3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

Protests should be outside school. One weekend protest doesn't make up for any number of weekday protests in school

BEST civic lesson those kids could ever have........(careful, those kids willl be voting soon......lol)
Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.
They shouldn’t do it on school time on taxpayers money.
Why do you think they didn’t organise it for the weekend?

They can't do it at the weekend because most of them smoke Crack and do Meth at weekends.
Protests should be outside school. One weekend protest doesn't make up for any number of weekday protests in school

BEST civic lesson those kids could ever have........(careful, those kids willl be voting soon......lol)

Nah, t hey'd be better served taking actual civics lessons rather than this stupid shit or learning about my two mommies and putting condoms on cucumbers. That's how we end up with the likes of, well, you.
Protests should be outside school. One weekend protest doesn't make up for any number of weekday protests in school

BEST civic lesson those kids could ever have........(careful, those kids willl be voting soon......lol)

Bull shit. Politics is not an appropriate school activity. This is why our schools are primarily leftist indoctrination camps.

And again, you'd say that for an in school NRA rally, right? Or for a pro-wall, anti illegal immigration rally? Sure you would.

You WANT schools to be leftist indoctrination camps that intimidate all other views into silence
Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.
They shouldn’t do it on school time on taxpayers money.
Why do you think they didn’t organise it for the weekend?
Because none of the kids would have participated!
This is about exploiting and exposing school children at school.

It's going to get much worse. People need to be yanking their kids from school today.
I agree. Also I read that some parents were being told it’s a memorial/vigil and are not being told it’s political and anti gun. I suspect there would be fewer students present if these parents were told of the actual agenda, and also there would be fewer if students weren’t being pressurised by being told they are uncaring etc - as your post earlier pointed out.
Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.

You think school is for staging protests? Actually, their own time is for that. Another reason our schools have such shitty return for all the good money we sink into them.

School is for learning. Weekends, evenings, do whatever the hell you want. When your homework is done.

So if they were staging a pro-NRA or a pro-wall demonstration, you'd be for that too, right?

If these students werent the ones getting shot while learning, Id probably agree with you.
A pro NRA ( you baffoons think the NRA needs a demonstration lol) or a pro wall ? I would accept their right to demonstrate.

Im just glad many gun owners dont agree with you all here.

Turn the schools into mini prisons
shut those snowflakes up and wish for a van to run over them
keep the "gun free zone" farce in the forefront
Dont deal with the people who should not have access.
Students have no rights beyond what we let them have

Bull shit. Politics is not an appropriate school activity. This is why our schools are primarily leftist indoctrination camps.

And again, you'd say that for an in school NRA rally, right? Or for a pro-wall, anti illegal immigration rally? Sure you would.

You WANT schools to be leftist indoctrination camps that intimidate all other views into silence

So, those kids are "TOO YOUNG" and being manipulated by liberals....BUT are not too young to purchase an AR-15???..............lol
So the outcome is dumber kids and that’s it.

Leftardia in action.

How to protect yourself from Leftardia, at all times display this sign:

Protests should be outside school. One weekend protest doesn't make up for any number of weekday protests in school

BEST civic lesson those kids could ever have........(careful, those kids willl be voting soon......lol)

Nah, t hey'd be better served taking actual civics lessons rather than this stupid shit or learning about my two mommies and putting condoms on cucumbers. That's how we end up with the likes of, well, you.

A better civics lesson for leftist children would be to teach them how we run elections in this country and the Constitutional way to amend the Constitution. Federal powers like immigration control would be another good thing to teach leftist children. Gun rights. They have a shit load they're not learning in civics now.

Learning to be leftist stooges manipulated and used by their parents can wait until later
I agree. Also I read that some parents were being told it’s a memorial/vigil and are not being told it’s political and anti gun. I suspect there would be fewer students present if these parents were told of the actual agenda, and also there would be fewer if students weren’t being pressurised by being told they are uncaring etc - as your post earlier pointed out.

Well, the march may be a great time and opportunity for the NRA to tempt these kids to buy themselves n assault rifle....That may mitigate and satisfy your indignation over the march.
Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.
They shouldn’t do it on school time on taxpayers money.
Why do you think they didn’t organise it for the weekend?
Because none of the kids would have participated!
This is about exploiting and exposing school children at school.

It's going to get much worse. People need to be yanking their kids from school today.
I agree. Also I read that some parents were being told it’s a memorial/vigil and are not being told it’s political and anti gun. I suspect there would be fewer students present if these parents were told of the actual agenda, and also there would be fewer if students weren’t being pressurised by being told they are uncaring etc - as your post earlier pointed out.

I agree. But parents of non-leftist children have a constantly difficult discussion with our children about why they are persecuted in our schools for their beliefs and how to handle it. The fact is they need the grades to move on from politically motivated leftist teachers who will knock your grade down for not confirming their intolerant leftist views. How to handle that is not easy for them.

Leftists are rigidly intolerant, and they are bullies
Protests should be outside school. One weekend protest doesn't make up for any number of weekday protests in school

BEST civic lesson those kids could ever have........(careful, those kids willl be voting soon......lol)

Bull shit. Politics is not an appropriate school activity. This is why our schools are primarily leftist indoctrination camps.

And again, you'd say that for an in school NRA rally, right? Or for a pro-wall, anti illegal immigration rally? Sure you would.

You WANT schools to be leftist indoctrination camps that intimidate all other views into silence
Have you noticed neither Nat nor any other Leftie will answer whether they’d accept NRA, Anti immigration or Pro Wall rallies/marches on school time.

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