3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun


Once again for Forest Gump
That's not young children. These are older teens.Young children would be elementary school age.
Those that want to ban young children of 18 -20 years old from having a legal rifle and exercise their 2nd amendment, yet they can go out with liberal propaganda and exercise their 1st amendment...

If a 19 year old with serious problems had not had that gun designed for war, 17 of them would not be dead.

Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”
The students are having multiple 17 minute "moments of silence" to honor those innocents murdered in cold blood for no other reason than a portion of America insists assault weapons will make those children "safe".

You know what would have made those children safer than banning the Ar 15?

Not letting a fucking wack job with a rifle walk into the school
Tougher laws now have the highest favorable percentage ever recorded by Quinnipiac

Yes....the words....Tougher gun control.....have been polled favorably.....now, poll the actual policies with actual explanations as to the real agenda which is gun confiscation and taking peoples guns away from them....then see how people answer...
Tougher laws now have the highest favorable percentage ever recorded by Quinnipiac

Please explain the tougher laws you want and how they would stop any mass shooting or any criminal shooting in our democrat controlled cities...
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

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Just watched one of those children on TV say that. We refused to be hunted.
Maybe there will be a political change.

Republicans have spent years terrorizing Americans into believe they will only be safe carrying an assault rifle in the country of the free and the brave. The GOP's message of chicken isn't working with this new generation.
The thing that worries me is that some right winger will run out there and try to mow down a bunch of children marchers.
And the clown Joe Biden tells people that a shotgun is easier for a woman to shoot than an AR 15

The guy is 70 years old. What does he know about school shootings? He lives out in the woods. But I suspect he is open to learning.



He is telling lies about the AR 15 so as to demonize it even more than you morons do already
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Once again for Forest Gump

And again...explain these truths...

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
Why won't they pass a Fix NICs bill?

Because a better more efficient NICs system means a dip in gun sales. Every time some one can't buy a gun through a legal retailer, gun companies lose money.

NICS depends on government employees to make it work

THAT"S why there are so many problems with it
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

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Are you going to try to walk or use a Walmart scooter? Beep! Beep! Boop!

"Are you going to try to walk or use a Walmart scooter?"

Fat obese wimmens cannot walk so she'll have to use the Walmart scooter:

Bottom line here, we Americans who understand our rights and why they are important are not giving you an inch because of what some lone wolf crazy teenage shooter does. K? Go after the people who have broken the law and abused their rights and are murderers.
Your post reminded me of liberal hypocrisy at its worst...

Exactly, and I've made this point a thousand times. If you can say that none of us should have our 2nd amendment right because of the actions of some loons, then a Muslim ban should stand because that type of ideology is MUCH more dangerous than some crazy teenager with a gun.
Defending the rights of insane crazies to own assault weapons is a winning argument? Really?

We have a process for legally determining if someone is mentally ill.

Why don't you start there
Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”

Gun sales go up because people are afraid the government is going to mess around with our rights.
Our government is elected. It's the electorate who want to mess around with our rights.
Republicans want to take away a woman's right to control her own body. No surprise there.
Republicans want to kill gays. Their religious leaders tell us so it's not even an open secret.
A short list of Right wing pastors who call for the arrest and murder of gays.
Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech
Most of them said the killings at a gay night club didn't go far enough.
Then you have Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer who say wear racism as a badge of honor.
You know, Steve Bannon who was the president advisor for the last few years.

There are minorities who live in fear of right wingers every day. They are advocating fewer weapons which would make murder less easy.

And with stricter gun laws, the police would have a legal way to go after armed minorities and take away their weapons. Duh!

You truly are an imbecile.
I'm a realist.

Pure nonsense! That 19 year old could purchase many other semi-auto weapons that would have done the same evil.

However, what is the dumbass hangup on the number 17? Hundreds of school children are being killed by gang bangers and drug dealers every year, and that doesn't seem to bother any of you snowflakes. You need to quit dancing on the graves of dead children in an attempt to further left wing idiocy.

It’s not a dumbass hang-up. These are teens reacting to the deaths of their fellow students and teachers, 17 of them. You know that. You’re just attempting to minimize it. Nobody is dancing on the graves of dead children except the NRA. They represent the gun manufacturers. Gun sales go up every time a massacre happens. Win-win for them, death and loss for the rest of us. These kids are just fed up. Their protests are the action equivalent of “Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!”

Gun sales go up because people are afraid the government is going to mess around with our rights.
Our government is elected. It's the electorate who want to mess around with our rights.
Republicans want to take away a woman's right to control her own body. No surprise there.
Republicans want to kill gays. Their religious leaders tell us so it's not even an open secret.
A short list of Right wing pastors who call for the arrest and murder of gays.
Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech
Most of them said the killings at a gay night club didn't go far enough.
Then you have Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer who say wear racism as a badge of honor.
You know, Steve Bannon who was the president advisor for the last few years.

There are minorities who live in fear of right wingers every day. They are advocating fewer weapons which would make murder less easy.

And with stricter gun laws, the police would have a legal way to go after armed minorities and take away their weapons. Duh!

You truly are an imbecile.
I'm a realist. And many right wingers are insane. People who take away school lunches for poor children, and who give billion dollar tax cuts to billionaires and corporations, and who want to cut job training and arm teachers are the people most likely to go after children and others with assault weapons. Their minds are somehow damaged. They don't have the human feelings that much of the rest of the world value. Anyone who puts assault weapons over children are not right. What would Jesus think?

Jesus would think that you are one hell of a dumbass, who cannot conceive that sane and intelligent people can have opinions that differ from yours. I have never met an adult who is opposed to feeding any hungry child. Perhaps we travel in different circles, or most likely you are uttering crap. You cannot give billion dollar tax cuts unless the entities receiving those cuts are currently paying billions of dollars in taxes. Their fair share? You get nuttier by the day Dean.
Why won't they pass a Fix NICs bill?

Because a better more efficient NICs system means a dip in gun sales. Every time some one can't buy a gun through a legal retailer, gun companies lose money.
. Every time some one can't buy a gun through a legal retailer, gun companies lose money.

How do ya figure?

gun company can only sell a gun once.
Watch: Students Put Pencils Down, Walk Out in Gun Protests

Thousands of students across the D.C. area staged walkouts Wednesday to protest gun violence, one month after the deadly shooting inside a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Police cruisers escorted hundreds of students from Montgomery Blair High School as they marched through Silver Spring, Maryland, carrying signs that said "Protect Children, Not Guns" and "Our Blood, Your Hands."

The walkout is one of the first of many in the region.

The first large-scale, coordinated national demonstration is planned for 10 a.m. Wednesday, when organizers of the Women's March called for a 17-minute walkout -- with one minute for each of the 17 students and staff members killed in Florida. Many organizers and participants are using the #enough hashtag.

Thousands of Students Are Walking Out of School in Nationwide Protests. Here’s Why

The 1969 Supreme Court ruling on the case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District makes it clear that students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” But that does come with some caveats and complications.

  • First, it only applies to public schools. “This is because public schools are run by the government and private schools aren’t, and the First Amendment only controls what the government can and can’t do,” the ACLU explains on its “Know Your Rights” page. Students at private schools can be stopped from participating in protests like the #Enough National School walkout, and students should consult with their teachers and school administrators and know what the policies are regarding protests or absences.
  • Second, free speech in schools extends “as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies,” the ACLU explains, and what is “disruptive” is contextual. If deemed disruptive, “schools can stop students from participating,” according to CNN.
  • Third, you can be punished for participating — not over what you are protesting, but for being absent from class. “The exact punishment you could face will vary by your state, school district, and school,” the ACLU explains. “Find out more by reading the policies of your school and school district. If you’re planning to miss a class or two, look at the policy for unexcused absences.” If planned ahead with parents, students may be able to be signed out of a class by a parent.
  • Finally, schools are mandated to be guardians to their students. “Schools stand in what’s known as loco parentis, so we don’t simply release our students into the ether,” Francisco Negron, the Chief Legal Officer at the National School Boards Association, told NPR. Negron issued guidance to schools ahead of the walkouts. “Chief among our recommendations is that to the extent possible, school districts should plan ahead and engage your students, parents, and stakeholders,” the checklist reads. Teachers also have a complex position when it comes to protesting; they can often protest on their own time, but not during class time, according to CNN.
Next nationwide protest is March 24th, and I will be attending that one.

March for our Lives

Parkland student: My generation won't stand for this (Opinion) - CNN

Activists Lay Thousands of Shoes Outside U.S. Capitol

Activists placed thousands of pairs of shoes on the lawn outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Tuesday to memorialize children killed by gun violence.

The demonstration was planned by international advocacy group Avaaz to represent the number of children killed by guns since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, CBS News reports.

The demonstration was based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics that found that 1,300 children die from gun shot wounds in the U.S. annually, or about three daily. Thus the display featured 7,000 pairs of shoes.

The protestors assembled the empty shoes on the southeast lawn from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to push Congress for gun reform.

View attachment 182517

Are you going to try to walk or use a Walmart scooter? Beep! Beep! Boop!

"Are you going to try to walk or use a Walmart scooter?"

Fat obese wimmens cannot walk so she'll have to use the Walmart scooter:

If there was a strong wind, I think that blimp could fly with those wings....
Bottom line here, we Americans who understand our rights and why they are important are not giving you an inch because of what some lone wolf crazy teenage shooter does. K? Go after the people who have broken the law and abused their rights and are murderers.
Your post reminded me of liberal hypocrisy at its worst...
There are guns and there are weapons. Besides, are you defending the rights of insane crazies to own assault weapons? Why?

LMAO what's the difference between a gun and weapon? This should be hilariously stupid
It makes a point.
When I was in the service, we use to say:
This is my weapon
This is my gun
This one's for killing
This one's for fun.

Handguns are for fun.
Assault weapons are for killing. That's all they are good for.
then why are rifles of any kind only used in about 2% of all murders?
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

....and some of these students may be eligible to vote this upcoming November....Good for them.

Boy oh boy I can't wait for them to be as effective as the occupy Wall Street protesters who vote
Bottom line here, we Americans who understand our rights and why they are important are not giving you an inch because of what some lone wolf crazy teenage shooter does. K? Go after the people who have broken the law and abused their rights and are murderers.
Your post reminded me of liberal hypocrisy at its worst...
There are guns and there are weapons. Besides, are you defending the rights of insane crazies to own assault weapons? Why?

LMAO what's the difference between a gun and weapon? This should be hilariously stupid
It makes a point.
When I was in the service, we use to say:
This is my weapon
This is my gun
This one's for killing
This one's for fun.

Handguns are for fun.
Assault weapons are for killing. That's all they are good for.
then why are rifles of any kind only used in about 2% of all murders?

They don't know anything about the statistics. They are just knee jerk reacting whenever they hear "gun."

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