2nd Impeachment Trial Now Determined To Be Continuation of the Same Political Theater As The First by David Schoen


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The process of impeachment is to charge the accused with a high crime such as treason or bribery then to let the Senate determine guilt or innocence, but David Schoen, one of Trump's lead counsel, has pointed out that the fatal flaw in this as with the first Impeachment is that the Democrats are proceeding not from a position of fact-finding to SEE if there was a crime, but have in effect already themselves determined from the start before the trial that the accused is already guilty, therefore robbing Trump of ANY CHANCE of a fair trial. Just as with the first sham.

Can you imagine being accused of a crime then finding in court that the judge is against you having already determined your guilt before the evidence was even presented?

Sounds a lot like the election with everyone deeming the fraud allegations baseless before the evidence was even out there to examine.

This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, it is un-American, It violates the 1st Amendment, it damages the Office of the President, most of all, it is tearing the nation apart and David Schoen and Trump's other counsel will have no truck with it.

Prepare for sparks to fly.

Just enjoy their $how! I mean you are paying the$e upper/lower narci$$i$tic Hou$e member$ enough $$$$$ through taxe$ out of your paycheck so you outta enjoy it de$pite their $ub $tandard acting $kills they harbor.
Its a waste of time and tax dollars. You can't impeach someone who's out of office. One would think our elected leaders would know this.
Cry Baby Loser inciting his goons to attack democracy is so repugnant an act that no appropriate punishment has been provided for under our Constitution, so the American People, disgusted by his unique level of depravity, will have to settle for his being impeached a second time, an enduring distinction for the history books.
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Further litigation regarding other crimes and financial improprieties will follow.

Cry Baby Loser inciting his goons to attack democracy is so repugnant an act that no appropriate punishment has been provided for under our Constitution, so the American People, disgusted by his unique level of depravity, will have to settle for his being impeached a second time, an enduring distinction for the history books.

Further litigation regarding other crimes and financial improprieties will follow.

LMAO You already Kicked Democracy in the teeth when you masterminded the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history.

You can't impeach a private citizen. Its a waste of time and tax dollars.

Your boy Biden is already screwing every tax payer in America. His green shit will bankrupt the country. New Mexico is already regretting voting for that jack ass and they won't be the only ones.
You can't impeach a private citizen. Its a waste of time and tax dollars.
There is historical precedent for impeaching and trying to convict a former federal officeholder.
In 1876, as the U.S. House of Representatives was about to vote on articles of impeachment against Secretary of War William Belknap over corruption charges, Belknap walked over to the White House, submitted his resignation letter to President Ulysses S. Grant and burst into tears.
The House still went ahead and impeached Belknap, and the Senate tried him, with the impeachment managers arguing that departing office doesn’t excuse the alleged offense — otherwise, officeholders would simply resign to escape conviction or impeachment.
And the Senate voted in 1876, by a 37-29 margin, that Belknap was eligible to be impeached and tried even though he resigned from office.

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"Landslide!" Boy is very pissy.

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You can't impeach a private citizen. Its a waste of time and tax dollars.
There is historical precedent for impeaching and trying to convict a former federal officeholder.
In 1876, as the U.S. House of Representatives was about to vote on articles of impeachment against Secretary of War William Belknap over corruption charges, Belknap walked over to the White House, submitted his resignation letter to President Ulysses S. Grant and burst into tears.
The House still went ahead and impeached Belknap, and the Senate tried him, with the impeachment managers arguing that departing office doesn’t excuse the alleged offense — otherwise, officeholders would simply resign to escape conviction or impeachment.
And the Senate voted in 1876, by a 37-29 margin, that Belknap was eligible to be impeached and tried even though he resigned from office.
"Landslide!" Boy is very pissy.

Its a waste of time and tax dollars. But then again, you Dem idiots are good at that.
Dem idiots...
Your hyper-partisan hysteria is noted.

“None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the President.”

Chair Liz Cheney, the third-ranking Republican in the House
Your boy Biden...
View attachment 451928
"Oh, yeah!
Well, what about...?"

Desperate attempt at diversion noted.

The popularly-elected President having approval numbers far above Loser's has no relevance to the impeachment of the latter.

LMAO His numbers are in the 40's and once his EO's take effect they will be much lower. On day one he kicked every tax payer in the country in the teeth.

New Mexico went big for him and are regretting that vote already. So will many others. As for his popularity?? That won't last long, if he ever had it.

Impeaching Trump is a waste of time and tax dollars but then you Dems are real good at wasting money. You spent four years and billions of dollars trying to bring down Trump and failed.

Hope you enjoy your fairy tale world cause the real on is gong to be anything but easy.
Trump should just tell the Butt Pirates to go fuck themselves.

The only thing is that since most Democrats are queers they would literally do it.
Dem idiots...
Your hyper-partisan hysteria is noted.

“None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the President.”

Chair Liz Cheney, the third-ranking Republican in the House

What a load of bull shit. Trump told the protesters to leave peacefully just as he told them to peacefully go the Capital Buildings

I heard the tape. You obviously hear only what your feeble brain wants you to hear.

Impeaching and out of office person is a waste of time and tax dollars. But then you Dems are real good at wasting tax dollars. You wasted billions in your four year quest to bring Trump down. Which you failed at.
LMAO His numbers are in the 40's and once his EO's take effect they will be much lower.
The President's approval numbers could even plummet to Trumpy levels, but would still not serve as a diversion from the Loser's impeachment that most Americans support.
This Impeachment, like the last, is already a confessed politically partisan abuse of the US Constitution solely for the benefit of the Democratic Party.

The premise of the 1st Impeachment was that President Trump was such a clear and present danger / threat to the United States that he had to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY. During the Impeachment hearings the Democrats demonstrated they did not have a crime, did not have any evidence, and did not have any witnesses. DEMOCRATS were caught committing Perjury and manufacturing / attempting to present FALSE, self-manufactured 'evidence'. After voting to Impeach anyway, after having declared Trump was such a threat that he had to be removed from office immediately, Pelosi refused to turn over the Articles of Impeachment to the US Senate. Instead she held on to them and attempted to FORCE the US Senate / McConnell to agree to hold US Senate Impeachment proceedings according to HER demands. Of course, McConnell told her to go F* herself because he knew 1) she was 'negotiating' from the ultimate position of weakness (she could not make / force such a demand), & 2) by delaying weeks to try this 'power play' she destroyed her own 'false narrative' about Trump being such an immediate threat he needed to be removed ASAP. In the end they admitted they had no crime, evidence, or witnesses, that YES, this was a politically partisan Impeachment - the 1st in US history.

The 2nd Impeachment's 'false narratives', the foundations for the Impeachment, have already been destroyed. Pelosi and the Democrats declared Trump's speech at the Capitol prior to the violent riot at the Capitol began 'Incited Insurrection'; however, the transcripts of Trump's speech disprove that allegation. Speaker Pelosi herself, again, was the one to sabotage another Democrat politically partisan Impeachment hoax. Before the Articles of Impeachment had even been written, Pelosi gave an interview in which she declared the REAL intent of this latest Impeachment was to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond. She admitted the Impeachment had NOTHING to do with some bogus claim he 'Incited Insurrection' and had nothing to do with protecting the United States. By doing this she once again destroyed her / the Democrats' false narrative again and exposed their abuse of the US Constitution for Party benefit!
This Impeachment, like the last, is already a confessed politically partisan abuse of the US Constitution solely for the benefit of the Democratic Party.

The premise of the 1st Impeachment was that President Trump was such a clear and present danger / threat to the United States that he had to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY. During the Impeachment hearings the Democrats demonstrated they did not have a crime, did not have any evidence, and did not have any witnesses. DEMOCRATS were caught committing Perjury and manufacturing / attempting to present FALSE, self-manufactured 'evidence'. After voting to Impeach anyway, after having declared Trump was such a threat that he had to be removed from office immediately, Pelosi refused to turn over the Articles of Impeachment to the US Senate. Instead she held on to them and attempted to FORCE the US Senate / McConnell to agree to hold US Senate Impeachment proceedings according to HER demands. Of course, McConnell told her to go F* herself because he knew 1) she was 'negotiating' from the ultimate position of weakness (she could not make / force such a demand), & 2) by delaying weeks to try this 'power play' she destroyed her own 'false narrative' about Trump being such an immediate threat he needed to be removed ASAP. In the end they admitted they had no crime, evidence, or witnesses, that YES, this was a politically partisan Impeachment - the 1st in US history.

The 2nd Impeachment's 'false narratives', the foundations for the Impeachment, have already been destroyed. Pelosi and the Democrats declared Trump's speech at the Capitol prior to the violent riot at the Capitol began 'Incited Insurrection'; however, the transcripts of Trump's speech disprove that allegation. Speaker Pelosi herself, again, was the one to sabotage another Democrat politically partisan Impeachment hoax. Before the Articles of Impeachment had even been written, Pelosi gave an interview in which she declared the REAL intent of this latest Impeachment was to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond. She admitted the Impeachment had NOTHING to do with some bogus claim he 'Incited Insurrection' and had nothing to do with protecting the United States. By doing this she once again destroyed her / the Democrats' false narrative again and exposed their abuse of the US Constitution for Party benefit!

As I said. A waste of time and tax payer money just so the Dems can feel good about themselves.
This Impeachment, like the last, is already a confessed politically partisan abuse of the US Constitution solely for the benefit of the Democratic Party.

The premise of the 1st Impeachment was that President Trump was such a clear and present danger / threat to the United States that he had to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY. During the Impeachment hearings the Democrats demonstrated they did not have a crime, did not have any evidence, and did not have any witnesses. DEMOCRATS were caught committing Perjury and manufacturing / attempting to present FALSE, self-manufactured 'evidence'. After voting to Impeach anyway, after having declared Trump was such a threat that he had to be removed from office immediately, Pelosi refused to turn over the Articles of Impeachment to the US Senate. Instead she held on to them and attempted to FORCE the US Senate / McConnell to agree to hold US Senate Impeachment proceedings according to HER demands. Of course, McConnell told her to go F* herself because he knew 1) she was 'negotiating' from the ultimate position of weakness (she could not make / force such a demand), & 2) by delaying weeks to try this 'power play' she destroyed her own 'false narrative' about Trump being such an immediate threat he needed to be removed ASAP. In the end they admitted they had no crime, evidence, or witnesses, that YES, this was a politically partisan Impeachment - the 1st in US history.

The 2nd Impeachment's 'false narratives', the foundations for the Impeachment, have already been destroyed. Pelosi and the Democrats declared Trump's speech at the Capitol prior to the violent riot at the Capitol began 'Incited Insurrection'; however, the transcripts of Trump's speech disprove that allegation. Speaker Pelosi herself, again, was the one to sabotage another Democrat politically partisan Impeachment hoax. Before the Articles of Impeachment had even been written, Pelosi gave an interview in which she declared the REAL intent of this latest Impeachment was to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond. She admitted the Impeachment had NOTHING to do with some bogus claim he 'Incited Insurrection' and had nothing to do with protecting the United States. By doing this she once again destroyed her / the Democrats' false narrative again and exposed their abuse of the US Constitution for Party benefit!

As I said. A waste of time and tax payer money just so the Dems can feel good about themselves.

I respectfully disagree.

I think it is a deliberate diversion to take away the focus on the Democrats stealing the election.

The stupidity about insurrection and the impeachment were both designed to get the attention away from the fact the Democrats stole the elections. The Useful Idiots swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
This Impeachment, like the last, is already a confessed politically partisan abuse of the US Constitution solely for the benefit of the Democratic Party.

The premise of the 1st Impeachment was that President Trump was such a clear and present danger / threat to the United States that he had to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY. During the Impeachment hearings the Democrats demonstrated they did not have a crime, did not have any evidence, and did not have any witnesses. DEMOCRATS were caught committing Perjury and manufacturing / attempting to present FALSE, self-manufactured 'evidence'. After voting to Impeach anyway, after having declared Trump was such a threat that he had to be removed from office immediately, Pelosi refused to turn over the Articles of Impeachment to the US Senate. Instead she held on to them and attempted to FORCE the US Senate / McConnell to agree to hold US Senate Impeachment proceedings according to HER demands. Of course, McConnell told her to go F* herself because he knew 1) she was 'negotiating' from the ultimate position of weakness (she could not make / force such a demand), & 2) by delaying weeks to try this 'power play' she destroyed her own 'false narrative' about Trump being such an immediate threat he needed to be removed ASAP. In the end they admitted they had no crime, evidence, or witnesses, that YES, this was a politically partisan Impeachment - the 1st in US history.

The 2nd Impeachment's 'false narratives', the foundations for the Impeachment, have already been destroyed. Pelosi and the Democrats declared Trump's speech at the Capitol prior to the violent riot at the Capitol began 'Incited Insurrection'; however, the transcripts of Trump's speech disprove that allegation. Speaker Pelosi herself, again, was the one to sabotage another Democrat politically partisan Impeachment hoax. Before the Articles of Impeachment had even been written, Pelosi gave an interview in which she declared the REAL intent of this latest Impeachment was to protect the Democrat Party by eliminating President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond. She admitted the Impeachment had NOTHING to do with some bogus claim he 'Incited Insurrection' and had nothing to do with protecting the United States. By doing this she once again destroyed her / the Democrats' false narrative again and exposed their abuse of the US Constitution for Party benefit!

As I said. A waste of time and tax payer money just so the Dems can feel good about themselves.

I respectfully disagree.

I think it is a deliberate diversion to take away the focus on the Democrats stealing the election.

The stupidity about insurrection and the impeachment were both designed to get the attention away from the fact the Democrats stole the elections. The Useful Idiots swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

(Ratcliffe is on TV right now stating the FBI knew in advance about the Capitol riot BEFORE 6 January but that they refuse to turn over any information so far. It has been revealed that there was planning / coordination within Antifa and BLM beforehand.

Ratcliffe also just repeated there is currently NO Intel at all indicating there is any threat that requires the large amount of troops in DC and turning DC into the 'Green Zone' in Iraq.)
This Impeachment, like the last, is already a confessed politically partisan abuse of the US Constitution solely for the benefit of the Democratic Party...
“None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the President.”

Chair Liz Cheney, the third-ranking Republican in the House
Allowing every defeated, disgruntled politician to incite deadly insurrections against the U.S. Congress on his way out is far too much of an indulgence to allow them.

Such an egregious attack upon democracy demands a public trial in which both prosecution and defense are given the opportunity to air their differing positions in the matter in the public interest.
This Impeachment, like the last, is already a confessed politically partisan abuse of the US Constitution solely for the benefit of the Democratic Party...
“None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the President.”

Chair Liz Cheney, the third-ranking Republican in the House
Allowing every defeated, disgruntled politician to incite deadly insurrections against the U.S. Congress on his way out is far too much of an indulgence to allow them.

Such an egregious attack upon democracy demands a public trial in which both prosecution and defense are given the opportunity to air their differing positions in the matter in the public interest.

So you believe Liz Cheney's OPINION carries more weight than the actual transcript of President Trump's speech in which he declared the crowd would 'walk peacefully to the Capitol' and would 'cheer on' politicians?

I notice when your 'Orange Man Bad' clowns mention what happened you don't bring up the fact that President Trump attempted to call for peace and an end to violence as he was challenged to do but Twitter, Facebook, & the MSM refused to allow him to televise / get that message out. Big Tech refused to allow Trump to use social media to do it, & the socialist MSM refused to cover it.

OPINIONS don't matter more than FACTS, which is something you snowflakes have never truly grasped, as your own actions demonstrate.

When you 'Orange man Bad' clowns bring up 'Insurrection' and call for violence you also ignore 4 years of failed coup attempts and past proven politically partisan Impeachments intended to overthrow the US govt by illegally / Un-Constitutionally removing the President from office. You do everything in your power to ignore and deny the Democrats' history of violent rhetoric, calls for violence, and support for and Incitement of foreign-funded domestic terrorism in Democrat-run cities. You refuse to talk about Democratic rhetoric so violent that it incited some deranged snowflake into attempting to assassinate GOP politicians in a public park.

The falsely accusing others of what THEY are doing and have done is never-ending.
This Impeachment, like the last, is already a confessed politically partisan abuse of the US Constitution solely for the benefit of the Democratic Party...
“None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the President.”

Chair Liz Cheney, the third-ranking Republican in the House
Allowing every defeated, disgruntled politician to incite deadly insurrections against the U.S. Congress on his way out is far too much of an indulgence to allow them.

Such an egregious attack upon democracy demands a public trial in which both prosecution and defense are given the opportunity to air their differing positions in the matter in the public interest.

So you believe Liz Cheney's OPINION carries more weight than the actual transcript of President Trump's speech in which he declared the crowd would 'walk peacefully to the Capitol' and would 'cheer on' politicians?

I notice when your 'Orange Man Bad' clowns mention what happened you don't bring up the fact that President Trump attempted to call for peace and an end to violence as he was challenged to do but Twitter, Facebook, & the MSM refused to allow him to televise / get that message out. Big Tech refused to allow Trump to use social media to do it, & the socialist MSM refused to cover it.

OPINIONS don't matter more than FACTS, which is something you snowflakes have never truly grasped, as your own actions demonstrate.

When you 'Orange man Bad' clowns bring up 'Insurrection' and call for violence you also ignore 4 years of failed coup attempts and past proven politically partisan Impeachments intended to overthrow the US govt by illegally / Un-Constitutionally removing the President from office. You do everything in your power to ignore and deny the Democrats' history of violent rhetoric, calls for violence, and support for and Incitement of foreign-funded domestic terrorism in Democrat-run cities. You refuse to talk about Democratic rhetoric so violent that it incited some deranged snowflake into attempting to assassinate GOP politicians in a public park.

The falsely accusing others of what THEY are doing and have done is never-ending.
Your worship of the Loser is a passion that may impair your cerebral faculties.

Try to imagine a generic, disgruntled politician of no particular party who loses an election decisively (entirely consistent with what any reasonable person would expect based upon his relentless disapproval by the public throughout his tenure.) Let's call him "Ronnie Dump."

Dump irrationally brays that he has won the election "in a landslide!" Scrupulous counts and recounts confirm otherwise. Dozens of court challenges are dismissed as meritless. Attempts to intimidate elected officials into contriving votes that would give Dump a victory run up against the integrity of those individuals.

Dump assembles his goons, screams his big, evidence-free lie at them that he has won, and sends them off to the Capitol where they mount a deadly insurrection to prevent the working of democracy, the certification of the official winner of the election.

What do you do about Dump? Allow him to abscond with no consequences for his behavior, or follow the Constitutional recourse of impeaching him so that charges and defense can be presented before the Senate?

Do you have an alternate course of action for Dump? If so, what?

One of the amusing ironies of the lickspittles is their insistence that their venerated one should be exempt from Congress's prescribed judicial function because he lost - the very reality he refuses to acknowledge in his lie that resulted in the deadly insurrection. Had he actually won, they imply, he would be properly impeached. So, a lame duck POTUS is granted an immunity that an incumbent one is denied?

Of course, he was impeached by Congress while still in office, so their ludicrous contention is that he can't be tried in the Senate according to the proper Constitutional provisions because he's a loser, given the boot by the electorate before the Senate had time to perform its Constitutional duty? He will get off, so why not allow the case against him to be presented and the defense as well? Is clarity so repugnant to them?
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