3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

From a small-town pharmacist to a commercial pilot, it's not just gunmakers that are funding the National Rifle Association’s political battles.

The organization's overall revenue, which includes membership dues, program fees and other contributions, has boomed in recent years – rising to nearly $350 million in 2013. The majority of this money funds NRA initiatives like member newsletters, sporting events and gun safety education and training programs.

These help the NRA recruit new members and spread its pro-gun message. But to influence laws and keep its chosen leaders in power, it has a separate pool of money to use.

A CNNMoney analysis of federal campaign finance records shows that much of this money comes from everyday Americans. And these contributions, which the NRA uses to keep pro-gun lawmakers in office, are on the rise.

Some political funding comes from big corporations, many within the gun industry, which donate millions to the NRA. But companies are barred from donating to the NRA’s political action committee, which the agency uses to fill campaign coffers, run ads and send out mailers for and against candidates.

That’s where individual donations come in.

Since 2005, the NRA Political Victory Fund has received nearly $85 million in contributions from individual donors. After the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, donations to this political action committee surged as gun owners worried that their rights to buy and own guns were at risk.

The money powering the NRA
Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay: “Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live. The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”

NBC News on Twitter
Yeah they're getting them all *pre-registered* to vote at the #enough site.
While the teachers and the papers are shrieking "IT'S NOT ABOUT GUN CONTROL! STOP SAYING THAT! THESE KIDS HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK!" lol.

As I said to them...hmmm, how about if they walked out to protest Planned Parenthood?

They absolutely have that right.

There is no first amendment protection in schools

there is no first amendment protection at a place of employment

so yes these kids can walk out of school but they should be disciplined in the same manner as if they walked out of school any other time
Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay: “Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live. The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”

NBC News on Twitter
Yeah they're getting them all *pre-registered* to vote at the #enough site.
While the teachers and the papers are shrieking "IT'S NOT ABOUT GUN CONTROL! STOP SAYING THAT! THESE KIDS HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK!" lol.

As I said to them...hmmm, how about if they walked out to protest Planned Parenthood?

They absolutely have that right.
Well to a point.
I'm not sure they have the *right* to leave school whenever they want.

But they certainly have the right to be stupid. To a point.

And let's be clear...allowing teachers, the press, and political entities to manipulate and exploit school children WHILE THEY ARE AT SCHOOL is not a *right*. In fact, it's illegal.

Which is why I think we should shut down the schools.
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

I am speaking as a pro choice person, and I totally agree. It is so NOT appropriate, especially given that the 2nd amendment is an important RIGHT specifically listed in the Bill of Rights with a bunch of accompanying paperwork (the federalist papers) which state EXACTLY the intent of the founders when it comes to the 2nd amendment and the rights of the people. WE are the government here in America. If our GOVERNMENT FUNDED school systems have brainwashed kids and led them to believe that our 2nd amendment is NOT important and that government guaranteed SAFETY is what they wish for, then they have a very poor understanding of that which this country was built upon!
You don't think the violation of asset forfeiture under the 4th amendment is important enough to protest since it is compromised by a war on drugs, yet all day long like a parrot you will utter 2nd amendment that has not been compromised...

This thread is about an attack on our 2nd amendment right.
You would be protesting also if you worked in a profession and attended a public school that had people killed in the line of duty, but not the cops there to protect and serve, or the system that forced people to subjugate and submit to authority..

Everything Parents Need To Know About The National School Walkout

That's what happens when you advertise yourself as a gun free zone and a soft target to lunatics who want to mass murder a bunch of kids. Why do you think important institutions utilize SECURITY?
Because that way they can somewhat control who has a firearm, just like they do in the military, the courts everywhere really, even NRA conventions...
Most of the NRA contributions are through small private donations made by citizens who are concerned about their rights being violated. Look it up.

I DID.....did you?

This Is How The Gun Industry Funds The NRA - Business Insider

The money powering the NRA - CNN Money

How the NRA and gun manufacturers work together to scam gun owners
from your link

The organization's overall revenue, which includes membership dues, program fees and other contributions, has boomed in recent years – rising to nearly $350 million in 2013. The majority of this money funds NRA initiatives like member newsletters, sporting events and gun safety education and training programs.
Most of the NRA contributions are through small private donations made by citizens who are concerned about their rights being violated. Look it up.

I DID.....did you?

This Is How The Gun Industry Funds The NRA - Business Insider

The money powering the NRA - CNN Money

How the NRA and gun manufacturers work together to scam gun owners

I posted all the information in your second link which verifies just what I said. The NRA's power comes from people, regular citizens, like myself, no matter what you choose to believe or spin. Americans who understand their rights are concerned.
That is why they target GUN FREE ZONES, tard. Of course they choose the path of least resistance.

So, according to morons like you.....Mentally-deranged STUDENTS who are pissed off at the school ONLY go there to commit murder because schools are "fun free zones"???.....lol
That is why they target GUN FREE ZONES, tard. Of course they choose the path of least resistance.

So, according to morons like you.....Mentally-deranged STUDENTS who are pissed off at the school ONLY go there to commit murder because schools are "fun free zones"???.....lol

That is why these murderous loons TARGET them. They go for the soft targets that they know they can have the highest killing percentage before being taken out.
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....
don't you ''fix'' any problem at the root?? best to stop it before they get to the school/etc with a weapon??
..to stop weeds from growing you pull out the roots...stop giving it water??
you just don't keep cutting off an inch there, an inch here?

..ok--main point--this can't be solved with just one fix.....and it will take a lot of time
...you have to attack this from many angles and many ways --not just one

We have offered actual solutions....

Get rid of gun free zones...we know that mass shooters target them.....arm school staff and put in armed guards..this also prevents mass shootings...getting to the root of the problem....

Get the government to actually process the criminals and crazies.....get rid of obama's Promise Program that prevents violent kids from getting arrested...

Another root problem......

We have the solutions....you guys simply want to ban guns.
..everyone knows there is not a 1 dimension fix....
..it has to involve healthcare/familial/gun control--not ban/community/school defense/etc....all sectors have to be included .....and this is just to reduce--not eradicate...I doubt you can stop mass/school shootings entirely with so many guns in the US
..but we want to reduce them--everyone agrees to this--yes??
Yeah, I just posted your second link which says that most of the NRAs power comes from small private donations from regular Americans like me who are concerned.

Yeah.......the NRA relies on your $25

Since 2005, the gun industry and its corporate allies have given $52.6 million to it through the NRA Ring of Freedom sponsor program......
That is why these murderous loons TARGET them. They go for the soft targets that they know they can have the highest killing percentage before being taken out.

well, fuck....if THAT is their only objective......wouldn't a nursing home be even better???......LOL
Brainwashing. The government cannot guarantee your safety or your life. Only YOU can do that.

These schoolchildren should be protesting Scott Israel and the Broward County Keystone Cops considering Scott Israel and the Broward County Keystone Cops did nothing to prevent Nikolas Cruz shooting up the school and killing 17 children, instead they waiting outside the school until Nikolas Cruz had finished killing children.


Maybe they are not protesting Scott Israel because he's a Leftist who shares their Gun Grabbing Agenda:





^^^^ Scott Israel with CAIR leader Nezar Hamze now a Deputy Sheriff at the Broward County, CAIR have connections to The Muslim Brotherhood and also raise funds to give to Hamas a terrorist organization.


In Broward County, Florida, CAIR polices you

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