2nd Healthcare Worker Infected With Ebola; Takes Commercial Flight With 99.5 Fever

Should the US Immediately Ban All Peoples With VISAs Showing They Have Been In Affected Countries?

  • Yes, ABSOLUTELY. Right now.

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • Maybe, but we should just wait and see.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it won't help really.

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
Too many things indicate that this is being done on purpose.

There is nothing else that makes any sense. At all. Why would it be done on purpose? I have no idea.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), director Dr. Tom Frieden wrote that sealing borders, restricting travel to and from countries with widespread cases of Ebola, and otherwise isolating communities infected with the deadly disease “increases people’s distrust of government, making them less likely to co-operate to help stop the spread of Ebola.”

Does that, make any sense, at all? Consider how many countries are banning all travel from the region. Are those countries morons?

Just consider, everything this guy has said has been totally untrue. From saying it was unlikely that it would get here. Common sense told us with out any restrictions it would get here, and it got here. He said hospitals are all equipped to handle this, and it turns out that was a lie too. Common sense tells us that Ebola HAS NEVER BEEN ON AMERICAN SOIL!!! Turns out ONLY FOUR hospitals are equipped with a total of ELEVEN BEDS between the four facilities.


Now these people are educated. They know and have studied Ebola since it was discovered in 1976. They know what this is. So, how is it that they are this foolish? Unless, it is intentional. Nothing makes sense.

So, where did you get your degree in epidemiology?

Since you're speaking with such an air of authority, you must have the credentials to back your claims, right?

You want me to quote a doctor?

You are an obvious fake fucking doctor you fucking lying sack of shit, if you think it is not wise to ban all flights from that region. I love too how you just dismiss EVERYTHING that this CDC (political pawn) has claimed is untrue. Just glossed right over that didn't you?

The executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons says that despite what the CDC is saying, Ebola might be transmitted by breathing.

“What we’re suggesting is that it is very dangerous to assume that one cannot ever acquire Ebola from an aerosol or from breathing,” said Dr. Jane Orient.

Here are her credentials you piece of liberal shit.


Jane Orient, M.D.

B.A. chemistry with honors, B.S. mathematics, summa cum laude, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1967
M.D. Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, 1974

Straight internal medicine residency, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas Veterans Administration Hospital (Texas Southwestern) and University of Arizona Affiliated Hospitals, Tucson

Board certified, American Board of Internal Medicine, 1977

Clinical lecturer in medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine, 1981-present

Former staff physician, Tucson Veterans Administration Medical Center, and instructor/assistant professor of medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine, 1977-1980.

Managing editor, Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, www.jpands.org

Member: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), Arizona Medical Association, Pima County Medical Society, American Association of Orthopedic Medicine, American College of Legal Medicine, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, International Dose-Response Society

That is one doctor, plus all of those health ministers from France and England who strongly advised their countries to stop travel to and from the area.

You stupid moron. You lost whatever little credibility you had.
Obama has suspended all common sense reasoning, please refrain from suggesting rational solutions until further notice.
CBS Reporter Jan Crawford comments on a Jonathan LaPook, M.D., Chief Medical Correspondent, CBS Evening News REPORT:

Vinson called CDC several times before flying, informed staff she had fever. It allowed her to fly, reports @DrLapook on @CBSEveningNews

The report:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that Vinson called the agency several times before flying, saying that she had a fever with a temperature of 99.5 degrees. But because her fever wasn't 100.4 degrees or higher, she didn't officially fall into the group of "high risk" and was allowed to fly.

Officials in the U.S. have been trying to calm fears over the Ebola crisis, but time and again events have overtaken their assurances.

In August, before the first U.S. infection, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said: "We're confident that we have the facilities here to isolate patients, not only at the highly advanced ones like the one at Emory, but really at virtually every major hospital in the U.S."
The CDC Director's response:

CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said she never should have stepped foot on the flight, but another federal official told CNN that no one at the agency stopped her.

Before flying from Cleveland to Dallas on Monday, Vinson called the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to report an elevated temperature of 99.5 Fahrenheit and informed the agency that she was getting on a plane, the official said. She wasn't told not to board the aircraft, the official said.​

Here's how the CDC handles the situation:

CDC is asking all 132 passengers on Frontier Airlines flight 1143 Cleveland to Dallas/Fort Worth on October 13 (the flight route was Cleveland to Dallas Fort Worth and landed at 8:16 p.m. CT) to call 1 800-CDC INFO (1 800 232-4636).​

Too much bother to get the flight manifest from Frontier Airlines and start tracing those 132 passengers immediately. Let them call the CDC. Yeah, good job there Brownie.

It's not so much the Ebola that seems to be freaking people out, it's the incompetence of liberals in government.
And, yes, it's airborne. You do not have to come into direct contact with an infected person. It's outrageous that Obama made the remark about not being able to catch it by sitting next to an infected person. There is no excuse for making such statements without checking facts first. This administration is truly JV all the way. Did Obama lie to excuse his lack of action or does he just repeat bullshit without thought? They are making one huge blunder after another. No wonder they fell back on the usual tactic of trying to pass blame on Republicans. If the Republicans had found a cure, the Dems wouldn't have had a chance to mishandle it the way they did.

It's inexcusable that the CDC gave this woman permission to fly knowing she was running a fever. Are they going out of their way to create another crisis?

Vinson told CBS Dallas Fort Worth that she was feeling ill before boarding her flight. She had a low grade fever, but she said that officials told her it was okay to get on the plane. Vinson told CBS that she called the CDC several times with concerns.

The CDC confirmed to FOX 4 News that they gave Vinson the green light to fly.

After Vinson reported symptoms of Ebola on Tuesday, she was placed in isolation. On Wednesday, she was transported to Emory Hospital in Atlanta, where she will continue to receive treatment. She is in stable condition.

Vinson’s comments contradict remarks made earlier today by
CDC Director Tom Freiden, who said that she never should have gotten on the plane.
CDC Gave Latest U.S. Ebola Patient OK To Fly With a Fever

"Casual contact is defined as a) being within approximately 3 feet or within the room or care area for a prolonged period of time while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment or having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD case while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment."

@ theDoctorisin

The board wasn't letting me reply to you directly.

No Toronto did not lose millions upon millions because of mass hysteria within Toronto.

At the point of only 19 dead and 265 suspected cases of SARS, the World Health Organization declared us a "hot spot" if you will.

They issued a travel advisory against the city of Toronto. THEN all hell broke loose.

That's why it is so important you keep a lid on what is going on. You get a city or two nailed with a travel advisory and watch your economic recovery die before your very eyes.

There are lessons to be learned from what Toronto went thru.

Toronto Shunned over SARS Fears

from the article:

Concerned that Canada may be exporting the mysterious illness to other nations, the Geneva-based World Health Organization issued an international advisory last week, warning travellers to stay away from Ontario's capital unless a visit is absolutely necessary.

Local politicians and health officials were livid, claiming the SARS outbreak is almost under control. But that made little difference in the international media where Toronto, and the rest of Canada by association, have become synonymous with danger and death.

Tour operators and hotels, already feeling the effects of SARS wariness, were flooded with cancellations.

Major corporations, in Canada and abroad, are telling employees to avoid the city.

Restaurants - especially Chinese restaurants - are suffering, conferences and concerts have been called off. And an increasingly worried public is left to wonder whether their city's on the cusp of containment or widespread contamination.

Toronto Shunned over SARS Fears - The Canadian Encyclopedia
Received text message from local radio WTAM 1100 that nurses from the Cleveland Clinic and Metrobealth were on flight with Vinson and are now on paid leave.
The Bumbler in Chief

Speaking in a video message to residents of West African countries currently experiencing outbreaks of Ebola, President Barack Obama dispensed advice on how residents can avoid the disease, including:"You cannot get it through casual contact like sitting next to someone on a bus."

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is advising Americans who travel to the Ebola-stricken nations to "avoid public transportation."
No one in this Administration is competent nor do they know what to do. They simply don't want to appear racist and so they avoid, at all costs, taking any measures which could open them to racism charges from fellow liberal nutcases.
The Bumbler in Chief

Speaking in a video message to residents of West African countries currently experiencing outbreaks of Ebola, President Barack Obama dispensed advice on how residents can avoid the disease, including:"You cannot get it through casual contact like sitting next to someone on a bus."

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is advising Americans who travel to the Ebola-stricken nations to "avoid public transportation."
No one in this Administration is competent nor do they know what to do. They simply don't want to appear racist and so they avoid, at all costs, taking any measures which could open them to racism charges from fellow liberal nutcases.

I am convinced that whatever they say, just assume the exact opposite.

I cannot believe just how stupid liberals have allowed themselves to get.
Received text message from local radio WTAM 1100 that nurses from the Cleveland Clinic and Metrobealth were on flight with Vinson and are now on paid leave.
Glenn Beck [for what it's worth] said those people on that flight are all grounded and may not fly. So then they take a train or bus and infect all those people around them? What's so magical about the closed space in an aircraft fusilage vs a bus or a train? Or a cab?

Like I said, I made the mistake of letting ONE sick chicken into my flock. Within a week I'd lost nearly the entire flock plus half my herd of goats.

Disease ain't no joke folks.
Our poor little "Conservatives" seem to have totally lost it. Such fearful little creatures.

I'd say it's the Dems panicking since they are already looking to blame others for the mess. If it wasn't a problem, they wouldn't be so afraid of Obama having to take responsibility.

The CDC advised a known Ebola patient with a fever that it was okay to fly. If we have to rely on people with that level of stupidity, we will have major problems.
CDC policy: Ebola, it is just plain over reacting, until someone you know has it.
She treated Duncan, had a fever of 99.5, contacted the CDC before she flew, they said no problem, go fly.

Government run healthcare .... what did you expect?

CDC Ebola Patient Traveled By Air With 8220 Low-Grade 8221 Fever CBS Dallas Fort Worth

Yeah, because the privately run healthcare that sent Duncan home when he came in with Ebola symptoms is so much better.

Duncan lied to the airline about having had contact with someone with ebola and he lied to the hospital about having had contact with someone with ebola. When the hospital sent him away, they had no knowledge that he had had contact with someone with ebola.

The CDC is saying the nurses may have contracted it by removing their protective gear incorrectly. That falls directly on the CDC as the CDC dropped the ball by not having someone down to TX ASAP to instruct/monitor the removal of the protective gear.

The second nurse who now has it called the CDC prior to her flight because she had extensive exposure to Duncan and was running a 99.5 fever. CDC said that 100.4 is the threshold, sure go on the plane.

The CDC said, and I quote "Dr. Tom Frieden, director for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said during a telephone press briefing Wednesday that you cannot get Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus, but that infected or exposed persons should not ride public transportation because they could transmit the disease to someone else".

CDC You Can Give But Can t Get Ebola on a Bus CNS News

The CDC is government run. Welcome to your future.
Too many things indicate that this is being done on purpose.

There is nothing else that makes any sense. At all. Why would it be done on purpose? I have no idea.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), director Dr. Tom Frieden wrote that sealing borders, restricting travel to and from countries with widespread cases of Ebola, and otherwise isolating communities infected with the deadly disease “increases people’s distrust of government, making them less likely to co-operate to help stop the spread of Ebola.”

Does that, make any sense, at all? Consider how many countries are banning all travel from the region. Are those countries morons?

Just consider, everything this guy has said has been totally untrue. From saying it was unlikely that it would get here. Common sense told us with out any restrictions it would get here, and it got here. He said hospitals are all equipped to handle this, and it turns out that was a lie too. Common sense tells us that Ebola HAS NEVER BEEN ON AMERICAN SOIL!!! Turns out ONLY FOUR hospitals are equipped with a total of ELEVEN BEDS between the four facilities.


Now these people are educated. They know and have studied Ebola since it was discovered in 1976. They know what this is. So, how is it that they are this foolish? Unless, it is intentional. Nothing makes sense.
Yes, it is being done on purpose but not by the CDC, our government, the UN, or any other one organization It's being done by the media. Google Ebola. You will get 172,000,000 hits. Tens of thousands of web sites are spreading information, misinformation, lies, projections, opinions, accusation, and advice. Web site hits translates into bucks, big bucks. The more sensational, the more hits. In a few months people will get tired of it when they realize that they face far greater dangers in their life than Ebola.
Well the dangerous & stupid continues... Oh a perfect system is good until you involve human beings..

They didn't even want to release her name. But thankfully political-correctness was suspended in order to potentially save more lives.

I submit that dumb dirt farmers should take over the controls at the CDC regarding ebola Ebola Containment In The Us Your Thoughts Ideas Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The second health-care worker diagnosed with Ebola had a fever of 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit before boarding a passenger jet on Monday, a day before she reported symptoms of the virus and was tested, according to public health officials.
Even though there appeared to be little risk for the other people on that flight, she should not have traveled that way, Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a news conference Wednesday.
“She should not have flown on a commercial airline,” Frieden said. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/10/15/ebola-stricken-nurse-flew-on-a-passenger-plane-a-day-before-being-diagnosed/ [/quote]

The health-care worker was not named by public health officials, but a spokesman for Cleveland identified her Amber Vinson. Family members told Reuters and the Dallas Morning News that Vinson is a nurse at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

We spend more time banning fruits and vegetables from other countries than diseased visitors. Which is more dangerous? But, as usual, our current administration has it all backwards and upside down. Ours is the most mentally challenges Prez this nation has ever had to endure.
And then this.... More common sense here than in the entire regime...


AP ^

KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) -- The prime minister of the Caribbean island of St. Lucia has given an order to bar entry to anyone coming from three West African nations struggling with Ebola epidemics. Prime Minister Kenny Anthony announced Wednesday that visitors from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone may not enter St. Lucia until further notice. Anthony says the travel ban is necessary because St. Lucia is a poor, small country that does not have the capacity "to manage any crisis that lands on our doorstep."

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