3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

Gun control is a contentious political and constitutional matter, so why Is this one sided spectacle considered an appropriate and acceptable use of school funds?
Would the left be OK if schools used funds to mobilise the schoolchildren to march for the abolishment of abortion? Would that be an acceptable and appropriate use of school funds?

I am speaking as a pro choice person, and I totally agree. It is so NOT appropriate, especially given that the 2nd amendment is an important RIGHT specifically listed in the Bill of Rights with a bunch of accompanying paperwork (the federalist papers) which state EXACTLY the intent of the founders when it comes to the 2nd amendment and the rights of the people. WE are the government here in America. If our GOVERNMENT FUNDED school systems have brainwashed kids and led them to believe that our 2nd amendment is NOT important and that government guaranteed SAFETY is what they wish for, then they have a very poor understanding of that which this country was built upon!
You don't think the violation of asset forfeiture under the 4th amendment is important enough to protest since it is compromised by a war on drugs, yet all day long like a parrot you will utter 2nd amendment that has not been compromised...

This thread is about an attack on our 2nd amendment right.
You would be protesting also if you worked in a profession and attended a public school that had people killed in the line of duty, but not the cops there to protect and serve, or the system that forced people to subjugate and submit to authority..

Everything Parents Need To Know About The National School Walkout

That's what happens when you advertise yourself as a gun free zone and a soft target to lunatics who want to mass murder a bunch of kids. Why do you think important institutions utilize SECURITY?
I'm so glad I finished with all of my schooling before libtards took over everything.

you've been to school?!?!?!?!?!?! :rofl:



And apparently at least 1 English class more than jillian. :113:
What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping today and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The Dems want real gun control.


Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.

Indeed. He's an American.

The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.

To no effect.

You can post as many bullshit posts you want.

Land of the free, home of the brave, yes.

but you’re not stopping today and March 24.

Stopping what?

Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The NRA has lost many sponsors. Thank The # ENOUGH movement for that.
I see you’re on the wrong side of history again.
Some of these kids will be voting this year.... many more in 2020. You’re fucked and you know it.

Dream on. There are as many, or more, new voters who do not support your idiocy, and will not be voting the way you want them to. Loons, like yourself, have been predicting the death of the NRA for decades, and it just keeps getting stronger and stronger. Don't you just love it?
YOU are the best marketing the NRA or the gun industry has ever had

Probably correct.....BUT don't say "NRA or the gun industry".....THEY ARE THE SAME ENTITY (whether you want to believe it or not....check the NRA budgets)
This is what they should be teaching to children in school.


A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment is the most important right, because the Second Amendment keeps the government from being able to impose tyranny. Also the Second Amendment gives people the right to protect themselves, without the government being able to take the right away. Last without the Second Amendment all the others are useless, it is a guarantee to the people that we have the right to bear arms, it keeps the government from taking a way our rights, because we can resist.

The Second Amendment gives us the power to oppose tyranny. It does so because no dictatorship would want to come to a country that can resist. Stated in the Cuba Constitution, “When no other recourse is possible, all citizens have the right to struggle through all means, including armed struggle, against anyone who tries to overthrow the political, social and economic order established in this Constitution." This is what our Second amendment gives us the right to do—protect our government. With the second amendment we can fight tyranny, but without it our government could be over thrown.

The Second amendment also gives us the power to protect ourselves, without the government being able to take it away. Stated in Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution, “The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess arms within their domicile, for their safety and legitimate defense.” This is the same as our second amendment; it gives us the right to protect ourselves when our government cannot. The Second Amendment gives us the right to form a militia as protection, as well. Militias are used to protect our rights, security’s, and keeping the Constitution the law of our land. The second amendment is a way to protect us from foreign and domestic attacks, if the government won’t. Thomas Jefferson said, “For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well organized and armed militia is their best security.” This clearly shows that to remain free we must have the second amendment, as protection.

History is filled with stories of governments taking over unarmed people, without the second amendment this could happen to us, Germany is a clear example of this. With us armed we cannot be taken over. If gun control advocates win and only the police have weapons, then we could live in a dictatorship. Without the second amendment what will we be able to do, protest? If we are taken over and don’t have weapons, how will we resist. The Second Amendment is insurance against anything like this ever happening.

The right to maintain our freedom is the most important right; this is what the 2nd Amendment is making it the most important right.
Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay: “Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live. The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”

NBC News on Twitter
Yeah they're getting them all *pre-registered* to vote at the #enough site.
While the teachers and the papers are shrieking "IT'S NOT ABOUT GUN CONTROL! STOP SAYING THAT! THESE KIDS HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK!" lol.

As I said to them...hmmm, how about if they walked out to protest Planned Parenthood?
Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay: “Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live. The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”

NBC News on Twitter

Well, they better be voting out Scott Israel then, because his Obama-inspired policies contributed to the school shooting.
YOU are the best marketing the NRA or the gun industry has ever had

Probably correct.....BUT don't say "NRA or the gun industry".....THEY ARE THE SAME ENTITY (whether you want to believe it or not....check the NRA budgets)

They are not the same but you go ahead and believe your self talk.

and I'll say it again

It is people like YOU that are the reason the NRA is seeing a surge in membership and that the gun industry is making more money

YOU are the best marketing device for both the NRA and the gun industry and you're doing it for free

Keep it up
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....
don't you ''fix'' any problem at the root?? best to stop it before they get to the school/etc with a weapon??
..to stop weeds from growing you pull out the roots...stop giving it water??
you just don't keep cutting off an inch there, an inch here?

..ok--main point--this can't be solved with just one fix.....and it will take a lot of time
...you have to attack this from many angles and many ways --not just one
Or you could just stop them from walking into the school with a weapon
that's been proven not to work all the time
YOU are the best marketing the NRA or the gun industry has ever had

Probably correct.....BUT don't say "NRA or the gun industry".....THEY ARE THE SAME ENTITY (whether you want to believe it or not....check the NRA budgets)

Most of the NRA contributions are through small private donations made by citizens who are concerned about their rights being violated. Look it up.
Nothing reported locally about students participating in this walkout, so I don't know that it can be called national. But then most folks around here understand the importance of the second amendment rights and don't fear boomsticks painted black.
Student speaks in front of the U.S. Capitol on #NationalWalkoutDay: “Their right to own an assault rifle does not outweigh our right to live. The adults have failed us. This is in our hands now, and if any elected official gets in our way, we will vote them out.”

NBC News on Twitter
Yeah they're getting them all *pre-registered* to vote at the #enough site.
While the teachers and the papers are shrieking "IT'S NOT ABOUT GUN CONTROL! STOP SAYING THAT! THESE KIDS HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK!" lol.

As I said to them...hmmm, how about if they walked out to protest Planned Parenthood?

They absolutely have that right.

and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping today and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The Dems want real gun control.


Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.

Indeed. He's an American.

The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.

To no effect.

You can post as many bullshit posts you want.

Land of the free, home of the brave, yes.

but you’re not stopping today and March 24.

Stopping what?

Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The NRA has lost many sponsors. Thank The # ENOUGH movement for that.
I see you’re on the wrong side of history again.
Some of these kids will be voting this year.... many more in 2020. You’re fucked and you know it.

Dream on. There are as many, or more, new voters who do not support your idiocy, and will not be voting the way you want them to. Loons, like yourself, have been predicting the death of the NRA for decades, and it just keeps getting stronger and stronger. Don't you just love it?
Agreed, and a lot of recent polls show that under 18s are no more anti gun than any other demographic and that it hasn’t changed.
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....
don't you ''fix'' any problem at the root?? best to stop it before they get to the school/etc with a weapon??
..to stop weeds from growing you pull out the roots...stop giving it water??
you just don't keep cutting off an inch there, an inch here?

..ok--main point--this can't be solved with just one fix.....and it will take a lot of time
...you have to attack this from many angles and many ways --not just one
Or you could just stop them from walking into the school with a weapon
that's been proven not to work all the time


It works more often than just letting any wack job walk into a school doesn't it?

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