3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

Why do the democrats oppose armed security and staff inside our schools....

Oh, maybe for such incidents.......

Gun-trained teacher accidentally discharges firearm in Calif. classroom, injuring student
One student was reportedly treated for injuries that were not life-threatening.
By Fred Barbash • Read more »

Trained pilots sometimes crash
Professional drivers have car accidents

WHy don't you just make accidents illegal?

they set traffic rules. they require seat belts. air bags. car seats?

shall I go on?

Except on a school bus. But, please go on.


You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping today and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The Dems want real gun control.


Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.

Indeed. He's an American.

The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.

To no effect.

You can post as many bullshit posts you want.

Land of the free, home of the brave, yes.

but you’re not stopping today and March 24.

Stopping what?

Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The NRA has lost many sponsors. Thank The # ENOUGH movement for that.
I see you’re on the wrong side of history again.
Some of these kids will be voting this year.... many more in 2020. You’re fucked and you know it.

Dream on. There are as many, or more, new voters who do not support your idiocy, and will not be voting the way you want them to. Loons, like yourself, have been predicting the death of the NRA for decades, and it just keeps getting stronger and stronger. Don't you just love it?
Agreed, and a lot of recent polls show that under 18s are no more anti gun than any other demographic and that it hasn’t changed.

you have to be "anti-gun" not to want felons, crazies and spouse abusers not to have them? any other demagoguery you'd like to engage in?

you might want to start by not lying.
Seems the lefties are associating these kids with the torturerer/murderer antisemites, undoubtedly without their knowledge.
Wow, they are exploiting the kids on so many levels.

SURPRISE: "Pro-Cop Killer Women’s March Is Organizing the National School Walkout for Gun Control"

Pro-Cop Killer Women’s March Is Organizing the National School Walkout for Gun Control

...In spite of their public façade of being anti-violence, the Women’s March has a troubling history of honoring cop killers and murderers both on social media and at their official events.

Last summer, the Women’s March wished a happy birthday to Assata Shakur on their official Twitter:

Happy birthday to the revolutionary #AssataShakur! Today's #SignOfResistance, in Assata's honor, is by @Meloniousfunk. pic.twitter.com/V66au1dRnl

— Women's March (@womensmarch) July 16, 2017
Shakur, whose real name is Joanne Deborah Chesimard, is a convicted cop killer and prison escapee currently on the lam in Cuba due to her involvement with the Black Liberation Army (BLA). According to the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, the BLA was one of the most violent black power terrorist groups in the United States during its heyday [emphasis mine]:....
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping today and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The Dems want real gun control.


Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.

Indeed. He's an American.

The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.

To no effect.

You can post as many bullshit posts you want.

Land of the free, home of the brave, yes.

but you’re not stopping today and March 24.

Stopping what?

Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The NRA has lost many sponsors. Thank The # ENOUGH movement for that.
I see you’re on the wrong side of history again.
Some of these kids will be voting this year.... many more in 2020. You’re fucked and you know it.

Dream on. There are as many, or more, new voters who do not support your idiocy, and will not be voting the way you want them to. Loons, like yourself, have been predicting the death of the NRA for decades, and it just keeps getting stronger and stronger. Don't you just love it?
Agreed, and a lot of recent polls show that under 18s are no more anti gun than any other demographic and that it hasn’t changed.

you have to be "anti-gun" not to want felons, crazies and spouse abusers not to have them? any other demagoguery you'd like to engage in?

you might want to start by not lying.

First of all, everyone is against allowing felons to buy buns. It's illegal now you stupid slut and no one is fighting it. BTW, spouse abuse is also against the law. Same answer. As for crazies, Take them to court and have their gun rights removed with due process and we're with you. Just not close enough to catch any of your STDs
“3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun”

…and rightwing cowards tremble with fear.

How dare those awful students frighten cowardly conservatives.

Fear? More like roll our eyes and snicker knowing if this took place on a Saturday at 3:00 PM they might get 10% of what "protested" today...and that's a huge might
No, it's a tea set.

For gun moron, nuts, these types of threads gives them a chance to show off just how "informed" they are about guns.....As if an AR-15 hurt those kids a bit less because it wasn't really an assault weapon.

Such is the fucked up mentality of right wing idiots.


Republican politicians and their mindless conservative followers are afraid, very afraid.

Today, at 10 a.m. students nationwide walked out of school. For some this was an extremely gutsy move, because the administrators in these schools threatened punishment for those protesting the Republicans’ kissing the a$$es of the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre and his henchmen.

“It was a staggering, powerfully symbolic action planned by students who, by and large, aren’t eligible to vote. The walkouts culminated in 17 minutes of silence—one for each life lost at Parkland.”

While it is true many are not yet of voting age, that number grows smaller with each passing month. This scares the he11 out of GOP congressmen up for reelection in 2018, and even more who must face the ire of these young people in 2020.

The repeated mass killings at public schools have become constant reminders to the victims’ families, schoolmates, and now, the growing number of young people nationwide who will be eligible to vote in 2018 and 2020.

The Republicans’ and conservatives’ continuing defense of their uncontrollable needs to own assault weapons and others firearms designed strictly to increase body counts, remain steadfast, and as recent history has shown, will provide frequent updates of these tragic reminders.

Of course, the conservatives’ hope is the student’s memories are as faulty and easily altered as their own. But, this particular hope is useless, and conservatives themselves explain why whenever one of these incidents occurs.

After every mass killing, conservatives feel the need to stress the “importance” of the Republicans’ refusal to act to end mass shootings, as being in the “best interest” of all Americans.

So, due to this irreversibly erroneous conservative mind-set, U.S. students will have regular reminders of the party to blame for the ongoing murders. These reminders will continue through 2018, 2020, 2022, or until the vast majority of Americans, all of whom want common sense gun regulations enacted, drive the Republicans out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.



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