3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

Protests should be outside school. One weekend protest doesn't make up for any number of weekday protests in school

BEST civic lesson those kids could ever have........(careful, those kids willl be voting soon......lol)

Nah, t hey'd be better served taking actual civics lessons rather than this stupid shit or learning about my two mommies and putting condoms on cucumbers. That's how we end up with the likes of, well, you.

A better civics lesson for leftist children would be to teach them how we run elections in this country and the Constitutional way to amend the Constitution. Federal powers like immigration control would be another good thing to teach leftist children. Gun rights. They have a shit load they're not learning in civics now.

Learning to be leftist stooges manipulated and used by their parents can wait until later

We should also include how our elections are rigged and how both parties have a huge stake in manipulating the American people. The first step should probably be to free them from this right /left lock in step merry go round.

I agree, Immigration does need an over haul.

Our elections are rigged? So you're calling Obama a stupid ass wipe? He has a personal message here just for you to tell you that you're wrong.

And again, I said I do NOT want politics in the schools. Not mine, and not yours as you advocate yet again here
A better civics lesson for leftist children

An even better :civic lesson for leftist children" will be on election days.......LOL


And still, as Tilly pointed out, you keep running from my question. So you'd support an NRA rally in school?
Go ahead and try to hold one.

I already said mea culpa on that. You're right, the leftist teachers will pound any conservative rally into submission with grades, suspensions and expulsions.

You're the fascists, you're right. You'll win.


Tell me again how "Republicans" are the Nazis while no one but leftists have free speech in our schools, and you like it just that way
these students aren’t there under their school’s guidance

Oh, now THAT'S funny.

I'll give you multiple links:

I agree. Also I read that some parents were being told it’s a memorial/vigil and are not being told it’s political and anti gun. I suspect there would be fewer students present if these parents were told of the actual agenda, and also there would be fewer if students weren’t being pressurised by being told they are uncaring etc - as your post earlier pointed out.

Well, the march may be a great time and opportunity for the NRA to tempt these kids to buy themselves n assault rifle....That may mitigate and satisfy your indignation over the march.
Be a good time for the Obama loving Parkland sheriff to explain why his men sat outside and let kids get mass murdered too.
"Obama loving".....he has declared his love for Former President Obama? Link to that declaration......?

Well Scott Israel loves Hillary and served on her Florida Leadership Team and campaigned for Hillary so he must love Obama, he's not a Republican he's a Democrat.





^^^^ These stupid children should be protesting Scott Israel and Broward County Keystone Cops protesting about why they ignored 18 calls about Nikolas Cruz and why Scott Israel and his Deputies did nothing to prevent the school shooting when they were forewarned Cruz was an unhinged nut.

Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

View attachment 182517

I turned on the radio this morning and you should hear conservatives talk about these kids. They are monkeys throwing their feces at children. It's disgusting.

We've arrived at a place where America's children are screaming at adults that they are tired of being slaughtered and murdered for showing up to school. But conservatives have their head so far up the nRA's ass that they will even disparage children.

There is no bottom for conservatives anymore. They follow their only god, the Republican Politburo, with absolute obedience on their knees now. There is no morality or decency left in them. Now they even denigrate children.
Takes a special kind of stupid to let laundry soap eating gender confused children create Constitutional policy.
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

View attachment 182517

I turned on the radio this morning and you should hear conservatives talk about these kids. They are monkeys throwing their feces at children. It's disgusting.

We've arrived at a place where America's children are screaming at adults that they are tired of being slaughtered and murdered for showing up to school. But conservatives have their head so far up the nRA's ass that they will even disparage children.

There is no bottom for conservatives anymore. They follow their only god, the Republican Politburo, with absolute obedience on their knees now. There is no morality or decency left in them. Now they even denigrate children.

If a child screams at an adult he should get a good bitch slap in the face.

Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

View attachment 182517

I turned on the radio this morning and you should hear conservatives talk about these kids. They are monkeys throwing their feces at children. It's disgusting.

We've arrived at a place where America's children are screaming at adults that they are tired of being slaughtered and murdered for showing up to school. But conservatives have their head so far up the nRA's ass that they will even disparage children.

There is no bottom for conservatives anymore. They follow their only god, the Republican Politburo, with absolute obedience on their knees now. There is no morality or decency left in them. Now they even denigrate children.

If a child screams at an adult he should get a good bitch slap in the face.
Or....maybe just shoot him?
Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Good! I hope they enjoy it when they are in school all summer long now! Too bad they are appealing to people who have no control over school shootings and are being used by their pink pussy pretty mommies and daddies to push a pretty pink political agenda just to ban guns which will never happen.

If any of these jerks had a brain, they'd be pushing for greater safety at home in their schools where the violence occurs and an investigation into why their government-operated schools keep leading children to want to murder other kids and teachers IN SCHOOL?
These teenagers now don't understand what's really going on they hear about the crime that has been done and talk about it like they know every little detail. They shouldn't walkout because the gun laws are not that good if you want to make a change stay in class and get that diploma and fight the law from the in side.
Nope. Activists. That would be the complete opposite of T&P.

Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.

You think school is for staging protests? Actually, their own time is for that. Another reason our schools have such shitty return for all the good money we sink into them.

School is for learning. Weekends, evenings, do whatever the hell you want. When your homework is done.

So if they were staging a pro-NRA or a pro-wall demonstration, you'd be for that too, right?

If these students werent the ones getting shot while learning, Id probably agree with you.
A pro NRA ( you baffoons think the NRA needs a demonstration lol) or a pro wall ? I would accept their right to demonstrate.

Im just glad many gun owners dont agree with you all here.

Turn the schools into mini prisons
shut those snowflakes up and wish for a van to run over them
keep the "gun free zone" farce in the forefront
Dont deal with the people who should not have access.
Students have no rights beyond what we let them have


Oh please, cut the crap. It's you who deny teachers and administrators trained in gun safety with CC permits the ability to defend themselves and their students and rely on the government who was outside directing traffic and waiting for the bullets to stop.

When reality backs up your rhetoric, then you can argue a point.

Featherbrain: Let's make guns illegal in schools, then pretend criminals can't get them! You know, like we made drugs illegal and now no one can get them!!!!

The NRA wasn't responsible for any deaths in Florida. Your stupid plan was responsible for most of the 17 since statistically based on CC rates in Florida, there were roughly 15 teachers and administrators who had CC permits and no gun. What good is a gun if you're not allowed to have it when you're being shot at?

I never said the NRA was responsible, I was laughing at the thought of them needing support from their minnions.
I'm also not against having a couple well trained armed school personel. I am against not regulating weapons and denying dangerous people from owning them. The right has one track /my way or the highway thinking and its f'ed up.
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

View attachment 182517

I turned on the radio this morning and you should hear conservatives talk about these kids. They are monkeys throwing their feces at children. It's disgusting.

We've arrived at a place where America's children are screaming at adults that they are tired of being slaughtered and murdered for showing up to school. But conservatives have their head so far up the nRA's ass that they will even disparage children.

There is no bottom for conservatives anymore. They follow their only god, the Republican Politburo, with absolute obedience on their knees now. There is no morality or decency left in them. Now they even denigrate children.

If a child screams at an adult he should get a good bitch slap in the face.
Or....maybe just shoot him?

Of course not. But, the unwillingness to discipline children is how we ended up with all these bratty little fuckers that think it's OK to skip school and participate in political grandstanding. I guarantee, had I yelled at my parents, there'd have been hell to pay.
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

View attachment 182517

I turned on the radio this morning and you should hear conservatives talk about these kids. They are monkeys throwing their feces at children. It's disgusting.

We've arrived at a place where America's children are screaming at adults that they are tired of being slaughtered and murdered for showing up to school. But conservatives have their head so far up the nRA's ass that they will even disparage children.

There is no bottom for conservatives anymore. They follow their only god, the Republican Politburo, with absolute obedience on their knees now. There is no morality or decency left in them. Now they even denigrate children.
Takes a special kind of stupid to let laundry soap eating gender confused children create Constitutional policy.
Takes a special kind of stupid to think that all those students...or even more than a very few of them are eating laundry soap.
Be a good time for the Obama loving Parkland sheriff to explain why his men sat outside and let kids get mass murdered too.

Perhaps those police were OUTGUNNED by some kid who was able to purchase an assault weapon with NO background check???........Just theorizing here.

^^^^ An AR-15 is not an assault weapon.
Those students were not assaulted.....:lalala:

An AR-15 is not an assault weapon, nat said Nikolas Cruz was able to purchase an assault weapon, well an AR-15 is not an assault weapon.
Every single one of those students should be suspended for at least 5 days.

If they had my father for a teacher they'd lose 10 points off their final grade as well.

I'm glad you arent a teacher. These shootings are directly effecting students. Id be more worried if they were turning a blind eye to this ongoing mess.
The right to join with fellow citizens in protest or peaceful assembly is critical to a functioning democracy and at the core of the First Amendment.

You think school is for staging protests? Actually, their own time is for that. Another reason our schools have such shitty return for all the good money we sink into them.

School is for learning. Weekends, evenings, do whatever the hell you want. When your homework is done.

So if they were staging a pro-NRA or a pro-wall demonstration, you'd be for that too, right?

If these students werent the ones getting shot while learning, Id probably agree with you.
A pro NRA ( you baffoons think the NRA needs a demonstration lol) or a pro wall ? I would accept their right to demonstrate.

Im just glad many gun owners dont agree with you all here.

Turn the schools into mini prisons
shut those snowflakes up and wish for a van to run over them
keep the "gun free zone" farce in the forefront
Dont deal with the people who should not have access.
Students have no rights beyond what we let them have


Oh please, cut the crap. It's you who deny teachers and administrators trained in gun safety with CC permits the ability to defend themselves and their students and rely on the government who was outside directing traffic and waiting for the bullets to stop.

When reality backs up your rhetoric, then you can argue a point.

Featherbrain: Let's make guns illegal in schools, then pretend criminals can't get them! You know, like we made drugs illegal and now no one can get them!!!!

The NRA wasn't responsible for any deaths in Florida. Your stupid plan was responsible for most of the 17 since statistically based on CC rates in Florida, there were roughly 15 teachers and administrators who had CC permits and no gun. What good is a gun if you're not allowed to have it when you're being shot at?

I never said the NRA was responsible, I was laughing at the thought of them needing support from their minnions.
I'm also not against having a couple well trained armed school personel. I am against not regulating weapons and denying dangerous people from owning them. The right has one track /my way or the highway thinking and its f'ed up.

Ah, so you admit you are a "minion" of the ACLU, NAACP, NOW and unions? Interesting.

Personally I just thought special interest groups were there because we have views. Interesting how you think that special interests groups are only there so we could be their minions.

You would never be a hypocrite, so I'm sure this isn't a case where your standard flips on party, is it?
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

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I turned on the radio this morning and you should hear conservatives talk about these kids. They are monkeys throwing their feces at children. It's disgusting.

We've arrived at a place where America's children are screaming at adults that they are tired of being slaughtered and murdered for showing up to school. But conservatives have their head so far up the nRA's ass that they will even disparage children.

There is no bottom for conservatives anymore. They follow their only god, the Republican Politburo, with absolute obedience on their knees now. There is no morality or decency left in them. Now they even denigrate children.
Takes a special kind of stupid to let laundry soap eating gender confused children create Constitutional policy.
Takes a special kind of stupid to think that all those students...or even more than a very few of them are eating laundry soap.

In fairness, most of them are not. But in fairness to Weatherman, most of them are stupid enough to do it if they receive orders to do that from the DNC.

Look how all these leftists parents are prostituting their children for the cause with the walkout. Unfortunately most of the kids will do the same to their children
Be a good time for the Obama loving Parkland sheriff to explain why his men sat outside and let kids get mass murdered too.

Perhaps those police were OUTGUNNED by some kid who was able to purchase an assault weapon with NO background check???........Just theorizing here.

^^^^ An AR-15 is not an assault weapon.
Those students were not assaulted.....:lalala:

An AR-15 is not an assault weapon, nat said Nikolas Cruz was able to purchase an assault weapon, well an AR-15 is not an assault weapon.

No, it's a tea set.
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

View attachment 182517

I turned on the radio this morning and you should hear conservatives talk about these kids. They are monkeys throwing their feces at children. It's disgusting.

We've arrived at a place where America's children are screaming at adults that they are tired of being slaughtered and murdered for showing up to school. But conservatives have their head so far up the nRA's ass that they will even disparage children.

There is no bottom for conservatives anymore. They follow their only god, the Republican Politburo, with absolute obedience on their knees now. There is no morality or decency left in them. Now they even denigrate children.

If a child screams at an adult he should get a good bitch slap in the face.
Or....maybe just shoot him?

Of course not. But, the unwillingness to discipline children is how we ended up with all these bratty little fuckers that think it's OK to skip school and participate in political grandstanding. I guarantee, had I yelled at my parents, there'd have been hell to pay.
So, you call students who are sick and tired of school violence "bratty little fuckers". Thank you for showing clearly you are part of the problem.

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