3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

How is the schools using any funds for a voluntary walk out?
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

I am speaking as a pro choice person, and I totally agree. It is so NOT appropriate, especially given that the 2nd amendment is an important RIGHT specifically listed in the Bill of Rights with a bunch of accompanying paperwork (the federalist papers) which state EXACTLY the intent of the founders when it comes to the 2nd amendment and the rights of the people. WE are the government here in America. If our GOVERNMENT FUNDED school systems have brainwashed kids and led them to believe that our 2nd amendment is NOT important and that government guaranteed SAFETY is what they wish for, then they have a very poor understanding of that which this country was built upon!
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....
don't you ''fix'' any problem at the root?? best to stop it before they get to the school/etc with a weapon??
..to stop weeds from growing you pull out the roots...stop giving it water??
you just don't keep cutting off an inch there, an inch here?

..ok--main point--this can't be solved with just one fix.....and it will take a lot of time
...you have to attack this from many angles and many ways --not just one
Or you could just stop them from walking into the school with a weapon
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

How is the schools using any funds for a voluntary walk out?
We are paying teachers to do nothing while the kids all play hookie
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

I am speaking as a pro choice person, and I totally agree. It is so NOT appropriate, especially given that the 2nd amendment is an important RIGHT specifically listed in the Bill of Rights with a bunch of accompanying paperwork (the federalist papers) which state EXACTLY the intent of the founders when it comes to the 2nd amendment and the rights of the people. WE are the government here in America. If our GOVERNMENT FUNDED school systems have brainwashed kids and led them to believe that our 2nd amendment is NOT important and that government guaranteed SAFETY is what they wish for, then they have a very poor understanding of that which this country was built upon!
You don't think the violation of asset forfeiture under the 4th amendment is important enough to protest since it is compromised by a war on drugs, yet all day long like a parrot you will utter 2nd amendment that has not been compromised...
All public schools should have a locked door policy. No one in or out without being approved by staff. Outside surveillance equipment should be installed and monitored. Whenever a person comes to the school, they have to show identification and state their business and be approved for entry.
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

How is the schools using any funds for a voluntary walk out?
We are paying teachers to do nothing while the kids all play hookie
All the kids in the US didn't do it and teachers get paid if they work or not it's called a salary...
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

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If a Muslim decided that it would be a good time to get his 72 virgins, and took a truck into the mall and ran over those snowflakes, would the school be responsible for using young children for their propaganda needs?
Dumb premise, not least of which, these students aren’t there under their school’s guidance
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

I am speaking as a pro choice person, and I totally agree. It is so NOT appropriate, especially given that the 2nd amendment is an important RIGHT specifically listed in the Bill of Rights with a bunch of accompanying paperwork (the federalist papers) which state EXACTLY the intent of the founders when it comes to the 2nd amendment and the rights of the people. WE are the government here in America. If our GOVERNMENT FUNDED school systems have brainwashed kids and led them to believe that our 2nd amendment is NOT important and that government guaranteed SAFETY is what they wish for, then they have a very poor understanding of that which this country was built upon!
You don't think the violation of asset forfeiture under the 4th amendment is important enough to protest since it is compromised by a war on drugs, yet all day long like a parrot you will utter 2nd amendment that has not been compromised...

This thread is about an attack on our 2nd amendment right.
LOL Well the left didn't get their paws on one of them....



Ugh, that little shit stain Hogg is an annoying little ass

Yes and the Commie lesbo skinhead.

Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay: “Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live. The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”

NBC News on Twitter
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

How is the schools using any funds for a voluntary walk out?
We are paying teachers to do nothing while the kids all play hookie
All the kids in the US didn't do it and teachers get paid if they work or not it's called a salary...

You said it not all schools had walk outs so there are teachers who are working and getting paid and others who are at work sitting on their asses doing nothing.

School was not cancelled the teachers aren't out sick
Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay: “Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live. The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”

NBC News on Twitter

An AR 15 is not an assault rifle. These kids have no clue and it's little wonder we realize they're being coached, they're using your talking points
Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay: “Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live. The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”

NBC News on Twitter

An AR 15 is not an assault rifle. These kids have no clue and it's little wonder we realize they're being coached, they're using your talking points

"An AR 15 is not an assault rifle."

They think that the AR in AR-15 stands for Assault Rifle :abgg2q.jpg:

ArmaLite ArmaLite :smoke:
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

I am speaking as a pro choice person, and I totally agree. It is so NOT appropriate, especially given that the 2nd amendment is an important RIGHT specifically listed in the Bill of Rights with a bunch of accompanying paperwork (the federalist papers) which state EXACTLY the intent of the founders when it comes to the 2nd amendment and the rights of the people. WE are the government here in America. If our GOVERNMENT FUNDED school systems have brainwashed kids and led them to believe that our 2nd amendment is NOT important and that government guaranteed SAFETY is what they wish for, then they have a very poor understanding of that which this country was built upon!
You don't think the violation of asset forfeiture under the 4th amendment is important enough to protest since it is compromised by a war on drugs, yet all day long like a parrot you will utter 2nd amendment that has not been compromised...

This thread is about an attack on our 2nd amendment right.
You would be protesting also if you worked in a profession and attended a public school that had people killed in the line of duty, but not the cops there to protect and serve, or the system that forced people to subjugate and submit to authority..

Everything Parents Need To Know About The National School Walkout
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

How is the schools using any funds for a voluntary walk out?
We are paying teachers to do nothing while the kids all play hookie

That's pretty much their job description any more.
Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

How is the schools using any funds for a voluntary walk out?
We are paying teachers to do nothing while the kids all play hookie

That's pretty much their job description any more.
How would you know, have you been a teacher?

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