3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

I'm so glad I finished with all of my schooling before libtards took over everything.

Wouldn't want people exercising their right to protest, now would we?

The US Bill of Rights as seen by the right.

First Amendment

Don't say anything about taking my guns away, don't protest my guns, and don't mention my religion either.

Second Amendment

Guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns shall not be infringed to me or my buddies, other fuckers we don't care about.

Third Amendment

Keep away from my house bitch, I've got guns.

Fourth Amendment

I have the right to be secure in my guns, and no warrants shall be made to take my guns, bitches.

Fifth Amendment

No person shall be arrested for using their gun unless they're a criminal, and I'm not a criminal no matter how many laws I break.

Sixth Amendment

I have the right to not be tried for using my guns.

Seventh Amendment

See the Sixth Amendment, guns, guns, guns.

Eighth Amendment

Taking my guns away is the only cruel and unusual punishment not allowed.

Ninth Amendment

Even if all the other Amendments don't make you think you can take my guns away, this one means you can't take my fucking guns away. Fuck you.

Tenth Amendment

You can amend any of these Amendments, except the ones about guns, now fuck off.
Yeah, we pay taxes so young people can go and protest instead of staying in school and not be indoctrinated with liberal propaganda.
Not a fan of the 1st Amendment, eh?
So if the kiddies wanted to express their freedom of speech at an NRA rally, you would be equally supportive of their PAID transportation and absence from school to attend the NRA rally, correct?
I'm so glad I finished with all of my schooling before libtards took over everything.

Wouldn't want people exercising their right to protest, now would we?

The US Bill of Rights as seen by the right.

First Amendment

Don't say anything about taking my guns away, don't protest my guns, and don't mention my religion either.

Second Amendment

Guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns shall not be infringed to me or my buddies, other fuckers we don't care about.

Third Amendment

Keep away from my house bitch, I've got guns.

Fourth Amendment

I have the right to be secure in my guns, and no warrants shall be made to take my guns, bitches.

Fifth Amendment

No person shall be arrested for using their gun unless they're a criminal, and I'm not a criminal no matter how many laws I break.

Sixth Amendment

I have the right to not be tried for using my guns.

Seventh Amendment

See the Sixth Amendment, guns, guns, guns.

Eighth Amendment

Taking my guns away is the only cruel and unusual punishment not allowed.

Ninth Amendment

Even if all the other Amendments don't make you think you can take my guns away, this one means you can't take my fucking guns away. Fuck you.

Tenth Amendment

You can amend any of these Amendments, except the ones about guns, now fuck off.
Yeah, we pay taxes so young people can go and protest instead of staying in school and not be indoctrinated with liberal propaganda.
Not a fan of the 1st Amendment, eh?
So if the kiddies wanted to express their freedom of speech at an NRA rally, you would be equally supportive of their PAID transportation and absence from school to attend the NRA rally, correct?

Why not? They don't have to go to school every single day. They can learn things by doing different stuff.

Republican politicians and their mindless conservative followers are afraid, very afraid.

Today, at 10 a.m. students nationwide walked out of school. For some this was an extremely gutsy move, because the administrators in these schools threatened punishment for those protesting the Republicans’ kissing the a$$es of the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre and his henchmen.

“It was a staggering, powerfully symbolic action planned by students who, by and large, aren’t eligible to vote. The walkouts culminated in 17 minutes of silence—one for each life lost at Parkland.”

While it is true many are not yet of voting age, that number grows smaller with each passing month. This scares the he11 out of GOP congressmen up for reelection in 2018, and even more who must face the ire of these young people in 2020.

The repeated mass killings at public schools have become constant reminders to the victims’ families, schoolmates, and now, the growing number of young people nationwide who will be eligible to vote in 2018 and 2020.

The Republicans’ and conservatives’ continuing defense of their uncontrollable needs to own assault weapons and others firearms designed strictly to increase body counts, remain steadfast, and as recent history has shown, will provide frequent updates of these tragic reminders.

Of course, the conservatives’ hope is the student’s memories are as faulty and easily altered as their own. But, this particular hope is useless, and conservatives themselves explain why whenever one of these incidents occurs.

After every mass killing, conservatives feel the need to stress the “importance” of the Republicans’ refusal to act to end mass shootings, as being in the “best interest” of all Americans.

So, due to this irreversibly erroneous conservative mind-set, U.S. students will have regular reminders of the party to blame for the ongoing murders. These reminders will continue through 2018, 2020, 2022, or until the vast majority of Americans, all of whom want common sense gun regulations enacted, drive the Republicans out.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.



There was a time six years ago that I didn't believe that Americans needed semi-automatic weapons. There was a time that I believed that households only needed a .22 revolver for home defense.....man oh man did I ever have my "Come To Jesus" epiphany when the scales fell from my eyes and realized just how fucked we really are because this country got fat, lazy and lethargic. When this corporate entity that we call "gubermint" perpetuates false flag and staged shooting events like we have seen the last six years in order to pull on the heart strings of the debt slaves? That should be a HUGE "red flag" and with that comes the realization that perhaps the owners of USA.INC have plans for their debt slaves that we are not going to be on board with and they need us "disarmed".

I went back and looked at the mass shooting event in Australia in 1996 where Martin Bryant, someone with a sub 80 IQ, was accused of killing 35 people and wounding 23 in Port Arthur and all the weird circumstances surrounding that which led to almost total gun confiscation while comparing it to the staged Operation Gladio type events like Sandy Hoax, Charleston, Orlando, San Bernadino, Aurora, Colorado, Las Vegas and now the Parkland, Florida shooting and all the questions surrounding that? My advice is to arm yourself to the hilt....buy all the guns that you can lay your hands on and ammo while you can. One the planks of the communist manifesto is to totally disarm the people of the United States and the very elites that want this communist state, one world totalitarian new world order cannot do this with an armed populace and they are using their leftard idiots to do their dirty work for them.

It was a millennial that allegedly conducted the shooting.......it was a millennial that allegedly shot up the Sandy Hook school. We are talking about a generation that took up the Tide Pod challenge, wear masks and make up ANTIFA that need safe spaces. Half of these millennials polled believe in socialism if not outright communism and leftards want to hold these snowflakes up as a reason to restrict the second amendment and place even more restrictions and draconian measurements?

Talk about your useful idiots.....this is the same generation that is causing Lowes and Home Depot to create tutorial "How To" videos on how to use basic hand tools. The intentional "dumbing down" of America has been accomplished........SMH.

It was a millennial that allegedly conducted the shooting.......it was a millennial that allegedly shot up the Sandy Hook school. We are talking about a generation that took up the Tide Pod challenge, wear masks and make up ANTIFA that need safe spaces. Half of these millennials polled believe in socialism if not outright communism and leftards want to hold these snowflakes up as a reason to restrict the second amendment and place even more restrictions and draconian measurements?

Talk about your useful idiots.....this is the same generation that is causing Lowes and Home Depot to create tutorial "How To" videos on how to use basic hand tools. The intentional "dumbing down" of America has been accomplished........SMH.

Antioch students tear down flag, brawl during 'peaceful' protest

and these violent bastards want me to give up my rights

Antioch students tear down flag, brawl during 'peaceful' protest
Those students should be protesting against the daily violence that is committed by other students against their fellow students and even teachers in certain American cities.
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't

one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't

one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away

It was a given long ago the public school system was a political arm, they just didn't think we noticed
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't

one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away

It was a given long ago the public school system was a political arm, they just didn't think we noticed

now people are noticing

and my god how scary it is to see the children so brainwashed

that should set everyone back
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't

one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away

It was a given long ago the public school system was a political arm, they just didn't think we noticed

now people are noticing

and my god how scary it is to see the children so brainwashed

that should set everyone back

It should set everyone back but it won't the left...to them using children as pawns is as natural as the sun rising each day.

It's very sad
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't

one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away

It was a given long ago the public school system was a political arm, they just didn't think we noticed

now people are noticing

and my god how scary it is to see the children so brainwashed

that should set everyone back

It should set everyone back but it won't the left...to them using children as pawns is as natural as the sun rising each day.

It's very sad

normal people who are offended by actions like this have probably already left the party
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't

one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away

It was a given long ago the public school system was a political arm, they just didn't think we noticed

now people are noticing

and my god how scary it is to see the children so brainwashed

that should set everyone back

It should set everyone back but it won't the left...to them using children as pawns is as natural as the sun rising each day.

It's very sad
The RW Republicans clearly say to the kids of America..."We love NRA money more than we love you."

The NRA saying "Those kids are trying to take your guns!!! Send us more money!!!!"

The trumpanzee are saying "How much money do you want, NRA?"
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't

one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away

It was a given long ago the public school system was a political arm, they just didn't think we noticed

now people are noticing

and my god how scary it is to see the children so brainwashed

that should set everyone back

It should set everyone back but it won't the left...to them using children as pawns is as natural as the sun rising each day.

It's very sad

normal people who are offended by actions like this have probably already left the party

Looks like some parents are calling schools out....

Parents Argue School District’s Decision to Allow Student Walkout Breaks Law

A group of parents from New Milford, Connecticut has hired an attorney to articulate their concerns about the decision by their school district to allow students to participate in the national student walkout held Wednesday to advocate for gun control.

In an email sent to Breitbart News, the parents – who wish to remain anonymous – argue the student walkout might appear to be a fairly innocuous First Amendment event to honor the students killed in the Parkland, Florida, shooting and to advocate for gun control.

However, the parents add, the decision involves issues concerning “adherence to law and policy, the manipulation of minors, the misuse of tax dollars, and indoctrination and political activism during school hours.”

Parents Argue School District’s Decision to Allow Student Walkout Breaks Law | Breitbart
one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away

It was a given long ago the public school system was a political arm, they just didn't think we noticed

now people are noticing

and my god how scary it is to see the children so brainwashed

that should set everyone back

It should set everyone back but it won't the left...to them using children as pawns is as natural as the sun rising each day.

It's very sad

normal people who are offended by actions like this have probably already left the party

Looks like some parents are calling schools out....

Parents Argue School District’s Decision to Allow Student Walkout Breaks Law

A group of parents from New Milford, Connecticut has hired an attorney to articulate their concerns about the decision by their school district to allow students to participate in the national student walkout held Wednesday to advocate for gun control.

In an email sent to Breitbart News, the parents – who wish to remain anonymous – argue the student walkout might appear to be a fairly innocuous First Amendment event to honor the students killed in the Parkland, Florida, shooting and to advocate for gun control.

However, the parents add, the decision involves issues concerning “adherence to law and policy, the manipulation of minors, the misuse of tax dollars, and indoctrination and political activism during school hours.”

Parents Argue School District’s Decision to Allow Student Walkout Breaks Law | Breitbart

they should press charges

schools are not designed to be a political wing of the commie party
Well they had their tantrum and got 17 minutes of free time....anything change?

Nope didn't think so. Like we told you it wouldn't

one thing that did change was the school system got exposed as a political arm

and two how dumbed down our kids have gotten

to be begging to have the government take their rights away

It was a given long ago the public school system was a political arm, they just didn't think we noticed

now people are noticing

and my god how scary it is to see the children so brainwashed

that should set everyone back

It should set everyone back but it won't the left...to them using children as pawns is as natural as the sun rising each day.

It's very sad
The RW Republicans clearly say to the kids of America..."We love NRA money more than we love you."

The NRA saying "Those kids are trying to take your guns!!! Send us more money!!!!"

The trumpanzee are saying "How much money do you want, NRA?"

You're clueless and redundant....same shit every post. NRA blood cult, Catholic priests, gay marriage is legal.....get some new talking points, anyone reads one of your comments they've read them all
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