3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.

You think school is for staging protests? Actually, their own time is for that. Another reason our schools have such shitty return for all the good money we sink into them.

School is for learning. Weekends, evenings, do whatever the hell you want. When your homework is done.

So if they were staging a pro-NRA or a pro-wall demonstration, you'd be for that too, right?
Outdoor concerts and baseball games have security now. How can you possibly not know that?

Because its BULLSHIT....Come out of your trailer park and go to an outdoor concert and see if "security" can stop a shooter from a tall building using human heads as target practice....
Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.
They shouldn’t do it on school time on taxpayers money.
Why do you think they didn’t organise it for the weekend?
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Typical leftist protest. Their leftist parents talked them into it. Self victimization is something you need to start teaching leftist children early. Otherwise they may pass on the kool-aid line when it's time to drink. Then where would the Democrat party be?

Moron....some of us successfully marched against the Vietnam war.....but, of course, your orange buffoon got 5 deferments.....lol

How many times did you post that for Slick? Or Al Gore who had a contingent of body guards to protect him while he took pictures?

You're such a shameless hypocrite. I just look down on you for your inferiority. Intellectual and otherwise.

Did you ever have a pair?
They shouldn’t do it on school time on taxpayers money.
Why didn’t they organise it for the weekend?

For the same reasons that most politicians don't work on weekends......There is a march planned over a weekend....Stay tuned.
I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.

Glad you're not one as well (I hope), since you apparently don't know the difference between affect and effect.

These students don't know anything. I rarely find college graduates who know anything these days, never mind high school kids.

The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.

There is no Right to be Wrong so far as I'm co cerned. Then again I'm not a big believer in Freedom or Rights to begin with.
Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.
They shouldn’t do it on school time on taxpayers money.
Why didn’t they organise it for the weekend?

Exactly. I don't want any politics or demonstrations in schools. It's no wonder our schools perform so horribly. Teachers need to focus on figuring out why they are doing such a horrible job compared to European schools. And why even European schools do it so much cheaper than our failed teachers are doing it.

I am not saying there are not good teachers, there are. But there is no requirement you have any record of success to keep your job
Teachers need to focus on figuring out why they are doing such a horrible job compared to European schools. And why even European schools do it so much cheaper than our failed teachers are doing it.

Probably because ALL those European schools have armed teachers with assault weapons....LOL
Outdoor concerts and baseball games have security now. How can you possibly not know that?

Because its BULLSHIT....Come out of your trailer park and go to an outdoor concert and see if "security" can stop a shooter from a tall building using human heads as target practice....

Moving the goal posts.

What does that have to do with school shootings?
Teachers need to focus on figuring out why they are doing such a horrible job compared to European schools. And why even European schools do it so much cheaper than our failed teachers are doing it.

Probably because ALL those European schools have armed teachers with assault weapons....LOL

Wow, that's a Moonglow post. All snarky and no actual meaning.

What does that have to do with anything?

The more you talk, the more you expose how truly exceptionally stupid you are
No, it’s because most of the kids probably wouldn’t turn up.

Stay tuned for the 3/24 march......and then apologize....Deal?

What's a deal is when conservative kids are allowed to stage a school protest ... and you support them ...

Protests should be outside school. One weekend protest doesn't make up for any number of weekday protests in school
Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.
They shouldn’t do it on school time on taxpayers money.
Why do you think they didn’t organise it for the weekend?
Because none of the kids would have participated!
This is about exploiting and exposing school children at school.

It's going to get much worse. People need to be yanking their kids from school today.
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Typical leftist protest. Their leftist parents talked them into it. Self victimization is something you need to start teaching leftist children early. Otherwise they may pass on the kool-aid line when it's time to drink. Then where would the Democrat party be?

Moron....some of us successfully marched against the Vietnam war.....but, of course, your orange buffoon got 5 deferments.....lol

Did you march? Why didn't you wear a uniform and go and fight or did you get Deferments or Dodge The Draft?

Some other Leftist Maniacs marched:


^^^^ I support Retrograde Abortion :smoke:

"but, of course, your orange buffoon got 5 deferments"

But but but Bill Clinton, how many Purple Hearts did Bill Clinton get in Vietnam? Oh wait that's right I forgot :abgg2q.jpg:


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