantined location.
Just saying.

There have only been 2 confirmed cases so far, not 3.

The CDC website disagrees with you

Date: 10/15/2014
Confirmed Cases: 3
Contacts*: 11
Possible Contacts**: 107
Total: 118

Cases of Ebola Diagnosed in the United States Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC

Looks like you're right, a new case was diagnosed today.

AND she flew to Cleveland and back with symptoms.
ever been to Cleveland?


"The exponential function arises whenever a quantity grows or decays at a rate proportional to its current value."

Exponential function - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Too many things indicate that this is being done on purpose.

There is nothing else that makes any sense. At all. Why would it be done on purpose? I have no idea.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), director Dr. Tom Frieden wrote that sealing borders, restricting travel to and from countries with widespread cases of Ebola, and otherwise isolating communities infected with the deadly disease “increases people’s distrust of government, making them less likely to co-operate to help stop the spread of Ebola.”

Does that, make any sense, at all? Consider how many countries are banning all travel from the region. Are those countries morons?

Just consider, everything this guy has said has been totally untrue. From saying it was unlikely that it would get here. Common sense told us with out any restrictions it would get here, and it got here. He said hospitals are all equipped to handle this, and it turns out that was a lie too. Common sense tells us that Ebola HAS NEVER BEEN ON AMERICAN SOIL!!! Turns out ONLY FOUR hospitals are equipped with a total of ELEVEN BEDS between the four facilities.


Now these people are educated. They know and have studied Ebola since it was discovered in 1976. They know what this is. So, how is it that they are this foolish? Unless, it is intentional. Nothing makes sense.
So what other nations have "officially" declared us to be a "hotspot"?

But have you seen the stock market this last week?

Yeah...better get real pal. It's coming.

So your comments before were nothing more than histrionic lies. I'm not surprised, but it is nice to see you admit it.
Too many things indicate that this is being done on purpose.

There is nothing else that makes any sense. At all. Why would it be done on purpose? I have no idea.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), director Dr. Tom Frieden wrote that sealing borders, restricting travel to and from countries with widespread cases of Ebola, and otherwise isolating communities infected with the deadly disease “increases people’s distrust of government, making them less likely to co-operate to help stop the spread of Ebola.”

Does that, make any sense, at all? Consider how many countries are banning all travel from the region. Are those countries morons?

Just consider, everything this guy has said has been totally untrue. From saying it was unlikely that it would get here. Common sense told us with out any restrictions it would get here, and it got here. He said hospitals are all equipped to handle this, and it turns out that was a lie too. Common sense tells us that Ebola HAS NEVER BEEN ON AMERICAN SOIL!!! Turns out ONLY FOUR hospitals are equipped with a total of ELEVEN BEDS between the four facilities.


Now these people are educated. They know and have studied Ebola since it was discovered in 1976. They know what this is. So, how is it that they are this foolish? Unless, it is intentional. Nothing makes sense.

So, where did you get your degree in epidemiology?

Since you're speaking with such an air of authority, you must have the credentials to back your claims, right?
So, where did you get your degree in epidemiology?

Since you're speaking with such an air of authority, you must have the credentials to back your claims, right?

I don't know where the owl got his/her degree...nor if s/he even has one.

But I got my "honorary degree" in the trenches. I've let in one sick animal into my "country" and lost most of my chickens and half my goat herd in less than a week's time because of that disease that came in. When you've mass-buried most of your "countrymen", you tend to pay a little closer attention to asinine political policies of allowing infected people or potentially-infected people into the country while you're still trying to figure out exactly how pernicious it is, how exactly it is spread, how many animals exactly can transmit it, and you have NO vaccine and NO reliable treatment for it...

...and...*drum roll* it carries an average fatality rate of 75%.
So what other nations have "officially" declared us to be a "hotspot"?

But have you seen the stock market this last week?

Yeah...better get real pal. It's coming.

We lost millions upon millions economically over the SARS outbreak in Toronto. I've been on boards telling people not to take these low number of individuals ill lightly,.

And with the sheer utter stupidity I've witnessed over the CDC response, I think you're going to be in for a whole lot of hurt if some one doesn't take this seriously and nip in in the bud.

I'm seeing nothing to be confident in whatsoever.
BHO fucks up everything he touches and I mean everything.
Well, politics aside. We are now officially an ebola hot spot and will be subject to our own travellers being restricted abroad.

Wonder how the stock market is going to handle this?

The Obama Administration should immediately halt all travelers with VISAs stamped from any of the affected African nations. Then we ourselves will have to be "symptom free" for the required quarantine period. And I hope by that time our stock market hasn't become too volatile. This little ebola issue is much bigger than just a horrible and frightening disease.

You'll see.


Who determines what an "official" hotspot is, exactly?

Some guy named Wi-Fi.
So what other nations have "officially" declared us to be a "hotspot"?

But have you seen the stock market this last week?

Yeah...better get real pal. It's coming.

We lost millions upon millions economically over the SARS outbreak in Toronto. I've been on boards telling people not to take these low number of individuals ill lightly,.

And with the sheer utter stupidity I've witnessed over the CDC response, I think you're going to be in for a whole lot of hurt if some one doesn't take this seriously and nip in in the bud.

I'm seeing nothing to be confident in whatsoever.

Toronto lost millions from the hysterical fear of a SARS outbreak, not due to the disease itself.

Now you're sitting here encouraging everyone to be more afrai of Ebola. That doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?

Who determines what an "official" hotspot is, exactly?

Other nations interested in keeping their citizens safe from "ebola-reckless" countries...

Any other easy questions?

So what other nations have "officially" declared us to be a "hotspot"?

Why would we/you give a shit whether or not Peru designates us as a hot spot?

Why don't you read the context of my post, and then you'll understand my point.

Who determines what an "official" hotspot is, exactly?

Other nations interested in keeping their citizens safe from "ebola-reckless" countries...

Any other easy questions?

So what other nations have "officially" declared us to be a "hotspot"?

Why would we/you give a shit whether or not Peru designates us as a hot spot?

Why don't you read the context of my post, and then you'll understand my point.

I get your point.

The larger point is who gives a hit.

This is all on BHO.
This is playing out like a bad movie in slow motion.

Nobody gives a shit who proclaims us anything,much like we don't give a shit who gives us "permission"to go to war or defend ourselves.

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